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Social enterprise has become a key phenomenon in providing public services in many developed countries. The debate on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact generated by this kind of organization has gone hand in hand with the growth of social entrepreneurship. This study provides an exploratory analysis of the emerging practice of measuring the socio-economic impact of social enterprises using the theoretic construct called “Blended Value Accounting” (BVA). Among the models and tools proposed by BVA, we examine in particular the Social Return on Investment (SROI)—an instrument of causal contribution analysis—conducting a literature review on its application to the evaluation of socio-economic impact of social enterprises and on its implications for BVA. Finally, we reach a conclusion as to the role that these tools of mixed accounting and assessment might play—particularly the one examined—with respect to the positivist, critical, and interpretative theories of accounting, thus identifying the areas for further research.  相似文献   

Economic theory, relevant research, and a Monte Carlo model are used to develop investment guidelines for charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUTs). Investment for CRUTs should involve a significant share of equities, with as much as 70 percent allocated to equities for long‐term CRUTs. Adjusting allocations as payout beneficiaries get older is unnecessary given the nature of CRUTs, donors, and simulated outcomes. The authors propose that a fixed asset allocation be used instead of one that changes over time and that CRUTs with higher payouts should use a more aggressive asset allocation (more equities).  相似文献   

This study investigates the social impact investment behavior of private investors in a nonprofit setting. In particular, the influences of three effects—financial return, social impact, and age—on social impact investment behavior are tested in an online survey experiment. The study sample includes bank clients (N = 145) from Germany’s first and largest bank exclusively focused on social and ecological investments. The results with regard to the financial return effects are in line with for-profit research that social impact investors are willing to accept 1% lower financial returns. In addition, younger philanthropists are more likely to contribute part of their money to social impact investments. Further findings reveal that the perceived innovativeness of the project has a consistently positive effect on social impact investment behavior. People with certain profile characteristics (e.g., entrepreneurial spirits) also are more likely to participate in social impact investments.  相似文献   

Intergenerational ambivalence—the simultaneous presence of both positive and negative dimensions of a parent–child tie—is a concept widely used in family studies. Scholars have clarified the measurement of psychological ambivalence, or an individual's own feelings of ambivalence toward others. Yet research has yet to demonstrate whether—and, if so, how—individuals characterize others as ambivalent. Moreover, relatively little is known about ambivalence in gay and lesbian families. In the present study 60 in‐depth interviews were analyzed to identify what the author calls perceived ambivalence in the parent, sibling, extended kin, and “in‐law” relationships of gay and lesbian adults. Perceived ambivalence is revealed through gay and lesbian adults' characterizations of family members' simultaneous positive and negative overt and covert beliefs and behavior. In addition, the author refines the concept of collective ambivalence, wherein perceived ambivalence typifies an entire family unit. The findings further revealed the importance of broader sociological factors, such as homophobia, in structuring perceived ambivalence.  相似文献   

Social return on investment (SROI) is a popular method for evaluating the impact that organizations have on society and the environment. It has its roots in finance, where return on investment (ROI) is used to evaluate investments. Over the past ten years, SROI has made the leap from a tool for building private wealth to one that advances the public good. Has it landed us in a better place? To answer the question, I describe the general approach to financial analysis, how it is applied to financial decisions, and how it has been adapted to evaluate impact. I then consider the strengths and weaknesses of SROI, and suggest how, by pushing beyond the constraints of financial analysis, it can give stakeholders voice and provide evidence of success from diverse perspectives. Along the way, I propose a conceptual model for value, a foundational concept in SROI that has been criticized by some as underdeveloped, and I include a technical appendix that identifies potential sources of statistical bias in SROI estimates. I conclude by acknowledging our growing need to incorporate efficiency as one of multiple success criteria and the role that SROI—properly implemented—can play.  相似文献   

The question of the social dimension of European integration has so far remained unsettled. While on the European level, the civil and political dimension of citizenship has been strengthened, the evolution of economic and social rights are unclear, contradictory—and still under-investigated. Our contribution applies citizenship as a central category of modernization theory to inquire into European integration. In particular, our focus is set on the analysis of Economic Citizenship as a specific category of civil rights in the case of Germany. We discuss these dynamics by drawing on the example of three policy fields which illustrate various levels of Economic Citizenship. In this article we are pursuing two goals: Firstly, we revise Marshall's modernization theory against the background of European integration. Secondly, we draw attention to the concept of Industrial Citizenship, which has so far been neglected as a source of further development. We argue that in the process of European integration, industrial rights develop through a double movement, meaning an individual extension of market-based rights complemented through national de-collectivization and—connected to this—a re-stratification of market correcting rights.  相似文献   

We develop a game-theoretic model of how social structure in the sense of a network of relations between actors helps to mitigate social dilemmas. We simultaneously endogenize the network by modeling actors’ incentives to establish the network. Since the network of relations helps to mitigate social dilemmas, it constitutes social capital. We thus analyze investments in and returns on social capital in social dilemmas and characterize the value of social capital. Our model covers a class of social dilemma games including the Trust Game, the Investment Game, the Prisoner's Dilemma, the two-actor Public Goods Game, and others.  相似文献   

Although existing scales assess perceptions of money per se, none capture the mental and emotional experiences that the corporal quality of the payment mode generates. Historical and sensory associations with payment modes generate differential cognitive and emotional sensitivity in mental accounts, and influence the type, value and amount of products purchased. Although an increasing amount of attention has been devoted to the influence of payment mode on spending behavior, and little effort has been devoted to developing an appropriate measurement scale to capture consumers’ cognitive and emotional associations with payment modes. To address this gap in the literature, this study developed a conceptual and empirical framework with a sample of approximately 800 participants, and shows how the constructs and the scales capture perceptions of payment modes. The 19-item PPM scale represents four dimensions: emotions relating to cash and card based payment modes, social and personal gratification and money management. The PPM measurement scale demonstrates acceptable reliability and shows that consumer perceptions of payment modes influence spending behavior and predict ownership of financial cards in possession. The scale is useful in understanding consumer cognitive and emotional associations with payment modes, particularly the use of “owned money” and how these associations impact on payment mode choice.  相似文献   

目前,学术界虽然对大学生领导力还没有完全统一的定义,但是在对价值观对大学生领导力作用上的认识上却十分一致。价值观被视为大学生领导力发展的核心。价值观之所以重要至此,是因为领导过程是一个影响别人的过程,领导者比其追随者更有权力,因此要对他们影响追随者的方式承担巨大的道义责任。领导者在建立组织的伦理氛围中扮演了关键角色,这也要求他们能特别敏锐地察觉他们所推崇的价值观和理念。所以价值观是大学生领导力发展关键的部分,在大学生领导力的发展中起到统领作用,有抱负的领导者需要发展伦理思考能力、批判性分析道德的能力、整合不同价值观传统的能力、沟通能力和与下属建立信任的能力。  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an increase of measurement development research in social and health sciences that featured the use of concept mapping as a core technique. The purpose, application, and utility of concept mapping have varied across this emerging literature. Despite the variety of uses and range of outputs, little has been done to critically review how researchers have approached the application of concept mapping in the measurement development and evaluation process. This article focuses on a review of the current state of practice regarding the use of concept mapping as methodological tool in this process. We systematically reviewed 23 scale or measure development and evaluation studies, and detail the application of concept mapping in the context of traditional measurement development and psychometric testing processes. Although several limitations surfaced, we found several strengths in the contemporary application of the method. We determined concept mapping provides (a) a solid method for establishing content validity, (b) facilitates researcher decision-making, (c) insight into target population perspectives that are integrated a priori, and (d) a foundation for analytical and interpretative choices. Based on these results, we outline how concept mapping can be situated in the measurement development and evaluation processes for new instrumentation.  相似文献   

Economic psychology studies the economic behavior of consumers and entrepreneurs. Economic behavior involves decisions on money, time, and efforts. The models of Katona and Strümpel are discussed and a new model is proposed. This new model stresses the cyclical character of economic behavior on a micro and a macro level. Economic psychology is related to organizational psychology, marketing research, mass communication research, economic sociology, and the household production approach. A proposition of the aims and scope of the Journal of Economic Psychology concludes this introductory article.  相似文献   

Evaluating federally funded research and development (R&D) presents unique challenges to both federal science agencies and evaluators. Often focusing only on outcome evaluative measures (such as productivity or economic value) can shortchange the true value of the federal investment. For example, program directors at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) talk about the "value added" of the new interdisciplinary science centers that they have funded-and they hope to be able to capture how funding can generate increased capacity for new cutting-edge research in the future. The purpose of this paper is to present a use-and-transformation model for evaluating public R&D, which explicitly focuses on measuring capacity-based metrics for evaluation instead of outcome-based metrics. The theory for the model presented here explicitly uses the concept of a Knowledge Value Collective that was introduced by Bozeman and Rogers [Bozeman, B., & Rogers, J. D. (2002). A churn model of scientific knowledge value: Internet researchers as a knowledge value collective. Research Policy, 31(5), 769-794; Rogers, J. D., & Bozeman, B. (2001). "Knowledge value alliances": An alternative to the R&D project focus in evaluation. Science Technology & Human Values, 26(1), 23-55].  相似文献   

In this article, we define the concept of “risk work,” which aims to make visible working practices to assess or manage risk, in order to subject these practices to sociological critique. This article reviews and synthesizes existing published literature to identify components of risk work: (a) translating risk into different contexts, (b) minimizing risks in practice, and (c) caring in the context of risk. We argue that these three components of risk work raise important tensions for workers that have been inadequately explored in the literature to date. We propose that future research should additionally focus on practitioner subjectivity and identity in risk work. In addition, we argue that comparative research—across type of risk and different contexts—and methodological and theoretical diversity would enhance this emerging field of research.  相似文献   

This paper documents the extent to which collectors—specifically, those owning collectible classic US postage stamps—experience an opportunity cost associated with expenditures on their collection. Results show, based on stamp price, S&P 500, bond, and T-bill rate data over the period 1969 through 2013, that collectible stamps tend to underperform stocks and bonds on a risk-adjusted basis. Using estimates based on the Modigliani measure (M2), it was determined that collectors incur an opportunity cost when selecting collectible stamps over more traditional investments. However, it is known that collecting as a hobby provides sociological and psychological benefits. This paper adds to the literature by illustrating how collecting also provides psychic return benefits that can be valued similarly to investment returns. In this study, the foregone return rate of stamp collecting for those who allocate a significant percent of available resources to their collection equates to between 3 and 13 % on an annual basis.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction in primary health care: a literature review and analysis.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
This paper reviews the literature on patient satisfaction in primary health care settings. Definitions and models of satisfaction are considered first. Attention is given to the conceptualization of satisfaction by investigators concerned about consumers in general as well as by researchers focusing on consumers of medical services. Research findings are discussed and used to develop a model of patient satisfaction. The measurement of patient satisfaction and the findings of empirical studies are then reviewed, including summaries of effect sizes. It is concluded that patient satisfaction information can provide a dependent measure of service quality and serves as a predictor of health-related behavior. Issues deserving further investigation and recommendations regarding research strategies are presented.  相似文献   

Men have been found to attribute more sexual meaning to cross-gender interactions than women do—a finding that has come to be known as the oversexualization effect. Despite the large body of research supporting the notion that men are more biased in their perceptions than women, researchers are moving beyond gender differences and examining personality variables to identify factors that can explain and predict the oversexualization effect. However, results have been mixed. Thus, the goal of this study was to develop a measurement tool, the Sexual Intent Scale, which assesses individual differences in attributing sexual intent. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Sexual Intent Scale revealed the scale has three components we termed Sexual Facility, Friendship Facility, and Sexual Empathy. Temporal reliability and convergent and construct validity as well as norms and subscale correlations are presented. Results are discussed in terms of the scale's utility and directions for future research are explored.  相似文献   

American families have been changing the way they allocate their investment resources. These changes have raised questions concerning the types of investment decisions families make. The objective of this research was to gain a better understanding of the types of investment trade-offs households made between financial, physical, and human capital assets. This was done by estimating a short-run stock-adjustment model of family investments using panel data from the early 1970's. From examining the empirical results, it appeared that during this historical period, choices about a husband's human capital investment were generally related to a household's physical and financial asset acquisition. In contrast, choices regarding the wife's human capital investment appeared not to be related to any of the more traditional household investment options. The implications of this study for increasing understanding of current household investment patterns are discussed in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

In response to the world food crisis in 2008, Senegal developed a productivist national food self‐sufficiency programme. However, the critical question is not whether the programme can meet its ambitious target of self‐sufficiency in rice production by 2015, but, if it does, how will domestic rice reach urban markets, where consumers generally prefer imported rice for its superior grain quality. Information collected through interviews and a stakeholder workshop advances the argument that policy sequencing will be crucial in order to upgrade Senegalese rice value chains progressively. Any large‐scale investments in productivity will need to be preceded by investments in post‐harvest grain‐quality infrastructure before sector‐wide marketing strategies can be adopted that enhance the chain competitiveness of domestic relative to imported rice.  相似文献   

In consumer society, objects are consumed not only because of their usefulness, but also due to their added value,differences between objects, namely,symbolic, thus to be the main objective of consumer. From the viewpoint of Jean Baudrillard's symbolic consumption, the large-scale consumption of objects not only changed people's daily life, but also changed people's social relations and their ways of life. People have transformed from material consumption to spiritual consumption. From commodity or service, people are always looking for symbolic meaning behind useful symbols, for the feeling of their own, pursuing the value of self-expression existence. From the viewpoint of Baudrillard's consumerism and semiotic, this paper analyses symbolic meaning of brand consumption. Symbolic consumption prompted consumers to blind pursuit of status, wealth, honor and other symbols of consumption. The previous research pays more attention to the relationship between symbolic consumption and certain brand consumption, but this paper stresses more on their general relationship.  相似文献   

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