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以我国学术期刊为研究对象,使用知识图谱对我国员工工作不安全感研究从时间趋势、核心作者、机构、热点等方面进行分析。结果表明:该研究领域中,研究作者间合作较显著,研究机构间合作较单薄;研究热点主要包括离职倾向、组织承诺、工作投入、工作绩效、组织公民行为等;最新研究前沿主要集中在亲组织非伦理行为、情绪耗竭等。未来研究可关注如何将员工工作不安全感转化为积极的内在动力,以及从文化距离视角探究员工工作不安全感在我国情景下的影响机制。  相似文献   

为研究轨道交通安全的研究现状及趋势,本文基于CiteSpace对在2000—2020年发表于中国知网的轨道交通安全相关的文献进行可视化分析,并综合运用Excel和SPSS对结果进行统计学分析与检验。结果表明:轨道交通安全研究起步较晚,呈阶段性发展趋势,先后经历了萌芽阶段(2000—2006年)、快速发展阶段(2007—2014年)和稳定发展阶段(2015—2020年);从分布地区来看,研究轨道交通安全研究的机构主要集中在我国轨道交通发展较快的北京和上海等城市;从出版物分布特征来看,轨道交通安全研究相关期刊主要集中在交通运输、经济管理、安全科学等研究领域;从研究热点来看,轨道交通安全研究内容主要集中在轨道交通安全管理、安全评估与评价和地铁行车安全3个方面。  相似文献   

通过对国内四种管理科学权威核心期刊近10年发表的全部学术论文进行内容分析和分类统计,从论文数量、论文合作情况、研究热点、基础研究关注程度等方面对四种期刊进行了对比分析,归纳了各期刊发文情况的特点;统计分析结果也反映了国内学者在管理科学领域研究重点的发展变化及研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

文章以中国知网(CNKI)2000—2022年间收录的有关协同治理研究领域的期刊文献为研究对象,运用CiteSpace软件,从文献发表年份分布、关键词研究热点等方面进行可视化分析,以揭示我国协同治理领域的发展现状及其前沿演进。结果表明,我国协同治理领域当前的研究热点主要围绕地方政府治理、社会治理、大数据等主题展开。随着社会进一步发展,乡村振兴、危机治理、治理体系和生态治理将成为前沿研究热点。  相似文献   

通过文献计量方法对CNKI数据库中1984—2017年干部流动领域的文献进行分析后发现:在研究成果方面,呈现出"总量少、高引多"的特征,党刊和政治学、经管类期刊是该领域学术论文刊载的主要平台;在研究力量方面,高产作者较少且尚未形成核心作者群,研究力量缺乏跨团队、跨机构、跨地域合作交流;在研究内容上,实现了从理论探索到实证分析的转变,官员更替、地方官员、官员变更是当前干部流动领域研究的热点主题。  相似文献   

校企合作办学理念既是高职院校内涵建设的核心内容,也是其外塑形象、打造核心竞争力和品牌的先导。探索校企合作“协同创新”理念内涵,并从创新合作路径、创新制度安排、创新人才培养模式等方面实践“协同创新”校企合作理念。  相似文献   

该文利用CiteSpace软件,以CNKI数据库中2001—2020年的480篇大学生就业能力的相关核心期刊文献为研究对象,对大学生就业能力研究现状及态势进行分析。通过分析发现,近20年间关于大学生就业能力的研究经历了萌芽、快速发展、成熟、衰退四个阶段,已形成5个作者合作群,主要形成以“大学生”“创业能力”“就业能力”“大学生就业能力”等研究热点,研究内容从大学生供给端、需求端到供需双方合力研究转变。  相似文献   

基于共词网络的我国创新管理研究结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕一博  程露 《管理学报》2011,(10):1541-1548
采用共词网络分析方法,对国内近10年来创新管理的代表性研究进行文献计量分析,通过绘制知识网络图,识别目前国内创新管理领域的研究热点与连通点,通过可视化的分析展示创新管理的研究结构。研究结果表明:"技术创新"、"战略"、"R&D"等10个知识点是目前国内创新管理领域的研究热点;"自主创新"、"创新能力"、"科学技术"等16个知识点是创新管理研究知识网络的信息连通点,决定未来研究的发展方向;现阶段,国内创新管理研究形成以"技术创新"、"R&D"、"创新能力"、"高新技术"、"战略"、"制度创新"、"自主创新"为中心的七大研究主题子网,其中,"技术创新"是整个知识网络的中心。  相似文献   

本文通过检索1979—2017年德州市中国知网收录的有关档案的研究论文,运用文献计量学方法,分别从论文年度、期刊、核心作者、单位和主题的分布情况进行分析,探究近40年来德州市档案方面工作的研究现状和发展趋势,并针对其存在问题提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

解学梅  于平 《管理评论》2022,(10):108-121
以Web of Science核心合集数据库有关女性创业者性别刻板印象研究的236篇文献为研究数据,运用CiteSpace和Gephi软件对该领域文献的国家分布、机构分布、期刊分布、核心作者群、共被引作者、共被引文献以及该领域的研究热点与演进脉络进行可视化分析。研究结果如下:(1)在研究成果归属方面,研究文献主要来自美英高校,研究机构之间的合作关系整体上较为松散,局部形成许多小型研究团队,但尚未形成具有较强影响力的核心作者群;(2)女性创业者性别刻板印象研究文献已成为管理学领域重要内容;(3)该领域主要包括四大研究热点:基于性别刻板印象的创业者差异比较研究、基于性别刻板印象的女性融资环境性别歧视研究、性别刻板印象对女性创业意愿与模式影响研究、克服性别刻板印象的路径研究;(4)该领域研究始于1997年,2009年后文献数量大幅增加,研究主题的演进呈现从“性别刻板印象对女性创业影响的理论研究”到“克服性别刻板印象的路径探究”的发展脉络,即由理论研究进入注重实践研究的阶段。未来研究应增加对不同国家情境下女性创业的对比分析,并对克服性别刻板印象、促进女性创业成功的路径展开深度探讨。  相似文献   

Recent trends indicate that vehicle miles traveled for large trucks is increasing at a higher rate than for other vehicles. The resulting competition between large trucks and other vehicles for highway space can be expected to result in more multivehicle collisions involving large trucks. This paper presents the result of an investigation of the causes and the mechanism related to large vehicle accidents. A fault-tree analysis of large vehicle accidents identifies the individual roles played by driver, vehicle, and environmental factors, as well as their interactions in the accident mechanism. Using accident data for 1984-1986, the probabilities for different basic events in the fault tree were assessed. The most likely events leading to a large vehicle accident, as well as the most effective counter measures, were then identified. The result indicate that the most prevalent form of accidents due to driver-related failures is when a normal driver makes an error in judgment and is unsuccessful in his or her evasive action. For vehicle-related failures, the predominant type of failure is equipment failure, and for environmental-related failures, excessive demand on driver and vehicle performance created by the environmental or roadway factors.  相似文献   

煤炭的碳排放研究及情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田立新  金汝蕾 《管理学报》2012,9(12):1864-1868
基于动态演化系统理论,引入煤炭碳排放演化动态系统、演化因子和演化因子推进率,对未来煤炭的能源消耗总量和产生的碳排放进行预测分析。在此基础上引入情景分析,通过对煤炭占一次能源消费的比重逐步下降的比例的设定,引入4种不同的煤炭碳排放情景进行演化分析,量化分析中国未来煤炭产生的碳排放趋势,更能反映实际且有利于促进减排目标的实现。  相似文献   

Vicki Bier 《Risk analysis》2020,40(Z1):2207-2217
In commemorating the 40th anniversary of Risk Analysis, this article takes a retrospective look at some of the ways in which decision analysis (as a “sibling field”) has contributed to the development both of the journal, and of risk analysis as a field. I begin with some early foundational papers from the first decade of the journal's history. I then review a number of papers that have applied decision analysis to risk problems over the years, including applications of related methods such as influence diagrams, multicriteria decision analysis, and risk matrices. The article then reviews some recent trends, from roughly the last five years, and concludes with observations about the parallel evolution of risk analysis and decision analysis over the decades—especially with regard to the importance of representing multiple stakeholder perspectives, and the importance of behavioral realism in decision models. Overall, the extensive literature surveyed here supports the view that the incorporation of decision-analytic perspectives has improved the practice of risk analysis.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates application of sensitivity analysis to risk assessment models with two-dimensional probabilistic frameworks that distinguish between variability and uncertainty. A microbial food safety process risk (MFSPR) model is used as a test bed. The process of identifying key controllable inputs and key sources of uncertainty using sensitivity analysis is challenged by typical characteristics of MFSPR models such as nonlinearity, thresholds, interactions, and categorical inputs. Among many available sensitivity analysis methods, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is evaluated in comparison to commonly used methods based on correlation coefficients. In a two-dimensional risk model, the identification of key controllable inputs that can be prioritized with respect to risk management is confounded by uncertainty. However, as shown here, ANOVA provided robust insights regarding controllable inputs most likely to lead to effective risk reduction despite uncertainty. ANOVA appropriately selected the top six important inputs, while correlation-based methods provided misleading insights. Bootstrap simulation is used to quantify uncertainty in ranks of inputs due to sampling error. For the selected sample size, differences in F values of 60% or more were associated with clear differences in rank order between inputs. Sensitivity analysis results identified inputs related to the storage of ground beef servings at home as the most important. Risk management recommendations are suggested in the form of a consumer advisory for better handling and storage practices.  相似文献   

Probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) has been used in nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, and several other industries. The probability and/or frequency results of most PSAs are based on average component unavailabilities during the mission of interest. While these average results are useful, they provide no indication of the significance of the facility's current status when one or more components are known to be out of service. Recently, several interactive computational models have been developed for nuclear power plants to allow the user to specify the plant's status at a particular time (i.e., to specify equipment known to be out of service) and then to receive updated PSA information. As with conventional PSA results, there are uncertainties associated with the numerical updated results. These uncertainties stem from a number of sources, including parameter uncertainty (uncertainty in equipment failure rates and human error probabilities). This paper presents an analysis of the impact of parameter uncertainty on updated PSA results.  相似文献   

The article argues that there is a need for a greater emphasis on information relating to the quality of labour supply, particularly the nature of managerial experience. The rationale is based on the organizational and industry changes which alter patterns of experience and create new forms of human capital. At the heart of the argument is the valuation of stable labour market dynamics, that is, patterns which remain constant. This is contrasted with the ethos of change which, it is suggested, contains a dangerous element of exaggeration. An attempt is made to integrate qualitative career analysis with new forms of labour market analysis. Two models of learning by experience are introduced and examples of relevant techniques of measurement are described.  相似文献   

组织循环的稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对二元超循环组织系统的稳定性分析,寻求如何实现组织循环稳定,并促进组织进化的方法。分析表明,脱离了外界环境的支持,而孤立地谈论系统的稳定性是不可能的。组织循环系统的稳定性依赖于组织各子系统之间、系统与外界环境之间复杂性及多变性的平衡。因此,建立开放的管理系统是建立组织循环系统的前提,是实现组织稳定和进化的必要条件。  相似文献   

组织能力的系统剖析:从具体到抽象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓修权  彭金梅 《管理学报》2006,3(5):549-555
由于与组织能力理论有关的一般性的术语,如资源、能力、核心能力等没有得到清楚的解释,这已经成为组织能力理论进一步发展和在企业中应用的障碍。把能力看作是能力本体、能力功能以及能力的可靠性和水平3个方面的从具体到抽象的统一,对能力这个基本概念从具体到抽象进行了系统剖析,并根据剖析的结论提出了有关组织能力理论研究和企业进行能力管理的建议。  相似文献   

The Words of Risk Analysis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Stan Kaplan 《Risk analysis》1997,17(4):407-417

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