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通过梳理当前人才集聚的相关研究,从人才集聚程度的测量、人才集聚的影响因素、人才集聚的模式特征及路径效应等方面进行了总结,发现已有研究中存在着静态和宏观研究多、动态和微观研究少;对产业集聚作用于人才集聚与流动过程的分析不足;对人才集聚与流动的互动关注不够等问题,并对未来的进一步研究做了展望。 相似文献
在我国的行政管理系统和村民自治系统中,乡村精英从来都是一股不容忽视的力量,由他们构成的精英群体活跃在农村的各个领域,成为了农村经济发展中的中坚力量。随着我国农村权力结构的变迁,乡村精英的结构性质也随之发生了变化,尤其是社会转型期不断的精英流动成为其突出现象,由此影响着农村经济社会的发展速度和进程。 相似文献
随着人才社会化和经济全球化趋势的加快,许多企业不惜重金广揽和储备人才。在人才争夺战中,如何利用合理的人才流动机制吸引到优秀人才,成为各企业关注的焦点。 相似文献
本文分析了公立医院医学人才流动的意义,分析了医学人才流动的原因,并提出了一系列的应对策略,以期为医学人才的合理流动,促进人才资源的优化配置提供参考。 相似文献
中国加入世贸组织,成为全球最具投资吸引力的地方,到2002年8月底,我国外商投资企业已达41万家.而在投资热的背后,是2300万经过挑选的中国人才涌向了外资企业,一个全球一体化的人才市场到来了.由此,引发了新一轮中国人才大流动.人才专家们称这次人才大流动为"第四波".改革开放20多年来,我国人才经历了4次大流动,第一次发生在上世纪80年代中期.当时出于复兴经济的需要,国家正式发文,鼓励人才流动.但文件也严格限定,流动必须"正向",即从国企流向集体企业,从大城市流向中小城市,从内地流向边疆. 相似文献
精英人才政策实施面临着各地人才政策严重同质化、人才布局结构设计扭曲化、人才政策重引进轻自主培养等现实困境。基于现实,各地区应着力构建“复合型创新创业人才+高科技领军人才+战略性新兴产业高端人才+高技能领军人才”的“高精尖缺”人力资本战略布局,构建“青年拔尖人才队伍+海归青年创新创业人才+本土青年大学生”的青年人力资本战略布局,构建满足区域经济发展的“专业人才+高技能人才+生产要素升级贡献者”基础人力资本战略布局。可以从以下几点出发落实精准人力资本政策:精准施策,完善人力资本政策支撑体系;精准引智,做好各类人力资本引进工作;精准投入,扶持培育本土各类人力资本;精准服务,不断优化人力资本发展环境。 相似文献
地方政府充分配置信息资源,通过政策、法律法规的等的制定、调整,促进着社会人、财、物力的结构优化。人力资源是经济进步的重要组成部分、是生产发展的第一要素,合理调整人才流动是优化人力资源的的重要条件。我们有必要分析人才流动中政府政策中存在的问题,提升政府信息资源配置能力,从而优化人才的流动、提高配置效率、改良各地区人才市场的结构。 相似文献
在我国广大乡村活跃着的乡村精英是我国农村经济发展的中坚力量,活跃在农村各个领域,成为影响和左右农村社区生存和发展的精英群体,为我国乡村经济的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 相似文献
Festivals are an important sub‐field within event studies which, until recently, have not been studied as separate experiences. A systematic review of the emerging literature on festivals reveals several key characteristics. While festivals are diverse in nature and geographical location, scholarly interest focuses on five main themes: the motivations for organizing, funding and attending festivals; the experiences of festival attendees; the relationship between festivals and their local environments; the economic and sociocultural impacts of festivals; and the management of festivals. Despite growing interest in festivals as research sites, little attention has been afforded to investigating festival processes. In particular, considerations of how festivals are established, and which individuals are involved in their initiation and regular staging, offer opportunities for research. This paper highlights the significant role festivals play within their local communities, including their facilitation of social cohesion and regional identity. Our study reveals that the literature rarely discusses the development of festivals over time and the wider networks in which festivals are embedded. This critical review of festival research identifies various research gaps and directions for future research to develop theory and practical understanding of festivals. 相似文献
Vikesh Amin 《LABOUR》2009,23(1):67-96
Studies from US data have found mixed results regarding sibling sex composition effects and educational outcomes. Some researchers have found that sisters hurt women's education, others have found the opposite, and some have found no effects. This paper reviews the theoretical foundations for sibling sex composition effects and tests the theories using British data, on a sample of children born between 3 and 9 March 1958, from the National Child Development Survey. Methods from previous studies are replicated and extensions considered for ability, credit constraints, and family size. No sibling sex composition effects are found, but estimation results support the quantity–quality model. 相似文献
创业实践因新兴技术驱动的经济社会环境变革而发生了重大变化,涌现出了不少组织和战略理论甚至是创业研究也难以回答的新现象和新问题,这些现象和问题在中国情境下表现得非常突出,但并没有引起学者们的足够重视。基于此,本文采用扎根理论的编码设计,开展2008~2018年间发表的1842篇国际顶级创业研究文献的统计分析,在描述和评价研究主题发展态势和进展基础上,归纳出以创业前因、创业实施、创业结果与创业情境为体系的创业研究主题框架,进一步提出未来研究趋势和中国情境下开展创业研究的建议。研究结果对于推动我国创业研究的深化发展并开展具有国际学术影响力的高水平研究有着重要的理论价值。 相似文献
《Journal of Organizational Behavior Management》2013,33(2):215-228
Evaluation studies of worksite stress management training (SMT) are reviewed and methodological considerations are offered regarding (1) program orientation, (2) experimental design, (3) worker participants, (4) outcome measures, and (5) duration of training effects and worker compliance. Suggestions for additional research include the need to (1) employ additional comparison groups in order to detect training-specific effects, (2) evaluate SMT in blue-collar settings, (3) expand the scope of outcome measures to include employee behaviors, and (4) assess long term effects of SMT and factors associated with worker maintenance of learned skills. It is concluded that SMT has value as a prevention activity in work settings but its use as a treatment strategy for troubled workers is not supported conceptually or empirically. Companies and practitioners are encouraged to view SMT not as an isolated activity but as one component of occupational health and safety activities. A holistic approach which incorporates stress management into company health and safety philosophies is viewed as the optimal strategy. 相似文献
反生产行为理论研究综述 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对反生产行为的研究取向、结构、影响因素、形成过程与预防策略进行了较为详尽的综述、评论,并指出反生产行为未来的研究方向.认为应该尽快对反生产行为层级体系进行全面整理,加强预防干预策略的系统研究,进行实验和纵向研究,将研究对象聚焦到知识员工、并强化中国文化背景的研究. 相似文献
In this historical review we chart the progress of intuition research over the past eight decades. We highlight the distinction between intuition research in management and intuition research in base disciplines and related fields, and offer a critical commentary on the ways in which the dynamic between these two historical threads has affected progress in the study of intuition in organizations. We conclude by identifying several promising new directions for intuition research, and offer a number of recommendations to intuition researchers in management which may help in taking this topic forward in ways that do not recapitulate previous errors, diversions or digressions. 相似文献
Judi Marshall 《英国管理杂志》1995,6(Z1):S53-S62
This article selectively reviews gender and management research. A flavour of what it can be like to research in this area is offered alongside a more substantive account. The article maps the many strands of work potentially relevant to exploring gender and management. It covers aspects of the field such as its diversity, emerging development, potential marginality and increasing clarity of definition, and considers implications for researchers. The appropriate integration of gender awareness into mainstream theorizing, alongside its separate development, is advocated. Major themes and issues in gender and management research are summarized and briefly addressed. Dilemmas about seeking to promote change but needing to speak within current conventions of management and academia are noted. 相似文献
债务抵押债券(CDO)定价模型研究综述 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
作为近10年来发展最为迅速的信用衍生产品之一,CDO已在国外银行等金融机构的风险管理过程中得到了广泛的应用,美国近期次级贷款市场的不良表现致使CDO等金融衍生品的设计与定价受到更强烈的关注。系统介绍和比较分析了业界普遍采用的BET、Copula、因子Copula等CDO基本定价模型;简要回顾了当前理论界的研究热点——因子Copula模型和动态模型的研究进展;对未来可能的研究趋势作了展望。 相似文献
国外企业社会责任研究综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国外企业社会责任的研究依次经历了公司社会责任和公司社会响应、公司社会绩效、利益相关者理论三个框架.公司社会责任和社会响应框架关注的是企业应当对社会做什么及如何做.公司社会绩效框架把公司社会责任和社会响应有机结合起来,把企业社会责任看作由原则、过程和结果构成的一个系统.利益相关者理论从企业的视角出发,把社会责任落实到企业层面,同时又避免了企业承担社会责任无限扩大的倾向. 相似文献
Vivianne H. M. Visschers Ree M. Meertens Wim W. F. Passchier Nanne N. K. de Vries 《Risk analysis》2009,29(2):267-287
Communicating probability information about risks to the public is more difficult than might be expected. Many studies have examined this subject, so that their resulting recommendations are scattered over various publications, diverse research fields, and are about different presentation formats. An integration of empirical findings in one review would be useful therefore to describe the evidence base for communication about probability information and to present the recommendations that can be made so far. We categorized the studies in the following presentation formats: frequencies, percentages, base rates and proportions, absolute and relative risk reduction, cumulative probabilities, verbal probability information, numerical versus verbal probability information, graphs, and risk ladders. We suggest several recommendations for these formats. Based on the results of our review, we show that the effects of presentation format depend not only on the type of format, but also on the context in which the format is used. We therefore argue that the presentation format has the strongest effect when the receiver processes probability information heuristically instead of systematically. We conclude that future research and risk communication practitioners should not only concentrate on the presentation format of the probability information but also on the situation in which this message is presented, as this may predict how people process the information and how this may influence their interpretation of the risk. 相似文献