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为了满足城市老年人的长期照护需求,需要根据老年人的活动能力缺失状况和特点,建立一个社会支持体系,以老年人自助互助为中心,以家庭和邻里支助为基础,以社区居家养老和机构养老为依托,以社会团体和组织资助为补充,以国家和政府政策为保障,以志愿者服务为纽带。  相似文献   

社会工作是指遵循助人自助的价值理念,综合运用社会工作专业知识和方法,为有需要的个人、机构、家庭、社区所提供的专业社会服务。社会工作是一种帮助服务对象发挥自身潜能、协调社会关系、解决和预防社会问题、促进社会公正的职业和学科。福利院收养的服务对象多为孤残儿童、弃婴、  相似文献   

耿曰美  黄洪 《社会工作》2012,(12):25-27,21
自助组织为长期病患者提供一个自助互助的平台,病患者用自身对抗疾病的经历去开解患同类病的病人,病者从一个服务接受者变为服务的提供者,这对他们的康复作用并非笔墨所能形容。本文希望通过探讨专业机构香港复康会针对长期病患者服务的介入的原则与价值观及介入方式,对中国大陆自助组织的发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

自助旅游者对网络旅游信息的需求研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以北京自助旅游者为对象,通过问卷调查和访谈发现,由于社会特征和收入不同,自助旅游者对旅游目的地信息的需求有所差别,目前绝大多数网站提供的旅游目的地信息不能满足自助旅游者的需求。  相似文献   

目前我国灾害救助主体包括政府、社会团体以及个人,为了更好地发挥合力,要加强三者之间联系,建立横向的灾害救助体系;此外,需要引入专业社会工作方法,在纵向上建立以提高个人自助能力为基础的救助网络,以形成立体化式的救灾网络。  相似文献   

社工,即社会工作者(social worker),是指遵循助人自助的价值理念,运用社会工作专业知识和方法,以为有需要的个人、家庭、机构、社区提供专业社会服务,帮助其发挥自身潜能、协调社会关系,解决和预防社会问题、促进社会公正为主要职业活动的专业人员。  相似文献   

灾后心理创伤的治疗,不仅是应急的,更是长远的。对灾后失亲者的救助中,尤其需要介入哀伤服务。社会工作者有责任坚持助人自助宗旨,遵循专业伦理规范,综合运用专业知识、技能和方法,协助政府整合社会资源,为其提供必要的社会支持。  相似文献   

目前我国灾害救助主体包括政府、社会团体以及个人,为了更好地发挥合力,要加强三者之间联系,建立横向的灾害救助体系;此外,需要引入专业社会工作方法,在纵向上建立以提高个人自助能力为基础的救助网络,以形成立体化式的救灾网络。  相似文献   

本文概述了孤残青少年抗逆力服务研究的现状及实际工作中存在的问题,从社会工作“助人自助”的本质内涵出发,以孤残青少年服务的小组工作实务为例,介绍社会工作专业背景下的抗逆力提升服务的一些做法。从抗逆力的归属感、效能感和乐观感等方面进行设计和提供相关服务,以适度性和可持续性为标杆分析了抗逆力提升小组的状况,并在实践基础上进行总结与思考。  相似文献   

所谓社会工作,就是遵循以人为本、助人自助、平等公正的专业价值观,在社会服务及社会管理等领域,综合运用专业知识、技能和方法,帮助有需要的个人、家庭、群体和社区,  相似文献   

A pilot outreach program was designed to reduce social isolation and meet the social service needs of elderly living in the community. In order to meet the social service needs of 72 socially isolated older persons, peer counselors used a problem solving casework approach focused on enhancing self-help skills. Community development efforts and networking techniques were implemented to encourage participants to expand their social interaction networks and develop peer support systems. An evaluation of the pilot program suggests that it was successful in decreasing social isolation and in meeting the social service of those who were served.  相似文献   

This study identified a profile of women and children from families in which maternal chemical use was either an obvious or the primary reason for referral to a public child welfare agency. Data was also collected on a comparison group of families with no indication of chemical abuse. Findings indicated that the two groups had similar problems and service needs. The drug abusing group faced more frequent and intense personal, social and environmental problems.  相似文献   

The decentralization of welfare systems and the introduction of “community social work” may confront social workers with tasks they were not trained for and limit their ability to function professionally. The experience of other countries may be relevant to the debate about localism in Britain. In Israel, the publicly directed local community centres have shifted their focus from leisure to welfare services. Trained social workers were employed to initiate and implement personal, group and other local services using local resources and charging fees for services. They reported having difficulties in defining local needs and wants, and in finding congruent solutions for these needs. They also found it difficult to negotiate with community politicians and work with them. This paper describes the Israeli system of community service centres and indicates some obstacles concerning the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of social workers functioning in an independent, decentralized practice. It also raises some selected issues for future social policy and service administration.  相似文献   

贫困救助是我国社会服务的永恒主题,城市最低生活保障制度和农村五保制度为解决贫困问题提供了制度保障。但是,贫困是一个复杂的持续性的社会问题,社会保障政策的公共性与弹性要求以及社会的不断变迁,使得贫困救助需求的差异性和变化性难以得到有效满足。社区志愿服务以其贴近居民生活的服务特点,可以有效地填补社会救助政策的漏洞。本文描述了社区贫困家庭的现状及其特点,揭示了当前社区服务和社会政策存在的缝隙;立足社区贫困家庭的需要,提出了社区贫困家庭志愿服务应该提供的主要服务内容,寄望建设一个符合中国社会文化情境和具体家庭需求的社区贫困家庭志愿服务。  相似文献   

贫困救助是我国社会服务的永恒主题,城市最低生活保障制度和农村五保制度为解决贫困问题提供了制度保障。但是,贫困是一个复杂的持续性的社会问题,社会保障政策的公共性与弹性要求以及社会的不断变迁,使得贫困救助需求的差异性和变化性难以得到有效满足。社区志愿服务以其贴近居民生活的服务特点,可以有效地填补社会救助政策的漏洞。本文描述了社区贫困家庭的现状及其特点,揭示了当前社区服务和社会政策存在的缝隙;立足社区贫困家庭的需要,提出了社区贫困家庭志愿服务应该提供的主要服务内容,寄望建设一个符合中国社会文化情境和具体家庭需求的社区贫困家庭志愿服务。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey into minority languagepolicy and provision in social service departments and largevoluntary social service agencies in England and Wales. It foundthat many organizations lacked specific policies on the provisionof services to minority language communities and that most werepoorly prepared to meet their needs.  相似文献   

Understanding how persons over 70 years of age cope with the stresses of living is of central interest to gerontologists, service providers and policy makers. Their family life has been studied as an indicator of quality of life. Frequently there has been an implicit assumption that the family is, or should be, a sufficient informal resource system. In 1987-88, 520 elderly persons living in Vancouver were interviewed in their homes regarding their general and dental health and support systems. Information was obtained on interaction with family, friends, neighbors and formal caregivers. To determine respondents' appraisal of her/his social resources, they were asked to whom respondents' would turn if she had problems. To establish reciprocity, they were asked who would turn to them for help with the same problems. Significant differences by gender and marital status are found as to whom one perceives to be available to meet personal care, instrumental and emotional needs. Expected reciprocity is low except for instrumental needs with neighbors and emotional needs with friends.  相似文献   

裘旋 《社会工作》2012,(5):68-71
"社区公益创投大赛"和"社区公益项目招投标"是上海市民政局推出的两项社会服务项目化运作的典型工程,文章以上海市Z区为例,探讨了社会服务项目化运作对基层社区社会工作发展的意义。包括居民需求的真正满足、社会组织的破土新生、社会工作的专业推广和民政工作的专业化发展。  相似文献   


This qualitative study discusses barriers affecting female substance user’s treatment access to welfare services. The study consisted of seven group discussions and three individual meetings with 13 women in Helsinki, Finland. Institutional ethnography was used as the theoretical framework for the study. The research questions are: (a) What treatment barriers do women face?, (b) What reasons are there for them not receiving services?, and (c) How do the ruling relations coordinate women’s experiences? Women faced multiple barriers affecting their access to services. They could be interpreted as being: determined by the service system, such as a difficulty in meeting the various criteria in order to be granted access to services; determined by the lack of trust; or determined by personal choices. The study suggests that the service system should be organized according to the needs of the service users. Future research is needed to address the questions such as how social and health care services could better co-operate, and how the different sectors of the service system could break down the institutional barriers.  相似文献   

An essential component for achieving independence in a community setting for people with disabilities is the ability to perform personal care activities with or without assistance. This paper aims to evaluate the level of satisfaction of people who used personal assistance services (PAS) during 2007 in Korea. People's satisfaction was high when they were able to use all of the assigned hours and when they had been assigned enough hours to meet their needs. Therefore, policymakers must try to increase service hours for people with disabilities so that they have enough help from attendants. The more the opinions of people with disabilities were considered in shaping the plan of care, the higher the satisfaction score. To increase the satisfaction, service users' involvement with the program has to be incorporated into the program as much as possible.  相似文献   

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