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社会的改革、观念的更新,使婚姻与家庭领域发生着一场阴阳大裂变:离婚率逐年上升,死亡婚姻纷纷解体,获得解脱的人把目光投向新的异性,开始重新选择;那些中青年丧偶者,更没人去“守节”,一般都不再犹豫和耽搁,迅速地再婚;失去伴侣的老年人,也不甘忍受寂寞孤独之苦,勇敢地走向“黄昏之恋”。于是,再婚率增高成为当前婚姻中的一个必然趋势。再婚,意味着一个旧家庭的解体和一个新家庭的诞生,这个新家庭势必带有旧家庭的痕迹,和旧家庭有难以割断的联系。再婚家庭一诞生,夫妻关系就不是两个人的事情,它牵涉到前夫或前妻,牵涉到双方的子女,甚至牵涉到旧家  相似文献   

受现代文明的影响,愈来愈多的夫妻,以离婚的方式从已死亡的婚姻中解脱出来,又雄心勃勃地去寻找理想中的红玫瑰,重新组建一个新家庭──这就是再婚。事实证明,通过再婚,有些人的确实现了爱情生活的美好夙愿。然而,也有些人从旧的“围城”中逃离出来又陷入了新”围城”的尴尬,再饮情感的苦酒,演出第二次,乃至更多的婚姻家庭悲剧。由家庭经济引起矛盾对于再婚家匿,经济的支配权是关系到男女双方感情的一个重要因素。比如全家的经济权田谁来执掌和支配,对方原来的孩子抚养费的给付等等。廖东是某机关干部,跟前妻离婚后,与同样离过…  相似文献   

我是一个被当今社会视为不光采的角色——“第三者”,但是,是否所有的“第三者”都是可耻的角色,都属洪水猛兽?如果这样地简单划分,那么,生活的哲理,道德的标准,岂不被唯心主义的意念所随意扭曲了吗?因为“第三者”的出现和产生,是一个极其复杂的社会现象。一个幸福美满的家庭,主张婚姻双方都有约束,因为婚姻是融合,而不是凑合;婚姻要有共同的思想感情和理想追求。我所插入的家庭是一个貌合神离、名存实亡的家庭,这个家庭的“第一者”在结婚不久就背叛了爱情,她不听丈夫、组织的帮助,因为丈夫的真诚劝导唤不醒她的良知,他们没有感情,更谈不上理想、追求一致,但是她不需要离异,因为她需要的是“丈夫”而不是爱人,她需  相似文献   

尽管报刊上一再谴责第三者,甚至有人主张必须给第三者以法律制裁,然而生活中的第三者却依然有增无已。怎样解释这种现象并给予适当解决呢?我以为首先必须如实地把问题挑明,然后才能对症下药。《社会》1985年第三期发表了周全德同志的文章,阐述了第三者插足的主要社会原因,颇有启发,但该文把第三者产生的根本原因归结为“生产力的低下、物质的匮乏、文化艺术的落后”,似有片面性,也太笼统。如果以此推论,生产力低下的封建社会,第三者的出现应比生产力发达的资本主义社会多得多了。我认为出现第三者的原因是复杂的,但主要应从爱情、婚姻和家庭本身去找,大多数第三者是爱情贫乏症的必然产物。爱情、婚姻、家庭作为人类社会的细胞,也必须有适宜的环境条件,并不断补充精神和物质的营养,否则就会象离开土壤、得不到养料的鲜花一样逐渐枯萎。我想,我们不能不承认这是不以人们的主观意志为转移的客观规律。没有爱情的孤独生活从某个角度讲是暗淡无光的,缺乏爱情的婚姻是不道德的,幸福的婚姻家庭必然要以爱情作基础。因此在封建制度下,多少人为了追求真挚的爱情生活甘冒身败名裂甚至生命  相似文献   

根据不久以前北京、天津、上海、广州等八个大城市的统计,在受理的离婚案件中,有“第三者”插足的约占40%至50%。“第三者”的问题已经成为人们日益注意的一个问题了。人们纷纷谴责“第三者”,这是可以理解的。人家是合法夫妻,有家庭,有正常的家庭生活,为什么要挤进去,拆散人家夫妻呢?为什么要把自已的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上呢?但是,有些人在谴责“第三者”的时候,往往忽略了对“第二者”的谴责,或是对“第二者”的谴责轻于“第三者”,这是不对的。“第三者”破坏人家的家庭,固然是十分错  相似文献   

现在有一种观点认为;当前我国绝大多数的婚姻都是自愿结合的,双方都是有感情的,如果感情破裂就是第三者插足造成的。这种观点我认为值得商榷,因为它如果能成立,那么马克思关于爱情婚姻的“排他性”观点就完全站不住脚了。如果夫妻双方感情很好,那么怎会有第三者插足的余地呢?我认为,第三者插足的问题和我们当前有些家庭基础不牢固有很大关系。我国目前的婚姻素质还不是以爱情为主导的。不可否认,以爱情为基础的婚姻在我国青年人中,正越来越多地出现,但还没有完全消除今天对选择配偶还有巨大影响的从经济考虑的派生物,它必然要反映到恋爱婚姻观上。就是一些自愿结合的婚姻也有错误的,  相似文献   

老年再婚:一项伟大的社会事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天津市老年婚姻研究所于1997年10月在天津市举行的“老年再婚”抽样问卷调查显示,丧偶老年人赞成再婚的为60%,自己想再婚的为37.6%,实行再婚的仅占6.7%。赞成再婚的人、自己想再婚的人和已实行再婚的人这三个数字之间存在很大的落差。产生这种落差的原因是老年再婚困难重重。造成老年再婚困难的原因虽然很多,但最主要的还是人们对老年再婚的认识不足。许多人把老年人再婚看成是少数老年人的个别行为,而未把老年再婚作为一项重要的社会事业。老年再婚难道不能称其为一项事业吗?把一项社会实践和社会现象称为一项事业,需要这项社…  相似文献   

徐安琪 《浙江学刊》2007,6(1):198-206
本研究以全国第五次人口普查和最新抽样调查资料为依据,对“离婚是资源优势男子的特权”、“是对弱势妻子的剥夺和让第三者坐享其成”、“离婚女性再婚难”等流行观点进行学术拨正。  相似文献   

众说纷纭“第三者”一日“关系暧昧说”,即明知对方有配偶而与之有暧关系的,都是“第三者;二日“通好”说,即明打对方有配偶而与之有通好关系的人,是“第三者”;三日“破裂”说,即明知对方有配而与之关系暧昧进而发生两性关系,并导致对方提出离婚,造成其婚姻破裂的人,是“第三者”;四日“目的”说,即明知对方有配偶而与之关系暧味进而发生两性关系,且以与对方结婚为目的的人,才是“第三者”。这四种观点中,仅仅根据是否有暧味行为给“第三者”下定义,似乎失之过宽,而“目的”说中,仅根据是否有与对方结婚为目的来衡量是否…  相似文献   

时下,老年再婚率正持高不下。丧偶老人有寻找伴侣的权利的观念,已被社会广泛接受。然而,在老年再婚难的问题解决后,老年再婚的成功率却极低,这又引起了社会的关注。据某市一家老年婚姻介绍所透露,去年前来登记征婚的老年人有1000多对,成功的仅10对,成功率尚不足1%。该市某区去年有17对老人再婚,但现在只有2对生活在一起。那么,再婚者人缘何分手多?老头要找“保姆”,劳累一辈子的老太自钻不乐意当“保姆”周老伯退休前一直从事领导工作,在家里从来不干家务,属于“油瓶倒了木扶”的人。前年,老伴患癌症去世,两个子女又不在身…  相似文献   

The film is destined to have a happy life. It was being discussed even before it appeared on the screen. We are not speaking about professionals or about critics, who very often are ahead of developments. In this case the spectators themselves engaged in the debate right from the outset. Letters to the editors about the film "We'll Survive Till Monday" [Dozhivem do ponedel'nika] testify to this.  相似文献   

Population studies within all communities have confirmed the rise of what has been referred to as a revolution in longevity. With the first wave of the baby boom generation about to join the existing over sixty-five generations, new life stages and experiences are being created in ways that will challenge religious communities. An important aspect of this revolution will be the opportunity to create new religious rituals that will respond to and reflect these new life stages and experiences. This growing multi-generational cohort will increasingly seek that their religious communities respond to their changing life experiences in ways that infuse their lives with meaning.  相似文献   

Until recent times, psychology and the social sciences have paid only limited attention to the positive aspects of human life. The present article aims to review psychological and epidemiological studies about the occurrence of happy and traumatic events in the life of common people, critically discussing their findings and suggesting new research directions. Overall, it has emerged that most people report having experienced at least one traumatic event in their lives; on the other hand, moderate happy experiences may occur with a daily frequency. Unfortunately, the studies conducted thus far suffer from methodological limitations as they did not consider extremely happy events and collected data about happy and traumatic events separately. The author emphasizes the necessity to jointly investigate the prevalence of both happy and traumatic events. Hopefully, this will permit to achieve more reliable indicators of quality of life, thus contributing to increase researchers’ understanding of what makes human existence joyful and sorrowful.  相似文献   

Although there has been a tremendous amount of discussion in the popular press about how the Internet is changing all facets of social life, research on the impact of the Internet is only beginning to emerge. A review of the studies reported in this issue suggests that the Internet may have had less impact on many aspects of social life than is frequently supposed. In many cases, the Internet seems to have created a new way of doing old things, rather than being a technology that changes the manner in which people live their lives. As a consequence, the policy implications of increasing Internet use may be less than is often believed.  相似文献   

党晟 《唐都学刊》2010,26(1):64-67
存世的历史文献大都将曾仕南唐的著名画家董源载入宋代画史,但对其事迹的记述却极其简略。因此,关于董源的生卒年及其是否入宋任职等问题,就成了学术界颇费猜测的疑团。通过解读宋人著述中的相关史料,试图对上述问题作出比较明确的回答,并勾画出董源生平的大致梗概。  相似文献   

采用张明园等于1987年编制的生活事件量表对甘肃省不同区域2667名城乡居民的生活事件进行了调查,结果发现:(1)5%的甘肃省域居民在这一年中经历了较多的积极生活事件,约18%左右的居民遭遇了较多的消极生活事件;(2)甘肃省区域居民的生活事件居于前五位的分别是工作量明显增加、入党入团、结婚、子女出生、收入显著增减等;(3)处于不同年龄阶段的居民,居于前五位的生活事件各不相同;(4)甘肃河东河西居民居于前五位的生活事件基本一致;(5)受教育程度为小学和初中的居民,居于前五位的生活事件基本一致,而高中及高中以上受教育程度的居民居于前五位的生活事件趋于一致。  相似文献   

甘肃省河西河东城乡居民生活事件调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用张明园等于1987年编制的生活事件量表对甘肃省不同区域2667名城乡居民的生活事件进行了调查,结果发现:(1)5%的甘肃省域居民在这一年中经历了较多的积极生活事件,约18%左右的居民遭遇了较多的消极生活事件;(2)甘肃省区域居民的生活事件居于前五位的分别是工作量明显增加、入党入团、结婚、子女出生、收入显著增减等;(3)处于不同年龄阶段的居民,居于前五位的生活事件各不相同;(4)甘肃河东河西居民居于前五位的生活事件基本一致;(5)受教育程度为小学和初中的居民,居于前五位的生活事件基本一致,而高中及高中以上受教育程度的居民居于前五位的生活事件趋于一致。  相似文献   

Two consumer groups of the Older Americans Act programs were compared in this research: the homebound and the users of nutrition programs. Comparisons were made on demographic characteristics, health and functional status, personal security, social resources, life perspective, and on knowledge about and access to services. Not unexpectedly, findings from this research revealed that the homebound are older, more socially impoverished, more impaired on health and functional status, have more limited resources, poorer life perspective, and less access to services. These findings clearly indicate that needs of those who benefit from Older Americans Act programs are great and many of them would be unable to continue their community living without these services.  相似文献   

Over the last century, Inuit have experienced rapid social changes that have greatly impacted their way of life, health, and intergenerational traditions. Although there is a growing body of research concerning Inuit youth, relatively little is known about elderly Inuit. In an effort to bridge this knowledge gap, a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal articles was conducted. This review identified a dearth of research on older Inuit, and highlighted limitations in service provision to this primarily rural and isolated population. Implications for policy and practice and recommendations for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing social work literature about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older people. However, research and guidance are predominantly based on the experiences of older gay men and, to a lesser extent, older lesbians. There is little to help practitioners work with older bisexual people. The Looking Both Ways study aimed to contribute to this gap in knowledge. We undertook in-depth purposely sampled qualitative interviews with 12 people aged over 50, all of whom have bisexual relationship histories and half of whom also currently identify as bisexual. There were three main findings. First, biphobia (prejudice against bisexual people) impacts on older people with bisexual histories in ways that may affect their well-being in later life. Second, concerns around receiving care are similar in some ways and different in others from the concerns of lesbians and gay men. Third, people with bisexual relationship histories may have developed strong support networks and resilience, factors that may be very beneficial in later life. Three recommendations for social work professionals were identified: 1) understand biphobia, 2) recognize the legitimacy of concerns about receiving care, and 3) ask about support networks rather than assuming family support.  相似文献   

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