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李宝芳 《社会工作》2011,(14):91-93
目前我国流浪儿童救助保护工作取得很大进步,但是也仍然存在一些问题,如没有专门的法律法规;一些地方政府投入不足,积极性不够;现行救助保护政策中的返家政策难以有效救助流浪儿童;救助理念滞后等。为进一步完善流浪儿童救助保护工作,需要地方政府根据实际情况出台流浪儿童救助保护条例;需要国家出台具体的鼓励措施调动地方积极性,并加大投入力度;采取预防性干预措施,从源头减少流浪儿童,同时为返家儿童提供跟踪服务和制定儿童寄养服务政策;救助机构要以儿童为本,实现更人性化的管理。  相似文献   

中国流浪儿童状况和救助对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
自英国救助儿童会与民政部社会福利和社会事务司在流浪儿童领域开展尝试性合作以来,我们一直关注产生流浪儿童的背景研究,以期在评估法律、法规、政策等宏观层面对改善流浪儿童状况发挥的整体作用,并在进行理性梳理的基础上,具体分析各地救助保护中心在微观运作层面为特殊困境儿童提供紧急庇护所产生的实效。本文通过对流浪儿童现状、有关流浪儿童的法律框架、工作发展进程和存在的问题等,进行多方面、多角度的叙述性评估,尝试理清中国流浪儿童救助保护工作的发展脉络,并根据已有经验提出一些参考对策。  相似文献   

2007年7月16~20日流波儿童保护国际研讨会暨"流浪儿童"合作项目2007年中评审会议在郑州隆重召开。会议就《儿童权利公约》与儿童保护、国内流浪儿童救助保护政策开发策略、救助保护机构对流浪儿童的临时监护责任、流浪儿童干预方法、对流浪儿童的非正规教育、《儿童权利公约》的实跤与流浪儿童保护、流浪儿童的预防  相似文献   

目前中国流浪儿童问题突出,中国将在立法方面加强对流浪儿童的救助管理。流浪儿童作为社会特殊群体,它的救助、保护和管理一直受到国内外社会的广泛关注。据了解,中国自2003年开始实施对《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理  相似文献   

大连市流浪少年儿童救助保护中心创建于2000年3月。几年来,中心不断探索在新形势下做好救助保护流浪少年儿童工作的新路子,用“教育好一个流浪儿,挽救一个人的一生,减少社会不稳定因素”的强烈社会责任感,深化社会救助的内涵,分析研究流浪儿童的特点,把流浪儿童作为收容遣送对象中的特殊群体来管理,取得  相似文献   

余泳 《社会工作》2011,(21):28-29
2011年8月8日,国务院发布《中国儿童发展纲要(2011-2020年)》;8月18日,国务院下发《关于加强和改进流浪未成年人救助保护工作的意见》,这两项文件体现了政府对儿童、青少年尤其是流浪儿童的权利的重视与保护,也对流浪儿童的救助工作提出了更高的要求。社会工作救助模式要求社会工作者必须克服救助过程中的各种困境,以流浪儿童为中心,促进流浪儿童自我发展,帮助他们回归家庭、社会。  相似文献   

背景及考察的主要内容蒙古国是亚洲地区较早与英国救助儿童会(Save the Children)合作开展流浪儿童救助工作项目的国家之一。1999年9月,英国救助儿童会总干事魏洁女士等一行三人来我国民政部社会福利和社会事务司访问交流时,介绍了该会在蒙古国开展流浪儿童救助保护合作项目的工作情况以及取得的成绩,并强调了蒙古的工作经验可能对中国开展流浪儿童救助保护工作具有借鉴意义。当得知  相似文献   

辽宁盘锦市救助管理站,多年来卓有成效地开展了救助、保护、关爱流浪儿童和困境儿童的工作。对全市特困未成年人、流浪儿童、孤儿、残疾家庭子女、服刑人员子女等分布、生活情况进行调查,深入开展救助保护流浪少年儿童及特困儿童工作,以“全纳式”儿童救助理念,开创了救助流浪、困境儿童新机制。  相似文献   

我国流浪儿童救助保护事业取得长足发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国历来十分重视对包括流浪儿童在内的困境儿童的救助保护,并有悠久的历史文化传统,“幼吾幼以及人之幼”的思想体现了我国古代社会对儿童的特别关爱,并较早地形成了以政府为主体,辅以家庭扶养、家族收养以及私人捐助施舍的流浪儿童救助模式。近代,教会和社会救助机构对流浪儿童进行的施善与教化工作,使流浪儿童现象得到有效控制,始终没有演变成为重大的社会问题。  相似文献   

郑州市救助保护流浪少年儿童中心(以下简称中心)作为民政部与联合国儿童基金会合作项目执行单位,自2001年合作项目开展以来,在流浪儿童救助保护的基本模式方面进行了大胆的探索和创新,形成了独具特色的、深受流浪儿童欢迎和喜爱的"郑州模式":以救助保护流浪少年儿童中心为依托,以"全天候街头救助点"(固定点和流动车)为纽带,以"类家庭"和"家庭寄养"为途径,以"技能培训"为手段,坚持跟踪回访,注重调查研究,开展与高校社工师生合作,强化社区预防,提供网络服务,定期总结评估,构筑综合性、功能全的全方位流浪儿童救助保护网络。以达到救助一名流浪儿童,回归主流社会一个健康人的目的。  相似文献   

采用实地研究的方法,以社会支持理论为支撑,从社会工作的视角,对流浪儿童边缘化处境的形成和边缘化状况两方面进行了分析和探讨,认为要达到救助流浪儿童的终极目标,关键在于帮助他们建立、扩大和完善个人的社会支持网络。一是要建立和巩固正式支持网络、二是非正式支持网络,只有这样,才能达到救助流浪儿童的终极目的。  相似文献   

This article examines the historical evolution of the development of social policy toward street children in Russia and makes recommendations for prevention. The historical examination begins with the Soviet period, when statistics on social problems were not publicly known. It continues through the post-Soviet period when there was an emerging awareness about the increasing number of abused, abandoned children and children living on the streets. Etiological factors, such as child maltreatment and parental substance abuse, are then discussed. Based on these etiological factors, the article then proposes a model in which existing institutions and professionals are supported in facilitating an integrated system of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. This includes improving child protection services and interventions to prevent children leaving their homes, early identification of children who are becoming involved in street life and a continuum of care for children who cannot return home.  相似文献   

The Nordic welfare states offer some lessons in a development context. A main achievement has been sustainable poverty reduction. Another important lesson is that, while democratization often leads to greater pressures for social policy expansion, social policy can also contribute to democratization. The Nordic countries further demonstrate that is possible to unify social protection with a competitive and growth-oriented economy. In a number of policy areas, particularly in relation to social services and labor market policy, the Nordic countries have also become leading modernizers. The women-friendly dual-earner model not only combats poverty among families with children, but also enables women to participate in the labor market. The future sustainability of the Nordic model of social policy hinges on the number of taxpayers that can be mobilized. In order to be successful in this, governments need to take a combined, or holistic, approach, and consider both micro motives and macro considerations.  相似文献   

Contextualizing the situation of orphans within the Southern African region and drawing on quantitative and qualitative field research, this article analyses care options and social protection policy for orphans in Mozambique, with its focus placed on children in orphan support centres. Seeking to offer new insights and greater understanding of the experiences of children in care and of the social protection available to them, the research highlights that orphaned children living in informal foster care arrangements are more likely to experience abuse, neglect and maltreatment than those living in non‐governmental care organizations. The research emphasizes the need for a more careful selection of foster families in which children are placed. Recommendations include the need to focus on capacity building and institutional reforms that provide social protection policies for orphaned children as part of an overall social protection floor. The monitoring and evaluation of organizations providing care to orphaned children is deemed a priority.  相似文献   

The Nordic welfare states offer some lessons in a development context. A main achievement has been sustainable poverty reduction. Another important lesson is that, while democratization often leads to greater pressures for social policy expansion, social policy can also contribute to democratization. The Nordic countries further demonstrate that is possible to unify social protection with a competitive and growth‐oriented economy. In a number of policy areas, particularly in relation to social services and labor market policy, the Nordic countries have also become leading modernizers. The women‐friendly dual‐earner model not only combats poverty among families with children, but also enables women to participate in the labor market. The future sustainability of the Nordic model of social policy hinges on the number of taxpayers that can be mobilized. In order to be successful in this, governments need to take a combined, or holistic, approach, and consider both micro motives and macro considerations.  相似文献   

根据笔者的调查,流浪少年儿童流浪期间生活没有保障,有65%的流浪少年儿童曾经受到过欺负,有30.1%的流浪少年儿童曾经被人诱劝加入组织。所以,必须对流浪少年儿童实施主动救助。郑州大学社会工作专业的大学生志愿者将外展社会工作方法应用于流浪少年儿童的救助与保护,大力开展街头巡回救助,同时吸收已经接受救助的流浪少年儿童参与进来,协助外展社会工作者发现和帮助还在街头流浪的少年儿童,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the causes and effects of fear in child protection social workers, and the effects of risk assessment and risk management policies on this area of work. The focus on risk assessment and risk management has become a major area of attention within practice, policy and management of child protection work in the UK in recent years. Concepts of risk as constructed by the media, government and the public are increasingly impacting upon professional practices. This article examines the basis and validity of risk assessments in the social professions field, and particularly within the child protection arena. The article goes on to examine the experiences of fear arising from the risk agenda, which affects frontline workers, managers and child protection agencies. This agenda arises from centrally produced risk assessment frameworks, alongside unrealistic expectations from central government of prediction of risk by the use of current risk assessment tools. Such controlling policies from central government can lead to fear and anxiety in social work professionals of not assessing and eliminating risk, as the government and their employing agencies are expecting them to do. The article also proposes that this risk agenda fails to address a key element in the assessment of risk – how social workers experience threats and stress in their work, and the pressures they can be subject to within it, particularly in relation to violence and threats from parent service users where their children are being investigated for possible child abuse.  相似文献   

魏伟 《社会》2014,34(2):94-117
2012年被媒体称为中国“女权行动元年”。通过考察这一年发生的“占领男厕所”、“受伤的新娘”、“上海地铁反性骚扰”和“光头姐抗议教育部”等产生广泛社会影响的性别事件,文章分析了街头行为艺术作为一种新的抗争行动手法在当代中国社会的形成和发展。相比近年来抗争政治研究整体蓬勃发展的局面,国内学界对抗争行动形式库的研究较为缺乏。本文首先对这一领域的理论视角和相关研究进行了梳理和评述,然后简要呈现街头行为艺术在中国抗争政治景观中的兴起。文章的主体部分围绕这一抗争行动手法的三个关键词——街头、行为和艺术,结合近年倡导性别平权街头行动的实证资料,详细阐述了它们各自对于抗争行动的意义及其对实施效果的影响。最后,文章提出从政策改变、参与动员和文化变迁三个层面,评估运用街头行为艺术进行诉求表达和政策倡导的成效。  相似文献   

This paper reports part of the findings from a 2014 audit of shelters for street children conducted in four provinces of South Africa. The paper focuses on the assessment of the types, structure and implementation of the programmes, as well as on the adequacy of resources necessary for implementing the programmes. The overall picture that emerged from the assessment was that all shelters draw on a comprehensive and enabling legislative and policy framework to offer some elements of developmental, therapeutic and recreational programmes at the early intervention level. Overall, however, the implementation of the programmes does not effectively take into consideration the varied and interconnected factors that, within and across multiple social systems, impel children to the streets. It was thus apparent that the programmes do not adequately address the risks and opportunities of street children in South Africa, specifically within the eco‐developmental framework. Recommendations are offered for social work policy and practice to further enhance the quality and impact of programmes offered in the shelters.  相似文献   

This literature review analyses the adoption and development of a street‐level perspective in public management, social policy and social work. The last years have seen a prominent revival of a perspective based on Michael Lipsky's street‐level bureaucracy approach in the debates conducted within all three disciplinary fields. Based on 71 key publications in public management, social policy and social work, the review analyses the adoption of the street‐level bureaucracy approach during the period 2005–2015, pointing out the main themes of the debate within, as well as overlaps and differences between, the three disciplines. The findings show the potential of better integrating the different perspectives and taking stock of the articulated debate. Lastly, the review discerns a common viewpoint for further street‐level research, emphasising its importance for the critical analysis and understanding of street‐level work as a vital dimension of responsive and accountable institutions and as a decisive moment to shape positive policy outcomes on the ground. Key Practitioner Message: ? The use of discretion by frontline practitioners and their role as policy actors on the ground has become an important focus of research; ? This literature review shows that the debate has gone far beyond discussing discretion as an all‐or‐nothing issue, pointing out both positive and negative aspects of discretion and developing comprehensive frameworks to explain the use of discretion at the street‐level; ? However, street‐level research has traditionally rather neglected the notion of professionalism. The social work literature brings in the perspective of professionalism; more research efforts are needed to better explore and explain how professionalism matters in relation to challenges and dilemmas of different policy and practice fields.  相似文献   

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