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赵芳 《社会工作》2012,(6):20-23
社会工作实践中几乎所有的实践工作原则都涉及伦理原则,或者是建立在伦理原则的基础之上,伦理方面的内容融入到了所有阶段的社会工作教育中。目前,在中国的社会工作教育中出现了严重的重知识、重技术,轻伦理现象。伦理知识的缺乏导致社会工作实践中伦理困境的频繁出现,而伦理困境解决的草率性和不一致性,已经严重影响到社会工作的专业化与职业化。加强中国社会工作伦理议题的研究,重视本土的社会工作伦理困境的探讨、将社会工作伦理教育纳入整个社会工作课程体系是社会工作教育及实践发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

翁雪 《社会工作》2010,(23):54-57
一、台湾地区社会工作教育的发展脉络 我国台湾社会工作专业教育,包含从大学部到研究所博士班的层级,致力于教育、实务、学术、跨专业、以及服务输送模式等方面,在知识扩展、改变技术和复杂的人群与社会关怀中导引与形塑专业的未来,即社会工作教育包含了师资、  相似文献   

来自全国三百多所高校和机构近五百名代表出席了中国社会工作教育协会第八届年会暨社会工.作人才发展规划与社会工作教育使命研讨会。代表们围绕和谐社会建设与社会工作教育发展研究、政府社会工作人才发展规划与社会工作教育的任务、政府购买服务与社会工作教育的应对与发展、高校教师领办社会服务机构研究、社会工作专业化与本土化的实证分析、社会工作专业课程教学研究、我国MSW教育的经验与存在的问题分析、开展社会工作与社会政策研究等8个主题展开研讨,取得了丰硕成果。  相似文献   

文军 《社会工作》2023,(6):5-8+97-98
“不确定性”正在成为现代社会发展的一个整体性特征,其给社会工作教育、实务、伦理、研究等方面带来了一系列的挑战。对此,必须加强社会工作学科体系建设,建立面向未来发展的社会工作知识体系和方法体系:一是持续推进反思性社会工作教育,提高社会工作者的不确定性应对能力;二是打造社会工作情境性服务模式,提高社会工作实务的灵活性和有效性;三是构筑包容型社会工作伦理体系,提供不确定性时代的行动准则和参照;四是打破传统“确定性”思维桎梏,建构与“不确定性”共生的研究体系。社会工作教育者更是要学会在不确定性中来提升社会工作的应对能力,以推动社会工作学科体系深度融入不确定性的治理结构之中。  相似文献   

张洪英 《社会工作》2008,(13):61-61
受学生就业和社会福利改革的影响,当前社会工作教育应该实行通识——专业教育,要给学生较宽的知识,包括应用性的知识,以使学生能有更宽广的事业处理社会福利方面的问题,也能适应其他社会领域的工作……把社会工作教育看作素质教育,使学生在有较稳定的专业价值观的基础上,有较宽广的社会适应性。这可能是当前我国社会工作教育的重要选择,高素质的教育来应对社会转型带来的困难及教育快速发展可能带来的问题,或许是社会工作专业教育所营求的基本策略。  相似文献   

在政府强力推动社会工作职业化的过程中,中国社会工作职业化中的几对矛盾突显出来:政府推动与社会工作的自主发展、民间组织发育的两难困境、社会工作教育难以适应职业化的需要、承认现有人员与引进专业人员、社会服务供给与需求的地域不平衡等。这需要社会工作教育做出回应,包括促进教学、研究与实务的结合、促进社会工作评估技术的发展、专业教育与培训教育相结合、促进诊断性社会工作的发展,探索多样化的社会工作实务模式。  相似文献   

一、实习的意义 社会工作专业教育中的重要一环就是实习。社会工作实习是促进学生获得专业成长的一个重要途径,是达到教育目标的一种必要手段。实习有别于课堂的知识传授,通过实习,学生有机会接触未来可能的服务情景,进而学习运用知识和技巧,所以实习既有社会工作实务的特性,又有教育的取向。在实习中,学生不仅可以运用社会工作的知识和方法,而且还可以在服务过程中发展新的知识和方法,促进专业意识和自觉,积累实务经验,提高专业能力,获得专业成长。  相似文献   

李林凤 《社科纵横》2003,18(3):35-36
社区建设与社会工作教育之间有着密切的互动关系。我国社区建设的蓬勃发展 ,为社会工作教育的发展创造了广阔的发展空间 ;同时社会工作教育的发展又能促进社区建设的顺利进行  相似文献   

文章回顾了中国社会工作专业教育的发展历程,分析其发展的现状,总结目前社会工作专业教育的成效及存在问题,并对中国社会工作专业教育发展所面临的挑战与机遇展开探索。  相似文献   

我国社会工作的理论教育和实践教育存在着脱节。通过社会工作实践教育的现状分析。提出中国社会工作实践教育模式需要从以下几个方面入手:将实验室教学和社会实习、社会调查和社会实践相结合,培养学生开拓社会工作新领域的知识和技能,加强教师队伍的实践素质。  相似文献   

Social work education in China has undergone rapid development during last two decades. However, methods to define, measure, and evaluate social work students' competency remain largely unexplored. In this study, we evaluated competency in graduate social work students in China and examined factors that impacted competency, based on learning theory. Findings indicated that knowledge and skills learned in class, field placement, and social context all have effects on competency. How students think about individual development and the social work profession has the most significant effect. These findings carry implications for social work education in the Chinese context. The rapid development of social work education in China requires the effective measurement and evaluation of students' core competencies.  相似文献   

Summary This paper argues for a stronger emphasis on research in socialwork education and the recognition of a triangular and dynamicrelationship between social work research, education and practice.The focus here is on the particular relationship between thefirst two of this triad. The paper locates the discussion inan examination of the literature on the nature of knowledgeand ideas about professional education, and proceeds to a considerationof the place of research in disciplinary development. This includesa brief mention of changing paradigms reflected in social workresearch in the past century. Empirical data from research carriedout in the mid-1990s is used to illustrate the place of researchin social work education currently, and to support the argumentthat social work educators have responsibility for knowledgecreation (through research), as well as using research in theirteaching, and in devising curricula which develop knowledgeabout and skills in research among social workers at differentstages of training. Developing the research and knowledge baseis seen as an essential role for social work academics, in theface of uncertainties about future directions for professionaltraining and the complexity of the task for which social workersare being educated.  相似文献   

Social Work Education in Mainland China: Development and Issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper gives an overview of the current trend of social work education in Mainland China, a fast-expanding academic subject of higher education in Mainland China during the last 20 years. This rapid development was brought about by the increasing recognition of the use of social work knowledge in tackling some of the social problems arising from the social and economic changes induced by the open door policy of China. New initiatives were undertaken by government departments, academic institutes and service providers, to explore possible reform of service delivery models in serving the elderly, children and youth, women and other vulnerable groups. It thus creates demands for personnel with new skills and knowledge. It has also led to the promulgation of government policies in 2006, in establishing a strong work force of social work, by setting up an accreditation system for social work as a vocation, making available funding for service development and setting up of NGOs. This paper also highlights some of the imminent issues that cause concern, such as the search for a theoretical model of social training and practices suitable for Chinese society, standardization of curriculum design, teaching and learning, consolidation of accreditation examination and career structure, and creation of a working environment conducive to the professionalization of social work in terms of motivating and retaining social work graduates to stay in the service sector.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need to upgrade the gerontological knowledge and skills of practicing social workers. Geriatrics and gerontology, as specialized fields of knowledge, have not been sufficiently integrated into formal academic training programs. There are major trends in the health care environment which impact on social work education, including technological advances, a shift from inpatient to outpatient and community care settings, increasing diversity of the older population, and client and family participation in decisionmaking. These trends necessitate social work education to emphasize new content areas in gerontology and the development of new skills in clinical, case management, care coordination, and teamwork. A significant obstacle to the preparation of future social workers to deliver the complex services needed by older adults and their families is a serious shortage of social work faculty in gerontology. Sustained and broad initiatives, such as the John A. Hartford Foundation funded Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholars Program, are needed to develop academic and practice-based faculty in gerontology. This is crucial if social work is to maintain an important service role in the new millennium.  相似文献   

Preparing social workers to effectively practice with the growing older population requires the identification of geriatric competencies for the profession. The John A. Hartford Geriatric Social Work Initiative provided the impetus and direction for a national strategy to improve the quality of preparation of geriatric social workers. The Geriatric Social Work Practicum Partnership Program (PPP) is the project with the Hartford Initiative that emphasizes field education. The Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC), one of the PPP programs, initiated the development of competencies for work with older adults. GSWEC utilized Geriatric Social Work White Papers and the pioneering work of the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Strengthening Aging and Gerontology Education for Social Work's (SAGE-SW) comprehensive competency list as well as conducted focus groups locally to delineate key competencies for field education. The Coordinating Center for the PPP, located at the New York Academy of Medicine, led in collaboratively developing knowledge based skill competencies for geriatric social work across all 6 demonstration sites (11 universities). The competencies adopted across sites include skills in the following five major domains: values and ethics; assessment (individuals and families, aging services, programs and policies); practice and interventions (theory and knowledge in practice, individual and family, aging services, programs and practice) interdisciplinary collaboration; and evaluation and research. The identified competencies have proven effective in evaluating students (n = 190) pre- and post PPP field education. The implications for further development of competency driven education for geriatric social work are discussed.  相似文献   

The fieldwork placement is recognized as one of the major componentsof social work education and a major determinant of its quality.A key aspect of the learning process in the fieldwork placementis the exposition of practice encounters to the students’critical reflection. Given the importance of the process of‘reflection’ or ‘reflective learning’,a qualitative study based on the reflective logs of social workstudents was conducted to explore the meaning of social workfield education and the learning experiences of social workstudents during their placement. The study findings revealedthat disturbing events experienced by students in their fieldworkwere a catalyst to their reflective process. Meanwhile, theirundue concern with knowledge and skills application within acircumscribed knowledge frame suggests the dominant influenceof scientism and competence-based practice in social work, inwhich learning outcomes and instrumental and technical reasoningare highly emphasized. Discovery of ‘self’ was alsothe major premise in the students’ reflection logs, inwhich a majority of them took their prevailing self-identityas a constant state to be verified in interaction with othersin the fieldwork placement. Reflexivity is manifested in askingfundamental questions about assumptions generated by formaland practice theories; it addresses the multiple interrelationsbetween power and knowledge, and acknowledges the inclusionof self in the process of knowledge creation in social workpractice. Its realization in social work education requiresthe social work educators’ reflexive examination of thedynamics that influence the construction of curriculum, whichin turn construct our prospective social workers.  相似文献   

MSW学位教育的推广表明我国社会工作专业教育取得了较大发展。不过在具体教学中,社会性别主流化这一重要的理论分析视角尚未受到相应的重视。我国MSW教学实践中有必要将社会性别视角引入,培养有社会性别意识和理论素养的社会工作者,在具体教学中探索“赋权增能”方向的社会工作介入方式,进而提升社会工作专业学位的培养效果。  相似文献   

储庆 《社会工作》2012,(5):25-27
问题式学习教学模式以建构主义为基础,认为学生是知识意义的主动建构者,教师只是意义建构的帮助者和促进者。这一基本理念与社会工作"助人自助"核心理念,以及社会工作强调案主与工作者平等专业关系的要求具有诸多共通之处。通过对问题式个案工作课程的教学设计,学生不仅收获了专业理论与专业知识,更是通过问题式学习过程深化了专家价值观的认同,以及对社会工作实务开展具体过程的理解。  相似文献   

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