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自闭症儿童的康复是一个世界性难题。从社会工作视角来看则更加注重自闭症儿童与家庭环境和社会环境的互动。自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者是自闭症儿童社会支持系统的“桥梁”,本文正是从自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者入手来研究其对自闭症儿童康复和积极融入社会的重要意义、面临的困境和相应对策。研究发现,自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者不仅存在经济压力和专业护理知识匮乏,更重要的是其内在巨大的心理压力和社会支持系统不足。本文从社会工作实践的优势视角出发,提出了构建家庭照顾者的互助系统以克服无助悲观的心态,加快恢复家庭的社会功能,促进自闭症儿童和家庭融人日常社会。  相似文献   

当今,融合教育作为一个全新的理念,已经逐渐在特殊教育领域中发挥着重要作用,然而音乐活动在融合教育中的开展还鲜有研究.该文从促进自闭症儿童大脑发育,提高智能水平;提高自闭症儿童的语言发展能力;利于自闭症儿童发展运动、协调能力;帮助自闭症儿童体验多种情感、控制情绪,提高社会适应能力这四个方面阐述了音乐活动在自闭症儿童融合教育中的意义与作用,为进一步开展融合教育探索新的道路.  相似文献   

生育并不会必然带来父母身份的认同,尤其是当孩子有严重残疾时.本文以自闭症儿童为例,通过访谈19位父母和老师来分析父母身份的构建过程.研究发现,正常与残疾间的二元等级和照顾责任的私有化严重挑战着父母身份的认同;性别身份强烈影响着父母对自闭症孩子的接受程度、养育能力和家庭分工,父亲通常比母亲经历了更多的挣扎;宗教信仰以及为自闭症人士和家庭提供服务的专业机构会促进父母身份的认同,但通常要以母亲为中介;自闭症等严重残障带来的挑战超出了个体家庭的承受能力,亟需从经济、职场、情感、育儿技能、社会价值观念等方面提供有效的综合社会保障措施.  相似文献   

李天苏  吴德 《社会福利》2012,(12):47-48
自闭症言语识别特点 自闭症儿童一般都有不同程度的语言障碍.这些障碍涉及到言语行为的方方面面,尽管结构性语言缺乏不是自闭症核心的症状,但是50%的自闭症儿童存在语音、语法、语义的缺陷,特别是语用方面存在严重问题.另外由于自闭症儿童在认知、思维、社会等各方面的能力发展有其特殊性,使其语言障碍表现有鲜明的特色.而且个体间差异非常大,临床上有30%~50%的自闭症儿童最终发展为功能性语言缺失.  相似文献   

在我国,自闭症已经被列为精神残疾,那些被喻为"星星的孩子"的自闭症儿童也因此将可以享有残疾人社会保障政策提供的相应保障。但这类残疾与其他类型残疾不同的特点使该类型残疾儿童、儿童家庭产生特殊的社会福利需要,需要制定相应的社会政策保障他们教育、医疗、就业、生活等方面的权益。评估自闭症儿童的家庭社会福利需要,并倡导制定相应的社会政策,是社会工作者帮助自闭症儿童家庭解决困境的必然选择。经过评估,发现自闭症儿童家庭的社会福利需要主要有经济援助、教育支持、心理援助、健全社会保障体系、建构积极的社会支持网络等。  相似文献   

徐怡 《社会福利》2010,(2):51-52
孤残弱智儿童是社会上最弱小、最困难的群体,如何做好孤残弱智儿童的康复工作,激发这些儿童自我成长、自我发展的潜能,使他们健康地成长,已成为儿童福利院工作者必须思考的问题,也是福利机构长期以来最困惑和十分棘手的难题。温州市儿童福利院就如何做好痴呆症型和自闭症型孤残弱智儿童的康复工作摸索点滴经验。  相似文献   

温谋富 《社会工作》2009,(12):42-45
在我国,自闭症已经被列为精神残疾,那些被喻为“星星的孩子”的自闭症儿童也因此将可以享有残疾人社会保障政策提供的相应保障。但这类残疾与其他类型残疾不同的特点使该类型残疾儿童、儿童家庭产生特殊的社会福利需要,需要制定相应的社会政策保障他们教育、医疗、就业、生活等方面的权益。评估自闭症儿童的家庭社会福利需要,并倡导制定相应的社会政策,是社会工作者帮助白闭症儿童家庭解决困境的必然选择。经过评估,发现自闭症儿童家庭的社会福利需要主要有经济援助、教育支持、心理援助、健全社会保障体系、建构积极的社会支持网络等。  相似文献   

美国每88个孩子中就有一个自闭症儿童,这个比例还在不断增加。正常人无法深切体察自闭症儿童的世界,因为那是无法用语言来表述的。  相似文献   

脑瘫、自闭症儿童康复社会工作介入培训,作为民政部培训中心精品培训项目之一,引导社会工作从理论探究层面,回归到实践操作层面,将社会工作的理念与方法应用到脑瘫自闭症儿童康复的全过程之中,提高康复效果,减轻物理治疗给儿童带来的伤害,同时培养一批专业的社工人才队伍,促进儿童社会工作的发展。  相似文献   

华炜 《社会工作》2011,(24):37-40
目前针对儿童自闭症患者流行的是密集式的感觉统合训练和行为训练,虽然取得一定效果,但在自闭症儿童的情绪情感上疗效甚微。本研究在梳理目前常用的自闭症方法的基础之上创造性的形成了整合治疗模式。该模式旨在以行为分析方法为主导,结合结构化教学、音乐治疗、感觉统合训练、家庭支持式咨询等方法中的各项优势,以期帮助儿童更好的全面发展。  相似文献   

作者采用问卷调查的方法对哈尔滨金太阳·索菲亚商城的258位个体户的生活方式进行了调查.调查结果表明从事服装经营的个体户以已婚女性为主,中专、高中学历者居多.他们关心社会、关心政治;由于工作时间长,业务繁忙,闲暇时间明显不足;以至于虽有较强烈的学习愿望,但很少付诸实践;他们的阅读兴趣与其业务紧密相连.调查还反映出经营时间短的个体户有着炫耀性消费的问题.服装个体户是个体业户中最庞大的组成部分之一,对社会生活有较大的影响,满足他们的需求并进行合理的引导是全社会的共同责任.  相似文献   

Survey data on young people in Russia show that there is a weak relationship between their assessment of where they are in the system of stratification and their position according to material indicators. Young people are in general optimistic about improving their position and see upward mobility as possible for those willing to work hard.  相似文献   

In moral psychology, it has long been argued that empathy is a necessary capacity of both properly developing moral agents and developed moral agency ( Blair, 2008 ; Hume et al., 1978 ). This view stands in tension with the belief that some individuals diagnosed with autism—which is typically characterized as a deficiency in social reciprocity (including empathy)—are moral agents. In this paper we propose to explore this tension and perhaps trouble how we commonly see those with autism. To make this task manageable, we will consider whether high functioning individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder are capable of empathetic responses. If they are, then they possess a capacity that, on the view above, is required for moral agency. If they are not so capable, and yet sometimes engage in moral behaviour, this casts some doubt on the claim that empathy is required for moral agency. This second possibility will necessitate an exploration of the capacity of some individuals with autism to engage in moral behaviour, giving us further grounds to re-see these individuals as moral agents.  相似文献   

What do young people leaving youth care think about their future? How do they view their transition between youth care and adulthood? These questions were answered by 71 young people leaving youth care in Flanders. The analysis of the interviews showed that three groups of young people can be distinguished when it comes to their expectations regarding the transition: those with positive future expectations that do not expect any difficulties during their transition, those with positive future expectations expecting difficulties that will eventually pass, and those with negative future expectations, who do not expect their transition difficulties will pass. Most respondents think the future is looking bright, because they are about to graduate or have graduated, and/or because they are intrinsically motivated to deal with their anticipated transition difficulties. Young people with negative future expectations do not stress their intrinsic motivation. Some of them think a (future) partner and their parents will be able to support them through their difficulties; they do not consider professional support as helpful, however.  相似文献   

Construal Processes in Preference Assessment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Interpreting people's preferences requires understanding how they have construed their tasks, interpreting the proposed alternatives in the context where the evaluation is being made. With stylized experimental or survey choices, researchers' challenge is typically identifying the features that people add in order to make their task real enough to answer (i.e., how they read between the lines). With rich “real world” choices, researchers' challenge is typically identifying the features that people neglect, as they reduce their task to manageable complexity (i.e., which lines they choose to read). In either case, if people misunderstand or mistrust the stated transaction, they may evaluate a different offer than the one that was proposed. Such misconstruals are a nuisance for investigators, insofar as dealing with them delays the measurements that motivated the research. However, they can also provide an opportunity, by focusing attention on how people give meaning to choice situations. This article describes procedures for studying construal processes, strategies for getting people to answer the questions that interest researchers, and options for interpreting responses when people construe questions differently than was intended.  相似文献   

The language of consumerism suggests that through involvement in consumer processes, consumers can influence policy formation and service provision. This paper examines, as illustrative cases in Australia, how two groups of consumers, people with a mental illness and older people, engage with these consumer processes. It finds they critically evaluate the opportunity offered by consumer processes for inclusion in policy and programmes. Both people with a mental illness and interviewed older people indicated how they acted as "agents involved in interpreting their needs", despite finding that in consumer processes their needs were predefined. Rather than allowing themselves to be constructed as passive objects, they positioned themselves as active citizens, having agency not as individual consumers but through drawing on networks. The responses of both groups go some distance toward dismantling power differences between professionals and "consumers", suggesting that social policy and programmes for both people with mental illness and older people can and sometimes do develop in a context of greater inclusivity.  相似文献   

John Lawson, Depth Accessibility Difficulties: An Alternative Conceptualisation of Autism Spectrum Conditions, pp. 189–202.
Autism and Asperger syndrome are psychiatric conditions diagnosed primarily on the basis of deficits and problems in social behaviour; interaction and communication. At present the explanation of these behavioural features is dominated by three cognitive models. However, it is a characteristic of each of these models that they only explain a sub-set of the overall features.
The aim of this paper is to suggest an alternative conceptual theory of autism and Asperger syndrome that unites the current three models. Thus, the aim is to situate the existing models as special cases of the one being proposed here. This alternative conceptualisation draws heavily on distinctions and ideas present in the philosophy of science, most especially in the area of critical realism. Central to the theory is the idea that the core "problem" in autism and Asperger syndrome concerns ontological depth. More specifically, that people with these conditions find it difficult to cope with phenomena characterised by depth (underlying needs, motives beliefs etc.), open systems (rapidly changing, multiple causes) and high internal relationality (converging or changing roles and demands).  相似文献   

The article points out the limitations in surveys measuring religiosity and spirituality using the measures developed in Christian or Western contexts. Japanese people think of religion (shūkyō) as revealed religion such as Christianity that has specific doctrinal belief and faith. Through their history of religious regulation, Japanese people came to consider themselves "non-religious" as a way of survival, not to be punished by political authorities and not to be stigmatized in their community. Thus they tend to answer that they consider themselves "non-religious" in surveys, while performing ritual performances for their ancestors in Buddhist temples and Buddhist altars not only to thank ancestors but also to ease the psychological fear people have toward muenbotoke, restless ancestors who have no legitimate offspring to take care of them. To extend the study of spirituality or religiousness in the Japanese context, qualitative studies are necessary not to misinterpret religiousness and spirituality in Japanese context.  相似文献   

Policies that encourage the aspirations of disabled people for mainstream employment might be an effective way to increase their workforce participation rate. This study aims to determine which people in sheltered employment aspire to a job beyond their current sheltered employment job. We asked 64 people with sheltered employment jobs about their workplace and job fit, their intentions to stay in their current job and their future job aspirations. The key finding is that perceptions of fit indirectly and adversely affect aspirations via intention to stay. Participants who felt they fitted planned to keep working at their sheltered workplace, but a stronger intention to stay made it less likely that they could identify an alternative to sheltered employment. These results were not influenced by age or the time spent in sheltered employment. Policy should therefore support people in sheltered employment to develop realistic job aspirations. Helping disabled people to identify opportunities beyond sheltered employment can avoid complacency and free up sheltered job opportunities for other disabled people. But policy changes are required to leverage sheltered employment as a first step for disabled people to develop mainstream job aspirations and facilitate transitioning beyond sheltered employment job options.  相似文献   

李喜霞 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):104-107
通过对西安市少数民族流动人口进行问卷调查和访谈,研究发现,西安市少数民族流动人口表现形态为:经济收入低,生活形态简单;他们已经呈现出根据自己的意愿选择工作地点,他们对城市生活的评价相对较高;同时他们的成分相对比较复杂,表现在民族类别多,来源地区域分散,他们有比较稳定的居住和交往习惯,他们以生活和工作为核心交往对象,呈现出世俗化的趋向。他们对西安市经济情况较为熟悉,也比较清楚地认识到职业技能培训和权益维护的必要性,他们希望能够在西安获得发展。  相似文献   

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