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浅析个案社会工作方法介入社区矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区矫正是我国正在探索的一种刑罚执行制度,是让符合法定条件的罪犯在社区中执行刑罚。但目前这一制度往往过于强调社区矫正的刑罚性质,而容易忽视服刑人员继续社会化的需求。有必要将个案社会工作方法介入到社区矫正工作中。本文拟从个案工作方法、个案工作过程、个案工作与矫正体系建立,以及个案工作对于专业社区矫正工作者的培养四个层面具体分析个案社会工作介入社区矫正的功能,以验证个案社会工作介入的科学性,并进一步提出改进提升我国目前社区矫正工作模式和方法的可行性措施。  相似文献   

本文以一位聋人学生为个案,通过厌学情绪自评与自陈分析寻找其厌学行为的原因,在归因基础上设计合理的介入方案,通过个案工作手法实施了相应干预措施,并取得了明显的效果。最后通过个案工作反思,希望能为厌学聋人学生的个案工作提供可以参考的方案。  相似文献   

危机介入与个案管理在失独群体中的应用探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
失独者是目前社会关注的热点之一,也是新兴不久的隐性弱势群体,如何去解决这一群体面临的问题成为当下热议的话题。文章试图将危机介入与个案管理的相关方法与技巧结合起来,运用于以失独者为对象的个案工作中,试图利用社会工作的专业知识去帮助失独个体摆脱困境。本文首先简单介绍研究背景与意义,然后在界定失独者对象特征的基础上进一步分析这一群体普遍存在的心理、经济和社会资源问题,接着阐述危机介入和个案管理的相关理论,结合失独者特点去探讨具体介入步骤和技巧,最后反思二者运用于失独者个案工作中的注意事项并在文末小结。  相似文献   

聂玉梅  童琳 《社会工作》2009,(18):22-24
本文以一位聋人学生为个案,通过厌学情绪自评与自陈分析寻找其厌学行为的原因,在归因基础上设计合理的介入方案,通过个案工作手法实施了相应干预措施,并取得了明显的效果。最后通过个案工作反思,希望能为厌学聋人学生的个案工作提供可以参考的方案。  相似文献   

个案管理是来自不同职业和不同专业的人员组成的团队,为个案提供持续性“一揽子服务”的方法。当前,心理危机干预工作迫切要求各高校建立健全一支能整合各方资源、分工协作的工作团队。新时代背景下,高校需要以个案管理的模式介入学生心理危机干预工作,深入推进学生心理健康教育工作的发展。  相似文献   

传统个案社会工作往往在理论上运用个别治疗模式,社会工作实践中使用多个,未能充分发挥其作用。该个案综合分析案主问题,伊始确立多种治疗模式综合介入,协助案主分析自身问题,有次序有步骤地帮助案主克服困难,解决学习生活问题。通过心理疏导及学习实践,改善了原有精神面貌及学习生活状况,达到治疗效果。  相似文献   

传统个案社会工作往往在理论上运用个别治疗模式,社会工作实践中使用多个,未能充分发挥其作用。该个案综合分析案主问题,伊始确立多种治疗模式综合介入,协助案主分析自身问题,有次序有步骤地帮助案主克服困难,解决学习生活问题。通过心理疏导及学习实践,改善了原有精神面貌及学习生活状况,达到治疗效果。  相似文献   

当前众多高校大学生基于不同缘由投身家教活动。家教对象面临的基本问题与自身的个性特征及其所处的学习环境、家庭环境、社会环境等多方面因素有关,传统家教模式很少考虑这些相关因素。广西师范学院大学生综合考虑家教对象的学习情况及所处环境等诸多因素,运用社会工作方法介入家教活动,起到明显的效果。具体以社会工作专业中的个案工作方法和青少年社会工作方法介入大学生家教活动的这一家教模式应得到大力推广和运用。  相似文献   

张丽芬  肖飞 《社会工作》2013,(1):105-112,154
社会工作的专业介入是肿瘤患者康复的重要条件。本研究运用个案研究的方法,基于社会工作的优势视角理论、互动理论、群体动力理论、干预理论、预估理论以及标签理论等专业视角,探讨了个案工作、小组工作、社区工作介入肿瘤患者的行动模式。  相似文献   

丁瑜  李会 《社会》2013,33(4):117-146
本文源于社会工作者在广州某精神病院介入一位强迫症患者的实务反思。首先,本文描述精神病院这一专家权力掌控的“全控机构”,凸显全控机构下日常生活实践的碎片化特点。而这既是住院康复精神病人主体性展现的空间,也是社会工作者同理与接纳个案的理想平台,为探讨日常生活实践充权的可能性创造了条件。其次,本文反思与个案建立专业关系的过程,重新理解个案日常生活与外界环境的互动行为的意涵,不仅认识到个案本身的主体性力量和其中存在的充权可能性,也认识到日常生活实践对实现社会工作者同理与接纳的重要意义。这提醒社会工作者在实务过程中要时刻反思如何激发个案主体性,帮助其实现自我认同与接纳。  相似文献   

随着老龄化时代的到来和人们生活质量的提高,老年临终关怀受到越来越多的关注。社会工作是一项助人自助的专业工作,可以通过综合运用个案工作、小组工作、社区工作三大社会工作专业方法,对临终老人及其家属进行多层次、全方位的介入。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a family-centered approach to working with older adults. This framework utilizes a differential use of family therapy and therapeutic mediation theoretical concepts and skills. This provides an effective approach to conceptualizing and intervening with these often complex situations regarding the decision-making processes related to care of older members. Family-centered mediators/clinicians must be skilled in both models to understand and intervene in the challenging issues presented by families. A case example is included in the article to illustrate the framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a family-centered approach to working with older adults. This framework utilizes a differential use of family therapy and therapeutic mediation theoretical concepts and skills. This provides an effective approach to conceptualizing and intervening with these often complex situations regarding the decision-making processes related to care of older members. Family-centered mediators/clinicians must be skilled in both models to understand and intervene in the challenging issues presented by families. A case example is included in the article to illustrate the framework.  相似文献   

Antibullying interventions that encourage bystanders to intervene have variable outcomes, some even associated with increased rates of bullying. In this article, I account for these challenges with a reconceptualization of the bystander role within an intersubjective field of traumatic enactment. Bystanders in adolescence and emerging adulthood can learn to play a crucial role in mitigating the traumatic effects of peer aggression by providing recognition of social pain from the unique vantage of peers—a role that parents, teachers, and clinicians must play with younger children. Two case examples demonstrate the need and potential for peers to provide empathic and accountable recognition.  相似文献   

作为生产要素市场最重要的力量之一,高校毕业生就业市场构建的好坏直接影响着整个经济市场的稳定与发展。通过梳理国内外关于高校毕业生就业市场构建问题的研究成果,可获得以下启示:市场各主体只有齐心协力才能构建良性的高校毕业生就业市场,其一,政府科学制定政策,引导就业市场各主体“有所作为”;其二,高校主动适应市场,积极进行教育教学改革;其三,用人单位转变观念,主动参与就业市场建设;其四,社会机构抓住机遇,通过就业服务壮大自己;其五,高校毕业生提升自我素质,主动适应就业市场竞争。  相似文献   

大学生志愿者服务进社区探析——以桂林市大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生志愿者服务进社区,在服务社区和居民,解决社会问题方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文运用实地调查及问卷调查方法,从大学生参与社区志愿服务对其自身、学校、社区和社会各方面的作用入手,探讨了大学生志愿者服务进社区的必要性,分析了大学生志愿者服务进社区的可行性,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the involvement of ministries of health in making health service coverage decisions in Denmark, England, France and Germany. The study aims to inform debate in England about the feasibility of reducing perceived ministerial and bureaucratic ‘interference’ in decisions affecting the National Health Service, based on interviews with senior government officials and other health system stakeholders. Ministries of health differ in their involvement in health system governance and coverage decisions (‘the benefits package’), reflecting differences in institutional arrangements. In all four countries, organizations at arm's length or independent from government are either involved in providing technical advice to the ministry of health or have been mandated to take these decisions themselves. However, ministries of health occasionally intervene in the decision‐making process or ignore the advice of these organizations. The Department of Health in England is not an aberrant case, at least in relation to coverage decisions. Indeed, ministries of health in Denmark and France play a larger role in making these decisions. Public pressure, often amplified by the media, is a shared reason for ministerial and ministry involvement in all four countries. This dynamic may thus limit the feasibility of attempts to further separate the NHS from both the Department of Health and wider political pressures.  相似文献   

This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.  相似文献   


This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.  相似文献   

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