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曹伟峰 《社科纵横》2013,(1):102-105
本文通过对北欧国家对同性恋群体婚姻合法化历史进程、基本权益问题及其背后观念变化的考察,梳理同性恋运动(包括LGBT[1])及同性婚姻合法化背后的人类普遍人权、自由、平等的价值诉求与人道主义线索,为中国应对相关法律与社会问题提供必要的借鉴。  相似文献   

城里的“飘飘”:成都本地同性恋身份的形成和变迁   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
魏伟 《社会》2007,27(1):67-67
中国当代社会和经济的变迁,促进了同性恋身份及其身份社区的出现。本文根据在成都市所进行的田野调查,从建构主义的视角,考察了本地语境下三种男同性恋身份——“飘飘”、“同志”和gay的形成和变迁。尽管今天成都的男同性恋者在日常生活中交替使用上述三个身份称谓,但是三个称谓隐含了不同的文化参照和政治内涵。笔者认为“飘飘”身份在本地的同性恋历史传统和现代同性恋身份之间起到了一个承上启下的作用,而“同志”身份则极大地推动了中国当代同性恋者的表现形式从行为向身份的转变,促进了同性恋社区的形成和壮大。  相似文献   

在“中国”与“同性恋”两条脉络里,对英文文献中的中国同性恋研究进行系统地梳理。在“中国”方面,回顾了围绕中国同性恋的“中国性”展开的争论,以及争论背后浮现的全球化同性恋身份与中国文化孕育的同性恋亚文化之间的张力;在“同性恋”方面,首先以香港的同志运动为例呈现出(后)身份政治的寓言,随后检视最近出版的学术专著是如何扮演当下时代(后)身份政治的建构性角色的。最后提供了两点知识论反思———围绕着“中国”问题展开的文献/理论与现实的关系问题的反思,围绕着“同性恋”问题展开的对斯皮瓦克意义上的“底层人”再现问题的反思。  相似文献   

同性恋与艾滋病预防对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
艾滋病和艾滋病病毒感染与其他疾病不同的一点是,涉及一些特殊的人群,例如吸毒者、卖淫嫖娼者和同性恋者.这些人群处于社会的边缘和弱势地位.同性恋人群是艾滋病病毒易感人群,尽管目前在我国同性恋者感染艾滋病病毒者人数尚少,但如果不教育他们改变高危行为,不制定一个切实可行的政策对待他们,将不能团结他们达到减少他们本身疾病的发生及预防和控制艾滋病在社会上流行的目的,因此对与同性恋人群相关问题的解决十分重要.因为一方面他们的行为使他们容易感染艾滋病病毒,另一方面他们容易受到社会的羞辱和歧视,教育很难达到他们.从预防艾滋病的大局出发,正确认识和对待他们,可能在某种程度上成为预防艾滋病病毒蔓延的关键.中国目前还没有制订出一个合适的对策,使同性恋人群有效地改变行为和预防性病与艾滋病.本文着重讨论与同性恋人群预防艾滋病对策有关的伦理问题.希望这一讨论有助干同性恋与艾滋病预防对策的制定.  相似文献   

就在过去的几年间,在大多数使用英语的世界中,酷儿(Queen)这个词——一个善良的人们过去从来不会去用的词——摆脱了引号。它日益广泛的传播,反映出三个大致相当然而又不易联系在一起的新发展:出现了像“酷儿国”、“行动”和(英国的)“愤怒”一类群体政治活动的新事态;男女同性恋研究的新学科在学术界赢得了巩固的地位;以及一种自称酷儿理论的智力事业的兴起——第三项在某种程度上是前面两种新事物的反映。  相似文献   

魏伟  蔡思庆 《社会》2012,32(6):57-85
这些年来,李银河提交同性婚姻提案的努力,将同性恋伴侣关系和家庭生活引入了公众视野,但国内学术研究对此尚无涉及。基于对成都“同志”社区的实地研究,本文详细考察了男同性恋伴侣关系和家庭生活的具体实践、追求平等关系、反思现有婚姻制度,以及争取社会承认的努力。研究强调中国社会中的同性之间的亲密关系正在转型,同性恋伴侣关系开始挣脱占据主导地位的异性恋亲属体系,成为一种可供选择的家庭生活模式。同时,借鉴西方近期关于“酷儿”家庭的理论和实践,文章讨论了同性恋伴侣关系对于主流社会和亲属制度的启示,呼吁在制度上给予这样的“草根”实践以更多的承认。  相似文献   

本文通过对郁达夫等作家的同性恋文本进行分析试图阐释体现在现代中国文学中同性恋叙事的文本意义和审美价值,考察作家的文学策略和审美倾向,以及隐含在文本背后的作家主体的文化心理。本文认为同性恋叙事的出现是作家的文化策略而非倾向,从这种策略中体现出现代民族国家的建立过程中现代知识分子所经受的灵与肉的双重考验。  相似文献   

上世纪60年代,精子银行的出现,成了不少不孕夫妇、单身女性、同性恋家庭的福音,让他们(她们)也能当上爸爸妈妈。与此同时,一个家庭的“家谱”也因此变得越来越复杂。  相似文献   

罗牧原 《社会》2016,36(2):215-241
本文通过对《9个gay》和《一屋赞客》中同性恋相关内容的分析,意在说明在异/同性恋正统主义的逻辑下,网络视频对同性恋的再现被囿于私领域的牢笼,消费、爱情与亲密关系、家庭等成为同性恋生活的核心面向,而私领域与性别维度以外的同性恋生活则被剥夺了可见性的资格。与这种逻辑相对应的同性恋形象指向了年轻的城市中产阶级,而没有能力、没有条件、没有意愿遵循这种逻辑的人被进一步边缘化,变得更加的不可见、不可理解。这是一种充满悖论的可见性:一方面,它有利于改变社会对同性恋的污名化和刻板印象,并为争取同性恋的公民权利打下基础;另一方面,这种可见性是以剥夺了私领域以外的生活与更加边缘的群体的可见性为代价的,它并非一条通往自由之路,而更容易将人引入歧途。  相似文献   

偷窃、艳照、玩同性恋、街拍女王、八卦女,好莱坞最愚蠢50人排行榜中高居榜首……不错,她才是真正的好莱坞女人!  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines the influence of beliefs about the cause of homo‐sexuality on public policy attitudes concerning gay rights. Methods. Using data from the 1995 Oklahoma City Survey, we examine how beliefs about homosexuality as either a lifestyle choice or biological predisposition affect levels of support for gay rights. Results. Consistent with current debates over gay rights, our study reveals a strong positive association between biological attributions of homosexuality and support for gay rights. Opposition to gay rights is most pronounced among political conservatives, fundamentalist Protestants, persons with little or no favorable contact with gays, individuals who embrace negative stereotypes about gays, and persons with high scores on an index of homophobia. Conclusions. Etiological beliefs about homosexuality have a strong influence on public policy attitudes toward gay rights.  相似文献   

Harry Cocks 《Social history》2016,41(3):267-284
The common law offence of conspiracy to corrupt public morals has a long though controversial history in English law. It was a charge mainly employed against obscenity, procuring prostitution, keeping a disorderly house, public indecency and public mischief. These could be interpreted by the courts as facets of a single offence known as conspiracy to corrupt public morals. The charge was used intermittently in the twentieth century, mainly against the arrangement of prostitution and ‘disorderly houses’ used by homosexual men. It was applied again in 1960 in the Ladies Directory case and was subsequently used against gay men who advertised for friends and partners in the underground magazine International Times (IT). The prosecution of IT was based on the legal principle that certain forms of ‘outrageously immoral’ conduct were in themselves corrupting of public morals, whether such conduct was legal or not. This principle placed male homosexuality in the legal category of ‘unlawful’ or ‘wrongful’ acts. In that sense, even after the decriminalization of homosexuality between men in 1967, it still had an uncertain legal status. Conspiracy to corrupt public morals cast a shadow over early attempts to create a gay civil society that was partly based on magazines and personal advertising. For conservative critics of the 1967 Act, conspiracy charges had the useful effect of curtailing public expressions of homosexuality.  相似文献   

Objective. Past research reveals how religion and opinions about the cause of homosexuality influence attitudes concerning same‐sex unions. No study to date contains a comprehensive collection of religion measures while also accounting for views of the cause of homosexuality. Therefore, this study investigates the extent to which religion predicts certain attribution beliefs as well as attitudes toward same‐sex unions while controlling for attribution beliefs. Method. The Baylor Religion Survey (2007 ) is used to estimate binary logistic models predicting the effects of religion and attribution beliefs on attitudes toward same‐sex unions. Findings. First, religion is strongly associated with the belief that homosexuals choose their sexual orientation. Second, religion maintains a significant association with attitudes toward same‐sex unions despite inclusion of an attribution variable. Conclusion. Even if a biological explanation for homosexuality is ultimately proven, unfavorable attitudes toward same‐sex unions will most likely endure due to religion's persistent effect.  相似文献   

We are trapped in two divergent worlds when it comes to global views on homosexuality. There is the liberal world epitomized by Spain and other nations, where homosexuality is increasingly accepted; gays and lesbians are claiming their human rights; and laws are changing to codify that transformation. The second is the extremely anti-gay world symbolized by Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia, where attitudes are favorable to criminalization. This research explains the “African Gap” in attitudes toward homosexuality in a comparative analysis of six African nations and Argentina and Canada, South and North America's most liberal nations on gay rights. Using Pew's 2015 Spring Global Attitudes Survey data, we find that the major variables have essentially similar effects on opinion in any context. Africa's distinction is explained by its comparatively higher levels of factors such as religion, morality dogma, and low socioeconomic status that generally retard support for homosexuality, at the same time of lower levels of factors such as education, urbanization, and personal liberty that increase gay support. Africa's extreme anti-gay outlook is mutable. Two social forces will facilitate this softening: expansion of liberalizing agents such as education and urbanization, and repositioning away from “traditionalism” toward modernism emphasizing individualism, civil rights, and personal liberties.  相似文献   

Objectives. This study examines the factors that shape public acceptance of homosexuality and support for same-sex marriage across age cohorts.Methods. We analyzed data from two national surveys. We constructed hierarchical logistic and hierarchical ordinary least squares regressions for relevant age cohorts in order to test our hypotheses and explore our research questions.Results. Our models suggest that personal contact has a greater impact on the attitudes of younger respondents, positively influencing public acceptance of homosexuality. Alternatively, religious and ideological predispositions have a greater impact on the attitudes of older individuals. When examining public support for gay marriage, we find that younger individuals have higher levels of deliberative engagement with the issue debate, while older individuals rely more heavily on their predispositions when determining issue stance. Interestingly, measures of media exposure are not significantly related to either public acceptance of homosexuality or support for same-sex marriage, suggesting that other factors may have a greater impact on public attitudes at this point in time.Conclusion. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of the emergence of a new political generation and the continuing struggle for gay civil rights.  相似文献   

消费主义和“同志”空间:都市生活的另类欲望地图   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏伟 《社会》2009,29(4):79-106
基于对在成都市同性恋社区中桑拿、酒吧和健身房等“同志”商业性场所的民族志研究,本文以列斐伏尔的“空间的生产”的视角,探讨了在目前中国都市消费革命的推动下,作为新的“差异空间”的“同志”空间的生产和发展。笔者认为,市场经济和消费主义的兴起,使传统上属于私人领域的同性恋问题被置于属于公共范畴的市场经济之中,并赢得了新的社会合法性。虽然仍然面临诸多来自国家和社会的压制,但“同志”人群公共空间的拓展,从一个侧面反映了消费革命所带来的“解放”和“自由”。这些商业性场所是“同志”社区的重要组成部分,通过参与社区的活动,同志人群在性、语言、兴趣和价值观念等方面彼此认同,构成了后来“同志运动”得以发展的文化基础。  相似文献   

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