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面对汹涌而至的"银发浪潮",如何让老年人安享晚年,消除人口老龄化给社会经济可持续发展带来的负面影响,这已经成为全社会普遍关心的问题。虽然居家养老在解决我国现阶段的养老困境方面有家庭养老和机构养老所没有的优势,但如今也正经历着制约制度发展的"瓶颈"而陷入了困境。因此,应积极探讨完善居家养老的方法和对策,使其更加符合我国的国情,成为一种真正适宜中国国情的养老模式。  相似文献   

社区化的居家养老模式探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国人口老龄化的特征越来越明显,传统的家庭养老与社会化的机构养老已经无法满足我国日益增长的养老需求。近些年来,我国的养老形势比较严峻,老年人的养老问题已经成为政府和社会面对的一大难题。在这样的背景下,社区化的居家养老,作为一种将传统的家庭养老和社会化的机构养老二者优点相结合而产生的全新养老模式,既能较好地满足我国日益膨胀的养老需求,又能够有效地解决我国传统的"孝"文化与现实生活中家庭对老年人生活照料的压力日益增大二者之间的冲突,为解决我国的老有所养问题指明一条新的道路。  相似文献   

农村养老服务资金保障的困境 投入与资源严重不足,供给与需求矛盾尖锐 中国长期实行的是城乡二元分割体制,一直对农村养老服务工作缺乏重视,国家和集体对农村养老服务工作的资金投入严重不足。  相似文献   

目前的养老方式主要有两种:一种是居家老人通过自理、家庭照顾和社区(社会)帮助养老;一种是老人去专门机构通过相对专业的服务养老。两种情况简称为居家养老和机构养老,前者面向90%以上的绝大部分老人,后者面向小部分的特殊老人。  相似文献   

无锡市滨湖区是国家民政部2005年确定的全国46个首批养老服务社会化示范活动试点单位之一,也是江苏省首批养老服务社会化示范区。全区现有60岁以上老年人口8.9万人,占  相似文献   

韩振秋 《社会福利》2010,(10):42-43
社区居家养老服务凸显五大障碍 之一:观念障碍 社区居家养老与传统家庭养老有着本质的区别,居家养老服务作为一个新生事物,它具有强大的生命力,但必然会在发展过程中遭受一些阻力,只有通过积极宣传倡导,才能使这一理念深入人心。  相似文献   

戴晓玉 《社会福利》2014,(10):28-30
泰州市人口老龄化形势严峻,为破解养老服务难题,弥补传统家庭养老和机构养老的不足,泰州市大力发展社区居家养老服务,努力实现老年人养老不离家的愿望。为积极应对人口老龄化,回应老年人多元化养老需求,建议应从“八个强化”入手,着力发挥居家养老基础性作用,让全市老年人安享幸福晚年。  相似文献   

近年来,威海市不断加大养老服务社会化的推进力度,积极探索新途径,初步构建起以居家养老为基础、社区服务为依托、机构养老为补充的社会化养老服务体系。  相似文献   

浙江省台州市温岭、三门、路娇等地根据当地实际,建设了一批集居住、休闲、康复于一体的老年公寓,创造了台州农村养老新模式,已成为浙江省农村居家养老模式的亮点之一。这些农村老年公寓养老模式最大的特点是变传统的家庭养老为集中居家养老,具体做法为:一般由村集体出钱兴建老年公寓,  相似文献   

贾振波 《社会福利》2008,(10):45-45
面对越来越严峻的养老服务形势,市南区注重机构养老、社区养老、居家养老三方面的均衡协调发展,形成了“以居家养老为基础、社区养老为依托、机构养老为补充”的养老服务体系。与此同时,针对如何开发、挖掘和利用养老服务机构资源,把日间照料中心建在养老服务机构,利用养老机构的设施和人力资源,既减少了经费投入,又使养老服务机构的富余资源得到了充分利用,取得了多赢的效果。  相似文献   

非正式支持:应对北京市老龄问题的重要方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚远 《北京社会科学》2003,(4):71-76,83
非正式支持是应对老龄问题的重要方式。随着北京市人口老龄化发展和老龄问题的变化 ,非正式支持的作用会越来越大。本文首先分析了北京市老龄问题的新变化及其对非正式支持的需求 ,接着分析了非正式支持的经济补充作用、情感和照料的主导作用 ,最后提出了强化非正式支持的对策建议  相似文献   

This paper analyses how social support enhances family resilience in kinship foster families by involving the families in an educational group programme. Sixty‐two kinship foster families from Spain participated in the research. The data were collected before the programme (interviews) and after the programme (interviews and focus groups), and these were analysed by content analysis with the programme Atlas.ti. The results show that the factors that contribute most to the development of family resilience are as follows: (i) feeling able to look for solutions when facing problems; (ii) an increase of their network of formal support; (iii) being able to offer support to other foster families; and (iv) feeling that the support they give to parents' foster children is socially recognized.  相似文献   

清代的戏曲极为流行,同旗人的热情参与有关。清朝各个阶层的旗人中戏曲爱好者层出不穷,几任皇帝曾经以政府力量支持戏曲发展,旗人王公贵族听戏玩戏一掷千金,有的旗人票友甚至为之倾家荡产。旗人对戏曲的痴迷与投入也蕴含着民族融合的历史意义。  相似文献   

Background: Namibia has one of the highest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence rates and one of the highest rates of orphanhood in the world, and older caregivers provide much of the care to Namibians living with HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (UNAIDS, 2014). In this study, the authors explore how financial status, social support, and health were related to the resilience of caregivers caring for people affected by HIV and AIDS in rural northern Namibia, Africa. Method: Data were collected through a structured interview from (= 147) caregivers from the Zambezi region. Results: Findings from this study show that employment and physical health were significantly associated with increased resilience in older caregivers. Discussion: Our findings point to the need for employment assistance and health services to improve the resilience of caregivers caring for people living with HIV and AIDS. We conclude that there is a need for more vigorous concerted efforts from public and private sector practitioners and policy makers to create more sustained formal employment opportunities and intervention programs aimed at improving the overall health of older HIV caregivers, especially those residing in rural HIV endemic communities in developing countries.  相似文献   

Though providing baths in the community for disabled and older people has long been an area of service dispute, it has received little academic or policy attention. This is partly because bathing and washing are assumed to be common-sense activities. This paper suggests instead that washing and bathing are far from straightforward or common-sense and that specific meanings attach to them in ways that affect how people experience the receiving of help in these areas. It explores the history of bathing and washing and the significance of touch and nakedness in service provision. It then turns to the service providers who have traditionally undertaken such work—the community nursing and home care services—exploring the rationales that underlie such patterns and the implications of current changes in community care.  相似文献   

The well‐being of children in informal kinship care and their caregivers is a growing concern globally. This study explored the lived experiences of 23 kin caregivers raising children left behind in rural Northeast China while their migrant parents worked and lived in cities. The findings show that the expected authority and responsibility caregivers carry sometimes conflict with their social role of being children's grandparents. Caregivers' feelings about and understandings of these roles are shaped through their social interactions in local communities. In view of their situation and caregivers' self‐conscious attitudes towards utilizing local resources' future formal service provision and social support should take caregivers' viewpoints into account. These views are embedded in and shaped by their rural living context and relationships with community members who influence caregivers' perceptions and child rearing practices.  相似文献   

北京市乡镇企业出口的规模、分布与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一组数据对北京市乡镇企业出口的总体规模、行业与地域分布、以及产品与市场结构进行了说明与重点分析[1] 。在总额快速增长的同时 ,京郊乡镇企业出口表现出一些结构性问题 ,反映在企业规模小、产品档次低、区域发展不平衡 ,以及出口市场相对集中等方面。今后应积极鼓励乡镇企业提升出口产品的资本、技术含量 ,改善出口商品结构 ,同时鼓励企业的适度集中 ,通过形成产业群集实现集约化发展 ,完成乡镇企业二次创业的任务。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the IPS implementation process in a first‐episode psychosis (FEP) mental health service team in Sweden. More specifically, the study explores how integration processes and critical situations are perceived over time by team members who originated from two diverse welfare organizations. A serial interview design was used (initially, at 6 and 12 months) to describe experiences of 16 team members. Material was analyzed using a constant comparison grounded theory approach. Team members dealt with the ambivalence of sharing mental health information, and whether the new way of working was a risk or benefit for users. They gradually learned new perspectives and knowledge, built trust and shared common views. After a year, the team workload perceived reduced and became person‐centred. Some members described remaining unclear roles and requested further support. Negotiated goals for integration and early knowledge transfer are critical. Organizational change and trusting team relationships have to be facilitated. Anticipated gains of integration should be clearly described and discussed early on, and continuous support for sustainability should be considered. This study confirmed the importance and potential of integrating IPS into FEP teams.  相似文献   

文章基于对北京石景山区Y小区中外来务工人员生活和社区融合状况的调查,揭示了城市社区中外来务工人员的融人情况和面临的主要问题,并分析了造成这种情况的原因,主要从社区层面上提出了促进社区融合的建议。对于前人关于外来务工人员城市适应问题的研究进行了补充。  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a critical analysis of the role of support in teenage motherhood. Family, partner and peer support are considered and literature emanating from both the USA and UK is reviewed. In summary the research literature indicates that family support is particularly important to teenage mothers and has been found to have a positive influence on parenting behaviours and practices. However, the mother–daughter relationship is not always a straightforward one and conflict between the two can diminish some of the positive impact. The research on partner support highlights how support from fathers and/or other male partners has been linked with improved financial and psychological outcomes for teenage mothers as well as having a positive influence on parenting behaviours. There is also evidence to suggest that support from partners may become increasingly important to teenage mothers over time and can be a valuable source of socializing participation and positive feedback. While the research available on peer support is much more limited it suggests that the emotional support of peers is perceived as being important by teenage mothers. Current research findings suggest that families, partners and peers tend to provide different, but complementary, forms of support for teenage mothers which, on the whole, appear to contribute to more positive outcomes for this group.  相似文献   

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