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本文首次系统回顾了英美社会工作实务模式的历史形成、发展、演变轨迹与时代特征,并将其划分为1900-1950年代、1960-1970年代、1980-2000年、2000年以来四大历史发展阶段。社会工作实务专业化、理论化、质量化与综合化是四个阶段的历史主题和时代特征。本文首次将社会工作实务模式划分为:方法技巧为基础的实务模式,社会工作教育实务模式,专门领域的实务模式,宏观、中观和微观模式,学科专业为基础的实务模式,理论流派为基础的实务模式,社会工作实务理论模式,混合型实务模式,结构化与功能化实务模式,综合性和制度化实务模式,全球性和跨文化社会工作实务模式,共计十一类实务模式。这些社会工作实务模式典型反映了现代社会工作实务模式的结构体系,清晰反映了英美社会工作实务价值化、专业化、教育化、理论化、模式化、国际化与文化化趋势。更为重要的是,本文首次全面系统分析了英美社会工作实务模式类型体系的结构、功能与演变规律,总结了英美社会工作实务模式类型结构性变迁历史经验,比较了不同类型实务模式的异同之处。最后,本文简要归纳了英美社会工作专业和社会工作实务模式发展变迁的结构化路径,探索了社会工作实务体系与社会工作专业发展的普世规律,为中国特色社会工作制度框架设计与实务模式建构提供了历史智慧,为构建中国特色福利制度与和谐社会,创造美好新生活贡献专业力量,指明了专业发展方向。  相似文献   

助人关系量表是社会工作实务中用于评估助人关系强度的量表。它有助于社会工作者和案主检验他们对助人关系的认知。该量表由工作者版本和案主版本组成,信效度高。它既是一个测量工具,又可促进助人关系,适合于各种助人情境。  相似文献   

精准扶贫内涵与实务:社会工作视角的初步解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精准扶贫源于领导说法和政府文件,是扶贫开发进入攻坚克难阶段的重要战略。精准扶贫之“贫”、“扶”和“精准”均有多重解读。鉴于精准扶贫和社会工作的同构品性,社会工作实务的对象、主体、目标、方法和伦理的要素特点,社会工作实务的需求评估、方案制订、计划推行和评估总结的阶段技术,均可以成为精准扶贫达到理想效果的重要参鉴。  相似文献   

文军 《社会工作》2023,(6):5-8+97-98
“不确定性”正在成为现代社会发展的一个整体性特征,其给社会工作教育、实务、伦理、研究等方面带来了一系列的挑战。对此,必须加强社会工作学科体系建设,建立面向未来发展的社会工作知识体系和方法体系:一是持续推进反思性社会工作教育,提高社会工作者的不确定性应对能力;二是打造社会工作情境性服务模式,提高社会工作实务的灵活性和有效性;三是构筑包容型社会工作伦理体系,提供不确定性时代的行动准则和参照;四是打破传统“确定性”思维桎梏,建构与“不确定性”共生的研究体系。社会工作教育者更是要学会在不确定性中来提升社会工作的应对能力,以推动社会工作学科体系深度融入不确定性的治理结构之中。  相似文献   

中国是一个统一的多民族国家.许多的灾害发生在民族地区.如何在民族地区开展灾害社会工作是一个重要的议题.民族敏感视角是多元文化情境中社会工作实务的一种理论视角.本文就民族敏感视角下的灾害社会工作的不同阶段、不同内容、不同人物展开了探讨.  相似文献   

本文全面梳理英美社会工作实务范围内容的历史形成、发展轨迹和界定取向,系统总结英美代表性人物和机构社工实务概念框架的范围内容和实务体系的主要构成要素。本研究发现,英美社会工作实务范围内容的历史性主题是直接服务、协调与沟通、教学与教育服务、咨询服务、倡导性服务、研究性活动、社会工作干预评估研究和行政管理,共八大类。英美社会工作实务概念界定存在"非专业、非社工"的慈善公益服务,社会工作教育培训,社会个案工作方法,社会工作专门服务领域,以及社会工作实务概念的内涵外延界定五种最主要模式。在描述社工实务概念结构、层次与相互关系基础上,总结社会工作实务范围内容结构性演变规律。社会工作实务由非专业到专业服务,由直接服务到间接服务,由点面性服务到系统性服务,全面性、过程性、专业性、系统性社会工作服务体系框架形成,反映社会工作专业成熟程度。在此基础上,笔者首次界定现代取向的社会工作实务概念框架内涵,建构现代社会工作实务体系,目的是为建构中国特色社会工作制度框架设计与实务体系提供历史智慧,为构建健康福祉和谐社会,创造幸福美好新生活贡献社工专业智慧,指明中国特色社工实务与专业发展方向。  相似文献   

社会工作实验室在情境教学中的功能探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会工作实验室是社会工作教学中重要的平台和手段,不仅仅能够帮助学生体验和练习社会工作实务技巧,还能够丰富教师在理论教学中的手段和方式。本文试图从情境教学出发,探讨社会工作实验室在情境教学中的使用,从而丰富教学手段,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

在政府强力推动社会工作职业化的过程中,中国社会工作职业化中的几对矛盾突显出来:政府推动与社会工作的自主发展、民间组织发育的两难困境、社会工作教育难以适应职业化的需要、承认现有人员与引进专业人员、社会服务供给与需求的地域不平衡等。这需要社会工作教育做出回应,包括促进教学、研究与实务的结合、促进社会工作评估技术的发展、专业教育与培训教育相结合、促进诊断性社会工作的发展,探索多样化的社会工作实务模式。  相似文献   

李同 《社会工作》2011,(20):15-18
社会工作助人实践中社会工作者和受助者之间的专业关系直接影响助人实践的成败。西方社会工作理论对专业关系有比较细致的研究和相对详尽的实务原则,现阶段的本土性社会工作则由于本土文化、专业发展阶段等因素的影响要求在实践中对专业关系的把握需要注意自身的特点。高度情感卷入、有条件的接纳、案主自决的适当介入和时间上的延展性构成现阶段本土社会工作实践专业关系的特点。社会工作者对这些特点的总结、理解和把握将推动社会工作事业的发展和制度化的建设。  相似文献   

刘玲 《社会工作》2011,(8):38-40
社会建构主义是一种反实证主义的学术思潮和运动。社会建构主义影响下的社会工作实务原则包括;对本土化的强调、社工与案主关系及社工角色的不断反思、社会工作实践模式的转变。在社会工作建构主义实务原则指导下的小组工作反思包括:“前台-后台”情节反思、需求评估目标确定及活动节目安排反思、小组工作者的角色反思。  相似文献   

This paper examines economic assumptions used in assessing prospective economic adjustment of Latin America in response to its debt problems. The analysis compares forecasts obtained by combining parameter estimates from different researchers' trade models with the authors' macroeconomic models for Brazil. Chile, and Mexico. The influence of econometric procedure on simulation results is discussed. Then, by simulation analysis, the following issues are addressed: (1) likelihood of high domestic growth rates for Latin America in the late 1980s; (2) whether OECD growth or interest rates have a larger impact on developing-country economies; (3) effects of dollar depreciation and high interest rates on Latin America's debt problems.  相似文献   

社会发展:涵义、结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会发展是一个评价性范畴,其本质是社会实践,其核心是人的发展,其形式是社会时间和社会空间.社会发展既有自己内在的基本要素,又有外在的基本形式,其结构是内在要素与外在形式的统一.社会发展有四大功能改造变革的功能、满足维护的功能、调控功能和创新功能.  相似文献   

Change within social work organizations is incessant. This has implications for senior managers and elected members who have to manage these changes. The Department of Health has introduced new guidance entitled the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families ( Department of Health 1999a ). The guidance is based on a number of principles that require an attitudinal shift in terms of assessing ways of safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. This paper describes strategic approaches to the effective introduction of the framework within social services departments and other child welfare organizations. Two models have been adapted from practice: the actual framework for assessing children and their families and the Protchaska and DiClementi model of change. These models complement each other. The adapted Assessment Framework provides a structure to assess the readiness of the organization for the implementation of the new framework. The model of change provides a schema for planning, implementing and reviewing the introduction and operation of the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families. Although the focus of the paper is the introduction of the new guidance , the models can be utilized by senior managers in any social care organization who are facilitating major changes in the organization.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the importance of assumptions made about market structure and firm behavior in empirical trade policy analysis. The contribution to the relevant literature is 3-fold: first the paper develops two original models which incorporate imperfectly competitive market structures in a spatial modeling framework; then it proposes a procedure to identify the degree of market power in international trading which is consistent with observed prices and traded quantities, and applies it to the banana market; finally, it assesses how analysis of the implications of recent changes in the EU import regimes for bananas (the Economic Partnership Agreements and the December 2009 WTO agreement) is affected by the assumptions made on the prevailing market structure.  相似文献   


This article reports on the construction and initial validation of the Psychoanalysis Use/Non-Use scale (PUNU) and the complementary Conflicts with Hong Kong Chinese Culture scale (CHKCC), developed for assessing the penetration of psychoanalysis among counseling professionals in Hong Kong. A total of 217 Hong Kong social workers, psychologists, and counselors were surveyed to assess the scales' internal psychometric properties. Factor analysis confirmed a four-factor structure for the PUNU, and a unidimensional structure for the CHKCC, with 17 and 9 items, respectively. Internal reliability of both scales was good and discriminative validity was supported by comparisons with background information. These scales could help to identify factors that affect the understanding of psychoanalysis among professionals and could be useful for educational purposes.  相似文献   

The social plasticity hypothesis proposes that social attunement, that is, the adaptation to and harmonization with one's environment, plays a crucial role in the risk for developing alcohol use disorders (AUDs) during adolescence, whereas in adulthood it paradoxically may make individuals more sensitive to the social pull to reduce drinking. This study aimed to develop a valid measure of social attunement: the social attunement questionnaire (SAQ). A total of 26 items were developed and the questionnaire was completed by 576 Dutch mid to late adolescents and adults over three rounds of online data collection. Using exploratory factor analysis in part of the sample (N = 373), the final questionnaire was reduced to two subscales with a total of 11 items. This structure was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis in the second part of the sample (N = 203). Results showed that the SAQ has acceptable internal consistency, good measurement invariance to gender, and subscales assessing both cognitive as well as behavioural components of social attunement. In line with expectations on alcohol use settings, SAQ scores were not associated directly with alcohol use, but they were predictive of alcohol use when taking into account the interaction between perceived peer drinking and age. The SAQ appears suitable for the assessment of social attunement in (young) adult men and women, particularly assessing the role of social attunement in alcohol use settings. Further research is needed to confirm the utility of the SAQ in older adults and a broader variety of social settings.  相似文献   

尹丽华 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):81-86
英美国家独立制定证据法 ,而大陆法国家将证据法融入诉讼法或者实体法中。笔者认为证据立法模式的选择需要综合考虑立法技术、与诉讼法的协调、证据法的实际功能以及法律传统的承继与法律移植的接受等诸多因素。为此在我国现有诉讼法的框架内补充完善证据法规范 ,即通过修改诉讼法一并完善证据立法应当是最佳的选择路径  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare and discuss the role of farm-household surveys and farm-household models in assessing the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy reforms, focusing in particular on the effects of 2003 decoupling on farm investment behaviour. The paper compares two specific approaches: (i) in-depth face-to-face interviews with farm-householders and (ii) mathematical programming models of individual farm-households. The effects of decoupling estimated by these two approaches coincide in a majority of cases, while the differences suggest relevant complementarities. Altogether the paper suggests a wider scope for using mixed methodologies in assessing CAP policy impacts.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the arguments and data presented by Nisbett and Wilson (1977a; 1977b; Wilson & Nisbett, 1978) relevant to their thesis that subjects do not have access to their own cognitive processes. It is concluded that their review of previous research is selective and incomplete and that the data they present in behalf of their thesis does not withstand a demand characteristics analysis. Furthermore, their use of observer-subject similarity as evidence of subjects' inability to access cognitive processes makes tests of their hypothesis confounded and, at the same time, reveals limitations in the application of the pre-inquiry quasi-control to research on social behavior. Problems with postexperiment questionnaires, such as the demand characteristics of the inquiry procedure are also considered. Although there are difficulties in assessing subjects' cognitive processes, many of these may be overcome through the application of novel techniques and research conducted on more traditional methods. In contrast to the view that subjects have limited access to cognitive processes and that their verbal reports are not valid, it is concluded that subjects' verbalizations are a rich source of psychological data which must be pursued if we are to tap their cognitive processes and are to gain an adequate understanding of human behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of a new procedure for assessing infant-mother attachment. Sixty children (34 in child care) and their mothers were seen in the Strange Situation (SS) at 17 months and in a new attachment assessment, the California Attachment Procedure (CAP), which does not involve mother-child separations, at 18 months. Overall, children were more likely to be classified as secure in the CAP (83% vs. 67%), but this was particularly true for children with experience in routine nonmaternal care. Of the children in nonmaternal care who were insecure in the SS, 91% were secure in the CAP, whereas of the maternal-care children who were insecure in the SS, only 44% were secure in the CAP. Attachment security in the CAP was more highly correlated with observed maternal sensitivity than was attachment security in the SS, particularly for children in nonmaternal care.  相似文献   

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