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一、引论 蒙古学者策·达木丁苏伦在《格斯尔的故事的三个特征》中指出:人民性是《格斯尔》的重要特征,而笔者在对蒙古史诗《江格尔》进行分析之后,发现《江格尔》具有狂欢特征,继而发现狂欢性是蒙古史诗的重要特征。笔者认为人民性与狂欢性有千丝万缕的联系。(由于篇幅所限,只能在以后文章中给以关注。)  相似文献   

本文将巴林《格斯尔》文本中的三大类九个母题与海希西分类中的母题进行对照,发现巴林《格斯尔》史诗文本与巴林格斯尔传说产生了深度的互文交织,大量的传说情节被植入到史诗文本当中,重塑共性母题,形成与巴林山水紧密粘连的本土史诗叙事单元,承载着时代的和地域的新内涵,构成个性化的本土表现。这是巴林《格斯尔》史诗文本对整个蒙古语族《格斯尔》史诗传统文本进行地方化改造的产物,也是继承的产物,一定意义上延长了该史诗在本区域传承的生命周期。  相似文献   

在蒙古族《格斯尔》史诗中,格斯尔从牧童到可汗、圣主的成长阶段分别体现了三种功能——生产、征战和宗教。功能的转换通过具有过渡仪式性质的"重生"来实现,这种功能的转换方式具有明显的蒙古族特色,它与蒙古族英雄史诗传统及其所反映的社会文化内涵密不可分。北京木刻版《格斯尔》的加工、改编和再创造受到了三功能意识的影响,这种影响很有可能是经由藏传佛教以及印度史诗和民间故事在蒙古族地区的流传而逐渐渗透的。  相似文献   

《格萨尔王传》是藏族和蒙古族人民长期以来集体创作的一部史诗,在国内有藏文本和蒙文本。藏文本流传在西藏、青海、四川、甘肃、云南等广大的藏族地区,也流传在土族和纳西族部分地区。蒙文本称为《英雄格斯尔可汗》,国内流传在内蒙古、新疆、青海、甘肃等省区的蒙古族地区,国外流传在蒙古人民共和国、苏联布里亚特自治共和国、匈牙利、伊朗等国。现在国内搜集到的藏文版本已有六七十种之多,仅就说唱  相似文献   

长篇英雄史诗《格萨尔王传》,广泛流传在我国藏族地区和蒙古族地区,是人人皆知的伟大英雄史诗。它的创作,是藏族人民的光荣与骄傲,也是蒙古族人民的光荣与骄傲,也是整个中华民族的光荣与骄傲。 这部流传于藏族、蒙占族地区的英雄史诗,它们之间有着血缘的关系,它是从藏族地区发源,更远及蒙古族地区,又有新的发展,这一点,我们曾做过比较翔实的考定;蒙古族地区流传的命名为《岭格斯尔》的一部《格萨尔王传》,是从藏文本《格萨尔王传》,直接翻译成为蒙文的这一事实,一般也早有定论,勿庸置疑。  相似文献   

长期以来,中外学者在蒙藏《格斯尔》和《格萨尔》两部英雄史诗的关系问题上形成了多种意见。本文在前辈学者研究的基础上,从历史、社会、宗教、版本的角度探讨了它们之间的关系,并进而说明蒙藏两部史诗之间的同源分(异)流的关系是文化借用、文化涵化和文化革新的结果。  相似文献   

蒙藏史诗《格斯(萨)尔》中都有格斯(萨)尔降伏多头妖魔,夺回爱妻的故事。两者在英雄启程去降妖的部分保留着更多共同情节。晁通企图霸占格斯尔的妻子遭拒,因而报复,导致图门吉尔嘎朗被魔王纳为妃的故事,成为蒙古族文本区别于藏族文本的主要标志。而有关晁通的这一故事源自佛传中提婆达多企图霸占释迦牟尼妻子的故事。晁通先针对阿尔鲁高娃夫人而去,却对图门吉尔嘎朗心怀不轨,这是模仿佛传中提婆达多先向耶输陀罗,后又立即向瞿夷显露不轨企图故事的结果。这同时意味着,《格斯尔》中的阿尔鲁高娃和图门吉尔嘎朗并非同一个人,而是格斯尔的两位不同夫人。本文的考证结果表明,北京木刻版《格斯尔》中确实存在借用和改编佛传故事的事实。  相似文献   

中国东部蒙古族民间说唱艺术考略王迅中国蒙古族是民间说唱艺术有辉煌成就的民族。闻名世界的中国三大史诗有两部(10万诗行的《江格尔》与3万诗行的《格斯尔传》)①)一生、流传于蒙古草原。还有一个非常丰富的民间史诗、民间叙事诗群在蒙古族说唱艺术中闪烁光辉。从...  相似文献   

格斯尔是藏族和蒙古族史诗<格(萨)斯尔>中所塑造的英雄人物.随着<格斯尔>在蒙古族地区的广泛流传,格斯尔形象在蒙古人心中也深深地扎下了根,成为他们崇拜的人物.蒙古人对格斯尔英雄的信仰崇拜,集中体现在风物传说、寺庙、敖包、祭祀、那达慕、家教等诸方面.这些崇拜既熔铸了蒙古人的审美情趣,又蕴藏着蒙古人极为丰富的文化内涵.  相似文献   

长篇英雄史诗《格萨尔王传》,广泛流传在我国藏族和蒙古族地区,是人人皆知的伟大英雄史诗。它的创作,是藏族人民的光荣与骄傲,也是蒙古族人民以及整个中华民族的光荣与骄傲。这部流传于藏族、蒙古族地区的英雄史诗,它们之间有着血缘的关系。它是从藏族地区发源,远及到蒙古族地区。这一点,我们曾做过比较翔实的考定;蒙古族地区流传的命名为《岭格萨  相似文献   

In August 1999, Jacques Derrida gave a number of lectures and seminars in Melbourne and Sydney. The seminar of 13 August, held at Sydney's Seymour Centre Theatre, was open to the public. It consisted of a question-and-answer session with Genevieve Lloyd, David Wills, Paul Patton and Penelope Deutscher. Its title, 'Themes from Recent Work', reflected interests in the work from Specters of Marx (1994) onwards which some, including Paul Patton, have referred to as deconstruction in its affirmative phase. What follows is a by-no-means verbatim record of the event. Rather it is but one member of the audience's account of what transpired in the seminar – an account which is therefore necessarily selective and pressed through the grid of my own quasi-philosophical interests. Following this account of the seminar, I offer some marginal notes on the open discussion following the seminar, then, finally, some reflections on a particular matter discussed at the dinner which followed that – madness.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the stereotypical mass tourism, independent travellers – travellers who travel for extended periods on low budgets while ostensibly avoiding formalized tourist activities and locales – are invested in constructing ‘authentic’ travel experiences. Practices such as ‘off-the-beaten-track’ travel and cultural engagement provide the means by which independent travellers are able to make claims to such authenticity. Authenticity is constructed by travellers through idealizations of intimacy and non-commodification. These idealizations are tangled in narrative representations of ‘real’ India and ‘real’ Indians, their ‘real’-ness typified by an absence of other travellers, tourists and, more generally, Western contamination. In these ways, ‘authentic’ travel is dependent upon actively constructed binaries of Western travelling subjects and exotic Indian objects. Yet travellers' fantasies of the Other are fragile and subject to collapse at moments in which so-called Others articulate their subjectivity in a way that is inconsistent with travellers' expectations. Through a focus on travellers' narratives of their experience, both the requirement for an Orientalist dichotomy as well as the ruptures that continually challenge this dichotomy, will emerge.  相似文献   

A weaver, seamstress, laundress and artist, in this essay I shall spin a yarn, tangle a web, and construct a text(ile) of the inter-weave of narrative and identity that I define as my intellectual, textual, somatic and material/visual practice obsessions. My work explores ‘the places in-between’ in the entanglements of Irish and Northern Irish gender and identity, and in the abject fabrics of death and of desire. As an Irish feminist, sense-making of the complexities, conundrums, challenges and contradictions of my land, my cloth, my body and my culture owes much to Irish women before me who fought for female suffrage, and Irish women now – north and south of the border that divides the island of Ireland – who still struggle for equality of citizenship, social justice, human rights, and full reproductive autonomy. My contention is that when we accept that Ireland herself is a many-layered cloth, a stained and bloodied cloth, a cloth marked irreversibly by history, conflict, denial and abuse, stained by its own repression, marked through denial of all its people’s rights and needs, and bloodied by its greatest export, the haemorrhage of its people, then – polemical, didactic or reflective, with more compassion, empathy, humility and heart – we just might make peace with our past.  相似文献   

The use of the categories ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ to differentiate between those on the move and the legitimacy, or otherwise, of their claims to international protection has featured strongly during Europe’s ‘migration crisis’ and has been used to justify policies of exclusion and containment. Drawing on interviews with 215 people who crossed the Mediterranean to Greece in 2015, our paper challenges this ‘categorical fetishism’, arguing that the dominant categories fail to capture adequately the complex relationship between political, social and economic drivers of migration or their shifting significance for individuals over time and space. As such it builds upon a substantial body of academic literature demonstrating a disjuncture between conceptual and policy categories and the lived experiences of those on the move. However, the paper is also critical of efforts to foreground or privilege ‘refugees’ over ‘migrants’ arguing that this reinforces rather than challenges the dichotomy’s faulty foundations. Rather those concerned about the use of categories to marginalise and exclude should explicitly engage with the politics of bounding, that is to say, the process by which categories are constructed, the purpose they serve and their consequences, in order to denaturalise their use as a mechanism to distinguish, divide and discriminate.  相似文献   

在"文明间对话"被各国学界极为重视的当代,特别值得关注与研究的是,17-18世纪的回儒学与日本德川儒学之间的具有价值和意义的对话.刘智和伊藤仁斋是同时代不同文化背景的两位思想大师,同时受到朱子学影响,并吸收融合而产生出自己独特的思想体系.本文将探讨这两位思想家对朱子学"理"、"气"思想的重构特色.进一步想说明,不同文化...  相似文献   

This paper deals with issues of identity, nationalism, postcolonialism, and self-other relations with a focus on a period of transformative events in North Cyprus. It notes how nationalism has been the dominant means of identification for Cypriots in their modern history, and argues that unless weakened and supplanted by a radically pluralist democracy, nationalism imagines one's identity as an indivisible unity and has no place for different others within the nation. However, a pressing relationship with others and otherness is no stranger to Cypriots either, which makes it clear that the border that defines the ‘we’ of such nationalism is, at the same time, the line that divides the self intrinsically, indicating the otherness of the self or its alterity. Subjectivity involves subjection to the other.  相似文献   

文章从历史学、宗教学、民俗学等角度,将流行于黄南藏族自治州同仁县隆务河流域的六月会主体节目之一"玛泽"的文化内涵进行了新的探讨,并就"玛泽"节目的历史和宗教渊源关系,民俗形成过程,以及对军事、生产活动中的意义提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic research and employing a micro-historical approach that recognizes not only the transnational but also the culturally specific manifestations of modernity, this article centers on the efforts of a young woman to negotiate shifting and conflicting discourses about what a good life might consist of for a highly educated and high caste Hindu woman living at the margins of a nonetheless globalized world. Newly imaginable worlds in contemporary Mithila, South Asia, structure feeling and action in particularly gendered and classed ways, even as the capacity of individuals to actualize those worlds and the ‘modern’ selves envisioned within them are constrained by both overt and subtle means. In the context of shifting cultural anchors, new practices of silence, literacy, and even behaviors interpreted as ‘mental illness’ may become tactics in an individual's negotiation of conflicting self-representations. The confluence of forces at play in contemporary Mithila, moreover, is creating new structures of feeling that may begin to reverse long-standing locally held assumptions about strong solidarities between natal families and daughters, on the one hand, and weak solidarities between affinal families and new daughters-in-law, on the other.  相似文献   

本文就三江源自然保护区开发生态旅游产品的可行性及发展潜力,运用SWOT分析模式进行客观分析,并得出三江源开发生态旅游产品是实现该地区可持续发展的最佳途径。  相似文献   


Mobility and migration are inherent ingredients of Indonesian cultures. In an archipelago with thousands of islands of various size, character and nature, mobility is an important means to make a living and to survive by migration. The right to free movement in Indonesia is constitutionally granted. It can create mobility and give expression to equal citizenship rights at the same time as it can trigger the enforcement of borders among cultural groups and the ethnification of local and regional politics. Mobility thus always comes along with immobility. Physical mobility of one group of people might cause immobility of another group or it might create cultural and political immobility in the same group. In places such as Eastern Indonesia, people have developed reciprocal means to integrate newcomers. Whereas the immigrants are usually disadvantaged citizens with regards to land and customary rights, those living in the area for generations have nonetheless become integral parts of quite peaceful local settings, one way or the other. The advancement of decentralization, democratization and direct elections of political representatives can lead to political empowerment, the promotion of ethnicity as election capital and changing patterns of belonging. This paper illustrates these ambivalences by looking at mobility in Indonesia more generally and how changing national policies and laws lead to reinterpretations of mobility patterns and trigger changes in relations between local population groups and existing mechanisms of cultural and political inclusion and exclusion. Butonese migrants in Maluku will here serve as a case study.  相似文献   

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