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Correspondence to Dr Uri Yanay Paul Baerwald School of Social Work The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, 91905 Israel Summary Recent trends in social policy and administration encouragecitizen representation. This is based on the ideological assumptionthat representation yields participation and citizen participationultimately secures the interests of the poor and less visiblegroups in the community. In the Israeli network of CommunityService Centres (Matnas) citizen involvement was establishedby selecting or inviting residents to represent the communityalongside other delegates forming a local Board. Research findings indicate that the resulting ‘representativeparticipation’, operated contrary to expectations. Thelay local representatives who were presumed to represent thedisadvantaged of the community reported them as last priority,whereas the professionals representing various organizationson the Mamas Boards claimed to represent them as first priority.Meeting attendance records of the different representatives(a measure of participation) support this finding.  相似文献   

Summary This paper outlines a series of staff development courses runfor the DHSS under the auspices of Leicester University Schoolof Social Work. The two-week courses for Unemployment ReviewOfficers offered an introduction to social and psychologicalinfluences on human behaviour with special reference to thework situation of UROs, and a review of aspects of the socialservices with which the URO has contact. As a result of these courses another view of Supplementary Benefitsstaff emerged which conflicted with current stereotypes. Theauthor offers some suggestions regarding the sources of roleconflict inherent in the work of UROs and argues for betterunderstanding of the operation of the social security system  相似文献   

Correspondence to Karen Healy, Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology, Building A26, University of Sydney 2006, New South Wales, Australia. Summary International research suggests that the market reform of humanservices is leading to reduced opportunities for social workersto achieve organizational management positions. This paper exploresthe future of social workers as managers of human service organizations.It examines the tensions between the social justice principlesthat guide social work and the emerging contexts of social welfaremanagement. The exploration draws on in-depth interviews withthirty-four social welfare managers working in the non-profitsector in Australia. These managers were identified by theirpeers as progressive, that is, as championing social justicevalues such as access, equity and social inclusion. This paperwill report on their approaches to social welfare managementand their perceptions of the threats and opportunities for progressivemanagement practices in a climate of public sector reform. Thepaper will consider how social work educators can better prepareservice professionals for social welfare management positions.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Edward Allan Brawley, Professor of Social Work, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology, 211 Oswald Tower, University Park, Pennylvania, 16802 USA. Summary This paper reviews the emergence of social programme evaluationas an important and frequently controversial topic in the UnitedStates during the last three decades. Political, practical,epistemological, and ethical Issues involved in the evaluationof social service programmes are discussed, as well as the strengthsand shortcomings of a range of specific evaluative approachesand techniques. Current trends towards evaluation strategiesthat take greater account of the special attributes of the socialservices and social work practice and that produce informationthat is more useful to policy-makers, programme administra torsand social work practitioners than has been true in the pastare identified. Some cautionary remarks are included about thedangers of overemphasizing ‘hard’ quantitative methodologies,goal attainment, and efficiency at the expense of alternativeapproaches that can produce other and sometimes more appropriateindicators of programme perform ance and results. This paper examines the evolution over three decades in theUnited States of efforts to evaluate social programmes, socialservices and social work practice. Some lessons that can bedrawn from the failures and successes of this experience aresuggested and the strengths and weaknesses of various evaluativestrategies and techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Jane Gibbons. Social Work Development Unit. University of East Anglia. Norwich NR4 7TJ. Summary The Children Act provides a clear remit to local authoritiesfor the provision of services to children in need and theirfamilies. Increased service provision needs to be supportedby evaluation of effectiveness. The paper describes an attemptto develop instruments for this purpose. In a sample of 122families containing children under 14 who were referred to socialservices departments, indicators of family needs, services receivedand their outcomes were used to examine whether services werematched to needs; and whether they had any effect on familyproblems in the short term.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Howard Litwin, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, 91905, Jerusalem, Israel. Summary A random sample of 93 students of social work in Israel werequeried regarding their perception of the professional standingof work with older people. The general ranking given by traineesto this field of practice was moderate to low. Relatively positiveevaluation of the status of gerontological practice, however,was found to be explained by: (1) a traditional view of therole of the elder in society; (2) the perception that peersattribute prestige to such work; and (3) having had a fieldpracticum in the area of ageing; and was inversely related tounderstanding of work with elderly persons as mainly indirectintervention. The implications of these findings for the promotionof social work practice with elderly people in an ageing societyare discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The paper begins by briefly outlining the current debate overthe usage of social inquiry reports in the juvenile court, particularlywith regard to the effect that their recommendations can haveupon the lives of young people appearing in that court. It thendiscusses the findings of research carried out by the authorinto the social inquiry reports presented to one juvenile court.In particular it examines the contents and format of these reports,the effect that concepts of ‘welfare’ and ‘justice’have upon the recommendations of these reports, and the differencesthat exist in the reports presented by the probation and socialservices. It concludes that there is a pressing need for a revisionin the presentation of these reports to the court as no consistentstandard of information is being offered. It also argues thatit is time to reassess the role of treatment in the juvenilejustice system, in the light of this and other recent research,and to separate more clearly the components of welfare and justicewithin this system.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the findings of a survey of Social ServicesDepartments, Probation Services and the major voluntary agenciesin the UK. The survey aimed to shed light on the factors whichpromote successful groups in social work and probation agencies.The survey did not attempt to map the extent of current groupwork.A questionnaire was piloted in a Social Services Departmentin northern England with social work and social care practitionersparticipating in ‘The Groupwork Project’, a trainingand development programme which continues to have as its aimthe establishment of a groupwork service in a mainstream socialservices agency. The survey was designed to be illuminativeand exploratory rather than conclusive. In this paper, the authorsreflect on the research process and on the findings of the survey.These findings point to the complexity of factors consideredsignificant to the success of a group, and to the importanceof contextual factors in establishing and sustaining a groupworkservice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Robert Sanders, Lecturer in Applied Social Studies, The Department of Social Policy and Applied Social Studies, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP; e-mail: R.Sanders{at}swan.ac.uk Summary As part of a review of the role and effectiveness of Area ChildProtection Committees (ACPCs), the authors examined a numberof aspects of the involvement of member agencies in the processof joint development of child protection policies. Interviewswith agency representatives and analysis of documents were usedto explore ACPC composition, attendance at meetings, agenda-setting,effectiveness of representation, and perceived inter-agencyrelationships. Substantial differences were found in the extentto which agencies were involved in the ‘ownership’of the child protection system, with some agencies which couldmake important contributions very much on the periphery of theprocess. It is suggested that this helps to perpetuate the currentemphasis on investigation and registration despite researchfindings which strongly challenge the effectiveness of suchan approach. The article looks at two factors that may influenceagencies' involvement: decentralization of decision making,and the mismatch between the dominant ACPC agenda and policypriorities within agencies other than social services and police.They conclude that basic principles underpinning child protectionservices, for example the policy emphasis on investigation ofall allegations, the development of child protection as a serviceapart from mainstream child welfare, and the role of socialservices as the lead agency should be examined to achieve theeffective involvement of all ACPC member agencies.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr J. Owusu-Bempah, School of Social Work, University of Leicester, 107 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 71, A. Summary Many people seem to accept, as self-evident, the notion thatblack children harbour unfavourable cognitions about themselvesand their racial group, and that they would rather be white.The present study investigated the prevalence of this notionamongst social work students, and also the extent of the influenceof this view on professional practice. The study involved 102postgraduate social work students at two British Universitiesin separate regions of the country. The respondents respondedindividually to three randomly distributed vignettes, whichwere identical except for the racial/ethnic origin of the principalcharacters: a white child, a child of ‘mixed-race’parentage and a black child. The respondents were required toassess the causes of the children's behaviour, as well as theirsocial and psychological needs. The results were analysed accordingto the number of respondents who mentioned particular causesof the children's behaviour and particular courses of actionto meet their needs. The analyses revealed significant differencesbetween the respondents' perception and interpretations of thechildren's behaviour. The analyses also revealed that the childrenwere differentially treated according to their race or ethnicorigin. The results are discussed in the light of assumptionsabout black self-concept, mainly derived from the social scienceliterature. The implications of the findings for the socialwork profession, individual practitioners, and their black clientsare also highlighted.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Yitzhak Berman, Director, Department of Planning and Social Analysis, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, PO Box 1260, Jerusalem, Israel. Summary Information application variables and organization informationvariables are identified from the literature. These variablesare applied to three levels of organizational implementation;strategic planning, management, and operational levels. It isfound that different types of information application and organizationinformation variables will be used on different levels of organization.A model of the various characteristics of information is presented,followed by its application to a social service department.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Tim Booth, The University of Sheffield, Department of Sociological Studies, Joint Unit for Social Services Research, Sheffield, S10 2TN. Summary This paper presents some of the findings from the Kirklees RelocationProject, an evaluation of a local community care programme forpeople leaving long-stay mental handicap hospitals and socialservices hostels. It concentrates on the views of movers interviewedbefore and after the move using an innovative ‘visualgame’ technique. The study confirms that given the opportunityto make an informed choice the movers would almost always optfor the least restrictive alternative.  相似文献   

Caring for Citizenship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr John Harris, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: j.harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary Official articulations of caring are socially constructed bytheir emergence from particular contexts. As a consequence,the political positioning of caring has the potential to varyin accordance with changes in welfare regimes. In Britain, aparadigm shift has occurred. In the social democratic welfarestate, caring was a taken-for-granted resource to which socialservices were added. Following the community care reforms ofthe early 1990s, caring is the core resource and is seen asrequiring management by social workers. Caring arrangementsin households are actively identified, publicly negotiated,carefully organized and subject to formal agreements about thescope and nature of the care provided, often with the goal ofaverting service provision. This paradigm shift was an integralcomponent in the formulation of the community care reforms bythe New Right. It emerged from a concept of citizenship in whichdependency was to be avoided and support by informal carerscame to the fore. New Labour has consolidated the shift andrefined its ideological basis. Caring is an expression of citizenshipobligation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Nina Biehal, Department of Adult Continuing Education, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT. Summary Participation is a key term in current debates about socialservices, reflecting often contradictory concerns with consumerismand rights. Drawing on findings from the Social Work in Partnershipresearch and development project (funded by the Joseph RowntreeFoundation), this paper explores the possibilities for participationin the field of community care. It argues that a clear frameworkof rights for service users must be accompanied by practicestrategies which ensure those rights in the day to day contactsbetween users and professionals.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr John Gal, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University, Mt Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel. Summary The goal of this paper is to contribute to a better understandingof international social work by examining the professional preferencesof students at the beginning of the social work training processin the United States, Great Britain and Israel. The study, uponwhich the paper is based, examined the preferences of the studentswith regard client groups, social services, types of sectorsand of practices, and sought to identify the similarities andthe differences between these preferences in different countries.The findings indicate that the students from the United Statesand Israeli universities prefer to work with social groups andto be employed in services, that can be defined as "less stigmatic",while these trends were not identifiable in the case of theBritish students. They expressed a greater readiness to workwith more needy social groups and to find employment in thestate sector. By contrast, the students in all the universitiesstudied expressed a similar unwillingness to work the unemployed,the chronically ill and to find employment in old-aged homes.In addition, casework with individuals was the most preferredtype of social work practice. Clearly, the findings indicatethat the preferences of students in different countries reflectvariations in the nature of social work in each of the specificnational settings.  相似文献   

This article analyses a nationally representative sample of 3,000 respondents from the 2006 wave of the International Social Justice Project to investigate the determinants of citizens' perceptions of the injustice of their country's prevalent pension system. We studied two ‘most‐different’ cases: Israel, a relatively new democracy and demographically young society, and Western Germany, an established democracy and demographically older society. We found that age is negatively associated, and social status positively associated, with reported levels of PPI. Moreover, PPI is higher both when citizens lack intra‐familial social solidarity and when they more strongly endorse pro‐state welfare attitudes. At the same time, there are distinct culture‐specific patterns in PPI, such as the stronger effect of subjective class position and pro‐social family norms in Israel. We explain these by reference to the institutional characteristics of the Israeli pension system and the particularly dominant normative position of the family in Israeli‐Jewish culture.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor J. G. Barber, School of Social Work, Newnham Drive, Newnham, P.O. Box 1214, Launceston, Tesmania 7250, Australia. Summary As part of a larger interview schedule conducted with 1245 injectingdrug users in Sydney, Australia, respondents were asked aboutthe degree to which their drug use is conducted within a groupcontext. They were also asked about the size of their user groupsand the extent of needle-sharing that occurs in the groups.Results revealed that injecting drug use was a social behaviourapproximately half of the time for the overall sample, but thatthere were statistically significant differences according tothe age, gender, and drug experience of the user. The studyalso found an alarming amount of needle-sharing among the sampleoverall. Females, younger users, and those less experiencedin injecting drug use were more inclined to inject in groups,while needle-sharing was more common among older and more experiencedusers.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Rami Benbenishty, School of Social Work, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel 91905. Summary This paper describes a study monitoring interventions with familiestreated by a welfare agency in Jerusalem, Israel. The treatmentapproach is eclectic and is based mainly on a view of the familyas a system and on task-centred and problem solving orientationsto family treatment. Sixty families were studied. The clients'median age was about 30 years old and the median number of childrenwas two per family. The clients approached the welfare agencyfor four main reasons: financial difficulties (especially heavydebts), severe health problems and disabilities, marital difficulties,and problems in raising children. The practitioners identifiedin two thirds of the families dangerous situations that neededimmediate attention. A repeated measures design utilizing several outcome measureswas used. According to the workers' assessments, based on theCRS (Epstein et al., 1982), functioning improved and progresstoward goal attainment was observed in most families. The magnitudeof changes in functioning, however, was small. The workers'and clients' assessments of change and of goal attainment weremore positive. There were indications of deterioration at followup. The treatment outcomes are discussed in light of the clientand treatment characteristics. Changes in client selection,length of treatment, and an active follow up strategy are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary The paper examines the processes of a research project aboutthe continuing care needs of head-injured people in order toillustrate an interactive approach in social work research.Influenced by the social work values of empowerment and workingin partnership, the key function of the interactive approachinclude a multidisciplinary research team analysing the researchtopic through different disciplinary perspectives, and selectingresearch methods and dissemination strategies that promote interactiverelationships amongst researchers, respondents and sponsors.Social work practice supplies transferable knowledge, valuesand skills for the interactive approach. The skill of negotiationis used to mitigate unequal distributions of power between researchersand respondents. The paper concludes that the interactive approachis a distinctive characteristic of social work research thatdeserves wider recognition.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ruth Landau, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel. Summary The political and economic changes presently taking place inthe Central and Eastern European countries are accompanied byprofound social changes for which, in terms of personal well-being,older and disabled people pay the highest price. Having lostthe security of a minimum standard of living, many are exposedto poverty in its broadest sense. The collapse of governmentalarrangements to provide for the minimum needs of this populationled to the establishment of non-governmental voluntary socialagencies. Unfortunately, these are characterized by limitedresources on the one hand, and lack of trained and skilled socialwork staff on the other. Based on the experience of a Hungariannon-governmental social agency, a model for eligibility criteriafor cash assistance under these circumstances, taking vulnerabilityas a key concept, is suggested for the benefit and dignity ofthose most in need.  相似文献   

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