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This paper aims to give some suggestions to improve the extensive reading teaching in normal college. The students are the center of the class. The class should emphasize communication. A teacher is a instructor, but also is a controller, a prompter,a participant and a resource.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionNowadays,when TESOL is talked about,the communicative student- centered teaching approach isemphasized.The old or traditional teachers- centered approach has gradually lost its dominating place.Asfar as the reading class is concerned,a teacher’s ro1 e should a1 so be changed. He orshe should notonly bethe governor,but also a contro1 ler,an assessor,an organizer,a prompter,a participant and a resource( Harmer,1 983) .In this paper,the traditional methodo1 ogy in extensive read…  相似文献   

If we compare the English language to an academical edifice,we can seethe basic grammar of verbs are its framework, while prepositions and idiomsconstitute its windows and doors; what remain are the vocabularies, whichare in fact the solid substances of the house——the bricks and cements thatkeep the whole building together. Then how should we collect such largeamount of material? Well, this has something to do with the topie whetherintensive reading should be taught or not in the last one year of college.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous learning (U-learning), a potential shortcut for China to modernize its education, is treated in this discussion as a mentality and means for citizens in high-tech society to seek a lifelong education. Thus situated, this article presents an exploration of “superb competences”—material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge—in college teachers outside their trained professional areas. It is believed that once the teachers are equipped with the material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge, real U-learning practice is ensured and its rationale will be developed. Material intelligence and internet thinking are evolved from and closely related to technological development, and therefore constitute the essential requirements of U-learning in terms of technical and educational cognitive framework. A good knowledge of brain related neuroscience, the third competence, guarantees the scientific rooting of every element in the designing of U-leaning tasks, whose success resides in a serious respect of cognitive nature and rules of the brain. The building of such superb competences, as is argued at the end of the paper, relies on various supports, like policies and technological aids, from all levels of educational administration in the country as well as each individual teacher’s personal understanding and efforts.  相似文献   

ReadingcomprehensionisamostpopularterminEnglishreadingclass.Astoitsdefinition,thoughvariousdescriptionshavehavebeengivenbymanylanguageexperts,sofartherehasn’tyetbeenaproperonethatcanfullyexpressitscanotation.Ifoneisaskedwhetherheunderstandsthearticl…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.In troductionDuring the past three decades or so,research de-velopment in the field of psycholinguistics has led to ashift in understand ing and describing the process ofread ing.A large amount of research has been devotedto investigating d ifferent su…  相似文献   

Dey  Adrija 《Gender Issues》2019,36(4):357-373
Gender Issues - In 2018, the rapes of two young girls shook India. The ruling government blatantly supported the perpetrators in both cases. It was also highlighted that if the victims were high...  相似文献   

教师职业状况是影响教师幸福感的主要来源。来自自身、学校因素和社会外界压力的影响使大学英语女教师的职业幸福感不断流失。分析影响她们职业幸福感的因素,对促进教师积极追求和创造幸福,提升自己的职业价值观和专业发展内在动力,帮助学生健康成长将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

This special issue of the European Journal of Population focuses on possible economic consequences of low fertility in Europe. This introduction reviews the history of falling fertility in Europe and the literature that explores its causes, its potential implications, and possible policy responses. It also summarizes the evolution of thinking about the relationship between population growth and economic development, with attention to recent work on the mechanisms through which fertility decline can spur economic growth if the necessary supporting conditions are met. The introduction also identifies some of the challenges of population ageing that are associated with low fertility and suggests that there may be less reason for alarm than has been suggested by some observers. The articles that appear in this special issue are also summarized.  相似文献   

Atthebeginningofthiscentury ,EzraPound ,with“asenseofcolor”〔1〕(P10 4 8) ,triedeverywaytofindthepoets“whoarepurered ...puregreen ,”〔1〕ofwhomknowledgeisasessentialtoapoetasthefindingofgoodcolorsistoapainter .Tohisgreatjoy ,PoundfoundtheminclassicalChinesepoetry .Hes…  相似文献   

本文主要以克拉申(Krashen)的“可理解性语言输入”及隆(Long)的“交互假设”为理论基础对大学英语精读课教师话语进行研究,论述教师语语的定义、分类和特点,揭示大学英语精读课教师话语的使用现状及影响因素,从而改进和提高英语教师话语的质量,最终提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

当前 ,大学生的翻译能力普遍偏低 ,这一点不仅从考试中反映出来 ,而且从平日教学中也有反馈。因此 ,训练学生的翻译能力是英语教学中不可缺少的重要部分  相似文献   

从深阅读到浅阅读是时代发展的必然,承认浅阅读的合理性并对其进行深入研究,是我们目前应当正视的。  相似文献   

结合目前英语课堂较多采用多媒体组织教学的现状,讨论了MCALL(多媒体计算机辅助教学)的性质,提出多媒体辅助教学不是一种教学方法,而是一种教学模式。教师在多媒体课堂上的角色应随其采用的教学方法的不同而不同。以课堂观察和问卷调查为基础,结合对某些教学方法的分析,讨论了多媒体教学环境下如何更好地扮演教师角色,提高精读课的课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

本文研究对比了应用口语交际任务的精读课程和传统精读课程在提高学生英语口语水平上的教学效果,结果表明,采用任务型教学可以促使学生使用英语进行交际,有效地实现语言习得的目的。  相似文献   

在英语教学中,篇章教学是不可缺少的一个重要内容,它可以使学生提高学习兴趣,从而达到增强分析能力、理解能力、概括能力,以及英语学习的综合能力的目的。  相似文献   

谈谈英语学习中的精读与泛读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英语学习中 ,精读与泛读都很重要 ,在不同阶段各有侧重。初学阶段精读是很重要的 ,是基础 ,而到了中高级阶段 ,就要求学习者在泛读的广阔天地里 ,把在精读里所学到的东西 ,加以反复检验 ,加以巩固。只有这样 ,才能做到精泛并举 ,循序渐进 ,从而提高自己的英语水平。  相似文献   

朗读是阅读的不同形式 ,在英语学习中起着不可低估的作用。朗读能够培养学习者对声音 -符号的认知水平 ;可以帮助学习者掌握正确的语音语调 ,增加对语言的感悟能力 ;有助于培养学习者的自信心和成就感 ;有助于加深记忆及教师对学习者阅读理解的评估  相似文献   

长期以来,如何把英语精读课上成同学们喜闻乐学的一门课,一直是英语教师探索的问题。根据教学规律和教学实践,教师应以充分调动学生的积极性、主动性、激发学生学习英语的兴趣为出发点,围绕具体的教学要求,精心指导学生,搞好英语精读教学,使英语精读课成为向课外延伸的原动力,使课内与课外有机的结合,从而提高学生的综合能力和素养。笔者以知识点和语篇的讲授为例,谈了在英语精读课授课艺术方面的尝试。  相似文献   

文本解读是一种理解、发现和创造 ,读者在解读文本的过程中 ,发现了作者和自我 ,从而构建起生命生存自由秩序 ,完成精神的更高提升。制约读者解读的因素十分复杂 ,但正确的解读可以通过语言的体验、审美的共鸣和理性的批评来完成。读者的解读必然会对作者的写作产生种种影响。  相似文献   

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