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通过对全球化潮流对伊斯兰世界的影响、伊斯兰世界对全球化的反映及全球化形势下的伊斯兰世界与西方的矛盾进行了分析、阐述后认为:全球化是现代化运动的继续和深化,是冷战后以美国等西方发达国家为主导的国际经济市场的发展.伊斯兰世界兴起的伊斯兰原教旨主义思潮及其复兴运动是对这种源自西方现代化过程的否定、批判和抵制,是对当前全球化运动所做出的一种强硬回应.各种文明间存在着差异、矛盾和冲突,但绝不是一些人预见意义上的冲突.把伊斯兰教等同于威胁西方的原教旨主义不仅错误,而且危险.  相似文献   

通过对全球化潮流对伊斯兰世界的影响、伊斯兰世界对全球化的反映及全球化形势下的伊斯兰世界与西方的矛盾进行了分析、阐述后认为:全球化是现代化运动的继续和深化,是冷战后以美国等西方发达国家为主导的国际经济市场的发展。伊斯兰世界兴起的伊斯兰原教旨主义思潮及其复兴运动是对这种源自西方现代化过程的否定、批判和抵制,是对当前全球化运动所做的一种强硬回应。各种文明间存在着差异、矛盾和冲突,但绝不是一些人预见意义上的冲突。把伊斯兰教等同于威胁西方的原教旨主义不仅错误,而且危险。  相似文献   

Abstract: Singapore had been called a Cultural Desert since its independence in 1965, but from the beginning of 1990s, there has been a significant change. The Singapore Government started to call their city a “Global City for the Arts”, making numerous cultural policy changes. They also worked on various cultural experiments to establish their cultural leadership or hegemony among Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. The development of arts policies, cultural industries and people's positive commitment towards cultural exchanges are examples of this change. Singapore therefore is now playing the role of the cultural hub among the ASEAN countries. As an example of this, the present study discusses “Esplanade”, which opened as a huge cultural complex in October 2002. Then the paper will also discuss both bright and dark sides of the cultural development in Singapore. As a conclusion, this paper discusses the possibility of the cultural contribution of Singapore to ASEAN countries, in spite of having serious epistemological discontinuity among ASEAN.  相似文献   

Abstract Communities are the foundation of our society and of our overall well‐being. Unfortunately they are experiencing rapid transformations that may significantly erode their capacity to remain viable and sustainable both domestically and internationally. Issues of empowering communities are examined in regard to social justice, challenges to democracy, and globalization of the economy and other sectors of society. It is argued that the ways in which we view and structure work, generate and disseminate knowledge through science and technology, and produce, distribute, and consume food are essential factors affecting our self‐identity and the empowerment of our communities. How we shape decisions and actions around work, science and technology, and food, as well as other key factors affecting our communities, is crucial to achieving a just and sustainable agenda for the future. Finally, it is proposed that all citizens be engaged in a procedural process called discourse ethics, which is guided by the principles of justice, recognition, respect, and accountability.  相似文献   

Abstract This study highlights some cultural and economic aspects of food. The focus is on Cajun, one of the most popular cuisines in the United States. Interviews, conversations, and observations were conducted with 19 individuals involved in some aspect of processing, distributing, or retailing food in southern Louisiana. The perspective that frames the analysis focuses on the effects of culture and the economic forces that both produce and are a product of cultural processes. I argue that Cajun food is used as a source for both economic and cultural rewards, derived through economic and cultural value‐added processes that occur simultaneously in the preparation of this food. In addition, I consider how these processes are affecting the taste of Louisiana foods.  相似文献   

The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the Next Era, edited by Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith, and Richard Beckhard. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, 1996. 319 pp., $25.00 cloth. Leading with Soul: An Uncommon Journey of Spirit, by Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. 195 pp., $20.00 cloth. Leading and Managing the Expressive Dimension: Harnessing the Hidden Power Source of the Nonprofit Sector, by David E. Mason. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996. 323 pp., $29.95 cloth.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper explores the culture of taste in the production of an urban, Hindu, Bengali middle class in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Bengal/India. It analyzes how the Bengali middle class, the bhadralok , attempted to construct a "doxa" of gastronomy in order to subsume a dominant position for itself and to classify hierarchically other classes and social groups. The aspirations of this class as the future guardians of an incipient nation were in reality a politics of self-identity, which was based on ideas of a cultural exclusivity. This politics of self-identity for the Bengali middle class were inextricably inter-woven with issues of modernity, nationalism, and colonialism. Through my analysis, I stress the importance of the "historical" or the "collective", particularly in the context of formation of the bhadralok , as a dominant class.  相似文献   

Mechanisms particular to globalization and to the invention of contemporary socio-cultural dynamics are revealed through the analysis of the validation of displacement emphasized in socio-anthropological texts and in the media. Globalization occasionally activates the myth of homogeneity in social groups, yet it cannot ultimately control or even slow down intercultural exchanges.  相似文献   

In the last decade, human trafficking has emerged as a new area of research for sociologists and other scholars across a wide range of fields. Globalization has exacerbated the illicit trade of people and their parts within and across territorial borders, generating concern among activists and academics and prompting the development of a burgeoning literature with varying concerns and viewpoints. This article reviews what we know about human trafficking dynamics and trends, its causes, and current responses, including critiques of anti-trafficking efforts. While much work remains to be done in simply mapping current trafficking activities, a transnational sociological framework can help to move theory and research on trafficking forward.  相似文献   

Following contemporary discussions of environmental sustainability, I view sustainable democracy as an approach that remains open to diversity, promotes well‐being for all social actors, and advances social justice. The notion of sustaining democracy that I adopt foregrounds everyday practical and participatory strategies that are self‐consciously tied to a vision of the future which will be more economically equitable, peaceful, inclusive, and socially just. However, I argue, a political vision cannot be enacted without an epistemological articulation that informs political practice. Feminist praxis contains, in its epistemological formulation, a reflexive process by which lessons from past activist engagements are incorporated into contemporary efforts, which, in turn, are further reflected upon in changing political and cultural contexts. Feminist praxis is further deepened by incorporating epistemological insights from feminist theories of intersectionality to inform its political methodology. I illustrate the possibilities of intersectional feminist praxis for sustaining democratic practice with attention to five different dimensions: strategies for inclusion, methods of empowerment, countering power imbalances, organizing across differences, and processes of reflexivity.  相似文献   


Poetics, as an epistemological approach, articulates alternative imaginaries to those proffered by the neoliberal world order. With a long history of drawing upon various sites to further its aims (e.g. the academy, the international studies association, political parties, the state), the neoliberal world order has used its epistemologies to constitute a hegemony emphasizing the state as the primary actor of political life. Feminists and scholars in postcolonial IR, black studies, and ethnic studies have challenged this idea, arguing that there are differential epistemological economies in world politics. Larger questions at stake in these different sites/cites include self and collective knowledge of marginal peoples and the envisioning of alternative, oppositional histories of decolonization, struggle and contestation. Traditional disciplinary boundaries become sites/cites of contestation about the forging and making of alternatives as academics, grassroots organizers, and activists, through poetics, work together to creatively engage questions of economies, power, history, and subject-formations.  相似文献   

In State, Power, Socialism, Nicos Poulantzas conceptualized a state that materializes and concentrates power and displaces the class struggle from the economic to the political arena. In the past twenty years, much has changed. We argue that economic relations have been transformed by economic globalization, work reorganization, and the compression of space, time, and knowledge transmission through an information and communications revolution. Knowledge is far more central to production, and the locus of the relation between power and knowledge has moved out of the nation state that was so fundamental to Poulantzas’ analysis.  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in, and evidence for, mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) as integrative approaches for a wide variety of psychosocial issues. However, there is very little research on the use of MBIs in bereavement care and only one proposed model existing in the literature. This article presents an overview of the mindfulness-based literature and uses a case study of a bereaved parent to illustrate a mindfulness-based model of bereavement care that is consistent with social work values. Such a model may provide a future direction for care of the bereaved as well as interesting opportunities for further development and research.  相似文献   


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is the first major international epidemic of the twenty-first century. In a few short months it spread to every continent, infected 8,096 people, and claimed the lives of 774. It hit older persons particularly hard; it killed 50 percent of the infected of that age category.

The rate of plague's spread from one country to another has greatly increased as the globalization of the world's economy has produced rapid daily transportation of people, products, plants, animals, and, of course, microbes. Each day cities are at risk for the invasion of deadly infectious diseases. While international expert agencies such as the World Health Organization stand by to help fight outbreaks, ultimately, plagues are fought in the local community.

I discuss two theses: (1) To successfully contain and fight a major epidemic the capacity of the community's health care system must be enhanced by its functional linkages to external expert and bridging organizations and systems of organizations; and (2) that the extent to which a community's health care system can draw on external expert and bridging organizations and systems is a function of the degree to which the political state in which the community is embedded facilitates for fails to facilitate) those linkages.

My focus is on Hong Kong and the cities of the People's Republic of China; they were at the epicenter of the SARS outbreak, and it was from them that the contagion spread to other countries. Findings show that plagues are not only matters of biology and health, but also matters of politics, power, and international relations.  相似文献   

This paper is an interdisciplinary consideration of Islam in general, and of Islam within the Islamic crescent in particular. Scholarly approaches to the study of Islam are explored, as well as the unity and commonality of attitudes and sentiments that exists right across the Islamic world. This last point is contrasted with differences within Islamic countries in the crescent, particularly in the context of culture. Indeed, this paper stresses the need to understand the relationship between culture and Islam. The paper concludes with an analysis of Islam and globalization, paying particular attention to modernization and Islamic identity.  相似文献   

Globalization has made it increasingly necessary to break with nation-state centered analysis in macrosociologies. Social structure is becoming transnationalized, and an epistemological shift is required in concurrence with this ontological change. A new interdisciplinary transnational studies should be predicated on a paradigmatic shift in the focus of social inquiry from the nation-state as the basic unit of analysis to the global system as the appropriate unit. Sociology's fundamental contribution to a transnational studies should be the study oftransnational social structure. This article does not establish a new transnational paradigm. Rather, it surveys and critiques nation-state-centrism in extant paradigms, provides a rationale for a new transnational approach, and proposes a research curriculum of a new transnational studies that may contribute to paradigmatic reconceptualization.  相似文献   

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