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21世纪的美国社会保障:趋势与借鉴   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
美国社会保障的未来趋势是:预期寿命延长、劳动力数量增长缓慢、退休人数增加、退休年龄不断提前,这些共同加剧了社会保障收支不平衡状况,企业成为社会保障的生力军,社会保障事业出现私有化和私营化苗头。其借鉴意义:重视预期寿命延长对社会保障的压力,及早为延长退休年龄做好准备工作,重新定位企业在社会保障制度中的地位,改善社会保障的管理工作。  相似文献   

Journal of Population Research - Indigenous Peoples in the United States have been experiencing disproportionate impacts of COVID-19. American Indian and Alaska Native persons are more likely to be...  相似文献   

A great deal of research has focused on factors that may contribute to the Hispanic mortality paradox in the United States. In this paper, we examine the role of the salmon bias hypothesis—the selective return of less-healthy Hispanics to their country of birth—on mortality at ages 65 and above. These analyses are based on data drawn from the Master Beneficiary Record and NUMIDENT data files of the Social Security Administration. These data provide the first direct evidence regarding the effect of salmon bias on the Hispanic mortality advantage. Although we confirm the existence of salmon bias, it is of too small a magnitude to be a primary explanation for the lower mortality of Hispanic than non-hispanic (NH)-White primary social security beneficiaries. Longitudinal surveys that follow individuals in and out of the United States are needed to further explore the role of migration in the health and mortality of foreign-born US residents and factors that contribute to the Hispanic mortality paradox.  相似文献   

论社会保障基金投资营运的市场化与安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保障基金投资营运过程由三级委托代理关系和两种辅助性的委托代理关系构成 ,这种委托代理结构精巧地将社会保障基金投资运营过程的参与主体有机地组织起来 ,在考虑社会保障基金安全的前提下 ,逐步增强社会保障基金投资管运的市场化程度。投保人、管理人、经理人、实业公司所构成的三级委托代理关系导致社会保障基金的投资运营依次从非市场化、半市场化 ,达到完全市场化。投资人I1、I2 分别与经理人、实业公司之间的委托代理有力地强化了社会保障基金投资营运的市场化 ,管理人、经理人分别与托管人之间的委托代理增强了社会保障基金投资营运的安全性 ,尤其是社会保障基金本金的安全。  相似文献   

中国的就业与社会保障问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
劳动就业和社会保障是现代社会的两个基本问题。在发达国家和地区,这两个问题被视为解决了贫困问题之后最主要的“发达病”。广大发展中国家一方面为摆脱贫困加速自己的工业化和现代化,另一方面又面临着如何解决城乡就业和兼顾城乡共同发展的重大问题。经济体制转轨国家还有一个相对特殊但又十分艰巨的任务,即解决劳动就业与社会保障的体制转换问题。中国作为正在进行现代化建设和体制转换的发展中国家,加入世界贸易组织之后,同时面临着上述几个方面的问题。  相似文献   

Lack of an adequate measure of disability for specific subpopulations and geographic areas has long been a problem for planners, in particular those concerned with the growing needs of aging people. This paper first assesses the quality and utility of the query on public transportation disability (PTD) in the 1980 census for the noninstitutional population aged 75 and older. Next, patterns of disability by age, sex, race, educational attainment, family income, area of residence, and availability of transportation are analyzed for reasonableness and internal consistency. Finally, the implications of the findings for transportation policy are discussed in light of data availability, policy goals, and the observed heterogeneity of the 75+ population.This research was supported by National Institute on Aging Grant No. 5-RO1-AG-03128. I am indebted to Eileen Crimmins, Ira Rosenwaike, and Judith Treas, as well as the editors, for valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

现行农村社会保障制度评价与剖析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我国农村社会保障主要是医疗保障、养老保障和计划生育保障 ,它本质上是一种社区保障 ,尚未具备法制性、强制性及普遍性等社会保障的基本特征。目前在农村建立社会保障制度还受多方面的制约 ,实行社区保障也是权宜之策 ,有其可行性 ,但又有历史局限性  相似文献   

传统仁学理论含有丰富的社会保障思想,特别是以孔丘和孟轲为代表的孔孟社会保障思想中更是具有值得研究和借鉴的思想精华。本文试从社保制度体系、社保理念和社保传统角度挖掘孔孟社会保障思想中的精髓以为今鉴。  相似文献   

社会和谐与农民工社会保障问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为农民工提供可靠的社会保障,才能不断促进农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,才能带来我国生产力的持续发展和社会的稳定和谐;隐藏在农民工社会保障问题背后的根源,有六大矛盾;建议采取建立农村劳务输出公司等措施,来解决这些矛盾。  相似文献   

国外社会保险制度改革漫谈   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
80年代以来 ,西欧“过度福利”政策的实施已陷入困境 ,纷纷兴起社会保险制度改革的浪潮。养老保险制度的改革普遍采取“大改革”和“小调整”的办法 ;医疗保险制度的改革则把重点集中在如何控制医疗费用的支出 ,即“节支”上 ;失业保险制度的改革开始向多重保障的方向发展 ,即实行复式保障结构 ,另方面是把失业保险的重心转移到促进就业上来  相似文献   

2005年3月30日~31日,中国人口学会和中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心联合主办的“人口安全与社会发展———多学科的视野”全国学术研讨会在中国人民大学成功举行。国家人口计生委主任张维庆做了书面主题报告,国家人口计生委副主任王国强和中国人民大学校长纪宝成出席会议并讲了话。人口安全问题是一个国家最基本、最重要的安全问题之一,直接关系到国家的整体安全和社会的持续稳定健康发展。我国政府十分重视人口安全问题。2003年6月,在中国人口学会和中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心联合主办的“人口、社会与SARS”学术研讨会上,国家人…  相似文献   

In 1992, the estimated deficit of the entire Social Security System attributable to the foreign born was $2.7 billion (i.e., payments the foreign born payed to and received from the system). Also in 1992, there was an estimated surplus of $19.0 billion for the native born population. During the 1993–2002 decade, the $2.7 billion annual deficit attributable to the current stock of immigrants is projected to grow by about one percent annually in present value terms, reaching $2.98 billion yearly in 2002.The ten-year deficit for the 1993–2002 decade would amount to nearly $30.0 billion in 1993 dollars. In policy terms, the addition of large numbers of less skilled foreign workers to the labor force (which will occur if there is no change in immigration law or enforcement policy) in the hope of bolstering the solvency of the Social Security System would in fact have the opposite effect.  相似文献   

经济快速发展如何应对人口安全问题的挑战?苏南地区根据农村计划生育目标人群的社会保障需求与制度供给偏差,将利益导向纳入整体社会保障,建立长效保障机制、健全政策保障体系、构筑公共服务平台、确保政府财政投入,以提高计划生育社会保障效能,促进人口安全。  相似文献   

In 2013, under the strong leadership of the Central committee of the Party and the State Council and ,with the focus on malor objectives of the Party and the state. China adhered to the main work line of orienting by people's livelihood and giving priority to talents: laid equal emphasis on both normal operation and intemal construction; comprehensively promoted scientific development, reform and innovation of human resources and social security undertakings and made positive contributions to economic and social development.  相似文献   

Wedescribe a method for the development of cohorts of up to three quarters of the 14 million married couples aged 65 and over in the United States. The health care experiences, illness histories, and mortality of these identified couples can be assessed longitudinally using Medicare data. We summarize strengths and limitations of using data from Medicare administrative records for the study of marriage, health, and aging. We illustrate the method by demonstrating substantial differences in survival in a cohort of hospice patients as a function of not only the patient's own diagnosis and illness burden but also the patient's spouse's illness burden.  相似文献   

城市新移民是城市化过程中的一个新兴事物,通过对我国城市贫困救助及社会保障制度现状的考察,重新构建了城市新移民的贫困救助和社会保障机制。对于不同类别的城市新移民,社会保障机制的目标不同,对于长期在城市工作,已经有了相对固定住所和工作的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用应该是通过规范的、系统的制度来保障他们与城市居民一样享受正常的社会保障。对于短期务工、常年流动的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用是进行贫困救助,帮助他们在没有收入、没有工作、发生意外伤害的时候得到援助。  相似文献   

老年社会保障负担系数研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
穆怀中 《人口研究》2001,25(4):19-23
老年人是社会保障的主要对象 ,随着人口老龄化高峰的到来 ,老年社会保障支出的适度水平如何测定已成为一个重要课题。本文在相关和回归分析基础上 ,利用人口经济学和福利经济学理论提出了老年社会保障负担系数概念 ,并分析了它的含义、测定方法及六大作用。本文对于如何适应人口老龄化高峰去建立适度、健康的社会保障体系 ,具有参考价值。  相似文献   

欧盟社会标准化工程在社会保障制度改革中的意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章认为社会标准化可能涉及到社会保障研究的三大领域:(1)社会需求的合理确定;(2)社会行为主体的价值取向和利益平衡;(3)社会保障机制的正确选择。社会标准化挑战社会保障行为主体的行为方式,引起功能转换,从而在社会保障制度之间产生接轨现象和趋同现象,同时在传统的民族国家之上又产生了一个新的、不使用传统政策工具的社会行为主体。社会保障主体的角色转换和功能转换是社会保障制度改革的症结,欧洲联盟的社会标准化已经开始触动这个症结,并且给世界带来了值得思考的经验。  相似文献   

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