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In recent decades there have been dramatic declines in industrial air toxins. However, there has yet to be a national study investigating if the drop has mitigated the unequal exposure to industrial toxins by race and social class. This paper addresses this by developing a unique dataset of air pollution exposure estimates, by aggregating the annual fall-out location of 415 air toxins, from 17,604 facilities, for the years 1995 to 2004 up to census block groups (N = 216,159/year). These annual estimates of exposure were matched with census data to calculate trends in exposure for different racial and socioeconomic groups. Results show that exposure to air toxins has decreased for everyone, but African-Americans are consistently more exposed than Whites and Hispanics and socioeconomic status is not as protective for African-Americans. These results by race were further explored using spatially specified multilevel models which examine trends over time and across institutional boundaries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes temporal variations in two gender attitudes in China: beliefs about gender equality and perspectives on women’s combined work and family roles. It uses the most currently available population series from the 1995, 2001 and 2007 World Value Surveys of 4500 respondents and a series of multilevel cross-classified models to properly estimate period and cohort effects. Attitudes toward women’s dual roles manifest neither period nor cohort effects; the population displays a universal high level of acceptance of women’s paid employment. Orientations toward gender equality manifest both cohort and period effects: members of the youngest cohort of both sexes hold the most liberal attitudes; the positive effect of college education has increased over time. Attitude toward gender equality in China displays neither a shift toward conservatism nor an over-time trend toward egalitarianism in 1995-2007, a time of rapid economic growth.  相似文献   

The author engages the sociological theory of ecologically unequal exchange to assess the extent to which levels of per capita anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are a function of the “vertical flow” of exports to high-income nations. Results of cross-national fixed effects panel model estimates indicate that levels of such emissions are positively associated with the vertical flow of exports, and the relationship is much more pronounced for lower-income countries than for high-income countries. Additional findings suggest that the observed relationship for lower-income nations has grown in magnitude through time, indicating that structural associations between high-income and lower-income countries have become increasingly ecologically unequal, at least in the context of greenhouse gas emissions. These results hold, net of various important controls.  相似文献   

Sociology is poised to greatly enhance our collective understanding of the various sustainability challenges facing the world today. To contribute to this endeavor, the authors conduct panel analyses of the per capita ecological footprints of nations to evaluate multiple theoretical traditions within environmental sociology and its sister approaches. Findings indicate that the consumption-based environmental impacts of nations are tied to economic development, urban population, militarization, and the structure of international trade. Ecological conditions in the context of climate and biogeography also prove to partially shape the environmental harms of human activities. Ultimately, this research suggests that political-economic factors, ecological milieu, and structural associations between nations all influence society/nature relationships. Considering the globally unsustainable levels of resource consumption and concomitant increases in pollution for a growing number of nations throughout the world, the authors contend that theoretically inclusive and methodologically rigorous investigations on such topics should be more central to the discipline.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that men who were exposed to combat during wartime differed from those who were not. Yet little is known about how selection into combat has changed over time. This paper estimates sequential logistic models using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to examine the stratification of military service and combat exposure in the US during the last six decades of the 20th century. It tests potentially overlapping hypotheses drawn from two competing theories, class bias and dual selection. It also tests a hypothesis, drawn from the life course perspective, that the processes by which people came to see combat have changed historically. The findings show that human capital, institutional screening, and class bias all determined who saw combat. They also show that, net of historical change in the odds of service and combat, the impact of only one background characteristic, race, changed over time.  相似文献   

Debates over immigration’s impact on less advantaged native workers often ignore industrial structure for creating segregated labor markets and demand for immigrant workers. We analyze population movements of less-educated foreign-born Hispanic, native-born Hispanic, White, and Black men between 1995 and 2000 using MIGPUMA-level 2000 PUMS data. We model in-migration, out-migration, and net migration for each group controlling for demographic composition, employment structure, change in employment structure, labor market indicators, and macro contextual measures. Results indicate positive significant relationships between migration patterns of all groups and support labor demand explanations of internal low-skilled migration emphasizing industrial change rather than labor competition.  相似文献   

How do institutions affect the relationship between an individual's beliefs and their actions? Institutionalized strategies are routine ways of addressing problems that become taken-for-granted in a society. Environmental problems constitute a collective action problem in that personal consumption often conflicts with collective interests. I test whether beliefs about environmental problems have a different impact on a person's pro-environmental behaviors, depending on how addressing collective action problems is institutionalized in their society. In particular, I use level of welfare targeting as an observable, organizational difference among societies that reflects different institutionalized strategies for addressing a prominent collective action problem. I use multilevel models on data from the 2010 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) and measures of welfare targeting from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to answer this question. I find that in societies where the institutionalized strategy for dealing with inequality is highly targeted, individuals' beliefs that these problems are important, real, and whether they can do something about them have a greater impact on their actions. The results suggest individuals generalize taken-for-granted strategies of assuring collective welfare to implement their individual beliefs about the environment, making institutional environments important moderators of the strength of the belief-action relationship.  相似文献   

文章采用各省份的面板数据,运用基尼系数及其分解法,实证分析1995~2009年间,中国城乡居民初次收入分配的结构及贡献差异。结果表明:中国城镇居民初次收入分配差距呈上升趋势,而农村居民呈下降趋势;工资性收入是收入差距的主要来源,农村居民目前确立了主导地位,而城镇居民主体地位呈下降趋势;中国居民初次收入分配地区差距呈上升趋势,城乡差距是最主要贡献来源。  相似文献   

文明的比较研究是历史研究一个重要对象。远的不说,自近代以来,文明史的研究在地理大发现之后,不断受到历史学家的重视。17世纪英国有普世史的写作,而到了19世纪,世界史的写作已经成为历史研究的一个重要分支。20世纪初年,施宾格勒、汤因比开启了比较文明史的研究,提倡历史演变的多元观点。这一传统至今仍有人坚持。不过,在全球化的背景下,当下的历史学家对文明比较的看法已经与以往大不相同。作者最近有幸参加了在澳洲悉尼举行的第20届国际历史科学大会,不仅得便观察了文明史研究的新动向,更发现在当今的历史研究中,以反映全球化而进行的文明之间和区域之间的比较研究,已经成为史学研究的一个重要潮流。概括说来,这一趋向有以下几个新的特征:首先,文明的研究更为注重人类与自然之间互动的状况,环境史的兴起便是标志之一。其次,文明的单位已经与以前呈现明显的不同,以往东、西方的概念已经为人所大大突破。复次,西方中心论的观念,不但为非西方史家所不齿,亦为西方史家所警惕,并努力加以突破。最后,对文明发展的观察,也从原来注重民族-国家的兴亡,转而注意社会与国家、民众与政府之间的互动、交涉和牵制。这既是现代史学的一个重要潮流,也是文明研究中值得注意的新动向。  相似文献   

夹生自治:上海杨浦城市社区“三位一体”模式实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以社会为导向的"三位一体"模式是我国城市社区管理体制改革的主要方向。本文以在上海市杨浦区的调查为基础,认为当前杨浦区的"三位一体"建设尚处在初始阶段,自治领域小、程度低、资源少、水平羸弱,居委会、业委会和物业公司三方自治、合作、协调的意识和能力比较薄弱,各个社区治理和参与的水平也参差不齐。"三位一体"模式的成熟需要通过熟练的专业化队伍、科学的职能限定和角色定位以及民主伦理的实践来解决。  相似文献   

Unlike traditional research on educational stratification that focuses on the pursuit of higher education, our study examines why young adults do not make the transition to college, using a nationally representative sample of college non-enrollees (N = 2640). In applying latent class analysis techniques, we identified multiple types of students who do not pursue college. One group of non-enrollees (27.6%) reports forgoing college because the economic barriers are too high - either because of college affordability or family financial responsibility. These youth had both low math test scores and low family income, and thus closely align with regression-based analyses on college enrollment that emphasize academic and economic constraints as the central barriers to educational progress. However, we also identified a second, often overlooked group of youth who had the academic preparation and family income support to enroll in higher education, but decided to forgo college because they preferred to work and to make money (18.3%). The heterogeneous motives of these youth suggest that postsecondary decisions are not always guided by academic and economic barriers, but sometimes driven by previous work experience and perceptions of local opportunities for school and work.  相似文献   

高雪晓 《河北学刊》2001,21(3):56-59
郁达夫有着肺病的郁结,内心却充溢着旷世的才学与英雄的豪情.他渴望如古代士大夫一般拥有如花美眷、红袖添香成就才子梦,无奈乱世求生,最终落得家毁人亡.郁达夫及其小说文本潜隐着一股不可遏止的将生命化入虚无的宿命追求,且在人生的旋涡中上演了一出极为惨烈、令人心痛的悲剧.  相似文献   

试办托拉斯是中国在20世纪60年代国民经济全面调整时期,对工业经济管理体制进行的一次重大改革尝试。组建托拉斯的设想得以提出并付诸实践有其历史的必然性,与中国当时的政治、经济发展形势有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

当前我国正在进行行政管理体制改革,而行政管理体制改革的根本之策,就是实现从管理型政府模式向服务型政府模式的转变.因此,建设服务型政府成为当前行政管理体制改革的重中之重,需要根据世情和国情,客观分析构建服务型政府的制度供求因素和制度创新的困境,科学预测未来服务型政府建设的创新特征,以期对这一制度创新过程有一个比较准确的总体判断.  相似文献   

陈晓明 《河北学刊》2003,23(5):112-119
"60年代出生群体"仅仅因为年龄上的相近而被列为一个创作群体,虽然这一称谓并不意味一个统一的文学派别,但这些作家的文学观念、表现方式和语言风格也有相近之处.他们远离意识形态中心,创建一种回到文本、回到个人经验的文学趋势.这一代作家无疑把当代中国的文学带到一个新的历史时期,也创造了汉语言文学在叙事方法、语言表现以及个人的内心体验方面的崭新经验.从某种意义上说,他们既表明传统中国文学的顽强韧性,又预示着未来无限开阔却杂乱的前景.他们是一种象征、坐标,一种终结与寓言.  相似文献   

李丹慧 《社会科学》2006,13(6):132-162
1960年代初,中苏两党实现新的团结的前提,都是要求对方向自己认为正确的立场靠拢.毛泽东更表明中共要影响苏共、帮助赫鲁晓夫.由此两党开始了一系列新的矛盾冲突.通过世界工联北京会议,中国率先在国际社会组织中公开了中苏两党的分歧.赫鲁晓夫进行报复,在布加勒斯特会议上组织了对中共代表团的围攻,并单方面决定召回全部在华苏联专家,将意识形态分歧扩大到国家关系.面对大跃进造成的中国国内经济衰退,毛泽东与中共在顶住苏联压力的同时,不得不对苏采取让步政策.双方关系出现了短暂的缓和.其间,中苏两党的对外方针在表象上呈现出相互趋同转化的情况.  相似文献   

曹能秀  苟琳 《学术探索》2015,(1):147-151
西部地区发展基础、发展底线与其他地区的巨大落差,决定了其义务教育均衡是一种不断提升自身底线的教育均衡发展模式。西部地区的义务教育均衡发展的历程大致可划分为潜伏期、探索期、倾斜期三个阶段。其发展特色为:在现实的基础上萌芽,在外援的基础上成长,在扶弱的基础上发展,在创新的基础上壮大。西部地区义务教育均衡发展的趋势为:由资源配置向资源激活发展,由多层级负责向省级统筹发展和由弱势帮扶向校际互动发展。  相似文献   

This study applies latent trajectory methods to the analysis of temporal changes in homicide rates among large US cities across recent decades. Specifically, annual homicide rates for 157 large US cities are analyzed for the 30 years from 1976 to 2005. We address the fundamental questions: Did all of cities experience similar levels and patterns of rise and decline in homicide rates over these three decades? Or is there hidden or unobserved heterogeneity with respect to these temporal patterns, thus leading to the identification of more homogeneous groupings of the cities? And if latent homogeneous groupings surface, is membership due to specific structural characteristics found within those cities? Evidence is found for the existence of four latent homicide rate trajectories. After identifying and classifying the cities into these four groups, multivariate statistical techniques are used to determine which social and economic characteristics are significant predictors of these distinct homicide trends. Criminal justice measures are also included as controls. It is found that larger cities located in the South with higher levels of resource deprivation/concentrated poverty, higher income inequality, higher percentages of the adult male population that are divorced, higher unemployment rates, higher percentages of youth, higher percentages of the population who are Hispanic and higher numbers of police per capita are more likely to be in a higher than a lower homicide trajectory group. Higher percentages of the population enrolled in colleges and universities and locations in states with higher incarceration rates are characteristics of cities associated with membership in a lower homicide trajectory group.  相似文献   

日本对中国直接投资的特征及趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本对中国直接投资的动因既有理论基础,又有现实原因,主要有赖于中国投资环境的改善;日本对中国直接投资经历了20世纪80年代、90年代和21世纪以后几个阶段;从产业分布特点、投资方式、投资区域特征几个方面看,日本对中国的投资具有不同的特征;从长远来看,中国仍将是日本的重要投入对象地。  相似文献   

人的全面发展包括人的思想道德素质、科学文化素质和身体素质等的全面提高和进步 ,但根本的是提高人的综合素质。小康社会的物质文明、政治文明和精神文明的协调发展 ,为实现人的全面发展创造了物质、政治、文化等一系列条件。  相似文献   

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