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王凯  王岚 《职业时空》2004,(4):52-53
企业信息化是企业为了适应快速变化的环境,为了提高效益和发展能力,应用信息技术,再造企业的变革过程,是从传统管理向现代管理转变的过程。中小企业通过信息化可以提升其在产业组织结构中的地位,增强其竞争优势,对中小企业实现跨越式发展有着特殊意义。我国中小企业信息化现状与存在问题1.企业对信息化建设的认识不足我国多数中小企业普遍采取“家族式”管理,在管理上多为经验型管理为主,缺乏科学管理理念,这是阻碍中小企业信息化进程的主要因素。一些企业业主认为在企业内购置几台微机就是信息化;有的中小企业认为在办公区内建立一个局域网…  相似文献   

武建 《职业时空》2003,(4):46-47
一个企业能否在竞争中不断发展壮大,很大程度上取决于能否对各种经营管理信息的及时获取、迅速处理以及有效利用。一个企业的信息系统由各种物理设备和相应的使用人员共同构成,很显然,信息化人才队伍的结构和素质构成将直接决定设备的利用效果,从而直接决定企业信息系统的最终效益。本文将讨论中小企业在实行信息化经营过程中的人才策略。  相似文献   

何劲 《职业时空》2003,(6):9-11
随着全球绿色革命浪潮的掀起,生态经济管理已成为21世纪企业管理的新时尚,环境因素已成为增强企业核心竞争力的新要素。现在的企业如果只考虑经济效益,而忽视消费者和社会的长远利益,不重视生态效益的提高和可持续发展能力的增强,必将走向衰亡。因此,企业必须从经营理念的高度认识、实施可持续发展战略,推进生态经济管理。生态经济管理是中小企业可持续发展的必然选择(一)生态经济管理是改善中小企业与自然关系,促进社会经济可持续发展的必然要求。我国中小企业数量众多,已成为国民经济发展的重要增长点,既是地方财政收入的主要来源,也是耗…  相似文献   

资金是民营中小企业发展过程中不可或缺的关键性的生产要素,稳定的融资渠道是民营中小企业发展的重要前提。当前,东西湖区民营中小企业发展中最突出的问题,就是资金的匮乏、融资渠道不畅。由于融资困难,民营中小企业的资金需求无法得到满足,严重制约了企业的生产经营和发展。因此,全面系统地分析中小企业融资难问题成为找出应对策略,推进东西湖区民营中小企业健康、快速发展的重中之重。  相似文献   

为了在经营活动中取得成功,中小企业总是处在谋求以经济的方式获得适时信息的需求中。因为企业通过对信息资源的开发和利用,可以优化和提高企业设计、生产、经营、管理、决策的效率和水平,进而提高企业的经济效益和市场竞争能力。随着中国加入WTO,企业信息化成为中小企业提高核心竞争力的重要手段之一。但是,中国企业累计在信息化上的投入只占总投入的0.22%,中小企业的信息化建设整体上仍处于较低水平。在众多  相似文献   

彭玲 《现代妇女》2013,(12):258-258
在多元化的市场环境下,中小企业战略管理的有效实施,对于企业的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了中小企业战略管理中存在的问题,随后,阐述了强化中小战略管理的三大原则,以及强化战略管理的若干策略。  相似文献   

侯岩  杨淑玲 《现代交际》2014,(4):110-111
中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,对我国经济发展和技术创新等方面都起到很重要的作用。然而,中小企业的发展受到很多条件的限制,本文先是对中小企业发展过程存在的不足和缺点进行评析,研究中小企业构建供应链战略联盟的意义和好处,在此基础上提出中小企业构建供应链战略联盟应注意的问题和具体策略。  相似文献   

企业的人力资源管理会对企业的生产、发展产生巨大的影响,对于现代企业而言,人力资源管理是提高企业生产价值的重要途径,信息化的人力资源管理无疑为企业人力资源管理创新提供了良好的机遇和平台。本文围绕"现代企业人力资源管理信息化建设"展开讨论,论述了现代企业实施人力资源管理信息化的意义、当前企业人力资源管理信息化过程中存在的问题,并就优化现代企业人力资源管理信息化提出了策略,希望能够为现代企业人力资源管理发展贡献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

CI的导入与实施,已经成为现代企业一项重要的发展战略。随着企业普遍上网以及营销方式的转变,网络环境下的企业形象(ICI)及其构建已经不容忽视。迄今,理论探究与成功案例极其缺乏,所以在此加以倡导并初步探索。  相似文献   

中国企业家的战略认识误区 企业战略管理是一种综合性、跨职能管理,也是一种高层次管理。战略管理是企业管理发展的高级阶段。世界上成功的企业、优秀的企业家无不重视战略。然而在中国,企业战略缺失、企业家不重视战略却是普遍存在的现象。企业家不重视战略,是因为企业家对战略有很多偏见和错误认识。中国企业家的对于企业战略的错误认识主要有以下几种: 1.不必要论。认为企业经营的目的是赚钱,什么赚钱干什么,怎么赚钱怎么干,企业战略没有存在的必要。这类企业  相似文献   

Epochal synthesis, retrospective ethnography, and critical comparison identify three distinct ways of thinking about history–sociology relations. Epochal synthesis has lost the favor it enjoyed 40 years ago, but is likely to revive with the rising prevalence of evolutionary explanations for social affairs. Retrospective ethnography requires an ability to reconstruct actors’ dispositions from the historical record, never an easy task. Critical comparison opens the way to specification of causal mechanisms and processes without reconstruction of dispositions. Retrospective ethnography and critical comparison will compete for historical sociologists’ attention for some time to come.  相似文献   

This paper traces changes in the culture of the Kyrgyz ethnic group in the era after the break-up of the USSR. In order to describe correctly changes in their lives, a comparison was used from a wide range of areas where Kyrgyz live. As a basis, the way of life of Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan is used. Kyrgyz here represent the majority, but before the break-up they did not emphasize their ethnicity significantly. After the break up of the USSR and the formation of the national state, they began to look for new, or new-and-old, roots and to strengthen their nationalistic tendencies. Looking for new roots included the creation of historical constructs and emphasizing many specifics of lifestyles of ‘real Kyrgyz’. But Kyrgyz live in many other states as a minority – especially in China, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. These Kyrgyz, however, often designate different elements of their culture as a basis of their ethnic group compared to Kyrgyz from Kyrgyzstan. The paper first tries to identify important elements of Kyrgyz culture in the era of the break-up of the USSR based on statements of respondents from Kyrgyzstan and to find out if these elements are also important as an identification feature for Kyrgyz in other states. Field research has been conducted in China and Tajikistan, but in this work, results from Afghanistan in particular are presented. The paper also tries to give an answer as to the influence of the formation of the national state (Kyrgyzstan) on members of ethnic groups living in other states as a minority (Kyrgyz in Afghanistan) and how this changed their ethnic identity.  相似文献   

This paper based on Contrastive Analysis, literal translation and free translation, and tries to improve knowledge of various linguistic phenomena expressing negative meaning in English, and decrease adversities in studying negation in English, so the language learners could commit fewer errors and translate English structures negative in meaning into correct, smooth and fluent Chinese, thus realizing the trans-communication.  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作进公寓是高等教育改革不断深入的产物,是高校思想政治工作的新领域,它面临着许多因素的制约。尤其在高教园区中,努力探索思想政治工作进公寓的有效途径,逐步形成学生公寓思想政治工作新模式,是各高校亟须解决的问题。  相似文献   

The study examines the changes that Arab families in Israel have undergone over three generations. It focuses on change and preservation in the division of labor between spouses, in the attitudes toward it, and оn how decisions are made in the family. It also examines the factors contributing to the preservation of traditional characteristics and those contributing to change. The study included 378 Moslem and Christian Arab women from three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and daughters). The findings indicate significant changes: the younger the generation is, the less traditional are the attitudes it holds and the more egalitarian the life of the couple is. The factors found to promote change were the woman’s education, work outside the home, intensive contacts with the Jewish population, and living near Jewish communities. The factor that was found to contribute most to the preservation of traditional patterns is consensual solidarity with the mother.  相似文献   

This article examines the distribution of home and community-based services (HCBS) under Florida's Medicaid waiver program. Controlling for personal and commnunity characteristics, it was found that gender and race significantly affect the access of the disabled adult population to HCBS services, with women and nonwhites significantly more likely to be receiving HCBS services. At the county level, the likelihood of one's being in the waiver program is contingent on the racial composition and level of segregation of the county. People residing in counties with substantial proportions of nonwhites are less likely to receive HCBS services– whatever their race. However, the higher the rate of racial segregation in the county, the higher the probability that the Medicaid disabled adult population will receive HCBS services. The Medicaid waiver program allows older, disabled black womcn to remain in their home neighborhoods rather than having to move to predominantly white areas where nursing homcs are concentrated. Thus, the HCBS program not only provides them with a form of care that is preferred by most older people but also resolves market problems stemming from the lack of nursing homes in segregated areas by taking advantage of support systems in black households.  相似文献   

This article examines the distribution of home and community-based services (HCBS) under Florida's Medicaid waiver program. Controlling for personal and community characteristics, it was found that gender and race significantly affect the access of the disabled adult population to HCBS services, with women and nonwhites significantly more likely to be receiving HCBS services. At the county level, the likelihood of one's being in the waiver program is contingent on the racial composition and level of segregation of the county. People residing in counties with substantial proportions of nonwhites are less likely to receive HCBS services--whatever their race. However, the higher the rate of racial segregation in the county, the higher the probability that the Medicaid disabled adult population will receive HCBS services. The Medicaid waiver program allows older, disabled black women to remain in their home neighborhoods rather than having to move to predominantly white areas where nursing homes are concentrated. Thus, the HCBS program not only provides them with a form of care that is preferred by most older people but also resolves market problems stemming from the lack of nursing homes in segregated areas by taking advantage of support systems in black households.  相似文献   

李成 《职业时空》2012,(1):158-159,162
综观新疆绿洲文化的发展史,多种文化的并存、交融与互补是其显著的特色。而新时期新疆绿洲文化还面临着一定的挑战和困惑,因此,弘扬新疆精神应与新疆绿洲文化的整合创新与传承相结合。  相似文献   

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