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沈黎  王安琪 《社会工作》2013,(1):86-97,154
社会工作督导是社会工作专业化的保障,随着我国社会工作实务的发展,建构符合本土情境需要的社会工作督导制度已成为当务之急。本文采用质性研究方法,以上海6位一线社工和5位社工督导为研究对象,着力探讨当下社会工作督导运作状况研究。研究从本土社工督导的基本情况、工作实施、对督导功能的理解、对督导工作的期待与反思等四个层面进行分析。研究发现,本土社工督导的专业知识、功能发挥及督导制度都有待改善。最后研究建议:制度层面要建构本土社工督导体制机制,教育层面要建立本土社工督导培养模式,机构层面要营造本土社工督导工作环境。  相似文献   

本文全面梳理英美社会工作实务范围内容的历史形成、发展轨迹和界定取向,系统总结英美代表性人物和机构社工实务概念框架的范围内容和实务体系的主要构成要素。本研究发现,英美社会工作实务范围内容的历史性主题是直接服务、协调与沟通、教学与教育服务、咨询服务、倡导性服务、研究性活动、社会工作干预评估研究和行政管理,共八大类。英美社会工作实务概念界定存在"非专业、非社工"的慈善公益服务,社会工作教育培训,社会个案工作方法,社会工作专门服务领域,以及社会工作实务概念的内涵外延界定五种最主要模式。在描述社工实务概念结构、层次与相互关系基础上,总结社会工作实务范围内容结构性演变规律。社会工作实务由非专业到专业服务,由直接服务到间接服务,由点面性服务到系统性服务,全面性、过程性、专业性、系统性社会工作服务体系框架形成,反映社会工作专业成熟程度。在此基础上,笔者首次界定现代取向的社会工作实务概念框架内涵,建构现代社会工作实务体系,目的是为建构中国特色社会工作制度框架设计与实务体系提供历史智慧,为构建健康福祉和谐社会,创造幸福美好新生活贡献社工专业智慧,指明中国特色社工实务与专业发展方向。  相似文献   

刘卯  马晖 《社会工作》2012,(2):77-79
企业社会工作作为社会工作的一项重要实务领域,是将社会工作的专业理念与手法运用到企业之中服务企业员工,在协调企业内部员工关系方面发挥着重要作用。目前,我国的企业社会工作还处在探索阶段,相关研究和实务经验均有限,而且在企业内的应用也充满了挑战。文章以笔者所在社工机构中的社工在深圳市B企业开展的项目服务为例,探索企业社会工作在员工关系管理中的应用,并就项目实施过程中所存在的困惑进行简要分析,以期为我国企业社会工作的发展提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

游戏是儿童表达想法和感受的重要媒介,在儿童的成长生活中占据着非常重要的地位。社会工作实务辅导有必要重视游戏对儿童的意义,将之融合进实务辅导之中。但目前我国社会工作专业领域中尚缺乏相关的理论和实践经验。本文结合自身实务经验,提出专业社工可在三个层面借鉴西方儿童游戏治疗理论的经验,指导个案辅导中的游戏运用,以期可以促进儿童个案社会工作实务的新发展。  相似文献   

游戏是儿童表达想法和感受的重要媒介,在儿童的成长生活中占据着非常重要的地位。社会工作实务辅导有必要重视游戏对儿童的意义,将之融合进实务辅导之中。但目前我国社会工作专业领域中尚缺乏相关的理论和实践经验。本文结合自身实务经验,提出专业社工可在三个层面借鉴西方儿童游戏治疗理论的经验,指导个案辅导中的游戏运用,以期可以促进儿童个案社会工作实务的新发展。  相似文献   

赵晴 《社会工作》2013,(3):84-92
随着我国社会工作实务领域的丰富和服务的不断发展,社会工作督导本土经验的呈现和探索对提升社会工作服务质量以及发展本土社会工作服务具有非常重要的意义。孤残儿童社会工作依赖福利院社工的能力、知识和技巧,为服务对象提供高素质的服务,而社会工作督导为院内社会工作人才培育和服务发展提供保障。院舍处境下的社会工作督导需要满足院方、社工、孤残儿童三方不同需求,督导的过程和功能因被督导者专业知识和能力限制、服务对象的特殊性和工作场所的特定性需要新的解读。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国社会工作已走过三十多年的恢复重建和艰难发展的坎坷历程。笔者运用文献回顾、内容分析、政策研究、参与观察和行动研究等方法,全面梳理改革开放以来医务社工历史变迁,简要描述分析医务社会工作现状,系统预测医务社会工作发展前景。从社会工作制度建设角度看,中国医务社会工作历史发展过程可以划分为1978~1991年、1992~1999年、2000~2006年、2007~2011年4个发展阶段,医务社工发展与制度建设特征明显。目前,医务社工从业人员队伍构成多样,"医务人员为主,专业社工为辅"特征明显。医务社工实务普遍存在于医疗卫生机构之中,医务工作服务对象涵盖各类病人和弱势群体。医务社会工作组织建设方式多种多样,实际从事医务社工为主、设置医院社会工作部为辅。医务社工的服务领域、职责范围、实务模式与专业能力建设是医务社工制度建设的核心议题。医务社会工作教育体系、课程设计、岗位培训、继续教育与实务模式研究等议题浮出水面。总体上说,中国医务社会工作制度建设尚处于早期起步阶段,专业价值观和专业伦理培养,实务模式与专业能力建设,基础理论、政策、实务、专业发展研究和组织建设是优先领域。中国社会福利元年和社会福利时代来临,尤其是构建和谐社会和人的全面发展的宏伟目标,中国人社会需要结构战略升级和国家形象重构,为中国医务社工发展创造难得的战略机遇。  相似文献   

2009年《社会工作》杂志将继续以宣传中国特色社会工作为已任,报道各地社会工作人才队伍建设和社会工作制度建设的亮点、热点、难点;研究社会工作的理论、实务、方法;弘扬助人自助的社工精神,普及社会工作专业知识。  相似文献   

杨雷 《社会工作》2011,(3):17-18
随着社会工作实务工作的不断推进,继个案工作、小组工作、社区工作三大传统专业实务厅法之外,社会工作行政在专业实务方法中成为不可缺少的领域。目前,政府购买社工机构社工服务的时候,机构行政社工没有被考虑在内,  相似文献   

2009年《社会工作》杂志将继续以宣传中国特色社会工作为己任,报道各地社会工作人才队伍建设和社会工作制度建设的亮点、热点、难点;研究社会工作的理论、实务、方法;弘扬助人自助的社工精神,普及社会工作专业知识。  相似文献   

The legislative framework of social work practice has consistently highlighted the need to work in partnership with parents, with far‐reaching implications for families. However, the importance of engaging fathers in social work practice is an issue that has received limited attention within academic debate and research. A research study undertaken across six family centres, investigated paternal involvement in family centre social work in Northern Ireland. The study involved 46 semi‐structured interviews with social workers, fathers and mothers. This paper presents the views of 22 social workers on the barriers to paternal involvement in family centre interventions. A range of factors were identified which served to inhibit or promote engagement of fathers. There were substantially more deterrents than promoters, a clear indicator of the problematic nature of paternal involvement. The findings highlight that both attitudes and practices of social workers influence the engagement of fathers. Recommendations drawn from the findings are presented for the development of father – inclusive social work practices and research.  相似文献   

从我国社区建设的实践来看,社区社会工作包括社区服务、社区社会救助、社区卫生、社区治安和社区教育等五个方面的主要内容.本文立足于标准化示范社区建设的实践,运用社会工作的理论与方法,对当前社区工作中的工作方法进行了探讨.虽然专业性社会工作服务机构相对缺乏,但是很多社区工作者已经运用了诸多社会工作方法与技巧,为社会工作的本土...  相似文献   

This paper examines university-community partnerships in gerontological social work research. Utilizing a case study approach, the process of collaboration is explored within the context of a two-phase research project conducted jointly by agency social workers, social work students and a social work faculty member. The benefits and challenges of the university-community research partnership are discussed along with the implications for gerontological social work research, education and practice.  相似文献   

Social workers often are reluctant to use evidence-based practice in group work. Part of this reluctance is because of the perceived rigidity of the process and its emphasis on research. However, social workers can rely on the four cornerstones of evidence-based practice—research, clinical experience, personal views, and client’s perspective—to provide an evidence-based group intervention. In this article, the authors illustrate how social workers used the four cornerstones at one alternative high school to provide an evidence-based group intervention. These cornerstones were used from the beginning of the process, which started with choosing the type of intervention, through the end of the process, which concluded with assessing the intervention. In this article, the authors show that it is possible for social workers to provide an evidence-based group intervention, while remaining flexible, thereby contributing to social workers’ knowledge of how to use evidence-based practice with groups.  相似文献   

Community development is generally considered to be a core component of social work practice and knowledge. Yet much professional social work literature and discourse seem to relegate community development to the sidelines. This article aims to address this deficit by interviewing six Victorian social workers involved in community-development practice. It documents the use of CD skills and strategies in social-work interventions, and the integration of the values, principles and frameworks of the two disciplines.  相似文献   

Summary The teaching of welfare law to social workers has recently beenthe subject of critical scrutiny. Concurrently the relationshipbetween social work practice and the law, the place that legislationshould occupy in daily working practice, has been openly debated.This paper, based on our teaching and practice experience anda small evaluation exercise, criticizes the principal positionstaken in the debate on that relationship. It also evaluatestwo approaches to teaching law to social workers. We argue thatteaching law to social workers and using legal knowledge andprovisions in practice is not as simple and straight-forwardas some commentators allege. Rather, we argue that, for socialworkers to learn and apply the law effectively, both teachinglaw and any subsequent application of this knowledge must beconsidered in a conceptual frame of practice dilemmas whichconfront every practitioner and create role conflict, uncertainty,ambiguity, and insecurity.  相似文献   

This article addresses the process of developing an educational model for teaching social work with groups in an undergraduate social work degree program in Israel. The model was developed against a backdrop of decreasing status of social group work within the profession and the consequent loss of its unique identity and power in the social work field. The model's aims are to provide the students with the basic principles of social group work, to ensure its place in their professional identity, and to awaken curiosity regarding its use in their future practice as social workers.  相似文献   

Shame is an underexplored and misunderstood emotion. It can be described as an acute awareness of one's flawed and unworthy self. It is the primary social emotion and one of our most intimate feelings developed within the context of our family of origin, which can have a devastating effect on an individual and their relationships. Social workers are routinely faced with issues of shame as an intrinsic consequence of the matters with which social work deals and also as a result of how both families and workers experience the child protection process. This paper outlines the research on shame and guilt to argue for a re‐evaluation of the key challenges faced by child protection social workers. It is argued that shame experienced by parents and carers potentially plays a significant role in these challenges, while it may be argued that ‘guilt’ has had a bad press and may potentially play an important role in the successes. An argument is made for a shame‐reducing child protection social work practice with some key themes for practitioners to consider in their attempt to improve the accuracy of assessments and intervention.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the professional literature with respect to the social work profession's involvement in end-of-life care. The search process was conducted by entering key words in various combinations to electronic databases. Eligible articles were required to address one of the following: roles and activities of social workers in providing end-of-life care; core principles valued by social workers in the provision of end-of-life care; and barriers to provision of effective end-of-life care. The literature from 1990 through July 2004 was searched most rigorously. Based on this review, suggestions for where the profession of social work should focus its energies are offered. These key areas include focusing on generating empirically-based knowledge for practice and policy analysis and developing a system of social work education that addresses the unique knowledge and skills needed to participate in end-of-life practice as competent and informed professional practitioners. Current initiatives with regard to critical areas are summarized.  相似文献   

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