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陈兴 《社会福利》2014,(2):39-40
中彩网作为中国福利彩票发行管理中心唯一指定的网络信息发布媒体,多年来,在财政部、民政部和中国福利彩票发行管理中心的知道和关心下,中彩网以"传播福彩公益,弘扬中国慈善"为愿景,不断优化福彩网络舆论环境,宣传福彩文化,弘扬福彩公益形象,引导彩民健康理性购彩,协助相关部门探索适合中国彩票市场的营销模式,受到了公众认可和尊重。  相似文献   

正作为中国福利彩票发行管理中心唯一指定的网络信息发布媒体——中彩网(www.zhcw.com),在民政部和中国福利彩票发行管理中心的关心支持下,秉持"传播福彩,弘扬公益"的发展理念,以"营造良好的福彩网络舆论环境,引导彩民健康理性购彩"为己任,在适合中国社会福利彩票市场的营销模式与公益宣传等方面做出了积极探索与尝试,成为中国社会福利彩票重要的  相似文献   

爆竹一声辞旧岁.新春更有新惊喜,福彩推出网点即开票"刮刮乐".给岛城彩民带来了新趣味。2月13曰,青岛市福利彩票发行销售管理工作会议在人民会堂召开。2007年青岛福彩销量为17.08亿元.实现人均230元高位销量.筹集公益金6亿元.再创历史新高,蝉联全国彩票销量"八连冠"。成绩可喜,人心振奋,今年青岛福彩中心将再接再厉,继续推进电脑福利彩票规范化发展,他们聘请了社会义务监督员。同时.在全市范围内全面推开网点即开票,  相似文献   

梁广伦 《社会福利》2011,(12):62-62
为确保福彩发行工作“安全运行,健康发展”,积极引导鼓励福彩站点走专业化,标准化道路,努力为社会和广大彩民营造和谐优质的购彩环境。2011年以来,泗洪县以打造福彩专营店为目标,按照财政拨一点、福彩中心出一点的办法,大力实施“扩点铺面”工程,全年新建福彩站点32个,站点总量达到116家,  相似文献   

发展福利事业无疑是利国利民的"好心",但谁在为这颗"好心"买单? 1被诱惑的白领彩民"中福在线"是中国福利彩票发行管理中心发行、全国联网、由位于北京的服务器统一控制的在线即投、即中、即兑的视频彩票。福彩官方在其公开宣传中称,"中福在线"定位于中高收人群体,主要吸纳"较大额度的零花钱",也被称为"中高级彩民的乐园"。  相似文献   

为加快福利彩票事业科学发展进程,更好地服务于经济社会发展全局和民政事业整体发展要求,贵州省依据《中国福利彩票"十二五"发展规划纲要》以及贵州民政事业发展"十二五"有关规划,制定了《贵州省福利彩票"十二五"发展规划》(以下简称《发展规划》).《发展规划》针对贵州属于西部欠发达欠开发省份,经济总量小,人均水平低,贫困人口数量较大,彩民群体过小,彩票购买力低的实际情况,适时地提出要紧紧抓住贵州实现经济社会后发赶超的关键时期,紧紧抓住福利彩票事业科学发展的重要战略机遇期,以推进福利彩票事业科学发展为主题,以保障安全、扩大发行为主线,以突破和解决制约福利彩票事业发展的瓶颈问题为着力点,开拓创新,整合资源,加强福利彩票机构能力建设,全面推进体制机制、管理制度、技术保障、人才队伍、基础设施建设,大力弘扬福彩文化,努力走出一条符合贵州自身实际的发展之路,推动福利彩票事业全面、协调、可持续发展.  相似文献   

张爱凤 《社会福利》2009,(11):38-39
2009年6月,深圳福彩“木马案”案尚未淡出人们的视线。10月,河南安阳彩民独揽3.6亿元福利彩票大奖的爆炸性新闻,又将彩票推上了风口浪尖。本来是一次中性事件或者说是给百姓生活的一份意外惊喜,却因媒体重磅出击,报纸、广播、电视、互联网、手机关于3.6亿元彩票大奖的新闻、事实、传言、猜测、个人言论甚至虚构的故事混杂在一起,真假虚实,莫衷一是。就当前的舆论导向而言,  相似文献   

为了活跃彩民的夜生活.岛城“福彩夜市”从7月22日陆续在部分投注点推出,在彩民比较集中的投注点,延长营业时间,通过边纳凉边讨论的形式给彩民提供一个讨论福彩.讨论技巧的场所在活动当中.有答题有奖.彩票讲座等小栏目.在答题有奖活动中各站点都准备了精美小礼品,题目主要是彩票的一些基础知识和投注技巧“夜市”将会一直持续到10月份,还会通过不定期地开展彩票讲座.让更多的人参与到彩票这个福利事业中来  相似文献   

日前,江苏省沭阳县福彩中心公布消息,该县又一彩民喜中双色球第2012年052期一等奖,奖金额高达908万元。据站点业主回忆,这张中奖彩票是沭阳一彩民于5月6日在32130379号福彩站点购买的。这是该县继2011年12月27日和2012年1月5日两次中出一等奖之后第三次中出的一等奖,这在县级城市是十分少见的。不到半年时间内连续中出三个一等奖,这不仅给沭阳彩民购买福彩带来了好运,同时也增加了他们对福彩事业的信任和热情。  相似文献   

由南川区民政局、重庆市福利彩票发行中心渝东南营销分中心联合举办的“民生福彩彩绚南川”创业大赛于2011年5月16日正式结束。本次大赛为参赛者提供10个福彩A级投注站建设指标和1个刮刮乐社会渠道中心站,重庆市福利彩票发行中心还将为本次创业大赛提供10个就业岗位。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the behaviour of lottery players when they get to choose their own numbers. Most lotto players do not pick combinations at random, but prefer more idiosyncratic techniques when they fill in the play grid. This is highlighted when the actual distribution of combinations for a single draw in the UK National Lottery is examined. A new model of gambler choice is developed and specified, and the resulting distribution of combinations fitted to the empirical data. Various implications of the model are discussed, such as the expected value of lotto tickets for different types of player.  相似文献   

Tacit coordination is studied in a class of games in which each of n = 20 players is required to choose between two courses of actions. The first action offers each player a fixed outcome whereas the second presents her the opportunity of participating in a lottery with probabilities that are determined endogenously. Across multiple iterations of the game and trial-to-trial changes in the composition of the lottery, we observe a remarkably good coordination on the aggregate but not individual level. We further observe systematic deviations from the Nash equilibrium solution that are accounted for quite well by a simple adaptive learning model.  相似文献   

In two experiments conducted with low-income participants, we find that individuals are more likely to buy state lottery tickets when they make several purchase decisions one-at-a-time, i.e. myopically, than when they make one decision about how many tickets to purchase. These results extend earlier findings showing that “broad bracketing” of decisions encourages behavior consistent with expected value maximization. Additionally, the results suggest that the combination of myopic decision making and the “peanuts effect”—greater risk seeking for low stakes than high stakes gambles—can help explain the popularity of state lotteries.
George LoewensteinEmail:

This article identifies a lottery pricing anomaly, which I call the “r=x anomaly,” that is present in past pricing experiments—namely, a tendency for subjects to announce that their minimum selling price for some binary lottery is the greater of the two lottery prizes. The study shows that the anomaly is inconsistent with two theoretical explanations for another well-known pricing anomaly (preference reversal) and experimentally replicates these inconsistencies. The new experiment also measures the time subjects spend making their pricing decisions. These decision-time measurements suggest that ther=x anomaly may be a decision-cost effect.  相似文献   

One fundamental assumption often made in the literature on unawareness is that risk preferences are invariant to changes of awareness. We study how exposure to unawareness affects choices under risk. Participants in our experiment choose repeatedly between varying sure outcomes and a lottery in three phases. All treatments are exactly identical in phase 1 and phase 3, but differ in phase 2. There are five different treatments pertaining to the lottery faced in phase 2: The control treatment (i.e., a standard lottery), the treatment with awareness of unawareness of lottery outcomes but known number of outcomes, the treatment with awareness of unawareness of outcomes but with unknown number of outcomes, the treatment with unawareness of unawareness of some outcomes, and the treatment with an ambiguous lottery. We study both whether behavior differs in phase 3 across treatments (between subjects effect) and whether differences of subjects’ behavior between phases 1 and phase 3 differ across treatments (within subject effects). We observe no significant treatment effects.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,江西作为历史上农业大省,确立了工业立省、人才强省的目标。经济转型使人力资源成为首要问题。本研究结合江西经济和社会发展战略目标的重大调整,以两所本地高校为例,揭示大力发展女性高等教育的重大意义,并对比经济发达国家较为完整的女性高等教育体系及其女性人才的职业前景,为我国,特别是江西省女性高等教育体系的建立、女大学生就业保障体系的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

李丽华 《社会工作》2008,(24):50-53
新世纪以来,江西作为历史上农业大省,确立了工业立省、人才强省的目标。经济转型使人力资源成为首要问题。本研究结合江西经济和社会发展战略目标的重大调整,以两所本地高校为例,揭示大力发展女性高等教育的重大意义,并对比经济发达国家较为完整的女性高等教育体系及其女性人才的职业前景,为我国,特别是江西省女性高等教育体系的建立、女大学生就业保障体系的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

The lottery payoff procedure does not successfully induce risk-neutral bidding behavior in first-price, sealedbid auctions. This conclusion follows from both ordinary-least-squares estimation with natural data and leastabsolute-deviation estimation with transformed data from numerous experimental designs. Lottery payoffs do not succeed in inducing behavior predicted from standard expected utility theory assumptions or from assumed utility from winning and/or income thresholds. In contrast, first-price auction experiments with monetary payoffs yield results that are consistent with general models of bidding in the independent private values information environment.  相似文献   

对江西省农村剩余劳动力转移问题的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西省是一个农业大省,农业在全省国民经济中占有重要地位,农业人口比重也较大,是我国第三大劳务输出省。农村剩余劳动力的转移将是一项艰巨的任务,任重而道远,我们必须重视它,清楚它的现状,找到问题的制约因素,并应积极采取有效措施,推动农村剩余劳动力有序流动,合理实现农业人口向非农产业转移,以促进江西省经济的发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

This article reports 15 first-price auction experiments, each with four bidders, designed to test Cedric Smith' (1961) hypothesis that risk-neutral behavior can be induced in subjects' decisions by paying them in lotteries on money that are linear in the outcome probabilities. We choose the first-price auction environment because of its relatively high success in surviving a large number of tests, which contrasts with the widely documented tendency of subjects to violate the expected utility axioms in making choices among gambles. In the first five experiments, subjects were experienced in first-price auctions with monetary rewards. We prescreened these subjects for exceptionally high bidding consistency with the constant relative risk-averse model. The results unyielded only weak support for the risk-neutralizing procedure (3 of 10 risk-averse cases became risk-neutral, but only 1 in 8 that were retested continued to exhibit risk-neutral behavior). We recruited 16 new subjects with no previous experience for four lottery-only auctions. Eight of the 16 subjects bid as if risk-neutral, but in a retest of 12 subjects only 2 remained consistently risk-neutralized. Finally we recruited 12 inexperienced subjects, and each subject bid against 3 robot bidders whose bidding strategies were known to the human bidder. We use this procedure to control for Nash expectations. These 12 subjects were run under both monetary and lottery reward conditions. Two of the 12 subjects bid as if risk-neutral in the lottery auction, but both of these subjects had shown risk-neutral behavior with monetary rewards. In conclusion, we find very weak support for the risk-neutralizing procedure. We caution other researchers to run calibration tests of the procedure in the particular context they are studying to assess its reliability.  相似文献   

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