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近年来,随着国内社会工作界对实务领域中伦理标准问题的讨论的深入,深切感到要为案主提供有效的专业服务,社会工作者必须坚守为案主保密这一专业伦理原则。那么,社会工作者如何坚守为案主保密原则?本文借用《美国社会工作  相似文献   

董国强 《社会工作》2011,(15):53-54
近年来,随着国内社会工作界对实务领域中伦理标准问题的讨论的深入,深切感到要为案主提供有效的专业服务,社会工作者必须坚守为案主保密这一专业伦理原则。那么,社会工作者如何坚守为案主保密原则?  相似文献   

在社会工作实务过程中要求案主透露大量信息,而且随着工作关系不断深入,这些信息的广度和深度也将不断增加。很自然地,案主会非常关心社会工作者会怎样对待和使用这些信息,因此对案主有关资料的保密,既是社会工作专业伦理的要求,也是社会工作者的道德要求,同时这也会影响到案主对社会工作者的信任,进而影响到干预的效果。但是这种保密也不是绝对的,在有些情况下,社会工作者又不得不打破保密原则,这就使得保密原则陷入了伦理困境。怎样才能处理好这一困境?笔者从隐私权和知情权的角度进行了分析,以期得到一个较好的解决方案。  相似文献   

在社会工作实务过程中要求案主透露大量信息,而且随着工作关系不断深入,这些信息的广度和深度也将不断增加。很自然地,案主会非常关心社会工作者会怎样对待和使用这些信息,因此对案主有关资料的保密,既是社会工作专业伦理的要求,也是社会工作者的道德要求,同时这也会影响到案主对社会工作者的信任,进而影响到干预的效果。但是这种保密也不是绝对的,在有些情况下,社会工作者又不得不打破保密原则,这就使得保密原则陷入了伦理困境。怎样才能处理好这一困境?笔者从隐私权和知情权的角度进行了分析,以期得到一个较好的解决方案。  相似文献   

随着中国社会工作职业化的纵深推进,越来越多的职业伦理困境和风险产生于社会工作实践当中.然而,关于我国社会工作伦理困境的研究却多以伦理理论本身作为研究对象,以哲学思辨为方法,缺乏实践案例与实证分析;与伦理困境相伴而生的职业风险也基本上被学界所忽略.因此,本研究采用多案例分析的研究方法,透过“案主一社工一机构一职业”的实践场域的多主体分析,讨论我国社会工作者所面临的社会工作伦理困境与职业风险.研究发现,以深圳、广州社工为代表的中国内地社会工作职业伦理困境,例如案主自决还是限制、隐私保密还是公开、专业服务中的私人关系等问题,多由社会工作者缺乏实践经验、专业伦理规范的模糊与缺失、案主在伦理中的主体性被忽略,以及社会工作者对伦理原则的认知误区等因素所导致.社会工作伦理困境又进一步产生出职业风险,如身心安全、行业处罚、被起诉等.社会工作者可以采用避免单独上门服务、规范服务流程、熟识相关法律政策、向资深从业者学习等策略去防范职业风险.另外行业协会与政府也需要借鉴欧美、港台先进经验,结合本土文化传统,搭建本土的伦理体系,并推动社会工作实践的法制化.  相似文献   

齐芳 《社会工作》2013,(1):138-141,156
抗逆力是社会工作实践的一个重要视角,企业社会工作可以运用该视角为新生代青年工人提供专业的社会工作服务。新生代青年工人在抗逆力外在优势因素、内在优势因素和效能优势因素等方面还存在不足,与外在资源缺乏连接,自我认同不高,面对生活和成长过程中的问题解决能力不足,因而在适应城市生活和工厂生产等方面遇到一些困境。社会工作者可以从抗逆力的视角,开展宣传引导、个案管理、小组活动和主题活动等社会工作专业服务,提升新生代青年工人对城市生活和工厂生产的适应能力,促进员工关系和劳资关系的和谐。  相似文献   

沈黎 《社会工作》2012,(2):25-30
社会工作在实践过程中面临的最大困境是人与文化互动过程所形成的多元可能,这种多元可能往往使实务工作者在提供专业服务过程中遭遇价值抉择的两难。本研究运用质性研究的方法,以上海青少年社会工作者的实践为研究对象,着力探讨当下本土社会工作伦理实践中的困境及抉择。研究发现,本土社会工作常见的伦理困境包括:保密与否、案主自决、利益冲突、专业界限、公平分配、价值冲突、同事关系。而社工在进行伦理抉择时,遵循三大基本原则:案主生命优先原则,法律规定、机构规范优于个人价值,人际关系取向。此外,研究以"人在情境中"的概念为框架基础,提出个体因素(即社工个体对伦理抉择的影响)、问题因素(即伦理困境本身对伦理抉择的影响)、情境因素(即外部环境对伦理抉择的影响)这个三维分析架构来系统分析社会工作伦理抉择中的影响因素及其过程。最后,研究建议要建构本土的社会工作伦理体系,即建构本土导向的社会工作伦理原则、建立操作取向的社会工作伦理机制。  相似文献   

近年来,深圳市社会工作发展迅猛,已经成为大陆社会工作发展的"标兵"。与此同时,深圳市专业社会工作者流失比较严重,社会工作者流失率逐年攀升。伴随着社会工作行业的发展,如何看待社会工作者身份的建构过程和遭遇的"重重危机",已成为我们必须追问的问题。本文试图在社会建构理论视角下,去探讨在目前的社会环境下社会工作机构、同工、居民等各种社会力量,是如何与社会工作者自身一起建构和形塑了社会工作者群体的身份认同,以期通过这些考察与探讨,去了解社会工作者身份认同现状,并希望从此角度去理解社会工作行业的发展,提出改善社会工作者身份认同现状的一些对策。  相似文献   

沈黎 《社会工作》2008,(7):41-43
一、考试特点 按照《社会工作者职业水平暂行规定》、《助理社会工作师、社会工作师职业水平考试实施办法》以及《社会工作者职业水平考试大纲》的要求,社会工作者职业水平考试既要保持社会工作的专业性,又必须符合中国本土国情,同时要突出“能力为本的原则”。因此,《社会工作实务(中级)》的考试既应当遵循这一基本原则,同时也是三门考试科目中最能体现这一特色的科目。  相似文献   

王冠 《社会工作》2011,(21):53-54
社会工作实务的过程是社会工作者遵循社会工作的价值观、运用社会工作理论分析、采用社会工作方法与技巧介入的过程,而整个过程,社会工作价值观、理论、方法与技巧等有效地结合,体现社会工作者助人的一种智慧。由此所带来多样化的社会工作实务过程中,  相似文献   

This paper draws on the findings of a project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK, examining how child and family multidisciplinary teams learn and work together. It outlines the approach taken by the research team before going on to explore New Labour policy around ‘joined‐up thinking’. The paper focuses on the role of social workers in the teams and uses qualitative data to explore the experience of social workers in relation to four key issues: models of professional practice, status and power, confidentiality and information sharing, and relations with external agencies. We argue that these are complex and contested issues that are challenging for the workers concerned. We conclude that whilst joined‐up working is complex and demanding, social work is well situated to meet the challenge, and that social workers in multidisciplinary teams are committed to making them work.  相似文献   

With the development of the social work profession in China, the demand for Social Work graduates is growing. In order to meet the manpower need for social workers, various colleges and universities have set up training programmes for the social work profession, and the need for social work labs which are considered a required facility for professional social work education is also rapidly growing. However, because of the lack of adequately trained professional social workers, there is no consensus among social work academics as to how social work labs should be set up. Based on a literature review and empirical research, this paper summarises and analyses the experiences of how social work labs have been set up in Beijing and Wuhan, both in terms of hardware and software, to meet professional requirements.  相似文献   


Social workers in mental health face a complex climate where they encounter value-laden intervention choices daily. Examples of these choices may include deciding to initiate treatment in spite of a client's wishes to the contrary, making a decision to break confidentiality, feeling pressured to diagnose a client with a reimbursable condition despite a treatment philosophy that may be to the contrary, or feeling the need to “pick and choose” therapy topics in light of severe shortages in benefit coverage. These and other scenarios put social work clinicians at risk for professional dissonance or what has been called a feeling of discomfort arising from the conflict between professional values and expected or required job tasks. The current article explores professional dissonance as a pertinent concept for social work in general, and mental health social work in particular. The theory base of the concept is explored as well as its utility for understanding burn-out in a deeper way.  相似文献   

王红艺 《社会工作》2011,(20):37-39,42
企业社会工作是专业社会工作的重要的实务领域,是专业社会工作服务于农民工的重要路径。企业社会工作介入农民工服务,将有助于农民工问题的解决。企业社会工作可以在维权和协调劳资关系、协助解决各种实际困难和问题、教育与培训、营造有利于农民工的企业文化等诸多方面为农民工提供服务。企业社会工作介入农民工服务主要有"企业主动引入"和"政府购买服务"两种基本的推进模式,以及作为重要补充的"校企合作"、"社会捐助"等其他推进模式。  相似文献   

Professional and personal hierarchies of ethical principles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore social workers’ perception of the importance and rank ordering of ethical principles. Do they have a generally agreed upon hierarchy of ethical principles? Do they apply similar hierarchies of ethical principles when facing different cases? Are their professional and personal hierarchies of ethical principles similar? The findings based on a structured questionnaire indicated that while social workers attach high importance to most ethical principles closely associated with social work, they do not hold a universal hierarchy of ethical principles. Social workers change their ethical hierarchies in different professional situations but there is no difference between their professional and personal ethical hierarchies. Implications for practice and education are discussed.  相似文献   


The active user principle introduced in Czech social services by the new Act on Social Services (2007) was expected to induce change of the prevalent paternalistic nature of social service provision. This study examines the relationship between clients and social service workers in social service facilities designed for people without shelter. From 2001 to 2008, instrumental case studies were examined from three different shelter facilities using qualitative interviews (with 17 members of staff) and document analysis. The findings indicated that neither the frontline workers nor the managers could always understand how to implement this principle. Response patterns and the effect it had on recipients are examined. These findings imply that such a profound change needs to be supported with proper explanation, professional training, and practical application skills. Directions for further application and future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The International Association for Social Work with Groups Standards for Social Work Practice with Groups specify the core knowledge, skills, and values needed for effective professional practice. These Standards are intended to serve as a guide to group work practice. The extent to which the Standards inform and are employed in practice, however, remains a question. This article focuses on the extent to which the Standards are utilized by social workers employed within primary and secondary schools. Focus is placed on how the Standards are perceived, understood, and practiced by school social workers.  相似文献   

高钟 《社会工作》2012,(2):8-12
新世纪以来中国社会转型由权力社会进入民意社会,温饱问题解决后人民更关心社会公平与正义,利益分化导致各类社会问题集中的突显出来。由此引发了中共中央对于化解社会矛盾与问题的社会工作专业予以前所未有的重视。而企业社工因为关系到企业这一社会最重要的经济基础的稳定与发展,关系到企业社会责任的落实,关系到数亿劳动者与企业主的和谐共处,并因此而直接影响到社会的和谐与安宁,故得到了学界与政府的高度重视。中国本土企业社会工作面临着前所未有的发展机遇。但企业社工在中国是一个全新的领域,无论是理论上还是实践上,社工专业同仁与社会各界还未做好充分的准备,随着机遇而来的是巨大的挑战。其中最为突出的挑战是如何做好新生代农民工的城市融入与职业依归。  相似文献   


Health care has evolved rapidly in Saudi Arabia, based upon a Western model of service that incorporates multidisciplinary professional teams. Social work practice forms part of patient care. This study explores how Saudi social workers perceive their role and how they describe their practice within the hospital context. A quantitative methodology was employed using a self-administered questionnaire. Analysis revealed that 219 social workers perceived formidable limitations to their daily work practice. The study identified factors relating to the hospital's organizational circumstances where a) organizational structural aspects, b) organizational resources, and c) hospital management and interprofessional teamwork impacted best practice. Future research and recommendations for further study are outlined.  相似文献   

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