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之一:以社会养老服务体系建设规划为引领,确保科学发展 《社会养老服务体系建设规划(2011~2015年)》是国家关于社会养老服务发展的第一个专项规划,对"十二五"时期我国社会养老服务体系建设提出了纲领性要求,做出了顶层设计.在推进社会养老服务体系建设中,一定要以国家规划为引领,始终把握正确发展方向,科学谋划和推动各项工作扎实开展.首先,坚持资金保障与服务保障相结合,着力解决老年人有钱养老和有服务养老的问题.资金保障方面,目前主要抓好高龄津贴和养老服务补贴制度的推进工作;服务保障方面,要优先保障孤老优抚对象及低收入的高龄、独居、失能等困难老年人的服务需求,兼顾全体老年人改善和提高养老服务条件的要求.  相似文献   

坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持以人为本的科学发展观,以满足老年人多层次、多样化、全覆盖的养老服务需求为目标,以保障低收入和“三无”老年人的基本生活权益为重点,以服务城乡老年人为出发点和落脚点,大力弘扬敬老、养老、助老传统美德,动员全社会关注、参与老年人事业,不断推进老年人事业健康有序地发展,促进社会和谐、稳定。  相似文献   

正养老服务业是为老年人提供生活照顾和护理等服务,满足老年人特殊生活需求的服务行业。中国政府高度重视发展养老服务业,先后制定了《中国老龄事业发展"十二五"规划》、《社会养老服务体系建设"十二五"规划》、《关于加快发展养老服务业的若干意见》。目前,已经初步构建了以居家为基础、社区为依托、机构为支撑、医养相结合的社会养老服务体系,初步确立了养老事业与养老产业协调并进的发展格局,初步形成了比较完备的政策法规体系、标准规范体系和  相似文献   

速读之一: "敬老行动"的指导思想和基本原则 指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,坚持以人为本的科学发展观,以满足老年人多层次、多样化、全覆盖的养老服务需求为目标,以保障低收入和"三无"老年人的基本生活权益为重点,以服务城乡老年人为出发点和落脚点,大力弘扬敬老、养老、助老传统美德,动员全社会关注、参与老年人事业,不断推进老年人事业健康有序地发展,促进社会和谐、稳定.  相似文献   

天津市天津市和平区初步建立以贯彻落实老年人相关政策法规和待遇为基本保证,以“居家养老”为基本模式,以老年弱势群体为重点服务对象,以机构养老、日间照料服务、自助互助养老和公益性服务为社会依托,以有偿及市场化服务为引导方向,重点项目突出、基本功能到位的区域性养老服务体系;建立健全与之相配套的规章制度、管理和监督办法,以及资源整合、利益均衡的社会协调和仲裁手段,逐步形成覆盖全区的社会运作机制和网络平台。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是一项全球性的社会议题。为了应对人口老龄化的挑战和满足老年人的养老需求,许多国家和地区出台相关的社会政策,规划养老服务及机构的发展,以期未雨绸缪,妥善解决养老问题。本文以英国、日本和我国香港地区为例,探讨它们的养老政策和规划养老服务及机构发展的经验,以期作为我国面对老龄社会养老需要,进行养老机构和养老照顾体系规划的借鉴。  相似文献   

老年人对养老方式的选择动因是增进个人效用,一定程度上体现了福利经济学第一层目标:效率。然而,老年人的自身条件、对社会养老服务的信赖心理、社会养老服务的空间位置、养老服务的价格可及性等因素,影响制约着实际决策的选择,造成消费倾向和实际选择的差异,阻碍着效率和公平。对此,政府应以政策为载体进行调节,以提高资源配置效率和基本养老服务的均等化。  相似文献   

辽宁省早在1996年就进入了老龄化社会.到2004年末,全省60岁以上的老年人口已达到583万人,占人口总数的13.7%.据预测,到2010年,全省60岁以上的老年人将会达到704万人,占总人口的15.8%;到2015年,全省60岁以上的老人将会达到815万人,占总人口的17.6%.其中城市老年人达到314.8万人,农村老年人268.2万人.几年来,在省委、省政府的正确领导下,辽宁省适应社会主义市场经济体制需要,以养老、安老为重点,以构建"三个体系、一个网络"为内容的社会福利社会化不断深化,对养老产业的发展进行了积极的探索和有益的尝试,即构建适应养老市场需求的福利服务体系、社会福利机构管理体系和政策法规体系;以居家养老为基础,以社区为依托,以社会办和国办机构养老为补充的覆盖全社会所有老年人的养老服务网络.  相似文献   

指导思想:以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,立足于辽宁省城市化程度高、老年人口基数大、老龄化进程快、群众消费水平中等偏低的省情,以满足日益增长的社会养老需求为目标,以老年人福利服务为重点,坚持以居家养老为基础,社区福利服务为依托,社会福利机构为补充的发展方向,积极探索由政府倡导资助,社会力量积极兴办社会养老产业的发展道路,逐步建立与辽宁省经济发展和社会需求相适应的社会养老服务体系、管理体制和运行机制,实现养老产业健康有序快速发展.  相似文献   

正国务委员王勇强调:大力支持社会力量兴办养老机构在第二个老年节来临之际,国务委员、全国老龄工作委员会主任王勇来到北京市石景山区、昌平区考察养老机构,看望慰问老年人,向全国老年人致以节日的问候和祝福。他强调,党中央、国务院十分关心老年人的民生改善,高度重视养老服务业发展,各地区、各部门要进一步简政放权,创新体制机制,支持社会力量兴办养老机构,为老年人提供专业化、规范化、多  相似文献   

The growing awareness of family support among the frail aged has yet to be incorporated into a clear strategy for developing comprehensive community care. A starting point is to identify the characteristics of target populations, the range of tasks associated with aged care, and the capabilities of various informal and formal providers. Fully appropriate services would take into account the availability of family support as well as the needs of older people themselves. It is suggested that services be designed to (1) supplement support from spouses; (2) periodically substitute for other co-resident carers; (3) complement assistance from nonresident family; and (4) substitute for the unavailability of family support. Community services currently provide modest supplements, principally to nonresident support, but do little to address the other contexts of care. Suggestions are made for program developments that would provide genuine alternatives to institutionalisation without devolving the social costs entirely onto families.  相似文献   

本文以天津市南开区某医院精神科精神病患者为例,对其五名精神病患者进行了“精神康复小组活动”的介入研究。介入结果表明:小组工作在巩固药物治疗的基础上,为精神病患者提供了心理和社会的支持,缩短了精神病患者回归社会的路程,为精神病患者的康复提供了新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

人口的老龄化趋势与家庭结构的演变使城市空巢家庭大量增加。以徐州市为个案的调查和研究显示,部分空巢老人面临着经济困难、缺乏照料、精神孤独等生存危机。空巢老人的社会支持体系应以老年人自助互助为原则,以家庭支助为基础,以社区服务为依托,以国家和政府的法规、政策为保障。  相似文献   

This study examined factors associated with disaster preparedness among older adults, with special attention paid to demographic characteristics, social support, and community participation. From a larger study about disaster preparedness of persons with disabilities, a total of 719 adults aged 55 years and older were used for this study. The results of the logistic regressions indicate that individuals who have higher levels of social support and more connections to community organizations are more likely to be prepared for disaster-related emergency situations. In another model, using resource preparedness as the dependent variable, an interaction effect between social support and income was found. Overall, higher income and higher informal support are related to a higher level of resources for disaster preparedness. However, the relationship between income and disaster preparedness is much stronger for those sub-groups receiving more informal support. The findings of this study expand knowledge regarding issues of disaster preparedness among older adults and demonstrates the importance of social resources and networks. This study suggests an intervention model for decision-makers and community leaders in terms of providing information and advice to members of their communities about how to adequately prepare for natural disasters.  相似文献   

二战后:随着社会经济的恢复和发展,日本开始重视农业劳动者的养老保险需求,并逐步建立了农村社会养老保险制度,形成了分层次、多类别的自保公助型农村养老保障模式,为日本农村社会经济发展与稳定构筑了一道“安全网”。日本农村社会养老保险的运行模式对于构建我国农村社会养老保险制度具有一定的参考价值,必须结合我国国情,建立适合不同农民需求、充分发挥社区互助的有中国特色的农村社会养老保险制度。  相似文献   

我国已步入老龄化社会,目前全国的养老方式主要有家庭养老、机构养老、社区居家养老三种方式。社区居家养老是介于家庭照顾和社会机构照顾之间的一种运用社区资源开展的老人照顾方式,能有效弥补家庭养老和机构养老的不足。文章主要从社区居家养老的内容、各种养老模式的特点与社区居家养老的优势与不足等几个方面对国内的社区居家养老模式进行分析、总结,并提出基于社区的养老网络构建的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了老人—儿童共养这一新型社区养老模式。在探索了中国老年问题现状以及目前社区养老的总体情况后,笔者结合存在的问题和资源,提出了这一特殊的社区养老模式,并从必要性、具体操作和可行性分别进行了考量。藉此逐步拓宽社区养老服务的内容和形式,发挥出社工的专业作用,促进养老事业的发展。  相似文献   

在老龄化日益严峻的背景下,如何满足老年人的发展性需求、促进积极老龄化,成为中国乃至全世界的重要议题。本文通过个案研究,发现老年人的发展性需求受到经济条件、身体状况、社会支持网络等因素的影响。同时,通过个案、小组、社区社会工作的实际介入和评估,笔者认为社会工作介入满足老年人的发展性需求具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

As an approach to community organization, animation involves the activation of people to take responsibility for their own affairs, with the aim of achieving their own, self-defined ends. The authors analyze the use of animation as a strategy of social program development undertaken by a nonprofit organization to initiate a clubhouse serving people with serious mental illness. Six animation strategies and their impact on the local community, sponsoring organization, and subsequent clubhouse program development are examined. The authors recognize the intensive resource requirements of animation, but they conclude that successful animation results in a program that enjoys high levels of community support, understanding, and legitimacy.  相似文献   

Little is known about the buffering role of social support among orphans living in Africa. This study examined (1) how perceived social support (PSS) varied across orphan‐related characteristics (e.g., orphan status, such as single, maternal or paternal, and their living environments, such as in child‐headed households, on the street, in an orphanage or in a foster home) and (2) the relative importance of sources of PSS (relatives/community/adults and peers) and functional social support (emotional/informational/instrumental and social) and its association with emotional well‐being and mental distress. The participants included 430 orphaned Rwandan children and youth aged between 10 and 25 years (Mean age = 17.74), of whom (n = 179, 41.6%) were females and (n = 251, 58.4%) were males. Result showed that children living in an orphanage exhibited a higher level of PSS from all sources of social support than did children in other living environments. A higher level of PSS from relatives, communities and adults was associated with high level of emotional well‐being, and only adult support was associated with low level of mental distress. Furthermore, the functional PSS indicated that emotional support and companionship support were equally important in their association with higher levels of emotional well‐being and lower levels of mental distress. The findings highlight the importance of having different sources of social support and their functions in relation to psychosocial well‐being.  相似文献   

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