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刘丽珺  张继焦 《创新》2021,15(2):73-83
文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分.运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化.在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的传承形式多元化,如在城市复兴、特色小镇、文旅演艺、节庆庙会等不同场景或经济社会结构中均有存在,并以原生型、关联型、碎片型等不同的"结构—功能"形式,传承和发展着文艺类文化遗产的多元化价值.  相似文献   

刘丽珺  张继焦 《创新》2021,15(2):73-83
文化遗产既是传统文化遗留下来的经验与智慧,也可以成为现代社会生活中的重要组成部分.运用新古典结构—功能分析方法,剖析文艺类文化遗产在传统与现代的转型中呈现出来的多种结构转变和功能变化.在现代社会语境中,文艺类文化遗产的传承形式多元化,如在城市复兴、特色小镇、文旅演艺、节庆庙会等不同场景或经济社会结构中均有存在,并以原生型、关联型、碎片型等不同的"结构—功能"形式,传承和发展着文艺类文化遗产的多元化价值.  相似文献   

以"关系缺位"为特质的农村留守儿童问题是城乡二元结构约制和现代性蔓延的伴生物.借助"制度—关系—主体"分析框架,对当前农村留守儿童问题应对研究进行了综合性理论梳理,认为"关系为本"的治理实践是关系视角在社会工作中兴起的自然趋向.而"关系社会"的中国文化特质为社会工作的关系理论以及关系为本的实务方法应用于农村留守儿童问题提供了现实土壤.基于"关系社会"的本土语境,关系视角的核心理念,以及获取信任的"给面子"、"做人情"、"搭关系"概念,从生态学角度,以立体性方法介入留守儿童的总体生态性环境,即依托个案工作方法,促动留守家庭亲缘关系包容性发展;凭借小组工作策略,提高其集体融入意愿和社会交往能力;借助社区工作技巧,强化留守儿童非正式社区关系网络,进而使其在他助、互助与自助的生态关系建构中实现新发展.  相似文献   

魏建华 《社会福利》2007,(11):27-28
儿童福利机构是政府为孤残儿童筑建的爱心家园,是中国儿童福利事业发展的主要载体."蓝天计划"项目的实施将为儿童福利机构的发展提供新的发展机遇,它将促使儿童福利机构在继承和完善原有功能的基础上,充分体现对儿童的人性关怀,并将儿童福利机构的专业康复、治疗、特殊教育资源应用于满足更广泛的社区需求,从而实现儿童福利机构改革的亲情化和社会化.  相似文献   

随着疫情防控进入常态化阶段,社会粗放型管理向治理精细化转型成为提升社会治理水平的应然之举,而社会工作者以提供精细化服务的方式在其中发挥重要作用.本研究基于"技术—社会互构"理论范式,通过半结构访谈,深入探讨疫情中社会工作者受制于空间区隔,借助信息技术完成缺场服务的行动逻辑.研究发现,社会工作者在促进技术与社会互构中扮演中介角色:一方面赋予信息技术社会性内涵,另一方面实现信息技术在社会多元实践场域中的功能嵌入,从而重构社会治理精细化的研究框架.与此同时,新语境下的社会工作实践仍面临现实困境,健全服务规范,提升服务能力,发展人才队伍成为推进社会工作专业发展与社会治理转型的现实要求.  相似文献   

家庭寄养养育模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国儿童福利部门和有关研究机构提出了对失依儿童"正常化"照料和培养他们"情、能、智"全面发展的新理念。在这一新理念基础上形成的养育模式就是开展家庭寄养,让失依儿童在人生的社会化进程之初便融入社会,像正常儿童一样生活,从"特殊儿童"转化为"普通儿童",纳入正常的社会进程之中。这种养育模式遵从儿童身心的发展规律,注重儿童的自我发展及与社会环境的协调能力,为儿童身心的全面发展创造条件。同时也使儿童福利社会化改革的发展得到了促进。以下为笔者在对"昆明模式"农村家庭寄养研究过程中的几个断想。  相似文献   

吴丹  彭萍 《社会工作》2021,(4):59-68
留守儿童偏差行为是其成长过程中出现偏离社会规范的行为,它与儿童的成长历程密切相关.个体范式、社会范式和互动范式对留守儿童偏差行为的解释侧重从横向视角看待留守儿童偏差行为的生成,使得既有政策在对留守儿童的偏差行为进行治理时,相对忽视留守儿童的成长历程这一历时性变量.基于生命历程视角,从"依附-控制""承诺-信念"两条路径...  相似文献   

本文以社会工作领域中的"儿童青少年与家庭专业工作"为例,以中国和德国为观察视角,分析和思考"儿童青少年与家庭专业工作"立法的社会教育学思想基础."社会教育学"作为家庭教育和学校教育之外的第三个独立的教育领域,是应对儿童青少年自身的"教育"、"成长与发展"、"社会化"问题以及支持和辅助其核心成长环境(家庭)的重要专业领域."儿童青少年与家庭专业工作"领域的立法首先需要建立社会教育学思想体系.  相似文献   

如何实现分配正义,是人类社会的永恒命题。分配过程中"资源-机会-财富"的逻辑关联,是考察各种分配正义主张的关键视角。自人类社会产生政治文明以来,在分配的整个过程中,资源、机会、财富就具有特定的顺序。实现分配正义的要点在于:以社会基础性资源的严格平等为起点,经由社会机会的竞争性平等这个中介,实现社会物质财富的差别性平等这样的结果。按照如上框架推演,旨在为市场条件下构建合理的资源、机会和财富分配关系指明方向,进而在内容和形式上为各种分配机制不断提高科学化水平提供理论指导与借鉴。  相似文献   

陈静 《社会福利》2008,(2):43-43
孤残儿童是社会中的一个特殊群体,为了更好地保护他们的成长,保障和满足他们在成长过程中的德智体等方面需求,使他们能够像正常家庭的孩子一样健康成长,哈尔滨市儿童福利院积极探讨研究儿童福利机构的发展方向,提升儿童福利院的“文化”素养,把传统的养育看护发展成为集养护、救治、教育、康复、特教于一体的儿童福利机构。民政部启动了“蓝天计划”,为全国的儿童福利机构提供了新的发展机遇,这一计划的实施将极大地加强和改善儿童福利设施建设,拓展儿童福利服务功能。  相似文献   

This study investigated how the bullying involvement of a child and a target peer are related to empathy. The role of gender was also considered. We hypothesized that empathy primarily varies depending on the bullying role of the target peer. Participants were 264 7–12‐year‐old children (Mage = 10.02, SD = 1.00; 50% girls) from 33 classrooms who had been selected based on their bullying involvement (bully, victim, bully/victim, noninvolved) in the classroom. Participants completed a cognitive and affective empathy measure for each selected target classmate. We found no differences in cognitive and affective empathy for all targets combined based on children's own bullying involvement. However, when incorporating the targets’ bullying involvement, bullies, victims, and bully/victims showed less empathy for each other than for noninvolved peers. Noninvolved children did not differentiate between bullies, victims and bully/victims. Girls reported more cognitive and affective empathy for girls than boys, whereas boys did not differentiate between girls and boys. The results indicated that children's empathy for peers depends primarily on the characteristics of the peer, such as the peer's bullying role and gender.  相似文献   

ICT has become a significant factor in the transition towards a low-carbon society in the modern era of increased digitalisation and clamour for environmental sustainability. Considering the significance of this digital transition in pollution abatement, we investigate the moderating effects of effective governance and regulation on the relationship between ICT-trade and pollution for 31 African countries from 2000 to 2020 by employing dynamic heterogeneous panel models robust to cross-sectional dependence. The empirical result suggests that, without adjustment for cross-sectional dependence, ICT-trade increases short and long-run pollution. Also, effective governance enhances pollution over the short and long run, while regulation lowers environmental pollution in the short term but increases long-run pollution. Further, government effectiveness moderates the effect of ICT-trade on pollution in the short and long run, whereas regulation only moderates the effect of ICT-trade on pollution in the long run. Conversely, having adjusted for cross-sectional dependence, ICT-trade, effective governance and regulation substantially lower pollution. Further, effective governance and regulation play essential roles in fostering the effects of ICT-trade on environmental pollution. Therefore, we recommend sensitivity to ICT-trade and fostering government effectiveness and regulation to curtail the adverse impact of ICT-trade on the environment.  相似文献   

Choice by service users has been promoted in social policy across many developed welfare states, often on the grounds that it will incentivize providers to enhance quality and efficiency. But this instrumental motivation for the promotion of choice overlooks the possibility that choice, understood in the deeper sense of autonomy, has intrinsic value, as suggested by egalitarian and capability‐based theories of social justice. This article argues that the narrow motivation of choice policies leads to a focus on services rather than outcomes for individuals and fails to address deep‐seated inequalities in the opportunities people have for real autonomy. We test this concept using newly collected data for the UK. Our empirical findings indicate that disabled people are more likely to experience constrained autonomy in all respects, while being from a low socio‐economic group and/or lacking educational qualifications is a risk factor across several components. We conclude that improving the ‘choice’ agenda for policy requires: (1) adopting a more sophisticated concept of ‘choice’ such as the conceptualization of ‘choice as autonomy’ outlined here; (2) developing a better understanding of existing inequalities in autonomy, such as we begin to explore in our empirical results; and (3) tackling these inequalities through, for example, the removal of obstacles to active decision‐making by providing effective support and advocacy, especially for disabled people, and addressing the major structural barriers – poverty, ill health and geographical inequality – which place significant restrictions on the autonomy of those who are already disadvantaged.  相似文献   

In this article we make a case for the continuing relevance of economic adversity and social policy in the understanding and prevention of crime. We begin by discussing early theories positing a causal relationship between economic adversity and crime and examine the factors that have led to a loss of confidence in these theories. We then summarise two prominent strands of research investigating important indirect criminogenic effects of economic adversity. The first deals with the long‐term impact of economic adversity on parenting. The second analyses the impact of economic adversity on crime through its effect on informal social controls within a community. Finally, we review recent empirical studies that use modern econometric techniques to explore the direct effects of economic adversity on crime, highlighting research focused on factors such as wages, employment, housing, and income support programs. The paper concludes by suggesting a number of areas for future research.  相似文献   

论政治监督与民主自由的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政治民主和政治自由是人的主体性不断提升的必然要求 ,是人类社会政治发展的重要标志。民主自由的实现有赖于民主的政治体制 ,而民主政治体制的核心制度功能之一就是政治监督 ,民主自由政治的各种制度无不包含着对政治权力进行监督与制衡的机制。因此 ,政治监督是实现政治民主和政治自由的基本途径 ,民主自由的发展必须以健全和完善政治监督制度为基本前提  相似文献   

Positive association of relevant characteristics is a widespread pattern among adolescent friends. A positive association may be caused by the selection of similar others as friends and by the deselection of dissimilar ones, but also by influence processes where friends adjust their behavior to each other. Social control theory argues that adolescents select each other as friends based on delinquency. Differential association theory, on the other hand, argues that adolescent friends influence each other's delinquency levels. We employ new statistical methods for assessing the empirical evidence for either process while controlling for the other process. These methods are based on ‘actor‐oriented’ stochastic simulation models. We analyze longitudinal data on friendship networks and delinquent behavior collected in four waves of 544 students in 21 first‐grade classrooms of Dutch secondary schools. Results indicate that adolescents select others as friends who have a similar level of delinquency compared with their own level. Estimates of the social influence parameters are not significant. The results are consistent with social control theory but provide no support for differential association theory.  相似文献   

Previous research focused on elderly as a generalized target group, with little differentiation between stereotypes of elderly men and elderly women. Similarly, research literature on sex-role stereotypes rarely makes reference to age of targets. To join the areas of attitude research in gerontology and sex-role stereotype research, 534 university students rated middle-aged or old man, woman, or person on a stereotype scale. A difference between male and female targets was found on only 3 adjective pairs, and age/sex interactions were found on 3. The few differences fit traditional sex-role stereotypes. Explanations for sparse sex differences and age/sex interactions are suggested.  相似文献   

The debate over trade’s role in growth and inequality in recent years seems to center on the question of whether the gains from trade are worth the disruption from necessary adjustments. In particular static gains from trade for advanced economies are generally estimated to be small, while empirical evidence around growing employment and inequality challenges suggest trade’s role may be larger than previously thought, though still only one of many contributing factors. The focus on static gains though likely understates substantially the dynamic gains, as trade’s role in spurring faster economic growth, in both developed and developing countries through competitive and innovative forces. The dynamic, competition and innovation angle suggests a need for industrial policies to be revisited and examine how spillovers play out in the global economy. At the same time significant technological disruption is occurring through digital technology, big data, and machine learning/AI techniques that often require advanced capabilities and have significant competition implications. In recent COVID-19 pandemic policy responses governments have dramatically increased spending and liquidity to support stressed firms and households and encouraged many countries to consider strategic efforts to build certain domestic capabilities with the aim of reducing dependence on trade for emergency related goods and services. This paper provides insights on the specific role of innovation policies, and they differ from and are similar to traditional industrial policies, and what that might mean for future trade rules.  相似文献   

What are the effects of public opinion on social welfare policies? To what extent is increased financial strain associated with stronger support for anti‐poverty policies? This article tests welfare state theory by comparing poverty, government policy and public opinion on poverty in the UK and Israel, based on rich and detailed comparable survey data on the conditions of the poor in both countries. The results show that, despite similar levels of income poverty and inequality, the poor have a considerably lower standard of living in Israel than the UK. There is considerably greater public support for the poor in Israel but limited government action to end poverty, whereas in the UK there is more limited public support for the poor but significant government action on poverty and exclusion. In both countries there appears to be only a limited connection between social solidarity with the poor and the political elite's rhetoric and action.  相似文献   

Viewing indirect aggression on television has been shown to have negative short‐term effects on a viewer's subsequent aggressive behavior; however, the longer term relationship between viewing indirect aggression on television and in real life has not yet been examined. Three hundred and forty‐seven adolescents, aged 11–14, were asked to list their five favorite television programs. These programs were analyzed for the amount and type of aggression they contained. Peer‐nominated indirect aggression was predicted by other aggressive behavior, sex, and televised indirect aggression. In particular, indirectly aggressive girls viewed more indirect aggression on television than any other group. Peer‐nominated physical aggression was predicted by other aggressive behavior and sex, but not by televised physical or indirect aggression. This study provides a starting point for future long‐term research on the effect of viewing indirect aggression in the media.  相似文献   

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