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性骚扰是个社会问题 ,也是生理和心理问题 ,但更是人性问题 ,单纯从哪个角度都难以介入 ,只能以科学的、综合的研究来对待。对这一敏感话题采取回避态度是无益的 ,而应该将之暴露在阳光之下 ,维护妇女的合法权益和至高无上的尊严。文章对性骚扰的内涵、产生的原因、形式与特征以及它对女雇员的不良影响作了比较细致的调研 ,在此基础上提出了一些防范性骚扰的对策措施  相似文献   

Sexual harassment affects the lives of women in a variety of organizational settings, and the United States military has been no exception. While several studies have documented the prevalence of women’s experiences with harassment among both the enlisted and officer ranks, little is known about women who are being trained to serve as future officers while attending the U.S. Department of Defense service academies. This paper summarizes the findings of a case study of the U.S. Naval Academy to examine the extent to which women experience sexually harassing behaviors and to analyze women's responses to harassment, focusing specifically on their reasons for not filing grievances. Drawing from survey and interview data, findings reveal that 96.8 percent of Academy women experienced some form of sexual harassment within a six-month period, while 48.4 percent reported experiencing harassment on a recurring basis. Despite the pervasiveness of harassment as well as the Academy’s provision of avenues for filing grievances, only 26 cases were formally reported within a five-year period. Women discussed two potential consequences of filing grievances, both of which prevented them from reporting incidents: the perception that nothing would be done and the possibility of negative repercussions, including social ostracism and retaliation. Moreover, the aforementioned consequences appear to be linked to the following aspects of Academy life: the midshipman chain of command as the dominant form of social organization, an informal code of silence that permeates Academy culture, and women's status as outsiders in a male-dominated institution. These findings suggest that any meaningful attempt to assist Academy students in responding to harassment should include policies that address women's social isolation as well as eliminating the student chain of command as a primary course of action in filing grievances. Jana L. Pershing is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at San Diego State University. Her recent articles have appeared in Sociological Perspectives (2003), Deviant Behavior (2002), and Armed Forces & Society (2001). The present article is based on a larger research project that examines social control within elite military institutions. She can be reached at jpershin@mail.sdsu.edu.  相似文献   

This article analyzes sex differences in high school seniors' propensity to enlist in the military, differences between military preferences and expectations, sex differences in the relationship between propensity and actual service, effects of background and educational characteristics, and post-high school activities of men and women who do not serve. Using data from the Monitoring the Future surveys, we find that young women's propensity to serve is lower than men's, but more women desire than expect to serve. The relationship between propensity and service is weaker for women than men and has not increased over time. Background characteristics and educational achievement and plans are less predictive of women's propensity and enlistment than men's, with the exception of higher race and ethnicity effects among women. Having children has a small negative effect on high propensity women's enlistment, but an even stronger positive effect on low propensity men's enlistment. More women desire and expect to serve than the military is enlisting. Mady Wechsler Segal is Professor of Sociology and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the University of Maryland, as well as a faculty affiliate of the Women's Studies Program and Associate Director of the Center for Research on Military Organization. Her recent research focuses on military personnel issues, with particular attention to military women and military families. His current research focuses on enlistment propensity, diversity in military forces, and peacekeeping operations. His most recent book is Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use in Young Adulthood: The Impacts He has co-authored, with David R. Segal and Jeral G. Bachman, several forthcoming articles on military propensity and enlistment. His publications deal with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use and related attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   

工作场所性骚扰的法律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工作场所性骚扰行为在我国已对劳动者和用人单位造成很大影响且有愈演愈烈趋势,目前我国对其的认识也已突破"是道德问题还是法律问题"的争论趋向于采用法律手段对它进行规范,并且已经出现受害者胜诉的案例.  相似文献   

In 1989, the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center (NPRDC) developed a service-wide survey to assess the equal opportunity climate of the Navy. This survey, known as the Navy Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment Survey (NEOSH), is administered to a random sample of Navy women and men every two years. Each year the survey has been administered, results have indicated that African American women are the least satisfied with the equal opportunity climate of the Navy than any of the other aggregated groups. In an effort to explain and expand upon the findings of the NEOSH, NPRDC organized a group of facilitators in 1995 to conduct focus groups of African American Navy women. The present study is based on data from these focus groups. The women in this study exemplify what some researchers refer to as the “double whammy” phenomenon: disadvantaged because of both their race and gender. The data also lend support to theories of tokenism. An interesting finding is that regard-less of how dissatisfied the African American women were about the equal opportunity climate in the Navy, they still viewed job opportunities to be better in the Navy than in the civilian sector. Recommendations from focus group participants for improving the Navy EO climate are presented. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1987. She served in the U.S. Army for six years, and also serves on the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, the councils of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, and the Peace and War Section of the American Sociological Association. Among her publications is a book titled, To Serve My Country, To Serve My Race: The Story of the Only African American WACs Stationed Overseas During World War II, New York University Press, 1996. He earned his doctoral degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the United States International University. During his naval career, he has written numerous articles and technical reports on equal opportunity, sexual harassment, race relations, and quality of life issues.  相似文献   

近年来,网络空间已成为各国关注的重要的行动领域。美国作为网络空间中最为重量级的国家,其网络空间战略具有非常重要的研究价值。本文撰写于美国总统换届之际,对奥巴马政府的网络空间战略进行了梳理和特点分析,对新一届政府网络空间上的政策倾向进行了梳理和评述,最后分析了中美网络空间关系的进展和未来可能存在的问题。  相似文献   

冷战后,美日同盟与美韩同盟从冷战结束之初同时弱化,发展为世纪之交"一强一弱"(美日同盟强、美韩同盟弱),而经过韩国李明博政府和日本鸠山内阁时期强弱态势的短暂逆转,自2010年中开始,两同盟出现冷战后的首次同步强化态势。地区冲突爆发是两同盟同步强化的直接诱因,美日韩三国安全政策趋向统一是决定性动力,日韩两国的国内政治形势则是不可或缺的条件。两同盟同步强化,加剧了朝鲜半岛的战争危机、东北亚地区的战略紧张和军备竞赛危险。  相似文献   

Attitudes toward the role of women in the military require the reconciliation of two often conflicting beliefs: those toward the roles and rights of women and those toward the military. This article explores the relationships between positive attitudes toward women’s roles throughout society, or feminism, and positive attitudes toward defense spending, or militarism, both with each other and with attitudes toward gender integration in the military. Results of this analysis show there to be a negative relationship between feminism and militarism, a positive relationship between feminism and gender integration, and a negative relationship between militarism and gender integration. The results of multiple regression analysis show that feminism is the strongest predictor of attitudes toward gender integration, while militarism is weak in its predictive ability. The author argues that the issue of women in the military is more one of women’s equality than of national defense and that policy discussions should be structured accordingly. She is currently conducting research which examines how women in the United States military employ strategies to manage gender and sexuality. This research provides evidence for the claim that gender is not simply a role or an attribute, but that gender is created and recreated through our interactions with others.  相似文献   

美国的气候政治参与进程较为缓慢,其中不乏消极倒退,欧盟则相对稳定而持续地推动了气候政治实践的发展。美国与欧盟在社会规范、政党政治、利益集团等方面存在分歧,这些分歧又为美欧各自的气候政治运行机制所强化。同时,美欧在共同应对气候变化方面仍存在一定的合作空间,二者之间的合作在地区与全球层次同步展开,从而延续着气候政治领域中的美欧互动进程。  相似文献   

新闻在美国的国家治理中既是一种手段,也是一种理念。在“新闻无处不在”的美国,“新闻参与”使政治权力呈现出竞争式而非等级式的“治理”特质。本文对美国政府“新闻治国”的构成及成因作了归纳和分析。  相似文献   

奠边府战役是第一次印度支那战争中一场具有决定性意义的战役,对当时的远东国际局势产生了重要影响.围绕这场战役,中国和美国展开了激烈的较量.中国不仅帮助越南制定了战役的具体作战计划和方案,在战役过程中进行具体指导,而且还提供了战役所需的武器装备和弹药等,确保了战役的胜利.美国则帮助法国制定了“纳瓦尔计划”,并为法国提供了大量军事援助,同时还积极策划军事干涉.由于受到国内、国际诸多因素的制约,特别是日内瓦会议的成功,美国的干涉企图未能得逞.  相似文献   

在国际人权领域,性骚扰已被看作针对妇女的一种严重的性暴力.在国内,随着几起性骚扰案例在媒体上的大肆传播,人们对性骚扰已不再陌生.但是,迄今为止,中国法律对性骚扰的规定还是一片空白.因此,在我国已将"人权"写进宪法修正案的时代背景下,借着此次妇女法的修改,适时地引入性骚扰,有利于更好地维护妇女人权,也与妇女人权的时代潮流相适应.  相似文献   

Marital terminations are life transitions that may lead to changes in diet, activity, and body weight. This investigation examined how marital status was associated with relative body weight, underweight, overweight, and obesity among men and women in the United States using cross-sectional nationally representative data from the 1992 HRS cohort age 51–61 and the 1993 AHEAD cohort age 70 and older. Results in the HRS cohort revealed that even when adjusting for demographic and behavioral variables, widowed women were significantly more likely to be obese than married women, while men who were never married, divorced, or separated were more likely to be underweight. Results in the AHEAD cohort showed few significant associations between marital status and weight for either men or women when demographics were controlled. Clear gender variations appeared to exist in how marriage is related to body weight among unmarried older adults, with widows in their 50s being obese and divorced/separated/never married men being underweight. However, marital status differences in weight were not present among much older adults of either gender. Jeffery Sobal is a asociologist who is an associate professor at the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. He has studied food systems, food choice, and is currently examining social aspects of body weight and obesity, particularly marriage and body weight. Barbara S. Rauschenbach is a sociologist who is a research associate in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. She has studied food insecurity and food assistance, and is currently examining marital status and body weight.  相似文献   

一直以来,美国对外援助作为实现其国家安全战略目标的有效手段,为服务美国国家利益和维持美国主导的国际秩序发挥着至关重要的作用。2009—2019年,奥巴马政府和特朗普政府相继在"亚太再平衡"战略和"印太"战略的驱动下,在资金规模、地缘分布、援助领域、执行机构等方面加强对外援助的"工具化"效用。随着美国亚太政策的调整,太平洋岛国在美国对外政策中的战略地位和价值显著提升。美国对太平洋岛国援助不仅是维护其地区安全利益、推进外交政策的工具,更是在重要的地缘战略节点与中国进行"大国博弈"、制衡"一带一路"的抓手。深入研究美国对太平洋岛国援助的规模与内容、特征与趋势,不但为把握美国亚太政策的动向提供直观而丰富的视角,也为高质量推进"一带一路"建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   

留美学生密切关注华盛顿会议,积极向国内通告信息,反对直接交涉,监督政府代表,反驳不利国际舆论,并博得了国际舆论一定程度的同情与支持.  相似文献   

美国跨国公司政治行为的目的是为接近并影响权力以获取经济上的利益。它对美国政治的积极影响主要表现在:有助于促进议会制度的运转,有助于弥补选举中政党功能的局限性,有助于政企互动,有助于政府在国际、国内两个层次达成施政目标,有助于美国政府缓和双边关系。  相似文献   

尼克松访华之后至中美建交前夕 ,大量美国国会议员访问中国 ,使国会对中国的关注程度和了解程度极大地提高。此间国会有关中国问题的辩论表明 ,台湾问题是各方关注的焦点 ,绝大多数美国人在赞成中美关系正常化的同时 ,反对“抛弃”台湾。国会的对华态度在很大程度上左右着行政部门改善对华关系的步伐。  相似文献   

本文主要通过对美国重返东南亚过程进行剖析,从一个侧面窥测美国在冷战后的对华政策。东南亚处于亚太矛盾的聚合点,对中美两国而言都有极为重要的意义。从美国重返东南亚过程中可以看出,后冷战时代,美国对华政策虽然时有变化,但有较强的连贯性。  相似文献   

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