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Although the philosophy of pragmatism influenced American sociology, specifically that of symbolic interactionism, its use as a tool for explanation of everyday life has been underutilized throughout sociology. In this article, pragmatism, specifically the ideas of George Herbert Mead and John Dewey provide a framework for the understanding of grieving, specifically as it relates to people with mental retardation. Both Mead and Dewey's use and inclusion of physics into their philosophies proved paramount in their assertions regarding Cartesian or ontological dualism. They then demonstrated through the inclusion of quantum physics how to avoid positivism, thereby creating the necessary link of science with human perception and human action. Mead's use of the Theory of Relativity, as well as Sociality; and Dewey's incorporation of the Uncertainty Principle, and addressing the sum of possibilities, provides a context where the grieving process of people with mental retardation will be much more pronounced. People with mental retardation, by definition, through their neural networks have an inability to perceive existence in a manner that is functionally the same as the rest of the population. Their abilities influence how people with mental retardation relate to themselves or environment, thereby creating either fewer realities or systems from which to interact, or creating ones that are functionally dissimilar from the typical population, hence the label “mental retardation;” therefore, the loss of someone or something creates a greater hole or emptiness for people with mental retardation than the rest of society.  相似文献   

Using anthropological methods and a theoretical perspective derived from the sociology of Erving Goffman, Robert B. Edgerton's The Cloak of Competence: stigma in the lives of the mentally retarded (1967) brought an unusual degree of empathy to attempts to understand the lives of those labeled 'mentally retarded'. Yet the book was conceived prior to the time when mental retardation began to be widely formulated as a social construction rather than a clinical syndrome. This essay analyzes the consequences for Edgerton's understanding of the lives of recently deinstitutionalized people of this uneasy combination of empathy and acceptance of mental retardation as an unalterable condition. Particular attention is paid to the ways in which Edgerton's conceptualization of mental retardation served to deny to members of his sample a voice with which to speak authoritatively about their own situation. Edgerton's revisionist follow-up research, which called into question some aspects of his earlier conceptualization of mental retardation, is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study measures and compares the attitudes of students studying different subjects to the inclusion of people with mental retardation and mental illness in the community. The Community Living Attitude Scale (comprising the four subscales of Empowerment, Exclusion, Sheltering, and Similarity) was administered to a random sample of 149 Israeli college freshmen and women (social work: n = 43: law: n = 24; natural science: n = 42; and social science: n = 40). Overall, the students endorse Empowerment and perceive the Similarity of persons with disabilities to themselves more than they agree with the Exclusion attitude of segregating persons with disabilities from community life. Social work students showed more positive inclusion attitudes to people with disabilities than other students. Students were more likely to endorse Exclusion for people with mental illness than for people with mental retardation.  相似文献   

This article draws on the findings from the qualitative phase of a New Zealand longitudinal study concerning vulnerable young people’s transitions to adulthood. The young people, aged between 12 and 17 at the time of the first interview had sustained exposure to harm (abuse, violence, addictions, disengagement from school and mental health issues) and were clients of statutory and non-governmental services including: child welfare services, juvenile justice services, remedial education services and mental health services. Qualitative interviews explored young people’s experiences of services, their key transitions, their coping capacities, and the strategies they used to locate support and resources to mitigate the effects of harmful events and environments. There were three stages to the qualitative phase of the study; this article draws on the interviews from stage one and two. It explores the idea of resistance which emerged as a key theme in the data analysis. Three thematic clusters are presented: the nature of young people’s resistance; practitioner responses to resistance; and harnessing resistance in interventions. The article concludes with a discussion of how social workers and other practitioners can understand resistance and build more responsive and meaningful relationships with vulnerable youth.  相似文献   

Whilst 17% of the population experience some degree of hearing loss, sociology has largely neglected the study of services to this group. This article attempts to move the debate from a sociology of the deaf community to a sociology of deafness that includes an examination of how professionals define the needs of hearing impaired people. Despite differences between different constructions, deafness workers offer a combination of social work, information, and interpreting services. Practice rules have been developed by deafness workers to control workloads, and to work in their preferred way. This article is based on a multi-layered approach with a contextual analysis, a survey of 123 deafness workers, 32 semi-structured interviews, and my own personal experience of deafness work.  相似文献   

This article utilizes multidisciplinary perspectives to examine the developmental outcomes of divorce for children from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. The authors present a literature review on the outcomes of divorce in terms of mental health, family relationships, and educational achievement for children by focusing on discipline-specific aspects of divorce in sociology, education, and family studies. Furthermore, this study builds on previous literature by examining parental divorce among children with special needs. A discussion of changes in family structure and child outcomes concludes this study with implications for policy and practice to support current population.  相似文献   

Fifty-two people with developmental disabilities were interviewed using the Individual Supports Identification System (ISIS). This study reports on persons with developmental disabilities, served by the State of Washington Division of Developmental Disabilities, and includes persons whose onset of disability was prior to 18. To be eligible for services, an individual must have a disability that falls within one of the following categories: (1) mental retardation; (2) cerebral palsy; (3) epilepsy; (4) autism; and (5) other types of central nervous system impairment closely related to mental retardation. Interviews were conducted with two groups. The first comprised individuals with developmental disabilities and the second, significant persons in the life of each participant in the first group. A significant person was considered to be someone known by the individual with disabilities for more than 6 months, spending more time with him or her than others. In addition, the significant person must like the individual with disabilities, and have his or her best interests in mind. Seventy-five per cent of significant persons interviewed were parents. Significant persons also responded to a series of ISIS questions. Responses from the individual with disabilities and from the significant person in his or her life were compared in order to determine similarities and differences in perspective. Comparisons focus on issues pertaining to friends and relationships, living environment and daily care needs.  相似文献   

Community care is a key concept in policy-making and service provision for people with a mental handicap. Yet the nature of the 'community' and the source of 'care' referred to is rarely specified. The meaning of 'community' is examined in relation to sociological and social psychological research and the assumption that geographical proximity promotes shared identity and caring relationships is called into question. It is argued that an emphasis on place and nostalgic notions of neighbourliness can obscure the difficult social psychological work of creating relationships within which people with a mental handicap can develop positive social and personal identities. The paper emphasises the importance of such relationships and argues that, for many people with a mental handicap, spontaneous local contact will not provide adequate levels of support and involvement. The creation of artificially maintained supportive networks is recommended and the resource implications of achieving good-quality care in the community are noted.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to set out some of the context for the journey I have taken as a gerontologist, reflecting both on some of the decisive “turning points” and the links between personal and social constructions of aging. Along the way, the paper examines some questions about the relationship between analytical and biographical themes. The article reviews the various influences affecting my approach to issues about aging, and the contribution of these to my own thinking about critical gerontology. The latter I see as having a long gestation within my own maturing as a gerontologist, following engagement with debates in sociology and social policy. The article identifies a number of important actors and institutions that have shaped my understanding of the social, economic and political relationships underpinning old age.  相似文献   

Like family relationships themselves, the history and treatment of lesbian and gay people and their families is complicated. For this paper, three waves of research on the families of gay and lesbian individuals are described. During the first wave, gay and lesbian sexual orientation was seen as a disease and family dynamics were blamed for its genesis. Subsequently in the second wave it was believed that, fearing rejection many gay and lesbian people either distanced or were rejected from their own families and established friendship networks that have been described as families of choice. More recently, in the third wave, the family has been identified as a resource for lesbian and gay youth whereby open relationships with parents can help protect them from mental illness, substance abuse, and HIV risk. Furthermore, an increasing number of same-sex couples are choosing to become parents, overcoming biological and social obstacles. In this article these shifting views of the role of family in the lives of lesbian and gay people will be described along with case material that illustrates the historic influences, current developments and future directions of family treatment for this population. To be maximally effective with gay and lesbian people and their families, clinical social workers and other mental health professionals must understand how family therapy has been influenced by a progression of ideas that continue to evolve. In this paper, research examining the role of the family in the lives of lesbian and gay people will be described in three waves; as a source of blame, to an impediment to gay and lesbian happiness and ultimately a resource that can enhance lesbian and gay well-being. The influences of research on family therapy with this population will be described and case examples will demonstrate how to harness the strengths of family relationships identified in the most recent wave.  相似文献   

Autism is a behavioral diagnosis characterized by a triad of impairment, which includes impaired communication, impaired social skills, and impaired spontaneity. The outward behavior exhibited by people with autism represents a different cognitive processing style than that seen in typical development. Understanding the way people with autism process and store information is important for intervention. The majority of people diagnosed with autism do not have symptoms of mental retardation and need access to mainstream services to work on the problems presented by daily life.  相似文献   


This article describes a cultural mapping tool developed specifically for working with Aboriginal people experiencing mental health problems. The tool has broad scope, drawing from ecological and systems approaches. It will assist social workers to understand cultural and family obligations and build relationships with Aboriginal service users. Students learning about cultural diversity have expressed concern about asking culturally-sensitive questions. Australian human service workers typically state they feel inadequate in addressing Aboriginal culture in their practice approaches. The three components of the cultural mapping toolbox, (a) the social and emotional wellbeing cluster map, (b) the community and cultural diversity map, and (c) the migration map, provide social workers with a way of supporting a culturally connected lifestyle in contemporary society.  相似文献   

Shifts in the structure of sentiments, taking place in two stages, underlie the emergence of existential sociology to its present significance. A challenge to Parsonian structural-functionalism initiated the first shift which was in turn followed by a period containing the development of the basis for a possible synthesis of existential sociology. This position is developed as are some of the characteristics features of an existential perspective on social life. Research based upon existential view and employing the concepts sentiments, body, self, situation, structure, massification and levelling, is presented. Some of the implications of these ideas are discussed.  相似文献   

Changing Perceptions through Contact   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Contact has long been the major vehicle for changing beliefs and perceptions of minority groups. However, few studies in the area of integration of people with mental retardation have examined underlying assumptions of contact situations. Contact between volunteers and people with mental retardation at a Special Olympics' state games was examined within a theoretical framework wherein mental retardation was viewed as social construct and contact conceptualized within five components of contact theory. Theoretical and empirical study indicated that instances of negative effect limit the extent of change in perceptions the general public hold of people with mental retardation. However, contact, as compared to no contact, does contribute to positive changes in perceptions.  相似文献   

This article examines individuals’ lay understandings of moral responsibilities between adult kin members. Moral sentiments and practical judgments are important in shaping kinship responsibilities. The article discusses how judgments on requests of support can be reflexive and critical, taking into account many factors, including merit, social proximity, a history of personal encounters, overlapping commitments, and moral identity in the family. In so doing, we argue that moral responsibilities are contextual and relational. We also analyze how class, gender, and capabilities affect how individuals imagine, expect and discuss care responsibilities. We also offer a critique of social capital theory of families, suggesting that their versions of morality are instrumental, alienated, and restrictive. Although Bourdieu’s concept of habitus overlaps with our proposed moral sentiments approach, the former does not adequately address moral concerns, commitments, and evaluations. The article aims to contribute to a better understanding of everyday morality by drawing upon different literatures in sociology, moral philosophy, postcommunism, and development studies.  相似文献   

This article builds upon emerging studies of bi+ and trans populations to explore the importance of expanding studies of religion and nonreligion beyond an almost entirely cisgender and monosexual focus. Specifically, we utilize the largest qualitative sample of bi+ trans people (n = 249) in sociology to date to explore the ways people in both these populations experience religion. We find that while some bi+ trans people note exceptional positive experiences in religious contexts, they almost entirely experience religion as a source of damnation and trauma. Our analysis speaks to sociologies of (1) gender and (non)religion, (2) sexualities and (non)religion, and (3) (non)religious bi+ and/or trans experience. Our conclusion outlines implications for developing bi+ and trans inclusive studies of religion and nonreligion.  相似文献   

Articles by women scholars and proportions of articles focused on gender have increased steadily in major sociology journals since 1974. Women are more heavily represented as journal authors than as members of graduate-program departments, the institutional bases where most published work originates. We consider whether funding might account for these patterns by examining acknowledgement of support in published articles. We find no significant relationships among author gender, article topic, and notation of internal funding. Male-authored articles focused on nongender topics acknowledge external funding significantly more often than women-authored works and articles focused on gender written by women or men. Funding patterns therefore do not appear to account for increased productivity by women and gender researchers. She is currently studying the educational achievement of immigrant students. Linda Grant is an assistant professor of sociology and faculty associated of the Institute of Behavioral Research at the University of Georgia. Her current research focuses on gender and academic careers and gender relationships in schools. Her current research includes the feminist critique of sociology and publishing, and the U.S. women’s movement.  相似文献   

This study explores the experiences of children and young people in Britain living through a serious family illness. The study considers the interplay between social structures, social relationships and individual agency. We draw on data from the Millennium Cohort Study to estimate the number of children and young people affected nationally and on seven in‐depth interviews to understand young people’s experiences and the effects on their daily lives. Living through a serious family illness impacts on young people’s educational achievements, mental health and social relationships over long periods. Policy and service responses are suggested.  相似文献   


Work and family are two major institutions in society. Family has been considered as an important socializing agent for an individual's growth and development, while work provides the individual opportunities to develop a sense of identity and a self-image. For people with mental illness, work has been recognized as an important tool for facilitating psychiatric rehabilitation. In fact, the work experiences of those with mental illness have an effect on their family relationships, which may in turn affect their mental health. Using an intensive interview method, this article shows that work experiences from sheltered workshops have a significant impact on the family relationships of workers in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

精神残疾人多生活困难,构成社会最为弱势的群体。本文采用实地研究与文献研究的方法,对精神残疾人的社会保障需求与供给进行专门考察。研究发现,精神残疾群体的主要需求包括治疗、基本生活支持、康复、长期照护与监管以及社会参与。对此,我国政府已通过多项社会保障制度安排予以回应,基本满足了精神残疾人的基本生活与治疗需求,但还存在社区康复服务匮乏、替代性照护服务供给不足、就学、就业难等问题。基于以上发现,本文认为精神残疾人的基本生存权虽得到较好保障,但是对其发展权和参与权依然关注不足。原因在于当前精神残疾人社会保障存在三个不平衡:经济保障与服务保障发展的不平衡,医疗服务与社会服务发展的不平衡,以及卫健、民政、残联不同部门能力与投入的不平衡。针对这些问题,笔者对未来政策的完善提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

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