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2011年,中国青年参与的重大事件与新闻时事热点较多,从青年的国家0-3属感和民族自豪感、道德、媒介参与、择业、婚恋、健康等方面进行描述可发现青年社会心态的基本状况。2011年青年社会心态存在着炫富心态时有抬头、社会泄愤情绪外显、择业“薪资-兴趣”取向上徘徊、择偶“利益-情感”取向上冲突、健康知与行之间脱节等问题。所以,应从建立健全政策法规和工作机制、缩小两极分化差距、拓宽利益诉求渠道等社会层面和个人层面来引导和培养青年积极健康的社会心态。  相似文献   

屌丝一词反映了当代青年对于社会现实和自身改变的一种无力的心理状态。作为2012年度最热的网络流行语之一,屌丝一词被当代青年争相认领,是认识当代青年心理状态和心理诉求的媒介。屌丝社会心态的具体表现为财富拥有的自嘲心态、追求爱情的无奈心态和改变现状的无力心态,这是受多元思潮、网络媒体、社会矛盾凸显的消极后果以及草根时代的自我认同焦虑的影响所致,因此,加强对青年的引导十分必要。  相似文献   

佛系青年是当前90后青年群体自我推崇的新标签,其佛系心态是这类群体有别于青年其他心态的显著表征,通过片面截取佛教基本教义进行意义的拼贴、置换、认同,展现出这类青年亚群体当下的生活样貌和精神困境。佛系心态折射出了处在人生奋斗阶段的90后青年群体当前复杂的生存样态,呈现出了处在两个历史交汇期的青年群体既渴望获得成功却又逃避的矛盾心态。对身边的事秉持着无欲无求、不争不抢的心理状态是青年新兴亚文化的主观映射,是对当下青年生存所面临的现实问题的镜像反映。在新时代的背景下,通过党和政府助力青年发展,青年增强担当精神,以及舆论坚持正确价值观引导青年,对塑造奋发有为的新时代青年具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浙江作为沿海开放省,非公有制经济发展迅速,在全国经济发展中发挥着重要作用。当前生活方式对于经济社会发展的促进作用已得到人们的共识。浙江省青年企业家属于高收入、高消费群体,从某种意义上说,是经济领头人。本文通过对418名青年企业家的问卷调查,分析阐析了有关青年企业家群体的消费观念和消费结构。  相似文献   

"佛系青年"表面上反映了当代青年看淡一切、不争不抢、怎么都行的生活态度,实则透露出社会转型期青年一代理性与随性并存的精神特质,进取与焦虑共生的心理状态,务实与逃避交织的价值取向。"佛系青年"的流行是多种因素共同造成的,其中,既有社会转型期的心态震荡和"低欲望社会"的心理映射,又有青年认同危机的内在发酵和自媒体环境的外在助力。培育当代青年健康社会心态,应立足社会的现实状况和青年的实际问题,不断净化青年成长的社会环境,重视青年群体的利益诉求,发挥核心价值观的引领作用,强化网络空间的舆论治理,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,以形成培育的合力。  相似文献   

过去几年是中国民营经济快速发展的几年,同时也是中国民营企业家慈善意识大大增强的重要几年。据《芊昌布斯》中文版最新公布的”二00九中国慈善榜”榜单显示,中国民营企业及企业家已经构成了中国慈善捐助的主力。  相似文献   

如何实现贫富之间的良性循环? 一个社会,如果穷人永远穷,富人永远富,贫富差距不断拉大,而老板们只管自己挣钱,其他一概不顾,那么穷人必定会因为失望而绝望,最终选择“革命”、“造反”之路,用激进斗争的办法解决问题。所以最好的社会结构就是既要让所有的穷人都能活得下去,没有温饱之虑,又要让他们或者他们的孩子有可能成为富人。  相似文献   

企业和企业家历来是慈善的主体,他们手中的资源使得他们在慈善事业发展中具有广泛的社会影响力。随着中国民营经济的快速发展,中国民营企业家的慈善意识也大大增强.他们已经构成了中国慈善捐助的主力。  相似文献   

《后浪》宣传片在2020年五四青年节前夕发布后立即引发热议,直接导致"后浪"一词入选十大网络热词,并成为青年群体的新代名词.通过对微博数据LDA模型话题的分析发现,由于个人认同、代际观念和批判倾向的差异,青年群体对视频表现出了不同的情感倾向和看法;青年的异质性态度也折射出他们的现实境遇和数字时代下新的世代关系.通过对此现象的研究有助于更好地了解当下我国青年的社会心态和现实困境.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Les auteurs examinent les liens micro et macroscopiques dans l'étude de l'économie en transition, en analysant la façon dont les entrepreneurs mobilisent leurs réseaux sociaux personnels intégrés à diverses institutions, afin de protéger leurs ressources d'affaires. Les résultats démontrent que les membres du réseau travaillant dans les organismes du gouvernement ou du parti jouent, en gros, un rôle essentiel dans l'obtention des ressources importantes comme les contacts gouvernementaux et l'information sur le marché et le financement. Ils démontrent aussi que les entrepreneurs utilisent différents membres de leurs réseaux pour différents types de ressources. Les auteurs discutent les différentes conséquences que cela entraine pour l'étude des réseaux et de l'économie en transition. This paper addresses the micro and macro link in studying transitional economy by examining how entrepreneurs mobilize their personal social networks embedded in various institutions to secure business resources. The results show that, by and large, network members working in government/party agencies play an essential role in obtaining important resources, such as those for government contact and market information/funding. The results also show that entrepreneurs utilize different members of their networks for different types of resources. Implications to the study of networks and transitional economy are discussed.  相似文献   

对经济发展与国家治理必须同时抓短期对策和长期治理,造成当前中国经济增速下滑的基本原因除了周期性和结构性因素外,目标管理缺失、弱化所导致的不作为,也是不可忽视的重要因素;GDP中心主义的政绩考核方式有其问题,但不能完全不要GDP目标,而应形成更多维的考核;从劳动力、资本和全要素生产率等基本面看,中国经济潜在增长率,5~8年内有望继续保持在7%以上;面对发展方式转变和制度体制转型的难题,需要兼顾发展的逻辑与治理的逻辑.  相似文献   

The current global financial crisis has led to renewed efforts to strengthen the formal rules and organizations of transnational economic governance. A substantial body of research in sociology and related fields suggests that the informal norms, values, expectations, and ideas that make up a world culture are equally important for understanding why countries cooperate, and why those cooperative efforts sometimes fail. This article explores these insights, showing how they can be applied to current debates about transnational economic governance, by paying particular attention to the emergence, adoption, and evolution of the Basel Capital Accords.  相似文献   

This article analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the developmental‐state approach as compared with a broader and more flexible developmental‐governance approach – in relation to economic transformation in a single case country, Taiwan. It argues that both approaches have strong and weak points, and comes down in favour of the view that it is only through a ‘thick’ study of political forces, processes and circumstances that the reasoning behind developmental policies and institutions can be understood and the processes of economic transformation explained.  相似文献   

Transition to adulthood has undoubtedly changed in the last few decades. For youth today, an important marker of adulthood is self-actualization in their professional career, and, consequently, also the achievement of stable financial conditions. Economic conditions of youth are greatly subject to fluctuations in the economy, and the subsequent governmental response. Using the Luxembourg Income Study, this work investigates the trends in income from work of young adults before and after the Great Recession of 2008 in five countries—US, UK, Norway, Germany, and Spain. The findings showed deterioration in economic conditions of young men, but with differences across countries. Young women suffered less from the crisis, and in some countries, their economic situation improved. The general negative trend was especially pronounced for those with high education, which is primarily because they stayed in education longer.  相似文献   

2014年1月12日,作为唯一一个获得国际知名环保组织TOPto TOP颁发的“2014TOP to TOP气候解决方案大奖”的亚洲人,中国女孩王婧怡来到了银装素裹的瑞士,  相似文献   

Less than a third of married couple households in the United States are composed of families with one breadwinner. This is a stark contrast to a mere 40 years ago when men were the primary breadwinner for the majority of households. The goal of this study was to determine how the perception of household chores is related to relationship quality. Specifically we wanted to determine how perception of household chores is related to relationship quality reported by partners from a traditional economic and a gender role theory perspective. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1986 cohort, results indicate that perceived unfairness in household division of chores was predictive of women’s relationship quality, but not men’s. Arguments about affection and money were predictive of relationship quality for both genders.  相似文献   

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