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中国的户籍制度与代际职业流动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过分析1996年"当代中国生活史和社会变迁"的全国性抽样调查数据,研究当代中国家庭背景对职业流动的作用,并对城乡间的制度分割给予特别的关注。研究发现,农民的代际流动率相当高,城市中的社会流动也具有相当的"开放"性。本文认为这种模式是由中国独特的户籍制度造成的。这一制度使得农村中从事非农职业、没有改变户口性质的农民子女还要继续务农;只允许农村中受过很高教育的人获得城市户口。这种状况使以往仅限于城市人口的社会流动研究产生严重的样本选择性偏误。本文的分析对理解社会主义国家在社会流动过程中的作用、不平等和社会流动之间的关系问题,提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高等教育国际化的脚步越来越快,出国留学和留学归国人数逐年增长。基于一手访谈数据,探究海外博士教育是否能带给海归博士带来预期的职业发展和社会流动,并分析出海归博士归国工作后的社会流动到底呈现出什么样的特征。深入地研究了海归博士的社会流动的影响因素以及国家留学基金委奖学金在其中的作用。研究发现,海归博士的社会流动性比较小,大部分的海归博士都守住了原有的中产阶级社会地位,并没有取得很明显的向上流动;关于社会流动的影响因素,奖学金和家庭背景在博士海归归国后的社会流动中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

基于10期全国综合社会调查数据(CGSS)的分析,本研究发现:首先,教育对于代际社会流动性的影响在不同出生世代与教育层级中存在异质性效应,教育层级越高,对代际社会流动性的提升作用越强,且在1960—1980年代出生世代中呈相对上升趋势。其次,高等教育对于促进代际社会流动的作用最强,中低教育层级对于促进代际社会流动的作用相对较弱,但由于后者整体占比较高,极大地遮蔽了教育对于促进代际社会流动的正向作用。加快推进教育政策改革,保证教育资源分配的公平性,增加低地位阶层子女接受高等教育的机会,对于促进我国经济社会高质量发展意义重大。  相似文献   

基于对上海卢湾区0—3岁流动儿童家长的普查,本文对0-3岁流动儿童这一最年幼的流动人口群体的生存状况进行了分析。研究发现,0—3岁流动儿童父亲的教育背景与社会经济地位都较弱;其父母在照顾孩子方面往往得不到一般父母所能获得的来自家庭或邻里的社区支持,所能获得的公共服务相对有限,难以有效平衡工作与家庭的美系.本文的最后对保障0—3岁流动儿童权益提出了政策王聿议.  相似文献   

作为家庭资产主要来源的风险金融资产正成为家庭财富分化的重要机制。本文从阶层视角分析中国家庭投资风险金融资产的决策逻辑,通过对中国综合社会调查数据的分析,得到如下发现:在2010—2021年间,中国家庭在风险金融资产上的投资参与率长期维持在较低水平,并且投资决策存在两种阶层化逻辑,即阶层地位的提升和阶层地位向下流动都对投资风险金融资产具有正向影响,阶层地位变动所发挥的作用要强于当前阶层地位。进一步分析发现,阶层地位下降会通过降低社会公平感来促使家庭投资风险金融资产。这表明向下流动的家庭投资风险金融资产是一种补偿其阶层地位下降的非理性行为。本文不仅拓展了关于经济行为的社会分层研究,还可为决策部门引导公众理性参与金融市场,进而治理财富不平等问题提供经验参考。  相似文献   

当前广州社会的代际流动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据90年代广州的一次抽样调查中有关人们对目我和父母社会地位(经济地位、声望地位、权力地位和整体地位)的主观评价的资料,分析了当前广州社会的代际流动问题。本文透过对不同社会地位的代际流动方向、流动率以及影响流动的若干因素的比较研究,从一个侧面反映了广州社会的开放度。  相似文献   

对"蚁族"生存现状和发展要求的分析发现,这一群体具有向上流动的强烈诉求,他们乐观坚强。但苦于向上流动渠道不畅。"蚁族"实现向上流动的困境有宏观层面社会流动机制的不完善、中观层面社会资本支持的缺乏和微观层面个人能力发挥的制约。防止"蚁族"问题的固化,拓宽"蚁族"向上流动的渠道需要公共政策对目前的社会利益进行适当调整,包括建立公平合理的社会流动制度,丰富"蚁族"向上流动的社会资源,加强"蚁族"纵向上升的流动能力。  相似文献   

教育公平与社会流动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会流动是指社会成员从某一种社会地位转移到另一种社会地位的现象,社会流动有合理和不合理之分。在现代开放性的社会中,正规的学校教育成为个人实现社会流动的阶梯。1978年以来的中国,社会阶层结构发生了根本的变化,这种变化使得不同阶层获得教育资源的能力的差异越来越大,教育公平恶化问题逐渐得以凸显,这种教育不公平最突出的表现就是教育经费投入不足与分配不公。  相似文献   

贫富分化的代际传承是指上一代的贫穷或富裕传递给下一代.本文具体指财富、权力或社会地位、职业声望、价值取向与生活方式等的代际传递,这种传递在我国已经呈现出趋固化的危险。我国应警惕这种“过去决定现在”式的贫富分化代际传承.让更多的穷人及其后代有向上流动的机会和保障,建设“现在决定未来”式的公平竞争规则,完善和谐社会的基础性制度。  相似文献   

王元超 《社会学研究》2023,(2):204-225+230
空间视角是代际流动研究的重要生长点之一。本文使用CGSS2010—2017年数据,探究了代际流动的地区差异与形成机制。研究发现,我国代际流动水平存在显著的地区差异,呈现“大分散、小集中”的分布态势。决定一个地区代际流动状况的不只是其内部的社会结构特征,还有其外部空间关系,即所处的空间位置和周边的社会资源。周边地区发达的工业化水平、较大的收入离散性以及充足的社会福利资源能够促进本地区的代际流动,呈现“空间溢出效应”。  相似文献   

Scholars have theorized interrelationships between family members' health and well‐being. Though prior research demonstrates associations between parents' and children's health, less is known about the relationship between parental health limitations and children's behavioral and academic outcomes. This article uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Well being Study (N = 3,273) to estimate the relationship between parental health limitations and four aspects of children's well‐being. Findings reveal that mothers' health limitations, especially when they occur in middle childhood or chronically, are independently associated with greater internalizing and externalizing behaviors, lower verbal ability, and worse overall health at age 9. Fathers' health limitations are not associated with children's well‐being. Fathers exert influence in other ways, as the relationship between mothers' chronic health limitations and children's internalizing behaviors is concentrated among children not residing with their fathers. These findings support the development of policies and interventions aimed at families.  相似文献   

We analyze a case study of an innovative intergenerational housing arrangement in the Netherlands as an example of how a local long-term elderly care practice evolved in response to contemporary challenges. Identified elements of the established local practice relate to the characteristics and strategies of an institutional entrepreneur and elements of the new practice that comes into being, in which reciprocity and mutual learning have a central place. These elements might benefit future elderly housing initiatives as well.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to provide an overview of the current state of intergenerational programming in one Canadian city. One-hundred and seven individuals in charge of programming in youth and seniors' organizations completed a telephone survey about intergenerational programs. More than one-third of organizations surveyed reported offering intergenerational programs, and the majority of these perceived their program to be successful. Participants added that there were no current overlaps in services, though a variety of gaps in and barriers to intergenerational programming were identified. There was also significant interest in and ideas for offering a diverse range of programs in the future. It was concluded that while interest in offering intergenerational programs was high, multiple barriers currently exist to offering such programs.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):311-330
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


This paper describes die impact of AIDS on intergenerational relationships in Africa (especially Sub-Saharan Africa). The AIDS infection in Sub-Saharan Africa has expanded astronomically with up to 18.5 million living with the disease. Young adults between the ages of 14 and 49 are most likely to be infected. In the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, three levels of HIV/AIDS infection among adults can be identified-hardest hit, high, and moderate. This ranges from 3.6% for moderate level to 35.8% for the hardest hit. The situation has changed the youth population profile and has numerous quality of life implications for young people, older adults, and a multi-dimensional impact on community life.

With the adverse socioeconomic and psychological effect of AIDS, interactions between members of the different generations are made difficult-relationships are becoming more of a burden than a mutual source of satisfaction. Children and young adults are losing their parents and mentors, and sometimes have to take care of their infected and dying parents at a very early stage in life. The older population is now losing its social and economic support, which hitherto, they have drawn from their adult children, and at the same time, they are assuming a new caregiving role to either their infected and affected children or grandchildren, or both.

Hope exists if the trend is checked by AIDS prevention efforts with examples drawn from countries like Uganda, Senegal, and Nigeria. But since there are some victims already, efforts should be made to help them cope with the stress and adverse effects of the disease. Governmental policies should also aim at assisting victims and volunteers financially. As part of the strategy, intergenerational relationships at family, organizational and community levels should be strengthened. Reinforcing the value of being one's “brother's keeper” both as individuals and groups/organizations is crucial at this time of crisis.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on the intergenerational transmission of poverty, financial stress, and family functioning. Other research has shown how financial stressors can predict various family processes, including parent–child interactions, family conflict, and couple communication, and relationship outcomes, including marital stability and satisfaction. This study shows continued evidence that financial stress from the male and female partner's family of origin may predict marital dissatisfaction using dyadic data techniques. Also, an exploration of indirect paths also found that the presence of current financial stress partially mediates these associations.  相似文献   

Research on the intergenerational transmission of divorce should be expanded to incorporate disrupted nonmarital cohabitations. This study (a) examined the transmission of union instability from parents to offspring using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, (b) replaced binary variables (divorced vs. nondivorced) typically used in this literature with count variables (number of disrupted unions), (c) relied on independent sources for data on parents' and offspring's union disruptions to minimize same‐source bias, (d) assessed the mediating role of theoretically derived variables (many not previously considered in this literature), and (e) incorporated information on discord in intact parental unions. Parent and offspring union disruptions were positively linked, with each parental disruption associated with a 16% increase in the number of offspring disruptions, net of controls. The mediators collectively accounted for 44% of the estimated intergenerational effect. Parent discord in intact unions was associated with more offspring disruptions.  相似文献   

Researchers have defined intergenerational obligations in diverse ways, and they have used many labels and ways of measuring intergenerational obligations. Using vignettes, we compared responses to questions about what family members should do when another family member needed assistance (normative obligations) with responses to questions about what respondents would do if they were in the situation in the vignette (felt responsibilities). Felt and normative obligations were similar. When there were disagreements, respondents indicated they would help more than they thought the character in the vignette should. The results point to the need for researchers to clearly define their terms, and they must carefully select operational definitions that match the conceptual definitions used when studying obligations about intergenerational assistance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates preference orderings on infinite horizon intergenerational consumption streams. The trade-offs inherent in the selection of moral precepts for an intergenerational preference ordering are made explicit by establishing the mutual inconsistency of an appealing set of axioms.I am grateful to Don Campbell for many valuable discussions and comments. I have also benefitted from the comments of Mike Peters, participants in the Theory Workshop at the University of Toronto, and from a referee and editor of this journal.  相似文献   

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