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古今中外,之所以人们在娱乐中包含教育,教育中蕴含美育,美育中又首推舞蹈,一是因为舞蹈美育的本质内涵在于昭示人类对美的自然需求和审美欣赏,二是舞蹈美育能传播人类情感的信息、陶冶人类的情怀、提升社会的内在品格.舞蹈美育绵延数千年,得到了人们的认可和重视,它对青少年的健康成长、素质培养具有独特、明显而直接的作用,即塑形象气质、增强审美感知能力、发展智力、完善人格.因此,在学校教育过程中要加大舞蹈美育的力度. 相似文献
青少年是我国未来创新人才的主体,青少年创新素质直接关系到我国社会发展的未来后劲。从人格理论出发,青少年的创新素质都必须经由养成才能实现,在青少年的创新素质养成过程中要受到来自社会、家庭和个人的种种因素影响和作用。 相似文献
目前盛行的科幻小说不仅具有娱乐功能和商业价值,其教育功能也越来越受到人们的重视.科幻小说有利于培养青少年勇于探索的科学精神、关注科学的科学意识、热爱科学的科学美感,同时科幻小说还是造就发散性思维的摇篮、反对科学理性的强劲武器.在我国青少年科学素质还相对低下的今天,把科幻小说作为提高青少年科学素质的有力工具,应该不失为一种有益的尝试. 相似文献
当代城乡青少年科学素质的比较研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
科学素质“一般指了解必要的科学技术知识,掌握基本的科学方法,树立科学精神,并具有一定的应用它们处理实际问题、参与公共事务的能力”④,2007年,我们对安徽省10城市(含农村)的3045名青少年进行价值观调查,对城乡青少年的科学素质进行了比较.勾勒出城市青少年科学素质的平均水平高于农村青少年、城市青少年科学素质的发展性强于农村青少年、农村青少年具备的创新潜能与城市青少年差距不大、具有较好的科学素质是城乡青少年的共同追求等四个主要结论,分析了青少年科学素质对社会、个人的影响。研究认为,当代城乡青少年的科学素质有一定差异,平均水平有待提高.并针对现状提出教育引导的相关建议。 相似文献
本文简要介绍了共青团工作的内容和任务,分析了当前青少年普遍存在的心理问题和思想问题,青少年科学素质的城乡差距十分明显,大多数青少年对基本科学知识了解程度较低,在科学思想和科学方法等方面有所欠缺,着重介绍了提高青少年科学素质的方法。 相似文献
新媒介教育与青少年信息素质培养 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
一人类社会正一步步走向网络时代,当电脑将一切种类的信息数字化,当传载信息的网络将社会每个角落的人群都联结起来的时候,人类的整个生存状态,从工作、学习到娱乐,从经济、政治到文化,都将发生一次根本性的变革。互联网将不仅彻底改变人类的生活方式、思维方式,而且将会通过消除中介或重建中介,大大优化社会运作的效率,优化社会资源的配置。互联网引发的是整个社会层面的变革,其内在活力是任何力量都无法阻挡的。我们应该清醒地认识到,互联网经济是新世纪国家核心竞争力的真正体现,切切不可错失这百年难遇的发展良机。延误一种教育也是可怕… 相似文献
关怀人生的终极意义,追求人性的完善,和谐和全面的人文生态环境内含着育人目标的终极关怀;与此同时,深怀时代忧思和人文关怀的青少年人文素质提升又会促进人文生态环境的改善。要大力提升青少年人文素质,必须在学校、家庭和社会各方改善人文生态环境的条件下,分别发挥学校教育主渠道的引领作用、家庭教育软环境的浸润效果和社会生态文化建设的渗透功能。 相似文献
Traditional conceptualizations of public diplomacy stress three dimensions, namely image cultivation, advocacy of national interests, and promotion of mutual understanding. This research expands the scope of public diplomacy by adding an additional dimension, namely promotion of Global Public Goods (GPG). The research argues that creating and preserving GPG should be one of the functions of public diplomacy in an era when global warming and globalization of health become realities that dictate the entire humankind to meet the challenge in collective action. The research also explored the ethical grounds and rhetoric of the new dimension of public diplomacy. 相似文献
Carolyn Tucker Halpern Rosalind Berkowitz King Selene G. Oslak J. Richard Udry 《Journal of research on adolescence》2005,15(4):535-559
Romantic relationships constitute an important, but understudied, developmental context for accommodation to pubertal change. Using a nationally representative sample of 5,487 black, white, and Hispanic adolescent females, this study examined associations among body mass index, current romantic involvement, and dieting. For each one point increase in body mass‐index (BMI), the probability of having a romantic relationship decreased by 6%. Further, involvement in a nonsexual romantic relationship—but not involvement in a sexual romantic relationship—was associated with a significant increase in the likelihood of dieting. Associations between relationship type and dieting did not vary by age, socioeconomic status, or race, but were stronger at higher BMIs. These findings confirm that weight has implications for romantic involvement, which is highly valued by adolescent girls, and that romantic relationships, in turn, are important contexts in which to consider psychological and behavioral accommodation to the physical changes of puberty. 相似文献
上海市房地产价格近四年来出现较大变化,当前已有的房地产价格指数却因统计方法上存在问题,未能真实反映其变化趋势。为准确监测上海市房地产市场价格波动,本文以大样本调研数据为基础,探索一套符合现实情况的上海市住房价格指数构建方法与实现路径,并对实证结果进行多维度比较,验证其合理性,揭示该指数所反映的客观市场趋势,为相关调控政策制定提供依据。 相似文献
本文从学校教学中的德、智关系的演变作为剖析问题的突破口,重点考察了新时期学校德育途径的选择和建设应从三大途径展开,高度重视多渠道和渗透性的作用.对我国学校德育教育工作提供了新的思考和借鉴。 相似文献
Leysan Khakimova Storie 《Journal of Public Relations Research》2017,29(6):295-310
Political public relations and public diplomacy both focus on managing communication to build and maintain relationships for a political purpose. Public diplomacy focuses on foreign publics and involves governments and organizations seeking to build relationships internationally. This study explored relationship cultivation, i.e., the process of initiating, nurturing positive, and recovering from negative relationships between various public diplomacy actors. Data included 32 in-depth interviews with communication officers in the United States. Results confirmed some of the previously developed relationship cultivation dimensions and suggested new ones. The study offers a nuanced discussion of relationship cultivation factors and an explanation of how they apply to public diplomacy engagement. 相似文献
Tama Leventhal Julia A. Graber Jeanne Brooks‐Gunn 《Journal of research on adolescence》2001,11(3):297-323
The antecedents, correlates, and consequences of adolescent employment were investigated in a sample of 251 low‐income, African American youth that were followed since birth. The youth (age: M at preschool = 4.89, SD= .70; M at adolescence = 16.44, SD= .66; M at transition to adulthood = 19.36, SD= .76; and M at early adulthood = 27.67, SD= .75) were the firstborn children of African American teenage mothers who gave birth in Baltimore in the 1960s. Analyses examined the antecedents and correlates of age of entry into employment and stability of employment during adolescence. The associations of adolescent work experiences with subsequent adult education and employment outcomes also were considered. Findings indicate that among this sample of low‐income, African American youth, those who repeated a grade in school during middle childhood were more likely to enter the workforce at later ages than their peers who did not repeat a grade. The small subset of adolescents who never worked (n= 12) appear to be markedly more disadvantaged than their peers who worked. At the transition to adulthood, adolescents who entered the workforce earlier were more likely to complete high school than their peers. In addition, stable employment during the adolescent years had more beneficial effects on young men's chances of attending college than young women's postsecondary education. This pattern of findings is consistent with ethnographic accounts of adolescent employment among poor, minority, urban youth. 相似文献
通过对上海市民地铁安全意识与安全评价快速调查发现,上海市民地铁安全意识良好,对地铁安全评价较高,但也存在一定的安全意识欠缺,同时地铁运营机构在安全维护与隐患防范方面也存在管理漏洞。要维护好上海市地铁的安全运行,需要乘客和地铁运营方的互相配合。为此,必须从提高市民地铁安全意识和提高地铁运营方自身安全防范能力两方面着手,并加强相关配套机制建设,强化地铁安全隐患的共同应对和整治。 相似文献