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Media and emotionsWhy do we cry, get scared and laugh in cinema? Some psychological foundations of media perception are explained. Among those are Piaget’s perspective overtaking and the theory of mind — a believe of what others believe. These theories make clear, why we not only accept sudden changes in perspective, but why they are absolutely essential for the ability to follow a story. Emotions are essential for the empathy in fictional stories. Describing the basic emotions fear, sadness, repulsion, anger and happiness we can understand how emotions are triggered and how those triggers are used in film and TV to evoke certain moods.  相似文献   

The role of psychologists in the mediaDiscribing the phenomena of frequently asking journalists the authors are trying to describe the social meaning of role-and functiontaking of the science of psychology in the public discussion. They are following the question whether it could be possible to publish scientific results without banalizing, taking part in voyerism and reprehensible emotion creating.  相似文献   

Stolpersteine weiblicher Karrieren Was Frauen hindert,erfolgreich zu sein   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Stumbling blocks of female careersBased on numerous coaching situations with female executives and, above all, with women who were just about to become an executive (or maybe rather not?), the author discusses some systematic thoughts which seem to be crucial in inhibiting female careers. They emerge in coaching situations again and again and a solution has to be provided. The psychoanalytic background of the author is a most helpful instrument in the diagnosis of “typical stumbling blocks”, which is of course in a coaching situation used in a different way than in a analytical setting.  相似文献   

Differences between coaching and psychotherapyCoaching is not a hidden psychotherapy with managers, though the methods are similar. Unlike psychotherapy, coaching mainly refers to the professional context, it requires normal capacities of self regulation and addresses to managers. A coach cannot take the place of a psychotherapist, and therapists cannot do the work of a coach without a respective education and role definition. The author describes these and other differences.  相似文献   

Coaching of patients after apoplexy — an integrative model of counselling and trainingIn contrast to common assessments of medical professionals, improvements in rehabilitation of patients after an apoplexy are possible even after a greater time interval. The progresses are small, but they improve gradually the quality of life of the patients. The author presents an integrative model of counselling and training for this clientele, in order to accompany the way of the patients to a successful professional rehabilitation and to a new conduct of life.  相似文献   

Career coaching between professional ambition and private lifeThe ever continuing pressure to perform is a major conflict for more and more executives in balancing their professional and their private lives; sometimes even the performance itself suffers from this conflict. The author shows by a case study how executives can cope quickly with this stress and how they can find satisfying solutions with the help of a career coach.  相似文献   

In this article, organizing is understood as a playful enactment of working processes by the involved actors. These “games” are determined by four logics of function and emerge as three action patterns. The combination of these two parameters results in a typology of actors in organizing. Dramatological insights into processes of organizations are demonstrated in two examples. The text includes ethical implications how fair games can be played.  相似文献   

Coaching und Work-Life-Balance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
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Team development in supervision — between case-work and organization developmentTeam development in the supervision for different groups in one organization is necessary on the one side for better coordination of the member’s work in professional teams, on the other side for the support of all co-worker’s cooperative self-government. In this article at first it will be shown, which concept the Psychodramatical supervision can offer for this work. In the second part it can be demonstrated by a detailed case-report, how this concept has influenced the concrete proceeding of the supervisor.  相似文献   

Coaching of owner-entrepreneurs — experiences and effectsThe author argues that the kind of coaching which owner-entrepreneurs require differs in fundamental ways from the kind of coaching for hired top managers. The difference is rooted in the higher level of complexity of the decision problems of owner-entrepreneurs, which needs to be reflected in a more complex approach chosen by the coach. In this context, the ability to make himself better understood by others turns out to be a very essential key capacity which some owner-entrepreneurs lack and which a qualified coach can help them to regain.  相似文献   

Conflict coaching in groups. A training concept and a case study The following article lines out and discusses the main contents of a workshop on conflict coaching in groups: focussing on conflict and conflict related issues, relaxation training, forms of targeting, solving strategies, cognitive restructuring and personal change processes. The experience shows, that conflict coaching can be very well practised in a group setting.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Methode der kollegialen Beratung eignet sich gut für Menschen in Organisationen, die vor der Herausforderung stehen, ihr Prozesswissen in neuen, unbekannten Kontexten anzuwenden. Schnelligkeit und konkreter Praxisbezug sind dabei wesentliche Faktoren für eine akzeptierte Lernform. In diesem Artikel wird eine Anpassung der Grundmethode der kollegialen Beratung, die kollegiale Praxisberatung, vorgestellt, die diese Anforderung der Praktiker erfüllt. Die dabei auftretenden Prozesswirkungen und Lernerfahrungen werden anhand zweier Praxisbeispiele aus der Industrie illustriert und Chancen sowie Grenzen der Methode diskutiert.
Olaf HinzEmail:

Ten years format and procedure in relation oriented work. On the reception of a significant distinctionIn this article the diffusion of the distinction between format and procedure is described within the fields of psychodrama, supervision und coaching over the last ten years. Furthermore the significance for professionalization of relation oriented work is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Outplacement. Experiences of a coach Getting unemployed usually is a major cause for high emotional pressure especially for executives. Outplacement consulting can be a viable way to find solutions in such difficult situations. This article addresses the two parties involved: (1) The author proposes a procedure that could be considered by the company in the process of dismissal. (2) Suggestions are made how the individual can be supported in developing new perspectives for a future career and personal life. Based on experiences of the author, the basic challenges for coaches during theses processes are described. The article offers special recommendations for each phase of coaching.  相似文献   

Psychiatrization, personification and personalization. Individual-centred consulting in organizations The individual-centred consulting already achieved high popularity in supervision and coaching. Based on system theory this article aims to define the functions of individual-centred consulting approaches — such as supervision and consulting — for organizations. The function of person-centred consulting is less an obvious manifest function of human resources development and more an invisible one for isolating conflicts in special interactional contexts. The organization achieves protection of its structure through coaching and supervision, because it is able to isolate its conflicts interactionally and therefore these conflicts remain to a large extent without any consequences for the organization.  相似文献   

Coaching for leaders and representatives in churchesThis article shows possibilities of coaching for leaders and representatives in churches, especially during this time with many transformations in ecclesiastical structures. It seems to be very important for acceptance of coaching, that the coach has a high standard of knowledge about this branch.  相似文献   

Understanding in supervision and coaching: Language as chance and obstacleThe word or the language in general are the vehicle through which the human beings interact with each other, differentiate themselves and regulate their relations. But at the same time anybody’s word is becoming in the postmodern societies more and more individual, self-referential and self-differentiating which means both a chance and an obstacle. The relation between supervisor/coach and client shapes a system of communication that produces stability and at the same time it creates a threat which brings about the possibility of changing the patterns of meaning introducing differentiated models of language.  相似文献   

Potential analysis in a transformation – a strategic and dialogic approach in leadership development. The author describes the integration of ?potential analysis“ in a transformation process. It shows how corporate change and management development strategies can be related, and how the process of “potential analysis“ was conducted in such a way as to contribute to corporate change. The article presents the different instruments which were used and emphasizes the importance of an open dialogue between managers and board members.  相似文献   

Coaching, supervision and many others formats. A pledge for a peaceful playing togetherIn this speech the thesis is justified, that a distinction of the different formats like coaching or supervision can only be successful, if they are discussed in a democratic dialog by all stakeholders. Only if such an agreement succeeds, it can be accepted in public.  相似文献   

Learning processes in coaching This Coaching is approached from the view of the coachee. Different learning processes which the coachee should run through in his/her coaching are deduced from three approved theoretical concepts close to practice. The Kolb circle is presented as first basic concept. It is described by the author as action leading for coachee and coach by a coaching-questionnaire. Several learning forms are shown and related to the first basic concept. The most important factor for the coaching success is the sustainability of the realization of the recognized learning goals. Therefore some proposals are submitted basing on the Kuhl-concept.  相似文献   

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