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近几年来,我国的研究生教育迈入了快车道,研究生数量的急速膨胀,将不可避免地影响甚至强烈冲击传统的研究生教育管理体制和教育培养方法。研究生培养单位应该主动适应这种情况的变化,研究并调整有关的管理体制及与其相配套的培养方法。本文拟就研究生管理问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,全球范围内掀起了汉语热,我国来华留学生教育也迎来了跨越式发展。本文拟从高校来华留学生教育的发展现状入手,分析来华留学生的群体性特点以及管理工作中的难点,并就此探讨来华留学生管理工作方法。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,全球范围内掀起了汉语热,我国来华留学生教育也迎来了跨越式发展。本文拟从高校来华留学生教育的发展现状入手,分析来华留学生的群体性特点以及管理工作中的难点,并就此探讨来华留学生管理工作方法。  相似文献   

杨小鹏 《职业》2011,(33):85-85
一、学生管理的重要性学生是学校的主体,如果学校是个生产单位,那么学生就是产品。产品的质量直接影响着产品的销售。学生也是一样,学生的素养是学校生存的生命线,也是社会对学校认可的最基本要素,学生能否在校期间认真学习、顺利完成学业是学生管理的结果。一个学校没有好的学生管理方法,学生就有可能在这个复杂的社会环境中走入歧途,  相似文献   

高小雅 《现代交际》2014,(4):216-216
在学生的工作中,如何提高高校兼职辅导员的工作积极性,是目前高校学生管理工作中必须重视的问题。本文对当前兼职辅导员的现状进行了分析,主要探讨了高校研究生如何做好兼职辅导员工作的途径。  相似文献   

刘博 《现代交际》2014,(11):228-228
自从我国建立了学位制度以后,研究生教育得到了空前大发展。研究生教育是高等教育链中重要且高端的一环,只有把研究生教育工作做到位,我国才能真正实现教育强国的理想。本文主要从研究生的培养目标来看,探讨了几点关于目前研究生培养管理工作的思考。  相似文献   

本文从探讨高校英语课程开展的重要意义出发,详细阐述了高校英语的重要性和重要地位。接着笔者又深入分析了当前我国高校英语课堂教学中的问题所在。最后,结合自身多年工作研究经验,笔者提出了相应的改革策略。  相似文献   

书是知识的重要载体,是学生获取知识的重要途径.学校图书馆以其特有的方式,宣传或组织各种有意义的书刊,向学生进行正确的人生观教育、爱国主义教育、高尚品德教育以及远大理想教育等,把学生培养成全面发展的人才.高等学校图书馆是学校的文献中心,是学校教育、教学和科学研究的重要支柱之一.为了适应全国高等教育信息化发展的形势,进一步促进高校图书馆自身建设和发展,笔者根据在高校图书馆的实践工作经验,对高校图书馆的管理提出如下建议.  相似文献   

人才培养工作是高等学校的主要任务,学生管理是人才培养工作的重要环节之一。针对当前高校学生管理工作实际,在二级管理体制下创新管理理念、运行机制和考核评价机制,并对提升学生管理水平进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of career influences for a sample of African-American and other black graduates of MSW programs. The study isolated significant relationships between enrollment influences and selected demographic and career-related variables. ”Very important“ influences were career advancement, acquisition of new skills, professional status and credibility, and understanding professionalism in social work. Desire for professional development in social work was the dominant influence. Findings suggest that recruitment of African-American/black graduate social work students should incorporate strategies that address issues of job satisfaction, and recognize career priorities and professional aspirations. Implications for graduate social work education are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a national survey of Deans and Directors of graduate social work programs and of social work faculty responsible for teaching graduate-level multicultural courses. The findings indicate the use of a combined infusion and designated course model is the most prominent in addressing the CSWE diversity curriculum content requirement. Although there is substantive content on traditionally oppressed minority populations, there is an increasing number of groups and topics under the banner of diversity. There is heavy reliance on traditional teaching methods and little consistency in the educational resources used to teach the courses. The demographic composition and perceptions of social work faculty who teach multicultural courses are reported. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This research compares the scholarly productivity of ten leading social work graduate programs with 35 randomly selected Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited graduate programs. The data reports that, when comparing group averages, the ten leading social work programs had greater scholarly productivity than the 35 randomly selected programs. These findings were statistically significant. However, when comparing individual programs, a notable number of the randomly selected graduate programs had much higher rates of scholarly productivity than some of the ten leading social work graduate programs. The implications of these findings for social work practice and education are discussed.  相似文献   

The Berkeley Department of Sociology has a distinctive training program that encourages the student to pursue an independent course of inquiry. While clearly still within the U.S. orbit, when arrayed along a continuum, the program leans more toward the European than the American tradition of postgraduate education. The Berkeley doctoral student substantially creates his or her own mix and is also most likely the principal architect of the research design and the sole collector of primary data for the dissertation. This article briefly explains the history and describes the current program. Troy Duster is professor and chair of the Department of Sociology and director of the Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of “American Dilemmas and Black Responses: Purpose and Bias,” which appears in the January–February 1987 issue ofSociety.  相似文献   


Although social work practice with groups is on the rise, social work education has neglected to prepare students for group work practice. The results of a 1991 survey show that graduate education has practically eliminated group work as a specialized area of study. Most schools offer group work only as an elective, and few students graduate with a course in this subject. Additionally, students in foundation courses learn little about group work theory and have limited or no group field work experience in which to develop practice skills. The authors discuss the consequences of this lack on student learning, faculty development, field education, and the social work curriculum. They make recommendations for schools and CSWE to revitalize group work in the curriculum.  相似文献   

For this exploratory study of the educational orientations of graduate social work faculty, the author surveyed faculty in 38 randomly selected graduate social work departments in the United States in Spring 1991. All were sent a revised Hadley Educational Orientation Questionnaire, which measured their agreement with 12 items each on Mentoring Orientation and Master Teaching Orientation scales. The survey also asked about the source of their educational philosophies. Analysis of 346 responses suggests that faculty tend toward a master teaching approach in attempting to impart essential knowledge and to empower students, but they also incorporate elements from the mentoring approach. Faculty indicated that their educational philosophies were derived principally from work experiences, personal experiences, and professional socialization.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of an experiment in student-centered learning. Students were randomly assigned to one of nine groups and one faculty member was assigned to each group for a six-week term. A case example served as a point of reference for selecting seminar content. Evaluation of the experience centered on the extent of student learning and the degree to which students and faculty met their objectives. The students showed evidence of learning but future efforts in this area should concentrate on the clear explication of objectives as well as the faculty facilitator's role.  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot project to develop an effective applied learning experience for graduate social work students. An asset-based social justice model was used as a guide in the development of the project. Importance was placed on the host community determining its own needs and the contributions the students would provide. A partnership with community stakeholders was developed. The stakeholders decided the needs to be addressed and the faculty prepared the students to meet those needs. Successes and limitations of the pilot project are reviewed.  相似文献   

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