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Government regulation of business activities is increasing rapidly, exposing firms to considerable uncertainty and requiring managers to decide on appropriate strategic postures. To help managers make informed decisions, this study compiles a comprehensive overview of strategies to cope with regulatory uncertainty and illustrates their interdependencies and how they can be combined into overall coping postures, as well as offering management guidelines on deciding which to adopt. A literature review identifies a considerable variety of coping strategies, and we apply unique data from a worldwide cross-industry survey to categorize each into one of three types - offensive, defensive or passive. We find that firms aiming to cope with the uncertainty associated with post-Kyoto regulation typically adopt one of four strategic postures, each characterized by a specific combination of these types: ‘daredevils’ rely solely on offensive strategies; ‘coordinators’ combine them with defensive ones, ‘hedgers’ pursue strategies from all three categories while ‘gamblers’ choose not to specifically cope with uncertainty at all. We exemplify the strategies characteristic of each posture, and illustrate their interdependencies by means of case studies in the European airline industry. We identify two main factors managers should consider particularly when deciding on their firm’s strategic posture: the level of regulatory uncertainty they perceive and the firm’s exposure to future regulations, and find that the higher the level of uncertainty, the broader the range of strategies applied, and the more future regulation seems likely to affect a firm, the more actively it seeks to cope with the associated uncertainty.  相似文献   

Select businesses in industry may attempt to compete through distinct strategies. But some may be successful in adopting distinct strategic profiles while others may not prove successful. In this study it was expected that six different groups of businesses might be present in the empirical exploration – those competing successfully with the low cost strategy and those competing unsuccessfully with this strategy; those competing successfully with the differentiation strategy and those competing unsuccessfully with this strategy; and those competing successfully with low cost and differentiation strategies and those competing unsuccessfully with these strategies. The results of the investigation portray the presence of three strategic profiles. They are unsuccessful low cost businesses with the lowest performance, unsuccessful differentiated businesses with the second lowest performance, and successful businesses with combination strategies with the highest performance.  相似文献   

Japanese international marketing has evolved. While some aspects of success (organisational abilities, long-term orientation, aggressive growth strategies, ownership, R&D) have been diffused from developed to emerging markets, others have been extended (identification of customer needs and wants, information-processing capabilities). Segmentation and positioning are fine-tuned and are significantly different from Japanese strategies in developed markets. The relatively short time-frame of foreign firms' market presence in China enables Japanese brands to address upmarket consumer clusters in parallel with Western brands. The case study approach underlines the necessity of testing received knowledge with the new realities of the international business environment. At the same time it sends out a clear warning not to over-generalise. Japanese MNEs adapt to the Chinese market in multifarious ways. It would be a mistake to characterise a ‘Japanese’ strategy for the Chinese market, as no single approach predominates. Even within our sample of three case studies, strategies vary between the three firms and within each firm they vary over time. In all three cases, the Japanese MNEs are very conscious of consumer needs in China and the dynamics of these needs. It is a fallacy to believe that because China is a poor nation then strategies have to be aimed at low-cost products. The luxury segment is large, growing, lucrative and identifiable. Each of our three firms pays great attention to the appearance, growth and sustainability of this sector and targets it precisely. Because of rapid changes in Chinese demand patterns and consumer behaviour, it is essential for firms to keep in touch with its development. However, Japanese investors in China are not just responsive to demand patterns – they are prepared to lead them. This involves taking risks with standard business formats and with cherished home country practices. This, Japanese firms are prepared to do in China. Thus, Japanese firms balance stability (safe consumer sectors) with innovation (new products). A similar balance can be seen between adaptation to Chinese conditions and the use of standardised products, formats and approaches. The first strategy attracts revenue, the second reduces costs and therefore risks. A flexibility of approach is evident from Japanese MNEs in China – witness the extent to which they are willing to modify strategies over time as conditions change. Overall, we conclude that Japanese MNEs are not ‘Western’ or ‘Japanese’ in their approach to the Chinese market, but are flexible, realistic and pragmatic.
It is a fallacy to believe that because China is a poor nation then strategies have to be aimed at low-cost products  相似文献   

This study explored individual perceptions of the concept of crisis and the strategies used to manage crisis events. Situated in the national Indian cultural context, this exploratory qualitative study addressed three questions: How do individuals from the Indian national culture define a crisis? How do individuals from the Indian national culture manage a crisis? What impact does the Indian national culture have on individual approaches to crisis management? Interview data were collected from 66 Indian participants with a focus on critical incidents related to crises. The findings from a thematic analysis revealed that, despite sharing the same national cultural heritage, the participants perceived crises very differently, and their approaches to crisis management could be classified into three categories: fighting, compromising, and avoiding. Further, culture influenced the strategies participants adopted to manage their perceived crises, and national cultural norms that bound the society were given the utmost importance by the participants.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy has selected three sites, from five nominated, to characterize for a nuclear repository to permanently dispose of nuclear waste. This decision was made without the benefit of an analysis of this "portfolio" problem. This paper analyzes different portfolios of three sites for simultaneous characterization and strategies for sequential characterization. Characterization of each site, which involves significant subsurface excavation, is now estimated to cost $1 billion. Mainly because of the high characterization costs, sequential characterization strategies are identified which are the equivalent of $1.7-2.0 billion less expensive than the selected DOE simultaneous characterization of the three sites. If three sites are simultaneously characterized, one portfolio is estimated to be the equivalent of $100-400 million better than the selected DOE portfolio. Because of these potential savings and several other complicating factors that may influence the relative desirability of characterization strategies, a thorough analysis of characterization strategies that addresses the likelihood of finding disqualifying conditions during site characterization, uncertainties, and dependencies in forecast site repository costs, preclosure and postclosure health and safety impacts, potential delays of both sequential and simultaneous characterization strategies, and the environmental, socioeconomic, and health and safety impacts of characterization activities is recommended.  相似文献   

Limited version, time‐locked, and hybrid are three software free trial strategies employed by software firms to exploit increased installed base and/or reduction of consumers' uncertainty about software quality. We develop an analytical model to examine these three software free trial strategies. We find that the hybrid strategy weakly dominates the limited and time‐locked versions, and the intensity of the network effects is a key factor determining which strategy is optimal.  相似文献   


We review and integrate a wide range of literature that has examined the strategies by which organizations navigate institutionally diverse settings and capture rents outside of the marketplace. We synthesize this body of research under the umbrella term institutional strategies, which we define as the comprehensive set of plans and actions directed at leveraging and shaping socio-political and cultural institutions to obtain or retain competitive advantage. Our review of institutional strategies is focused on emerging market contexts, settings that are characterized by weak capital market and regulatory infrastructures and fast-paced turbulent change. Under such challenging conditions, strategies aimed at shaping the institutional environment may be especially critical to an organization's performance and long-term survival. Our review reveals that organizations engage in three specific and identifiable sets of institutional strategies, which we term relational, infrastructure-building, and socio-cultural bridging. We conclude by highlighting fruitful avenues for cross-disciplinary dialogue in the hope of promoting future research on emerging markets and defining the next frontier of institutional theory in organizational analysis.  相似文献   

We extend the regional/global strategies literature by analyzing the relative performance of emerging market (EM) multinational enterprises (MNEs) based on their geographic orientation. We develop a framework showing that firms adopt three geographic orientations—local, regional, and global—and test our framework with the market penetration strategies (sales) of 701 MNEs from 28 EMs during 2000–2006. Our analysis shows that distinguishing among these three geographic segments is important, as not all of these geographic segments enhance firms’ financial performance relative to their industry: a combination of local and global orientations enhances while regional orientation reduces the relative financial performance of EM MNEs.  相似文献   

Extant research on corporate turnaround from financial distress has prescribed a range of strategies to effect corporate recovery. However, no large sample study has examined the general applicability and effectiveness of these strategies. We set out to test the effectiveness of strategies and identify the underlying factors of effectiveness – the impact of timing, intensity and implementation of strategies on corporate recovery. We examine a sample of 166 potentially bankrupt UK firms drawn from 1985 to 1993 and track their turnaround strategies for a period of three years from distress. These strategies include operational, asset, managerial and financial restructuring. Our results show recovery and non-recovery firms adopt very similar sets of strategies, and managers of non-recovery firms restructure more intensively than recovery firms Nevertheless, non-recovery firms seem far less effective in strategy implementation than their recovery counterparts. Whereas recovery firms adopt growth-oriented and external-market focused strategies, non-recovery firms engage in fire-fighting strategies.  相似文献   

In this study, we bring together a top‐down and a bottom‐up approach of risk handling. We do so by conceptualizing and qualitatively and quantitatively measuring formal and informal risk‐handling strategies in a Dutch utility company. We conceive of formal risk handling as regulating, training, and educating safety and enforcing rule compliance, while we distinguish three different informal risk‐handling strategies: discretionary specialization, tacit knowledge, and taking personal responsibility. We show that the formal risk‐handling strategy and the three informal risk‐handling strategies can be measured separately. Hence, we have validated the measurement of all four strategies derived from two different risk‐handling approaches. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the perceived use of the four strategies has different effects on unsafe behavior: formal risk handling and tacit knowledge decrease it, discretion increases it, and taking personal responsibility has no effect on unsafe behavior.  相似文献   

In this article, we assess the implications of customer purchase behavior on customization in electronic retailing. We develop a classification scheme for customization strategies in electronic retailing. The classification scheme comprises three customization strategies: (i) transaction customization, (ii) decision customization, and (iii) product customization. We develop scales to measure each of the three customization strategies using a systematic four‐stage scale development process. Building on the extant literature on customer purchase behavior, we design an experiment to examine the alignment of the customization strategies with three well‐established product types: (i) convenience goods, (ii) shopping goods, and (iii) specialty goods, and its implications for customer value. The findings of the experiment indicate that there are significant differences in the customer value for the three customization strategies across the three product types. The contributions of the study, the managerial implications of the study findings, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

针对网约车平台在需求高峰时段采取给予网约车司机补贴的实际背景,进行了网约车平台的最优峰时补贴策略选择研究。考虑采取平台单独补贴司机策略、乘客单独补贴司机策略、平台与乘客同时补贴司机策略的情况下,分别构建网约车平台的利润模型,通过最大化平台利润得到了三种情况下的最优决策。通过分析和比较三种情况下网约车平台的最优决策发现:当乘客潜在的市场规模较小时,应采用平台单独补贴司机策略;当乘客潜在的市场规模适中时,应采用平台与乘客同时补贴司机策略;当乘客潜在的市场规模较大时,应采用乘客单独补贴司机策略。此外,本文还进一步考察了乘客潜在市场规模、补贴敏感程度等因素对于最优决策下的补贴额度、需求与供给、平台利润和社会福利的影响。所得到的研究结果,对于网约车平台峰时补贴策略的选择和补贴价格的确定具有重要的指导价值。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on subsidiary role development in terms of changes in the market, product and value-added scope of foreign subsidiaries within multinational corporations (MNC). In its theoretical part, it identifies three interrelated reasons to explain such role changes: (1) subsidiary capabilities, (2) host-country localization advantages and (3) headquarters' realized strategies—that is, headquarters' intended strategies and the outcomes of micro-political headquarter–subsidiary negotiations. Based on the results of interviews with 65 managers in 11 German headquarters and their 13 Hungarian subsidiaries, the paper reveals the interrelated effects of the three factors on subsidiary role development and shows that headquarters' intended strategies are decisive to explain role development in peripheral host countries, though micro-political headquarter–subsidiary negotiations being an integral part of subsidiary role development.  相似文献   

从全球化市场的角度考察了产业竞争结构,构建了两层的上游供应链竞争结构。运用博弈论的基本思想,首次建立了基于两种竞争策略的制造商效用模型,考察了制造商市场竞争中所存在的非对称信息和对称信息两种情况,对制造商和供应商的决策进行了研究。结果表明:制造商在非对称信息和对称信息两种情况下均存在着三种纳什均衡策略参与市场竞争,而供应商存在着选择单位成本的机会主义倾向。本文的研究成果对供应链上位各成员的决策均有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

动态环境下的企业成长战略探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在复杂的动态经营环境中,如何维持持久的竞争优势是每个企业面临的重大难题。本文在文献研究的基础上,将成长战略划分为规模扩张战略、复制成长战略和选择性成长战略,并结合案例对各个战略的特点和优劣性进行了比较和论述,在此基础上,对如何实现三种战略的有效结合进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

李琳  余婕  朱婷婷  范体军 《管理学报》2021,18(5):769-780
针对同时拥有线上和线下销售渠道的生鲜零售商,考虑消费者在渠道间的需求异质性,研究其采用BOPS服务模式后的定价策略。在建立线上线下同价策略模型的基础上,提出线上、线下单一渠道折扣策略以及面向BOPS顾客的折扣策略,进一步设计了联合定价策略,并利用数值实验加以验证和扩展。研究表明:线上渠道折扣与线下渠道折扣策略在有效性上互斥;配送成本适中且配送比例较高时,面向BOPS顾客的折扣策略优于其他两种折扣策略;消费者对折扣的敏感度越高,BOPS折扣策略的适用范围越广,优越性越明显;联合折扣策略可以在更大范围内提升零售商利润。  相似文献   

This paper investigates portfolio revision with an emphasis on the decision of when to revise. A statistical technique based on the sequential analysis of the time series of portfolio return relatives determines when revision is to occur. The technique detects changes in the time series which are an indication that the underlying generating process of the time series has changed and that the portfolio should be, if necessary, revised. Thus, the length of the revision interval is variable and a function of the data. The statistical technique is utilized in conjunction with three portfolio revision strategies. These three revision strategies are compared to a buy and hold policy over three nonoverlapping, 12-year investment horizons. The basis of comparison is the net terminal values which include adjustments for transaction costs and taxes. The sensitivity of the statistical technique to its parameters is also analyzed.  相似文献   

Most SMEs do not try to engage in co-operative purchasing arrangements, and even those that do don’t handle them very well. Examining a sample of SME engineering firms from the UK Midlands for signs of more advanced practice, the authors identify three types of behaviour: firms with deliberate strategies (where co-operative purchasing is a consciously-designed and long-term part of management policy); firms with close ties with their suppliers but which still operate fundamentally adversarial policies (where, despite some development of practice, defensive, short-term and ‘low-trust’ attitudes still predominate) and those whose strategies, maybe of long standing, ‘just happened’ and are described as still emergent. The article analyses these positions to yield lessons for managers, recognising that, as firms grow, emergent strategies will need replacing with something more codified.  相似文献   

Revolutionary products often come from upstart players or companies outside the industry, while mainstream operators follow a risk-averse path of concentrating on their current business. This article urges companies to channel resources into looking at the periphery for ideas that could be profit-drivers of the future. It suggests three strategies for finding new products: frame the landscape; develop game-changing hypotheses; and use targeted hunting. It concludes by saying that these approaches will encourage managers to combine broad searching and thinking with focused evaluation and execution.  相似文献   

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