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高层住宅在我国的兴起,是我国城市现代化进程中的客观产物。对高层住宅的评价或褒或贬,莫衷一是。从邻里关系看,住宅的相对隔离,减少了邻里之间不必要的争吵和纠纷,保证了人们的正常生活和休息。但同时也使邻里交往、尤其是密切交往减少。虽然邻里之间仍然存在守望互助关系,但总体上存在着邻里关系疏松的趋势。  相似文献   

张红霞 《社会》2004,(5):54-56
我国的社区建设是在社会转型、体制转 轨、居民从"单位人"走向"社会人"的背景 下提出来的,同时也是适应城市基层管理体制转变的需要,因此我国社区建设所走的道路是自上而下推动的,有很强的政府主导性。社区建设要取得好的效果,必须把基层的居民发动起来,使他们主动参与到社区建设的活动中去,居民的社区参与是社区发展的内在动力,是社区建设的中间环节,也是社区建设的主体性力量。社区参与是指社区居民作为社区生活的主体,以主人翁的姿态自觉自愿地参加社区各  相似文献   

上海社区建设面临困境:居民参与不足   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
主题报告自1996年上海市委在城区工作会议上作出把加强社区建设和管理作为改善城市基层管理的决策以来,这一定位于“两级政府、三级管理”的新体制在实践中取得了巨大成功,城市区域社会的面貌发生了重大而可喜的改变,社区成为上海经济—社会改革稳固的后方。然而,在社区建设的实践中,也还存在不少突出的矛盾和难题,居民社区参与不足就是其中之一。社区参与是指社区居民自愿参加社区各种活动或事务的决策、管理和运作。居民作为社区的主体,他们的广泛参与是社区建设的生命力,是实现社区建设目标的根本动力。但是,在社区建设中,一直存在着…  相似文献   

上海社区建设面临挑战:居民参与不足   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
张亮 《社会》2001,(1):4-6
自1999年止海市委在城区工作会议上作出把加强社区建设和管理作为改善城市基层管理的决策以来,这一定位于两级政府、三级管理的新体制在实践中取得了巨大成功,城市区域社会的面貌发生了重大而可喜的改变,社区成为上海经济一社会改革稳固的后方.  相似文献   

在京郊通勤圈内快速城市化区域,选取外观和商品房相似、 空间临近的小产权房社区开展对比研究,发现本案小产权房开发模式的特点是:由村集体主导,按照规划统一开发并积极纳入政府规划管理体系.问卷调查结果显示,小产权房和商品房居民社会经济构成大体相似,但家庭结构、 前居住地、学历有明显不同;居民都对居住状况基本满意,两者平均居住满意度接近;住宅、 设施、 环境和安全方面有11项满意度指标通过了显著性,其中与商品房的最大差异在于小产权房居民对社区服务(物业服务、停车位和小区环卫等)满意度最低;样本整体对区域性公共设施满意度较低,且商品房居民低于小产权房,这与商品房社区较高的三代同堂家庭比例显著相关.  相似文献   

居住作为人民生活中的一个重要方面,其小康目标是社会经济发展战略目标中的一个组成部分。本文从分析上海的居住现状和特点出发,参考了国际上所使用的与生活水平各发展阶段相适应的居住标准,提出了上海到本世纪末应该实现的小康居住目标,并对实现这个目标的意义和可能性作了较为细致的分析和论证。  相似文献   

教育具有分层作用,因而成为一种资源。在城市中,距离决定着获得教育资源的机会,因此,教育引发人们的迁居,使具有共同教育需要的人聚集居住,加速特定居住区的空间流动与重组,从而丰富了城市居住空间结构,维持了居住空间的稳定,同时教育资源的优劣也使居住区的价值发生了变化,导致不同阶层群体的居住分异。  相似文献   

伴随着人类世界后工业化进程的开启,社会治理进入了主体多元化的时代,众多行动者“怎样开展行动、如何进行言说”成为社会治理理论需要探究的核心问题.行动与言说“充分分离”产生的对权力的限制是民主政治的实质,而行动与言说的“有机结合”则能够实现合作的治理.然而,现代民主作为行动—言说所形成的两条隐匿线索的交汇空间,在被代表制嵌入之后表现出了言说对行动的削弱,言说与揭示之间的不洽渐次阻塞了民主的路径并导致了一系列异化问题.信息技术的发展将使互联网成为“虚拟贤者”,它有能力成长为有别于“合作”和“自治”的第三条道路,超越代表制作为现代民主全部实质的狭隘性,帮助社会治理在“行动—言说”框架下通往显现空间.  相似文献   

探讨人、居住和环境关系的两个观点人、居住和环境的关系,可从两方面加以探讨。其一是以人为中心的观点,将住处视为人控制的一个环境,也就是将视野从人扩大到居住空间,再扩大到更广阔的外部世界。人类靠自身的力量,在各种环境下,甚至在已达极限的环境下,努力扩大和发展居住空间,使自己得以生存。可以说,作为居住空间的人工化了的环境是人类的产物。不过人类有意识地控制环境以及扩建居住场所,也必然带来反作用。“公害”就是其中一例。结果,不仅居住的形态要起变化,人类本身也会发生变化。这种变化过程,是环境控制人的过程,也可以说是人的一种不自觉的适应过程。另一种是生态学观点,将环境(或居住)视为人类存在的基础,这种观点是从环境出发,将视野由环境限定到居住空间,再限定到在居住空间中生活的人。人类在局部的环境里盖起建筑物,还有意识地让自己适应这一环境。从这种观点出发,人便可  相似文献   

上海城市居住空间分异的社会学研究*   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨上广  王春兰 《社会》2006,26(6):117-117
随着中国社会经济转型,当前中国大城市居住空间正呈现重构与分异的演变趋势。本文以上海为例,首先,分析了上海商品住宅的空间分异格局及成因;其次,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面分析了上海居住空间分异的态势;然后,探讨了城市居住空间分异的社会效应;最后,对当前中国大城市居住空间分异与重构的演变态势进行一定的思考。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the relationship between housing and health will improve with closer attention to the characteristics of residents, their activities in relation to their housing, and social ecological factors that set the boundaries for those activities. To highlight these aspects of the subject area, we propose recharacterizing the housing and health field as one of inquiry into the residential context of health. In introducing this issue of the journal, we first elaborate on this proposal in conceptual and practical terms. We then overview the individual articles, each of which helps us develop a more nuanced view of the subject area. Finally, we comment on two themes running through multiple articles—stress and coping, and social ecological influences on residence .  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mr W. Power, Department of Social Work, Kingston General Hospital, Hull HU3 IUR Summary Fifty consecutive admissions to residential and nursing homecare from hospital were examined and the results discussed.Patient profile fitted the general pattern expected of frailelderly people with high dependency needs. There was a noticeableshift towards placements in private establishments but onlyabout half the patients were likely to have satisfied criteriafor local authority placement or require nursing home care.Breakdown in care-giver arrangements was found to be a majorreason for entry to care. Apart from a significant number ofwheelchair users going into nursing homes, there were no sharpdivisions between the residential care and nursing homes groups.  相似文献   

Objective. This study evaluates the impact of residential community associations (RCAs) on RCA property values by testing competing theoretical expectations about the efficiency and accountability of RCAs with empirical evidence. Method. We use pooled data on 195 units in six RCAs in one city, regressing sales price on RCA fees, a proxy for the importance of professional management compared to community involvement, previous property values, and other variables. Results. We find that increases in RCA fees (and services) depress average property values over what they would be otherwise, and that professional management somewhat mitigates this effect by raising property values. Conclusion. RCAs with horizontal, community controls act as if they are governed by a high‐demand, volunteer, review group by producing and charging too much, while professional management (i.e., hierarchical control) slightly reduces the tendency of RCAs to produce and charge too much. RCAs may not be the model of efficiency that proponents of private governments expect.  相似文献   

Residential care: from here to eternity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Correspondence to Stephen Casson, Social Services Department, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PA, England. Summary This paper identifies obstacles to the inclusion of familiesby residential establishments. A review of the literature indicatesthat the notion of including families is a worthwhile consideration,but that few programmes have committed themselves with sufficientenergies over time to test the worth of this assumption. Tobring families centre stage a set of obligations is proposedto managers and certain principles from the family dynamicsliterature are identified for inclusion in the training curriculumof residential workers.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the impact of admission to residential care,makes a distinction between feelings and emotions, and suggestsways in which emotional habits are formed. Some of the feelingssurrounding primary needs are considered and examples are givenof the powerful emotional drives which result from the dailyinteractions of staff and residents. The need to acknowledgeparallel feelings and emotions in both the cared-for and thecare-givers is underlined together with the importance of constructinga framework of care which allows for the growth of the individualemotional lifestyles of residents.  相似文献   

居住分异与社会距离   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对一个新建社区的形成过程和居住现状的考察,分析了国内"居住分异"的社会分化现象。通过数据分析发现,居住分异以后,群体分化程度被强化了,它使居民之间的社会距离扩大、疏离感增强。这种状况不利于社会团结与和谐社会的建设。我国正处在城市化高速发展的进程中,如果没有明确的政策干预,任由房地产市场按照这样的情况发展下去,居住分异与社会距离问题会变得更加严重。  相似文献   

Understanding the beliefs that caregivers of people with dementia have in regard to the use of residential respite may inform strategies to address low service utilisation. In this article, the application of theory in qualitative research with 36 caregivers provides insight into why most delay service use. Although some believe that service use may increase caregiving longevity, others position service use in conflict with normative values, and may hold beliefs that negative outcomes will result from utilisation. To address caregivers' beliefs to support service use, improvements are required to service promotion, as well as to models of care.  相似文献   

Understanding the beliefs that caregivers of people with dementia have in regard to the use of residential respite may inform strategies to address low service utilisation. In this article, the application of theory in qualitative research with 36 caregivers provides insight into why most delay service use. Although some believe that service use may increase caregiving longevity, others position service use in conflict with normative values, and may hold beliefs that negative outcomes will result from utilisation. To address caregivers' beliefs to support service use, improvements are required to service promotion, as well as to models of care.  相似文献   

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