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In this paper we show that fully likelihood-based estimation and comparison of multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models can be easily performed via a freely available Bayesian software called WinBUGS. Moreover, we introduce to the literature several new specifications that are natural extensions to certain existing models, one of which allows for time-varying correlation coefficients. Ideas are illustrated by fitting, to a bivariate time series data of weekly exchange rates, nine multivariate SV models, including the specifications with Granger causality in volatility, time-varying correlations, heavy-tailed error distributions, additive factor structure, and multiplicative factor structure. Empirical results suggest that the best specifications are those that allow for time-varying correlation coefficients.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that fully likelihood-based estimation and comparison of multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models can be easily performed via a freely available Bayesian software called WinBUGS. Moreover, we introduce to the literature several new specifications that are natural extensions to certain existing models, one of which allows for time-varying correlation coefficients. Ideas are illustrated by fitting, to a bivariate time series data of weekly exchange rates, nine multivariate SV models, including the specifications with Granger causality in volatility, time-varying correlations, heavy-tailed error distributions, additive factor structure, and multiplicative factor structure. Empirical results suggest that the best specifications are those that allow for time-varying correlation coefficients.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a parsimonious multivariate model for exchange rate volatilities based on logarithmic high-low ranges of daily exchange rates. The multivariate stochastic volatility model decomposes the log range of each exchange rate into two independent latent factors, which could be interpreted as the underlying currency specific components. Owing to the empirical normality of the logarithmic range measure the model can be estimated conveniently with the standard Kalman filter methodology. Our results show that our model fits the exchange rate data quite well. Exchange rate news seems to be currency specific and allows identification of currency contributions to both exchange rate levels and exchange rate volatilities.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a parsimonious multivariate model for exchange rate volatilities based on logarithmic high–low ranges of daily exchange rates. The multivariate stochastic volatility model decomposes the log range of each exchange rate into two independent latent factors, which could be interpreted as the underlying currency specific components. Owing to the empirical normality of the logarithmic range measure the model can be estimated conveniently with the standard Kalman filter methodology. Our results show that our model fits the exchange rate data quite well. Exchange rate news seems to be currency specific and allows identification of currency contributions to both exchange rate levels and exchange rate volatilities.  相似文献   

Linear-representation Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  A new way of estimating stochastic volatility models is developed. The method is based on the existence of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) representations for powers of the log-squared observations. These representations allow to build a criterion obtained by weighting the sums of squared innovations corresponding to the different ARMA models. The estimator obtained by minimizing the criterion with respect to the parameters of interest is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Monte-Carlo experiments illustrate the finite sample properties of the estimator. The method has potential applications to other non-linear time-series models.  相似文献   

随机波动HJM框架下信用利差模型及实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将随机波动引入到具有违约风险的HJM模型中,基于无套利条件推导得出随机波动HJM模型框架下信用利差的漂移项限制条件,从而构建了随机波动HJM框架下的信用利差模型,并基于波动率结构的适当设定对模型进行马尔科夫简化,进而利用该模型对中国可违约债券市场信用利差的动态特性进行实证分析。结果发现:短期信用利差的动态特性具有显著的随机波动特征,而随机波动HJM框架下的信用利差模型可以很好地刻画中国可违约债券市场信用利差的动态特性。  相似文献   

混合贝塔分布随机波动模型及其贝叶斯分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了更准确地揭示金融资产收益率数据的真实数据生成过程,提出了基于混合贝塔分布的随机波动模型,讨论了混合贝塔分布随机波动模型的贝叶斯估计方法,并给出了一种Gibbs抽样算法。以上证A股综指简单收益率为例,分别建立了基于正态分布和混合贝塔分布的随机波动模型,研究表明,基于混合贝塔分布的随机波动模型更准确地描述了样本数据的真实数据生成过程,而正态分布的随机波动模型将高峰厚尾等现象归结为波动冲击,从而低估了收益率的平均波动水平,高估了波动的持续性和波动的冲击扰动。  相似文献   

Efficient, accurate, and fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation methods based on the Implicit approach are proposed. In this article, we introduced the notion of Implicit method for the estimation of parameters in Stochastic Volatility models.

Implicit estimation offers a substantial computational advantage for learning from observations without prior knowledge and thus provides a good alternative to classical inference in Bayesian method when priors are missing.

Both Implicit and Bayesian approach are illustrated using simulated data and are applied to analyze daily stock returns data on CAC40 index.  相似文献   

We consider the local estimation of the stable tail dependence function when a random covariate is observed together with the variables of main interest. Our estimator is a weighted version of the empirical estimator adapted to the covariate framework. We provide the main asymptotic properties of our estimator, when properly normalized, in particular the convergence of the empirical process towards a tight centred Gaussian process. The finite sample performance of our estimator is illustrated on a small simulation study and on a dataset of air pollution measurements.  相似文献   


Based on the fact that realized measures of volatility are affected by measurement errors, we introduce a new family of discrete-time stochastic volatility models having two measurement equations relating both observed returns and realized measures to the latent conditional variance. A semi-analytical option pricing framework is developed for this class of models. In addition, we provide analytical filtering and smoothing recursions for the basic specification of the model, and an effective MCMC algorithm for its richer variants. The empirical analysis shows the effectiveness of filtering and smoothing realized measures in inflating the latent volatility persistence—the crucial parameter in pricing Standard and Poor’s 500 Index options.  相似文献   

Estimating parameters in a stochastic volatility (SV) model is a challenging task. Among other estimation methods and approaches, efficient simulation methods based on importance sampling have been developed for the Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation of univariate SV models. This paper shows that importance sampling methods can be used in a general multivariate SV setting. The sampling methods are computationally efficient. To illustrate the versatility of this approach, three different multivariate stochastic volatility models are estimated for a standard data set. The empirical results are compared to those from earlier studies in the literature. Monte Carlo simulation experiments, based on parameter estimates from the standard data set, are used to show the effectiveness of the importance sampling methods.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and analyses two types of asymmetric multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models, namely, (i) the SV with leverage (SV-L) model, which is based on the negative correlation between the innovations in the returns and volatility, and (ii) the SV with leverage and size effect (SV-LSE) model, which is based on the signs and magnitude of the returns. The paper derives the state space form for the logarithm of the squared returns, which follow the multivariate SV-L model, and develops estimation methods for the multivariate SV-L and SV-LSE models based on the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) approach. The empirical results show that the multivariate SV-LSE model fits the bivariate and trivariate returns of the S&P 500, the Nikkei 225, and the Hang Seng indexes with respect to AIC and BIC more accurately than does the multivariate SV-L model. Moreover, the empirical results suggest that the univariate models should be rejected in favor of their bivariate and trivariate counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and analyses two types of asymmetric multivariate stochastic volatility (SV) models, namely, (i) the SV with leverage (SV-L) model, which is based on the negative correlation between the innovations in the returns and volatility, and (ii) the SV with leverage and size effect (SV-LSE) model, which is based on the signs and magnitude of the returns. The paper derives the state space form for the logarithm of the squared returns, which follow the multivariate SV-L model, and develops estimation methods for the multivariate SV-L and SV-LSE models based on the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) approach. The empirical results show that the multivariate SV-LSE model fits the bivariate and trivariate returns of the S&P 500, the Nikkei 225, and the Hang Seng indexes with respect to AIC and BIC more accurately than does the multivariate SV-L model. Moreover, the empirical results suggest that the univariate models should be rejected in favor of their bivariate and trivariate counterparts.  相似文献   

Estimating parameters in a stochastic volatility (SV) model is a challenging task. Among other estimation methods and approaches, efficient simulation methods based on importance sampling have been developed for the Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation of univariate SV models. This paper shows that importance sampling methods can be used in a general multivariate SV setting. The sampling methods are computationally efficient. To illustrate the versatility of this approach, three different multivariate stochastic volatility models are estimated for a standard data set. The empirical results are compared to those from earlier studies in the literature. Monte Carlo simulation experiments, based on parameter estimates from the standard data set, are used to show the effectiveness of the importance sampling methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we assess Bayesian estimation and prediction using integrated Laplace approximation (INLA) on a stochastic volatility (SV) model. This was performed through a Monte Carlo study with 1,000 simulated time series. To evaluate the estimation method, two criteria were considered: the bias and square root of the mean square error (smse). The criteria used for prediction are the one step ahead forecast of volatility and the one day Value at Risk (VaR). The main findings are that the INLA approximations are fairly accurate and relatively robust to the choice of prior distribution on the persistence parameter. Additionally, VaR estimates are computed and compared for three financial time series returns indexes.  相似文献   

A bivariate stochastic volatility model is employed to measure the effect of intervention by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on daily returns and volume in the USD/YEN foreign exchange market. Missing observations are accounted for, and a data-based Wishart prior for the precision matrix of the errors to the transition equation that is in line with the likelihood is suggested. Empirical results suggest there is strong conditional heteroskedasticity in the mean-corrected volume measure, as well as contemporaneous correlation in the errors to both the observation and transition equations. A threshold model is used for the BOJ reaction function, which is estimated jointly with the bivariate stochastic volatility model via Markov chain Monte Carlo. This accounts for endogeneity between volatility in the market and the BOJ reaction function, something that has hindered much previous empirical analysis in the literature on central bank intervention. The empirical results suggest there was a shift in behavior by the BOJ, with a movement away from a policy of market stabilization and toward a role of support for domestic monetary policy objectives. Throughout, we observe “leaning against the wind” behavior, something that is a feature of most previous empirical analysis of central bank intervention. A comparison with a bivariate EGARCH model suggests that the bivariate stochastic volatility model produces estimates that better capture spikes in in-sample volatility. This is important in improving estimates of a central bank reaction function because it is at these periods of high daily volatility that central banks more frequently intervene.  相似文献   

A bivariate stochastic volatility model is employed to measure the effect of intervention by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on daily returns and volume in the USD/YEN foreign exchange market. Missing observations are accounted for, and a data-based Wishart prior for the precision matrix of the errors to the transition equation that is in line with the likelihood is suggested. Empirical results suggest there is strong conditional heteroskedasticity in the mean-corrected volume measure, as well as contemporaneous correlation in the errors to both the observation and transition equations. A threshold model is used for the BOJ reaction function, which is estimated jointly with the bivariate stochastic volatility model via Markov chain Monte Carlo. This accounts for endogeneity between volatility in the market and the BOJ reaction function, something that has hindered much previous empirical analysis in the literature on central bank intervention. The empirical results suggest there was a shift in behavior by the BOJ, with a movement away from a policy of market stabilization and toward a role of support for domestic monetary policy objectives. Throughout, we observe “leaning against the wind” behavior, something that is a feature of most previous empirical analysis of central bank intervention. A comparison with a bivariate EGARCH model suggests that the bivariate stochastic volatility model produces estimates that better capture spikes in in-sample volatility. This is important in improving estimates of a central bank reaction function because it is at these periods of high daily volatility that central banks more frequently intervene.  相似文献   

利用2008—2011年的省际面板数据并充分收集和整理先验信息,运用贝叶斯面板模型分析和研究了扩展的C-D生产函数,有效地处理了短期时序造成的小样本问题以及误差项之间的相关性问题,实现参数的适时修正和更新。研究发现:目前中国物质资本份额的后验均值为55%,明显低于中国学者估计的60%;人力资本所占份额仅为5%~6%,其对经济增长的拉动作用没有得到充分的发挥,中国应增大人力资本投入;固定资产投资比例人均产出弹性的后验均值为1.37;地理位置等个体差异依旧是造成中国发展不平衡问题逐年扩大的重要原因。  相似文献   

Simulated Likelihood Approximations for Stochastic Volatility Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. This paper deals with parametric inference for continuous-time stochastic volatility models observed at discrete points in time. We consider approximate maximum likelihood estimation: for the k th-order approximation, we pretend that the observations form a k th-order Markov chain, find the corresponding approximate log-likelihood function, and maximize it with respect to θ . The approximate log-likelihood function is not known analytically, but can easily be calculated by simulation. For each k , the method yields consistent and asymptotically normal estimators. Simulations from a model based on the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model are used for illustration.  相似文献   

倒向随机微分方程中非参数估计的核函数选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了多种类型的核函数下倒向随机微分方程(BSDE)中生成元z的非参数估计方法,利用不同的核函数估计BSDE中的生成元z的非参数估计,在均方误差意义下比较了8种不同的核函数下得到的BSDE的生成元z的非参数估计的精度,统计分析结果显示Gaussian核函数下的估计效果最好。  相似文献   

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