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This paper examines the effects of children on demands. We employ a French family expenditure survey that has a number of unusual features to explore the source of the correlation between children and demands. The first sample we use is of older households which has information on completed fertility. The second sample is of younger households for whom we have family background variables. We find that children are not exogenous for some goods. These findings cast doubt on the usual practice of identifying direct children effects with the coefficients on the children variables in demand equations.  相似文献   

魏海林 《职业时空》2012,(4):139-141
建筑装饰装修工程施工是在动态条件下实施的,为了有效地控制施工进度,尽可能摆脱因进度压力而造成的被动,所以必须通过科学方法对进度目标进行有效控制。而网络计划既是一种编制计划的方法,又是一种科学的管理方法,实践证明是实现进度控制最有效的方法。  相似文献   

Sleeplessness is an ancient and cross‐cultural phenomenon that is socially structured and restructured against a backdrop of ideology and inequality. In an effort to make sense of sleeplessness, some scholars have invoked the medicalization framework, which highlights consumerism, managed care, biotechnology, and physicians as key “engines” that foster the transformation of this formerly “normal” condition to one that people view as a medical problem. However, this burgeoning literature has not answered the call of medical sociologists to situate the medicalization process in a political economic context. In this article, we employ the case study of sleeplessness and the creation of the “Sleep Industrial Complex” to expand the medicalization framework and illustrate how American neoliberalism creates an ideal environment for the primary engines of medicalization. We identify three critical features of American neoliberalism—enhancement culture, commodification of health, and a “productivity imperative”—that act in concert with the driving engines to foster an environment wherein medicalization not only survives but also thrives.  相似文献   

This article explores the way retail work entails a complex form of gendering. Three distinct, but related, forms of gendering interweave in this sector of the service economy. These are the gendering of the work tasks, the gendered structure of the occupation and the gender of the retail environment. Using insights from the sociology of consumption and expanding the notion of aesthetic labour to incorporate insights from Bourdieu's sociology, the article explores how retail workers manifest particular forms of gendered embodiment, enacting a different sort of feminine performance according to the brand strategies of the organization they are employed in. The gendered objects of consumption are thus shown to be critical to understanding the nature of retail service work.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that birth complications interact with psychosocial risk factors in predisposing to increased externalizing behavior in childhood and criminal behavior in adulthood. However, little is known about the direct relationship between birth complications and externalizing behavior. Furthermore, the mechanism by which the birth complications predispose to externalizing behavior is not well explored. This study aims to assess whether birth complications predispose to early adolescent externalizing behavior and to test whether Intelligence Quotient (IQ) mediates relationships between predictor and outcome variables. We used data from a prospective, longitudinal birth cohort of 1,795 3-year-old boys and girls from Mauritius to test hypotheses. Birth complications were assessed from hospital record data, malnutrition from a pediatric exam at age 3 years, psychosocial adversity from parental interviews at age 3 years, and externalizing behavior problems from parental ratings at age 11 years. We found that babies with birth complications are more likely to develop externalizing behavior problems at age 11. Low IQ was associated with birth complications and was found to mediate the link between early predictors and later externalizing behavior. These prospective, longitudinal findings have potential clinical implications for the identification of early adolescent externalizing behavior and for public health attempts to prevent the occurrence of child externalizing behavior problems.  相似文献   

Research on neighborhoods and crime is on a remarkable growth trajectory. In this article, we survey important recent developments in the scholarship on neighborhood effects and the spatial stratification of poverty and urban crime. We advance the case that, in understanding the impact of neighborhoods and poverty on crime, sociological and criminological research would benefit from expanding the analytical focus from residential neighborhoods to the network of neighborhoods that individuals are exposed to during their daily routine activities. This perspective is supported by re‐emerging scholarship on activity spaces and macro‐level research on inter‐neighborhood connections. We highlight work indicating that non‐residential contexts add variation in criminogenic exposure, which in turn influence offending behavior and victimization risk. Also, we draw on recent insights from research on gang violence, social and institutional connections, and spatial mismatch and call for advancements in the scholarship on urban poverty that investigates the salience of inter‐neighborhood connections in evaluating the spatial stratification of criminogenic risk for individuals and communities.  相似文献   

杨竹君 《现代交际》2011,(8):176-176
由于计算机网络课程理论性、实践性都很强,从课程内容、成绩考核、教学方式与方法进行了改革与实践,并把职业资格认证纳入到教学计划中,同时与企业教师进行互动,这些改革提高了学生的实践能力、创业能力和就业能力。  相似文献   

中职计算机教学中学生自主学习能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹毓灿 《现代交际》2011,(8):174-175
随着科学技术的发展,社会对于人才的培养和选拔也提出了新的更高层次的要求,即教育要重视学生综合素质的提高和自主学习能力的培养。对于中职学生,他们在校学习时间短暂,所接受的专业知识大都来自书本,缺乏足够的实践机会。授人以鱼不如授人以渔,所以教师在教学中更要注重对中职学生进行自主学习能力的培养,使学生在实践中突破自己知识技能的局限,成长为独立的“学习者”。  相似文献   

Reputation is an important feature in the interactional contexts of work in “culture industries” such as film and television production. But few accounts have examined how reputations are produced in the everyday worlds in which cultural producers live and work. This paper introduces the concept of “reputation work” to describe the front stage and back stage interactional processes through which cultural producers continuously strive to produce their reputations. Drawing on participant observation data gathered at a Hollywood talent management company and a business school course on the talent industry, this paper shows how Hollywood agents and managers perform four types of reputation work. These include how Hollywood talent representatives work to adhere to institutionalized conventions for reputable physical settings, group contexts, giftgiving practices, and selfhoods. Such reputation work performances are done for the sake of “impression management,” but show how this strategic interaction is governed by industry-wide institutions that govern legitimacy.
Stephen ZafirauEmail:

Stephen Zafirau   is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Southern California. His dissertation examines how decision makers in the US film industry create and legitimate ideas about motion picture audiences, and how those ideas become important in the everyday contexts in which decisions about Hollywood movies are made.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze how the call-taker in a taped 911 call came to doubt a caller who was reporting a genuine emergency. Using conversation analysis, we show how the caller's actions in the unfolding context of the call did not successfully support his claims to be a caller with legitimate trouble to report. We show how the participants' experience of the call as it unfolded differed from the media's depictions of the call. The call-taker's doubt was not an intrapersonal phenomenon but was constructed by both participants throughout the call. One of the major factors in this construction was the unsuccessful claims-making techniques used by the caller.  相似文献   

Beginnings are both theoretically and experientially anchored in a distinctively discontinuous conception of time. This paper examines the conventional nature of beginnings, calls attention to the politics of establishing official beginnings of historical narratives, and claims that the way groups (from families to nations) construct their historical beginnings ought to be at the heart of any study of the development of collective identity.  相似文献   

The argument advanced here contends that integrative efforts within sociology exacerbate, rather than mitigate, theoretical and organizational fragmentation. Viewing epistemologically driven movements towards theoretical control as counter- productive, this study contains a proposal for a greater analytical focus on ontology as a better way to promote and preserve the sociological enterprise. Such a move would reflect a return to the ethos of sociology's classical project and encourage embracing theoretical diversity as a desirable condition.  相似文献   

Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are legal instruments used by developing and transition countries to provide investor protection and, by extension, promote higher levels of inward foreign direct investment (FDI). While the link between BITs and FDI has been extensively studied, little is known about the impact of the treaties on different forms of investment. Motivated by this observation, we examine the effects of BITs on vertical and horizontal FDI. We find that BITs are more positively related to vertical than to horizontal FDI. We also find that BITs tend to act as stronger substitutes for better institutions in the case of vertical relative to horizontal investments. The findings inform BIT strategies that are compatible with development objectives in developing and transition countries.  相似文献   

社会关系网络对大学生的学习、生活和就业等具有重要意义.大学生社会关系网络的建构具有如下特征是一个以初始性关系为基础,逐渐在此基础上建构自身次级关系网络的进程;是一圈圈以自己为中心,慢慢推广开去的波纹,渐次形成一个"差序格局"式关系网络圈;随着时间性增加而不断拓展,意识性建构和无意识建构并存,表达性社会关系网络和工具性社会关系网络共存.  相似文献   

企业内部网的构建,管理及安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业内部网(Intranet)指采用Internet技术建立的企业内部专用网络。它以TCP/IP协议作为基础,以Web为核心应用,构成统一和便利的信息交换平台。一旦企业内各个部门的计算机联成网络后,数据资源的共享成为可能,大大提高了工作效率。同时,企业内的其他硬件资源也可以做到最大程度的共享,提高了机器设备的利用率。如果企业内再辅以相应的企业管理软件,那么企业的领导  相似文献   

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - The effects of two types of mands on participants’ adherence to instructions were examined across two groups using procedures based on Hackenberg and Joker...  相似文献   

为培养高职数控技术专业学生的数控加工与编程能力,通过调研典型制造型企业,以其岗位能力需求为基础,以企业的实践过程为任务流程,规划了数控加工与编程课程的教学体系,并构建了基于网络化教学平台的数字化教学资源库。  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》2018,33(1):139-164
Scholars point to two trends in the social construction of child social control: criminalization and medicalization. To control child behavior, schools and parents turn to strategies motivated by both the criminal justice and mental health systems. For example, school suspension and expulsion rates in the United States have increased alongside the use of therapy or medication for children diagnosed with behavior disorders. Despite these concurrent trends, research rarely considers how criminalization and medicalization operate as opposing or collaborative approaches to child misbehavior. In this article, I take advantage of a prospective longitudinal panel study to examine patterns of school punishment and/or the medicalization in a sample of children between the ages of 5 and 14 over 25 years. Findings demonstrate that black children have higher odds of experiencing punishment than white children, but Hispanic children do not. Additionally, black and Hispanic children have lower odds of receiving therapy or medication than white children. Furthermore, racial/ethnic disparities in punishment or therapy/medication use vary across children with higher or lower behavior problem scores. I discuss these findings in light of historical trends in the social construction of child behavior and social control  相似文献   

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