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中国人工流产的水平、趋势及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章利用国家计生委1988、1997和2001年进行的3次涉及怀孕史调查数据,利用总和流产率和人流活产比等指标,比较了中国育龄妇女整体流产的水平和其中怀孕妇女流产的水平及其变化趋势,并通过人工流产水平的变化分析1994年国际人口与发展大会后,生殖健康服务方案的引入对育龄妇女生殖健康的影响。文章还比较了不同特征妇女人工流产水平及其变化,指出了今后生殖健康服务的重点人群。  相似文献   

幸福家庭建设与农村女性生殖健康水平是一个有机的整体。目前,农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康问题比较突出,由于受经济、医疗卫生条件制约和不科学生活习惯的影响,不少农村已婚育龄妇女患有妇科疾病。中西部地区、局部山区育龄妇女妇科疾病发病率更高,因患妇科疾病部分丧失劳动能力的育龄妇女占有一定的比例,而且农村的医疗人员多数是男性,女性妇科大夫短缺,妇科常见病的防治十分薄弱。如不采取有效措施加以解决,农村家庭主妇的健康状况对其本人、家庭、后代的生命质量、  相似文献   

中国妇女人工流产状况分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
乔晓春 《人口研究》2002,26(3):16-25
利用卫生部和 1 997年全国人口与生殖健康抽样调查数据对中国妇女人工流产比和人工流产率进行了估计 ,并利用 1 997年数据对人工流产的原因进行了分析和解释。研究中发现中国城市妇女的人工流产率大大高于农村妇女 ;只有女孩的妇女再次怀孕的人工流产率低于至少有一个男孩而怀孕的妇女。由于避孕失败造成意外怀孕是中国妇女实行人工流产的首要原因 ;但是在农村 ,由于不符合计划生育规定而实行人工流产则成为主要原因。  相似文献   

本文根据对农村未婚青年生殖健康现状问卷调查和座谈调查的结果,对农村未婚在业青年的生殖健康现状及其对婚前性行为、人工流产的态度进行了分析研究,同时还探讨了农村未婚青年对计划生育服务的需求,最后还就提高农村未婚青年生殖健康水平提出了一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

河北省卢龙县蛤泊乡在农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康检查免费服务活动中,坚持做到"三到位":一是宣传到位。印制了"农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康免费服务报告单"6000多份,组织计生人员进村入户向农村已婚育龄妇女免费发放,大力宣传开展此项活动的意义,  相似文献   

王存同 《南方人口》2011,26(1):7-13
利用固定效应模型对1988—2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康调查数据进行了再次分析,以量化考察知情选择政策对中国已婚育龄妇女人工流产行为的影响。研究发现,知情选择与已婚育龄妇女人工流产可能性的降低之间呈现一定的因果关联。知情选择导致了育龄妇女人工流产的可能性降低,并在各个孩次上都有明显的体现。  相似文献   

为了准确掌握乡镇已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状和生殖保健需求,为今后制定完善的生殖健康保障体系,建立生殖健康与人口计生工作有机结合的新模式提供科学依据,2009年7月,内蒙古牙克石市人口计生局组织市计划生育服务站对库都尔镇已婚育龄妇女生殖健康状况进行了问卷调查。  相似文献   

在加强农村人口和计划生育服务体系建设和优质服务工作过程中,湖南省常德市从2007年起,计划利用三年时间,以县级计划生育服务站技术力量为主体,以计划生育流动服务车为载体,开展以加强对农村已婚育龄妇女的生殖保健服务为主要内容的“生殖健康村村行”免费普查活动。组织县级专业技术人员深入农村第一线,直接为育龄妇女提供免费生殖健康检查,提高了农村人口的生殖健康水平,促进了全市人口计生系统切实转变工作思路和工作方法,逐步建立起了寓管理于服务之中的人口计生工作新机制,提高了全市人口计生工作水平。  相似文献   

为了解当前农村育龄妇女对生殖健康知识的认知状况和对生殖健康宣传与服务的需求,为各级计划生育协会满足不同类别的服务对象和同一服务对象在育龄期不同阶段的需求开展生殖健康宣传教育与服务决策提供依据,提高育龄妇女生殖健康的自我保护意识和自我保健能力,中国计生协生殖健康专家调查组于1998年9月20~25日对河北省秦皇岛市的抚宁县、昌黎县部分育龄妇女及生殖健康宣传教育相关部门的人员,进行了育龄妇女生殖健康状况与需求的调查。一、调查方法及对象  通过整群抽样,对调查对象进行无记名问卷调查并针对不同调查对象分别召开座谈会。…  相似文献   

妇女病不但危害育龄妇女的生殖健康,影响生命质量,还对家庭和谐幸福及社会整体健康水平带来负面影响。在农村妇女中开展妇科疾病定期检查是政府作为关注和保障民生、使广大妇女广泛而长久受惠的一项重要战略举措。因此,广东现行农村妇科病普查是否科学、合理,如何才能提高广大农村妇女妇科病的普查率,是政府十分关注的议题。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代我国婚育模式的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪90年代以来,中国女性人口的平均初婚年龄平稳缓慢上升,育龄妇女平均初育年龄在波动中小幅度上升,已婚育龄妇女的平均初婚初育间隔呈波动式扩大。  相似文献   

The use of modern medical care for child delivery in rural Guatemala is low relative to other Latin American countries. In the previous literature, factors such as a woman’s age, education, ethnicity, religious affiliation and income are found to be important determinants of the type of delivery medical care she receives. This study hypothesizes that a woman’s marital status influences her decision as well. Using a binomial logit framework, the study finds that unmarried women are more likely to see a modern medical provider in delivery than married women, even after controlling for demographic, socioeconomic, and husbands’ characteristics. Therefore, unmarried women seem to make more informed decisions in terms of their attitudes in childbearing and maternal health relative to their married counterparts. As a result, both economic as well as social developments seem necessary to induce changes in the high incidence of maternal mortality and morbidity in Guatemala.  相似文献   

Although Pakistan remains in a pretransitional stage (contraceptive prevalence of only 11.9% among married women in 1992), urban women with post-primary levels of education are spearheading the gradual move toward fertility transition. Data collected in the city of Karachi in 1987 were used to determine whether the inverse association between fertility and female education is attributable to child supply variables, demand factors, or fertility regulation costs. Karachi, with its high concentration of women with secondary educations employed in professional occupations, has a contraceptive prevalence rate of 31%. Among women married for less than 20 years, a 10-year increment in education predicts that a woman will average two-fifths of a child less than other women in the previous 5 years. Regression analysis identified 4 significant intervening variables in the education-fertility relationship: marriage duration, net family income, formal sector employment, and age at first marriage. Education appears to affect fertility because it promotes a later age at marriage and thus reduces life-time exposure to the risk of childbearing, induces women to marry men with higher incomes (a phenomenon that either reduces the cost of fertility regulation or the demand for children), leads women to become employed in the formal sector (leading to a reduction in the demand for children), and has other unspecified effects on women's values or opportunities that are captured by their birth cohort. When these intervening variables are held constant, women's attitude toward family planning loses its impact on fertility, as do women's domestic autonomy and their expectations of self-support in old age. These findings lend support to increased investments in female education in urban Pakistan as a means of limiting the childbearing of married women. Although it is not clear if investment in female education would have the same effect in rural Pakistan, such action is important from a human and economic development perspective.  相似文献   

To further implement China's family planning policy of "prevention first, birth control first," a study of the current family planning situation was conducted. A survey of the birth control methods employed by women of childbearing age and by men was based on a nationwide randomized sampling of 1/1000. In the different age groups, ranging from 15-49 years old, IUD users accounted for over 50%, tubal sterilization 25%, and vasectomy 10%. The main IUD users were women in the 20-24 age group. Tubal sterilization was more prevalent among the women in the 35-39 age group. The use of oral contraceptives (OCs) was more common among younger women but accounted for less than 10% of the total. The survey was based on the replies to questionnaires from 172,788 married women of childbearing age; 120,022 of them practiced contraceptive methods for a birth control rate of 69.46%. The breakdown was as follows: IUD, 34.84%; tubal sterilization, 17.63%; vasectomy, 6.94%; OCs, 5.86%; condom users, 1.39%; and other methods (including chemical suppositories, rhythm, or safe period method and withdrawal before ejaculation), 2.78%. There was a higher percentage of OC users in urban areas, and a marked preference for IUDs in the rural communities. The rural birth control rate was 68.58%; the urban rate was 74.17%. The use of the IUD has priority in all the areas; its percentage approaches the national average level. The use of vasectomy as a birth control method varies considerably according to area as does the use of OCs, condom, and tubal sterilization. Rural minority groups prefer the IUD and OCs; tubal sterilization, the condom, and vasectomy are preferred by the Han nationality. The birth control rate differed according to the different occoupation groups: 77.85%, workers; 76.01%, farmers; 85.15%, cadres; 59.52%, housewives; and 66.67%, others. The birth control rate was higher among those who received a college education than the illiterates, but statistics did not show a significant difference in the rate of those with a high school education and the illiterates. Mothers of 0-1 children generally preferred OCs; tubal sterilization was preferred by mothers with 2-3 children. The nonusers of contraception accounted for 30.54% among married women of childbearing age. A breakdown gives the following figures: menopause and infertility, 6.17%; divorced and widowed, 1.64%; planned parenthood, 10.51%; nonusers who should have practiced contraception, 12.22%. On a national level, the estimated number of nonusers of contraception among those who should be practicing contraception comes to about 20,000,000 women.  相似文献   

In 1982, the Chinese State Family Planning Commission conducted a nationwide fertility survey of 1 person/1000 in 28 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. 815 sample units were selected and 310,462 women aged 15-67 were interviewed, 99.9% of those identified. 252,094 (24.77%) were of childbearing age (15-49) with 24.76% 15-19 years old. Among women of fertile age, 31.46% were unmarried, 64.53% were married to their 1st husbands, 2.89% were remarried, .19% were divorced, and .94% were widowed. Average age of 1st marriage increased from 18.4 in the 1940s to 22.8 in 1981. Total fertility rate dropped from 5.44 in the 1940s to 2.63 in 1981. In 1981, the birth rate was 85/1000 women of fertile age. Fertility was much higher among minority nationalities. 118 million of China's 170 million married couples of reproductive age (69.46%) use birth control at present; 50.2% use the IUD, 25.4% tubal ligation, 10.0% vasectomy, 8.2% oral contraceptives, and 2.0% condoms. About 21 million married women should have begun using contraception but have not. 14 million or 42.3% of 33 million 1 child couples have pledged to have only 1 child. If the fertility level of 1981 is maintained and the average woman continues to have 2.63 children, 2.91 in rural areas, China's population will reach 1.2 billion by 1993 and will exceed 1.3 billion by 2000. The Central Committee has a target population of 1.2 billion by 2000.  相似文献   

In rural Zhejiang Province, China, family planning intermediaries are appointed for each village to introduce comprehensive measures of birth control to the people. With an education level of junior middle school at least, they are mostly working women of high prestige in their villages. After appointment as intermediaries, these women are trained for 1-2 weeks in health stations or maternal and child health care stations in towns. Back in the villages, they take over responsibility for distributing monthly contraceptives as needed by women of childbearing age. The intermediaries also explain the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of contraceptives to newly wedded women and give them guidance and recommendations. Intermediaries also can provide simple treatment for complaints caused by contraceptive use. For example, if women complain of nausea while 1st taking oral contraceptives (OCs), the intermediaries will give them vitamin B6. When intermediairies encounter difficulties, such as women who cannot use OCs for a long time because of a liver ailment, they refer the people to health stations or send for a doctor. The number of induced abortions has declined because of the fact that a vast number of women of childbearing age in rural areas now obtain appropriate contraceptives in time. Generally, each intermediary is assigned to be in charge of 15-20 households, making a regular monthly visit to each of these families. The contraceptives they distribute are from town governments, which give them a certain amount of annual subsidies.  相似文献   

杜景国  丁文琴  王淑云 《西北人口》2004,(3):64-64,F003
对2659例已婚育龄妇女放置宫内节育器(IUD)后1年进行了调查,了解IUD的使用效果。结果显示,农村妇女IUD放置后1年使用率为84.2%,低于城市妇女(P<0.001);带器妊娠和IUD脱落是IUD停止使用的主要原因。应加强技术服务,提高IUD的续用率。  相似文献   

徐映梅  李霞 《南方人口》2010,25(2):51-57,6
本文利用2009年2月在鄂州、黄石、仙桃农村外出和未外出育龄妇女的调查数据,通过列联分析和logistic二元回归分析,从四个方面分别考察了外出与未外出育龄妇女生育意愿的关系及其影响因素。结果发现.育龄妇女的意愿子女数主要受其年龄、受教育程度、职业状况等个人特征的影响,外出过的妇女的意愿子女数要显著少于未外出过的妇女,这种差异主要是由于外出妇女与未外出妇女本身的结构差异所引起的,外出本身对育龄妇女的意愿子女数并没有显著作用;在生育目的上,外出与未外出妇女存在显著性差异,外出能弱化传统思想在妇女生育动机中的作用;在意愿生育性别和意愿生育时间这两个方面外出和未外出妇女没有显著性的差异。  相似文献   

收入、相对地位与女性的生育意愿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
胡静 《南方人口》2010,25(4):3-9
文章基于中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)2006年成人调查数据,对中国52岁以下在婚、离婚和丧偶女性的收入、相对地位对生育意愿的影响进行实证分析。与以往研究不同的是,在分析影响女性生育意愿的因素时,除了通常的收入、价格、职业和年龄等因素外,本文还特别引入了反映女性相对地位的变量。根据家庭谈判模型以及中国的现实情况,本文用相对收入、相对教育以及相对家务劳动时间来反映女性在家庭中的相对地位。结果显示,对于是否生育孩子的决策,生理因素的影响占据主导地位;对于生育多少个孩子的决策,社会经济因素占据主导地位,尤其是女性在家庭中的相对地位无论城乡均产生显著的影响,而女性的收入对生育意愿并没有产生显著影响。  相似文献   

In 1984 the Keshan (Northeast China) County Government and the Family Planning Committee initiated an education campaign to disseminate family planning information to farmers. The team of propagandists consisted primarily of full-time family planning workers. Village cadres, school teachers, and rural physicians, who are properly educated and positive about family planning work, enjoy high prestige among the workers. They were invited to be team members after training and are supported by the villagers because they come from among the local people. All the childbearing women aged 15-49 in each village were classified by the propagandist into 5 groups according to their marital and childbearing status, i.e., women at the age of puberty, women of new marriage, pregnant and lying-in women, women with children to be reared, and middle-age and old women. The women were organized into groups to attend lectures on different subjects such as population policy, relationship between population growth and socioeconomic development on the 1 hand and individuals and environment on the other. Also included were physiology, the health birth and rearing of children, and health care for women and the aged. The publicity effort included broadcasting, films, video aids, and slide shows. Increased classs were during the slack seasons, and lectures were given once a week. By 1986, about 80% of the population at childbearing age in Keshan County had attended the family planning lectures.  相似文献   

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