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社会性别视角中的出生性别比偏高问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目前,我国出生性别比偏高已成为不争的事实。在影响我国出生性别比偏高的诸因素中,社会性别差异是一个重要因素。它通过男性选择性生育表现为出生性别比偏高,其后果是女孩的生存权和发展权受到损害,并进一步弱化妇女的地位。  相似文献   

一个国家的人口性别结构主要由出生人口性别比、死亡人口性别比、国际迁移人口性别比共同决定。中国并非移民国家,人口性别比结构主要由出生人口性别比和死亡人口性别比共同决定。本文利用各年普查数据进行估算和预测,构建连续的出生队列并以此数据对我国人口性别结构进行分析。研究认为中国人口性别比长期持续偏高,而在我国的生育文化特征下女性人口在低龄组更容易被瞒报,所以统计数据的瞒报、漏报在一定程度上夸大了低龄组人口性别比偏高的程度,但不能把瞒报、漏报认定为性别比偏高的主因。根据生物学一般规律,在同等客观条件下男性的死亡概率在任何年龄均高于女性,总体上同一出生队列的人口从出生到进入婚龄,男性死亡人口规模大于女性,所以婚龄人口性别比在没有国际人口迁移影响的前提下必然要小于出生人口性别比。低年龄组死亡人口性别比对于婚龄人口性别比具有重要影响,但由于科技进步和医疗水平的提高,死亡率不断降低,死亡人口性别比不会给婚龄人口性别比带来决定性的影响,不会改变出生人口性别比偏高会导致婚龄人口性别比偏高的基本事实。通过对2020年婚龄人口相应出生队列的分析,认为无论采用哪种数据来源和方法计算,持续偏高的出生人口性别比必然会导致婚龄人口性别比失衡,进而导致一系列的社会、经济以及文化问题。  相似文献   

出生人口性别比偏高问题的背后蕴涵着深刻、复杂的社会、经济和文化动因。强化宣传倡导,弘扬生育文明,引导观念转变,促进性别平等,是综合治理出生人口性别比偏高的治本之策,也是人口计生宣教工作的重点任务。多年来,江苏省坚持高层倡导、文化建设和社会宣传,推进综合治理工作,性别比升高势头得到有效遏制,呈现持续下降趋势。  相似文献   

关爱女孩综合治理出生人口性别比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年,第五次人口普查数据显示,贵州省有5个市、州、地出生人口性别比高出正常值域上限值,最高的达到125.01。2001~2004年人口计生报表数据显示,全省出生人口性别比均高于正常值域范围并呈逐年升高的趋势。贵州出生人口性别比偏高有以下显著特点:一是出生人口性别比偏高比全国来得晚;二是速度较全国快;三是孩次越高出生人口性别比越高,特别是少数民族地区表现得更为典型。据2004年全省人口和计划生育报表统计,一孩、二孩、多孩的出生性别比分别为98.13、146.26、169.08,黔东南苗族侗族自治州分别达到了104.18、152.50、253.55。针对这一趋…  相似文献   

解决出生性别比偏高问题的对策与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李忠国 《人口研究》2001,25(3):72-73
出生性别比偏高已是较为普遍的现象 ,且呈不断上升的趋势。长期持续的出生性别比偏高将会导致未来社会的一系列问题。如何解决出生性别比偏高已成为计划生育工作中急需解决的一个新课题。内蒙古自治区宁城县对出生性别比偏高的成因进行了深入地调查研究 ,并针对成因积极采取对策 ,大胆实践 ,已收到明显成效。1 出生性别比偏高的成因出生性别比偏高问题 ,主要表现在农村地区 ,突出表现在二孩以上性别比偏高。导致其偏高的原因主要有以下几个方面 :第一 ,偏男生育意愿是思想根源。除了农民存在的“养儿防老”的传统生育观念外 ,导致农民存在…  相似文献   

海南省是出生人口性别比较高的地区,曾一度达到100:135.8,个别市县曾突破100:148。出生人口性别比的持续偏高,引起了省委、省政府的高度重视和社会的广泛关切。为解决出生人口性别比持续偏高问题,促进出生人口性别比均衡发展,构建和谐社会,海南省从2003年起采取了一系列强有力措施,对出生人口性别比偏高问题进行了综合治理,取得了明显的成效,2013年,全省出生人口性别比降到了118,出现逐年下降的良好态势。把治理出生人口性别比偏高工作纳入人口和计划生育工作目标管理责任制考核,实行"一票否决"。为促进全省市县努力抓好出生人口性别比偏高工作,形成全省"一盘棋"局面,省委、  相似文献   

据第六次全国人口普查反映,我国出生人口的性别比是118.06,比2000年人口普查的出生人口性别比116.86提高了1.2个百分点。出生人口性别比偏高问题已经成为一个严重的社会问题。在全国许多地方出生人口性别比严重偏高的情况下,浙江省湖州市却连续24年保持了出生人口性别比的正常。  相似文献   

梁颖  汝小美  宋冰  王聪 《西北人口》2011,32(2):6-12
中韩两国在出生人口性别比的变化特点、出生人口性别比偏高产生的原因等方面有着极为相似之处,总结韩国应对出生人口性别比偏高的措施和做法.特别是通过促进妇女政策环境的形成和建立社会性别平等机制来治理出生人口性别比偏高的经验。对于中国具有十分重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

以出生性别比升高机理为基础,应用空间计量技术分析2000年份地市横截面数据和地理空间数据,实证研究各因素对出生性别比偏高的影响。结果表明:社会经济文化因素通过影响生育决策和生育行为进而引起出生性别比偏高,影响出生性别比升高的各因素存在空间相互作用,其空间自相关属于高高-低低类型;传统文化、公共政策、城镇化水平以及良好的社会法制环境将抑制出生性别比升高;经济发展水平、家庭收入、受教育程度和医疗发展水平将促使出生性别比升高;生育政策对出生性别比升高的影响不具有统计显著性。  相似文献   

庄渝霞 《南方人口》2006,21(1):41-50
目前学术界对出生性别比偏高原因的争论主要集中在出生婴儿性别次序先后与下一孩次性别关系以及计划生育政策和女婴存在漏报、瞒报的影响等三个方面,本文在对三大传统观点提出质疑的基础上,先从生物学、计划生育政策、医学技术三个方面,而后从性别偏好,最后从女性地位低这三级递进的层次,推演和探析出生性别比偏高的原因,从而明晰出生性别比偏高的终极原因在于女性地位低这一事实。并努力从女性地位、男性偏好以及出生性别比三者关系上构造出一个新的分析框架。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between emplaced social vulnerability and impacts on mental health following the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Through joint analysis of data from Community Oil Spill Survey and US Census Bureau products, a place-based index of social vulnerability is developed to examine how emplaced characteristics engender unique susceptibility to the disaster, with specific attention on the influence of natural resource employment and community sentiment. Results show negative mental health impacts to be more pronounced at baseline compared to later time points and that shifts in negative mental health were not uniform for localities with divergent levels of social vulnerability, where places identified with high levels of social vulnerability the effectiveness of attributes associated with resilience were muted, while the effect of vulnerability attributes was amplified. These findings contribute to the understanding of vulnerability as a multidimensional concept shaped by the social attributes that characterize people and places.  相似文献   

本文就我国城乡二元经济体制下,在农村劳动力相对过剩同资本严重稀缺并存的困境中,建立了一个资本与劳动力可以自由流动下的城乡一体化经济增长模型。并指出模型存在唯一最优增长路径。然后,以山东省沂水县经济发展为视角,找出其经济腾飞的原因,在此基础之上。提出几点可供借鉴的意见和建议。  相似文献   

One fundamental index of world social welfare is the availability of natural resources relative to population. In recent years, social, policy, and even physical scientists have been unable to reach consensus on whether natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce. The prevailing pessimistic view of the 1970s has been strongly challenged in the 1980s by resource-population optimists such as Julian Simon. In this paper, we argue that one source of failure to reach consensus is the fundamental ambiguity of available measures of natural resource scarcity. Surveying measures such as unit extraction cost, relative price, and the reserves-to-production ratio, we discuss difficulties of interpretation. Some of the problems identified may yield to further research, but others appear irremediable.  相似文献   

广东出生人口性别比偏高的现状、原因与对策   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
张枫 《南方人口》2003,18(4):31-38
本文对广东出生人口性别比偏高的现状与特点进行分析的基础上,就其危害与成因以及应采取的相应对策进行了探讨。作者指出:传宗接代问题、农村养老问题、性别选择、溺弃女婴、瞒报和基层计生工作不到位等是导致出生人口性别比偏高的最主要因素,要促进性别比平衡必须采取有效措施,实行综合治理。  相似文献   

人口自然出生性别比是分析和评价人口出生性别比偏离的重要指标,中国对人口自然出生性别比的研究一直比较缺乏。人的出生性别比正常范围为102~107,国内一般都是以其上限作为标准判断人口出生性别比偏高的程度。但是这种做法是值得商榷的。利用第四次全国人口普查资料中的双生子信息探讨双生子出生性别比特征。研究表明,中国1989年双生子出生性别比为104.87,在女性主要生育年龄阶段生育的双生子出生性别比是相当稳定的,比较接近自然状态下的出生性别比。相比较而言,中国人口出生性别比不仅普遍偏高,而且随女性生育年龄变化的模式也不相同。  相似文献   

We measure changes in community economic resilience (CER) across geo-locations in Australia between 2006 and 2011, a time span characterised by major natural and economic shocks. We build an index of potential CER that captures communities’ stocks of human, social, natural, physical and financial capitals, levels of economic diversity and accessibility to service centres. Using Census data and the ARIA index, we resort to principal component analysis to generate CER indexes at statistical area level 1, which is our community proxy. Our analysis of index values provides a number of useful insights. First, there was a statistically significant improvement over time in the overall CER index in all states and regions. Second, our CER measures improved at a different pace across regions and states while their rank remained mostly unchanged. Third, CER improved over time in social and physical capital and accessibility terms, but declined in human, natural, financial capital and diversity terms. Fourth, communities with a high economic diversity level reported higher capital stock except for natural capital, and communities with a low accessibility level had lower capital stock except for social and natural capital. Finally, CER has a long-term positive association with household income.  相似文献   

In human populations, variation in mate availability has been linked to various biological and social outcomes, but the possible effect of mate availability on health or survival has not been studied. Unbalanced sex ratios are a concern in many parts of the world, and their implications for the health and survival of the constituent individuals warrant careful investigation. We indexed mate availability with contextual sex ratios and investigated the hypothesis that the sex ratio at sexual maturity might be associated with long-term survival for men. Using two unique data sets of 7,683,462 and 4,183 men who were followed for more than 50 years, we found that men who reached their sexual maturity in an environment with higher sex ratios (i. e., higher proportions ofreproductively ready men) appeared to suffer higher long-term mortality risks than those in an environment with lower sex ratios. Mate availability at sexual maturity may be linked via several biological and social mechanisms to long-term survival in men.  相似文献   

韩国出生性别比失衡的公共治理及对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩国出生性别比呈现先上升后下降的态势,韩国出生性别比偏高的直接原因是性别选择流、引产,而传统文化是根源性的原因,韩国性别失衡带来一系列社会后果,影响了韩国的社会稳定;韩国政府出台了一系列旨在维护女童权益、反对歧视女性、提高女性地位的法律法规;韩国的公民社会也作出了许多有益的尝试,通过公共治理,出生性别比出现显著下降,而且女性地位得到较大提升;韩国性别比失衡问题的治理对中国解决相关人口问题有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This research is the first to examine the prevalence and dynamics of non-Hispanic white natural decrease in fine scale subregional units of the United States. In 2015, more non-Hispanic Whites died than were born in 65 percent of the US counties. This is the highest incidence of non-Hispanic white natural decrease ever reported. It results from a complex interaction among fertility, mortality, and migration over a protracted period. Spatial regression is used to identify three critical variables (over-65 population, child–women ratio, and women of childbearing age) that are the immediate demographic causes of this natural decrease. The timely, factual information in this paper provides a demographic context for analysis of the social, political, and policy implications of this emergent demographic phenomenon.  相似文献   

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