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Rudolf Moos, Professor of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine and Research Career Scientist at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Centre, is not well known to Australian and New Zealand therapy circles, yet his research into instruments applicable to research into the family and its dynamics is prolific, his personal energy, integrity and dedication are admirable and his persistence at researching the very difficult areas of social environments is unequalled. This interview was recorded at the Social Ecology Laboratory at Veteran's Administration Medical Centre at Palo Alto, where he is Director of the Laboratory.  相似文献   

Howard E. Gruber is currently Adjunct Visiting Professor of Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. He is one of the world's foremost experts on the creative process. Gruber was educated at Brooklyn College and at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, where he received a Ph.D. in 1950 in psychology. His interest in the history of science, particularly in the work of Charles Darwin, led to several important discoveries about the creative process and to additional study of developmental psychology in Geneva, Switzerland with Jean Piaget.Gruber taught at Queens University (Canada) and at the University of Colorado, USA. He was Chair of the Psychology Department in the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, New York and Co-director at the Institute for Cognitive Studies of Rutgers University, USA. From 1983 to 1988 he was Professor of Genetic Psychology at the University of Geneva. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow and a Fellow of the Ford Foundation for Higher Education.Gruber's book, Darwin on Man: A Psychological Study of Scientific Creativity (2nd ed.) (1981) received the Phi Beta Kappa Award for books in science, was recognized by the New York Times Book Review as one of the seven best books of the year, and was nominated for the National Book Award. The Essential Piaget (1977/1995) (written and edited with Jacques Vonèche) is considered the most authoritative anthology of Piaget's work. Gruber's most recent book, co-authored and co-edited with Doris B. Wallace, is Creative People at Work: Twelve Cognitive Case Studies (1989).  相似文献   

This paper, a revised version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (Bangkok, July 2006), explores the increasing tendency of governments to view the third sector as a source of human insecurity and uncivil society in the wake of terrorist attacks. The paper discusses the means governments use to control third sector activity that they view as potentially linked to terrorism, the need for comparative analysis of these measures, and the role of the third sector and scholars in recognizing the responsibilities of governments to prevent third sector organizations being used in terrorism while preserving the independence and vitality of the third sector.Professor of Law and International Affairs and Faculty Scholar, University of Iowa; Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (2005–06). This paper is a revised and expanded version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research, Bangkok, Thailand, July 9, 2006.  相似文献   

The following interview with Gary Orfield was conducted in May 2004. Gary Orfield is a professor of education and social policy at the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. He is the director of the Harvard Project on School Desegregation, and co‐director of the Harvard Civil Rights Project. Professor Orfield is the author of numerous books and publications, and has been consistently involved in government and court proceedings dealing with issues related to his research. He has been called to testify in civil rights suits by the US Department of Justice and many civil rights, legal services, and educational organizations. In 1997, Professor Orfield was awarded the American Political Science Association's Charles Merriam Award for his “contribution to the art of government through the application of social science research.”  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design of robust mechanisms which are applicable to a wide class of possible information structures of agents. We examine a society consisting of several groups such that (i) there are at least three agents in each group; and (ii) each agent knows the preferences of the agents in his group but has incomplete information about the preferences of the agents outside his group. We show that for a large class of information structures, a social choice set (SCS) is implementable for each possible information structure if and only if it is Nash implementable. In other words, the class of robustly implementable SCS's is identical to the class of implementable SCS's in the complete information setting.This paper is a substantially revised version of a chapter of my dissertation submitted to the University of Rochester (Yamato [25]). I thank Professor William Thomson for his invaluable advice and suggestions. Detailed comments and suggestions of an anonymous referee were very helpful for further revision of the paper. I also acknowledge comments from Professors Randall Calvert, Luis Corchon, Glenn MacDonald, Eric Maskin, Lionel McKenzie, Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa, Koji Okuguchi, Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Ken-Ichi Shimomura, Tomas Sjöström, Yoshikatsu Tatamitani, and seminar participants at Harvard University, the 1992 Meeting of Kobe Summer Seminar in Economics of Organization and Game Theory, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Toyama University. This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Education in Japan, the Nomura Foundation for the Social Sciences, and the Tokyo Center for Economic Research.  相似文献   

Magic Thinking     
Derek Freeman, When S.F. Nadel3 who was the Foundation Professor of Anthropology in the Research School of Pacific Studies at the Australian ‘National University, was on study leave in England in 1955, he recorded two talks for the BBC entitled ‘Magic Thinking’. The texts of these talks were deposited in the Department of Anthropology following Professor Nadel's death in 1956. To the best of our knowledge they have never previously been published. It is considered appropriate that these talks should appear in the first issue of Canberra Anthropology, which is being edited by research students in the discipline that Professor Nadel so effectively established at the Australian National University.  相似文献   


Point/Counterpoint is a regular feature of the Journal of Social Work Education. Its purpose is to provide a vehicle for the expression of contrasting views on controversial topics in social work education. Our goal is to illuminate important debates and explore the diverse perspectives that are shaping social work education.

In each issue of the Journal several social work educators are invited to comment on a topic about which they have differing viewpoints. The commentators are given an opportunity to make a brief rebuttal. In this issue, Janet Williams (Professor, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons), Robert Spitzer (Professor, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons), Herb Kutchins (Professor, California State University, Sacramento), and Stuart Kirk (Professor, University of California, Los Angeles) address the question: Should DSM be the basis for teaching social work practice in mental health?  相似文献   


The present paper is based on initial findings from an online survey of Australian social work educators conducted as part of the Australian Research Council Linkage Project “Social Work in the Enterprise University: A national survey of social work educators 1982–2005”.1 1. The chief investigators in the project are Associate Professor Elizabeth Ozanne and Professor Craig McInnis, from The University of Melbourne, and Associate Professor Wendy Weeks, who sadly passed away in July 2004. The Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education is the industry partner in the project and the researcher is Kylie Agbim (nee Brown), PhD scholar, School of Social Work, The University of Melbourne. The article contributes to empirical data on the Australian social work education workforce and draws attention to the need for greater exploration of the challenges and opportunities confronting social work educators. It is argued that the characteristics of Australian social work academics and their visions for contemporary and future social work education are of increasing importance in a more competitive and global higher education market and in an era when the nature of welfare practice is being radically transformed. Initial findings from the 2005 national survey are compared with findings from the only previous national survey of social work educators and contemporary studies of other academic populations. The data highlight possible implications for contemporary and future social work education in universities.  相似文献   

Harsanyi's Social Aggregation Theorem is concerned with the aggregation of individual preferences defined on the set of lotteries generated from a finite set of basic prospects into a social preference. These preferences are assumed to satisfy the expected utility hypothesis and are represented by von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions. Harsanyi's Theorem says that if Pareto Indifference is satisfied, then the social utility function must be an affine combination of the individual utility functions. This article considers the implications for Harsanyi's Theorem of replacing Pareto Indifference with Weak Pareto.I am grateful to Charles Blackorby, David Donaldson, Philippe Mongin, and an anonymous referee for their comments. The final version of this article was written while I was the Hinkley Visiting Professor at Johns Hopkins University. Research support was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure, development, and function of the ego ideal in its evolution from early childhood through mid-adolescence. While the regression that accompanies the changes brought on by entry into the developmental stage of adolescence is clinically significant, so are changes in other areas, notably in the youngster's ethical domain and value system. These processes are described both clinically and theoretically.Dr. Lucente is a Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Palatine, IL, he is also an Assistant Professor at the Loyola University of Chicago School of Social Work.  相似文献   

This article examines relationships between perceived stress and variables such as life events, differential economic satisfaction, health problems, and sociodemographic characteristics among respondents in three nonmetropolitan areas in Utah. The three most predictive factors related to perceived stress are economic satisfaction, life events experienced, and religion. The analysis shows an inverse partial relationship between perceived stress scores and economic satisfaction, and a positive partial relationship between the number of life events and perceived stress. Non-Mormons report higher levels of stress than Mormons. A positive but weak relationship is observed between stress and household size. Weak inverse relationships are observed between stress and a measure of household unemployment, income, and respondent's sex.Richard S. Krannich received his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University. He is an Associate Professor of Sociology, and Director of the Institute for Social Science Research on Natural Resources, Utah State University, Logan, UT84322-0730. His research interests include rural development processes, community change, and social responses to natural resource developments.Pamela J. Riley received her Ph.D. from Washington State University. She is currently an Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-0730. Research interests include rural family stress, the impacts of tourism on developing countries, and social aspects of on-farm water management.Ann Leffler is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-0730. Research interests include nonmetropolitan family stress. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.  相似文献   

This study examines the friendship patterns of older adults living in rural and urban areas. The sample consisted of 132 urban adults and 126 rural adults, 65 years of age and older. Respondents were randomly selected and interviewed in their own homes. While both groups were involved in joint social activities and helping behaviors with their friends, there was a distinction in the type of involvement according to geographical location.Karen Roberto is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Gerontology Program at the University of Northern Colorado. Her current research interests include women's health issues in aging and older people's involvement with informal support networks. Dr. Roberto holds a Ph.D. in Human Development from Texas Tech University.Jean Pearson Scott is Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Texas Tech University. Dr. Scott earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and is currently conducting research on Alzheimers Disease in the family and the rural elderly.This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Families and Close Relationships: Individuals in Social Interaction Conference, Lubbock, TX, February, 1982.This study was supported by a grant from AARP Andrus Foundation and the Institute for University Research, College of Home Economics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409.  相似文献   


Point/Counterpoint is a regular feature of the Journal of Social Work Education. Its purpose is to provide a vehicle for the expression of contrasting views on controversial topics in social work education. Our goal is to illuminate important debates and explore the diverse perspectives that are shaping social work education.

In each issue of the Journal, social work educators are invited to comment on a topic about which they have differing viewpoints. Each commentator is given an opportunity to make a brief rebuttal. In this issue, Barbara Shank (Chair, Department of Social Work, University of St. Thomas and the College of St. Catherine), Irving Piliavin (Director, School of Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Marsha Seltzer (Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison) address the question: Must schools of social work be freestanding?  相似文献   

Using the 1981 Time Use Longitudinal Panel Study data, this study examines factors which influence children's time use in leisure activities. More time is spent in unstructured than structured leisure activities. Analysis of variance is performed on 32 categories of leisure time, including total leisure, to determine the influence of characteristics of the child and the mother and other socioeconomic characteristics. Males spend significantly more time than females in active sports, playing games, and passive leisure especially watching television on weekends. Females spend significantly more time than males socializing on weekends. The amount of time spent socializing increases with age but decreases with employment. Time spent playing games decreases with age, increases with number of children, and decreases as family income increases. Given the large number of children who do not participate in a given set of leisure activities, future research should examine the probability of participation.The data used in this article were made available by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. The data for Time Use Longitudinal Panel Study, 1975–1981 were originally collected by F. Thomas Juster, Martha S. Hill, Frank P. Stafford, and Jacquelynne Eccles Parsons of the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. Neither the collector of the original data nor the Consortium bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretation presented here.Carol B. Meeks is a Professor and Teresa Mauldin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Dr. Meeks' research interests include time use, family structure, and economic aspects of housing. She received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Dr. Mauldin, who also received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University, is interested in time use, economic well being of individuals and families, and family structure.  相似文献   

Using the Indonesia Family Life Survey data, this paper is the first of its kind to explore empirically whether rank-position within one’s community matters to individual perception of where he or she stands on the self-defined economic ladder. By applying a multi-level modeling equation approach on responses to the subjective economic ladder (SEL) question, I find that it is not the mean income or expenditure of a reference group that affects SEL but rather the individual’s ordinal ranking within a reference group (for example, the individual is from the 5th or 40th richest household in the community). Consistent with Hirsch (Hirsch, F.: Social limitation to growth. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (1976)), SEL depends significantly more on the rank-position of the positional goods and less on the nonpositional goods owned by the individual.  相似文献   

Doug Breunlin is Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Family Institute, Chicago and an Associate Professor at Northwestern University. He was formerly the Director of the Family Systems Program at the Institute for Juvenile Research in Chicago, and he is Associate Editor of the Journal of Family Therapy (UK), and an editorial member of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. I first met him in 1975 when he joined the staff of The Family Institute, Cardiff, Wales for a period of three years. I remember those years as the most creative during my time at the Institute (and we also had a lot of fun). At one point, we were joined by a certain social work lecturer on sabbatical from the University of NSW by the name of Max Cornwell, who also contributed much to the creativity and the fun. Doug has published widely and, in 1992, was the joint author of a seminal work entitled Metaframeworks: Transcending the Models of Family Therapy. Doug recently visited New Zealand and also made his second trip to Australia to present workshops on dealing with complex cases using the metaframeworks. While in Melbourne, he gave the second biennial memorial lecture in honour of Geoff Goding. I interviewed Doug while he was in Sydney.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Leslie Greenberg gave seminars during 1997 on emotion in clinical practice and on current research endeavours. He is Professor, Department of Psychology, and Director of the Psychotherapy Research Centre, York University, Toronto, where he trained in psychology before going to the University of British Columbia for twelve years. His mentors were Laura Rice, one of Carl Rogers’ students, who introduced him to psychotherapy, and Pascual Leone, one of Piaget's students in developmental psychology. He learned to integrate a type of client-centered/ process-oriented approach with a Piagetian approach to psychotherapy research. He has had further training in Gestalt therapy and family therapy, and exposure to dynamic and cognitive therapy within the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Leslie Greenberg was a founding member of the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) and the Society for Constructivism in Psychotherapy. He is the co-author of Emotion in Psychotherapy (1987), Emotion, Psychotherapy and Change (1991), Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (1988), Facilitating Emotional Change (1993) and most recently, Working with Emotions in Psychotherapy (1997).  相似文献   

Helmut Anheier is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Research Associate, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  相似文献   

The study uses the National Family Business Survey and is grounded in the systemic Sustainable Family Business Model. It investigated the relationship between management activity of married women within family businesses and perceived well-being controlling for work roles, family context, personal and financial resources. Statistical analyses indicated that successfully achieving the most important family goal was positively related to management activity. Low-income women performed more management than did those with other income levels. Successfully achieving family goals, having lower education, less competition between family and business resources, no family cash flow problems, and higher management activity contributed to positive perceived well-being. Well-being increased at a decreasing rate as income increased.This study reports results from the Cooperative Regional Research Project, NE-167R, ‘Family Businesses: Interaction in Work and Family Spheres,’ partially supported by the Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Experiment Stations at University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Illinois, Purdue University (Indiana), Iowa State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, Cornell University (New York), North Dakota State University, The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Texas A & M University, Utah State University, The University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (for The University of Manitoba).  相似文献   

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