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The consumer credit transaction is analyzed as a contract which provides insurance as well as present consumption for the borrower. Creditors' remedies such as "arm-breaking" are shown to facilitate provision of insurance (forgiveness of debts) when lenders cannot monitor outcomes. Alternatively, if outcomes are observable but lenders do not ex ante know the risk associated with each borrower, the market may generate an excessive amount of arm-breaking and agreements to forgo discharge following bankruptcy as low risk borrowers signal their characteristics, suggesting that government limitations on such provisions might be efficient. The secured credit transaction is shown to be a complex contract which attempts to provide efficient repayment, seller incentives for performance and mitigation following default, and insurance for the borrower. Garnishment and discharge of debts following bankruptcy are also considered.  相似文献   

An important feature of the German hyperinflation is the way in which accelerating monetization of both government and private debt by the Reichsbank fueled the inflation process. The stimulus to private credit demand arising from more rapid adjustment of money wages over this period is often ignored, however. The present empirical results strongly support the importance of wage pressures in augmenting fiscal influences on nominal money growth during 1920–1923. Our findings also suggest that wage claims provided the main conduit through which higher inflationary expectations were accommodated by faster rates of monetary expansion.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in money supply variability are examined for a macro model of monopolistic competition. Increases in money supply variability raise demand uncertainty causing individual firms to produce more for inventory. In addition, expected profits decrease, inducing a number of firms to leave the economy. Aggregate income then falls in spite of an increase in firm-level production. The result on aggregate income is standard, but the results on inventories and the number of firms in the economy distinguish this monopolistic macro model empirically from conventional macro models when changes in money supply variability occur.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economic signcance of currency substitution using a small, open economy model of money. The main result is that in a low-inflation economy the seigniorage-maximizing inflation rate can be quite large despite a very high elasticity of currency substitution when the share of foreign real balances in producing domestic liquidity services is small (as some recent econometric estimates indicate in the case of Canada). This suggests that currency substitution is likely to be of second-order importance to policymakers in a low-inflation economy where foreign real balances provide economically small domestic liquidity services.  相似文献   

Suppose a number of countries produce a commodity which employs local labor and a type of capital that is internationally mobile. Within the framework of a specific-factors model the paper argues that there is a presumption about the international movement of capital when the relative price of the industry using that capital rises on world markets. Capital flows towards countries less heavily involved in producing the commodity; internal labor flows contribute toward worldwide industry dispersion; and the volume of international trade in that commodity tends to fall.  相似文献   

The corporate finance literature suggests that a financially constrained firm invests less than an identical unconstrained firm. This does not imply that financial frictions cause firms to invest less than in a frictionless economy. When firms compete for investment funds, an increase in financial frictions can lead individual firms to increase their investment levels. A greater than the frictionless level of investment is likely in low-productivity firms, in cash-rich firms, and in firms with cheap external capital. Government programs that make capital cheaper for small firms may lead to lower levels of investment for all firms and decrease efficiency (JEL O16, E22, E44, G20)  相似文献   

Four different types of equilibrium are possible within a two-player model of society where only armed self-enforcement of property rights is possible. The main underlying parameters are the total resource endowment and the initial distribution of this endowment between the players. The parameter space is partitioned into regions in which the respective types of equilibrium occur The equilibrium types involve positive arms expenditure by, respectively, neither player the richer player, and both players; the latter case involves a sub-type in which the poorer player's entire endowment is expended on arms. (JEL D30, D72, D74)  相似文献   

According to the economic literature, high‐skilled emigration may either harm or benefit developing economies. Recent research highlighted several positive and negative channels through which the brain drain operates. This paper aims at evaluating the relative magnitudes of various brain drain channels and quantifying their global impact on migrants' sending countries. For this purpose, we develop a 10‐region general equilibrium model of the world economy characterized by overlapping‐generations dynamics. Our findings suggest that the short‐run impact of brain drain on resident human capital is extremely crucial, as it affects not only the number of high‐skilled workers available to domestic production, but also the sending economy's capacity to innovate/adopt modern technologies. This latter effect is particularly important in globalization, where capital investments are made in places with high production efficiencies. Hence, despite positive feedback effects, those countries facing prevalent high‐skilled emigration are the most candid victims to brain drain. (JEL F22, J24, O57)  相似文献   

This study provides new insights into the effects of the corporate income tax by introducing a general equilibrium model in which households choose portfolios composed of housing and non-housing assets, industries make investment decisions based on Hall-Jorgenson cost-of-capital formulas, and the corporate-noncorporate mix in each industry is endogenous. The annual efficiency cost of an unintegrated tax on corporations is found to be about 3 1/2 percent of expanded national income. This new estimate is intended to spur further investigation of individuals' demand for owner-occupied housing and firms' decisions about incorporation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic computational general equilibrium model in which expectations regarding future prices can be varied systematically. The model is employed to evaluate how expectations influence the effect of long-run tax policy changes. Under policies (like a consumption tax) that reduce rates of return over time, individuals with perfect foresight save less than individuals with myopic beliefs. This is because consumers with foresight are better able to anticipate the lower returns. Lower saving means that existing distortions due to capital taxes are not offset as much, so that welfare gains are smaller under perfect foresight.  相似文献   


As an alternative to market failure explanations, we draw on theory and historical evidence to argue that fiscal considerations explain the roles governments typically play in producing and regulating money. Public monopoly production of coins and banknotes, substitution offiat for commodity standards, and restrictions on substitutes for government money all generate revenue and especially provide means for meeting fiscal emergencies. We argue that these arrangements do not reflect conscious design so much as the evolutionary survival of the fiscally advantageous. ( JEL E5, E6, H1, N1)  相似文献   

This paper extends the application of neoclassical production theory to include the effects of worker attitudes on productivity and cost of production, using data for the U.S. automobile industry. Behavioral indicators of worker attitudes are imbedded in a standard four-input translog cost function. The coefficients of the imbedded function are determined in estimation of the cost function simultaneously with its share equations. Hypotheses concerning the effects of worker attitudes on the cost function are tested, and the properties of the index of worker attitude that emerge from the estimation are examined.  相似文献   

This paper develops an extended inventory theoretic model for the purpose of analyzing the optimal use and issuance of trade credit. One significant result is that the incentives payments costs associated with commodity transactions and from the existence of positive per unit cost associated with storing commodities. A further important result is that the cost charged by the firm in return for its issuance of credit consists in firm earning asset holdings, and a risk premium reflecting the possibility of default on the part of the household.  相似文献   

This article investigates the interaction between oligopoly power, labor unionization, and worker wages. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for workers in manufacturing industries little evidence is found that workers are exploited by oligopolistic employers, but rather wages for production workers increase with both unionization and employer's market power. There is evidence, however, that unionization reduces variation in wages due to increased oligopoly power.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare effects of third‐degree price discrimination under oligopolistic competition with horizontal product differentiation. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for price discrimination to improve social welfare: the degree of substitution must be sufficiently greater in the “strong” market (where the discriminatory price is higher than the uniform price) than in the “weak” market (where it is lower). It is verified, however, that consumer surplus is never improved; social welfare improves solely owing to an increase in the firms' profits in the case of linear demands. (JEL D43, L11, L13)  相似文献   

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