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介绍新加坡地铁简况、管理概况及总的印象和感受。  相似文献   

简介新加坡的概况、城市建设、环保和给水。  相似文献   

党杰  张琳 《职业》2015,(8):29-30
本文剖析了新加坡南洋理工学院的4C办学模式,并总结其特点,结合我国实际情况,提出了可借鉴的经验和开展校企合作的思路。  相似文献   

朱寿庆 《城市》2011,(7):39-41
水是生命之源,更是城市形成、发展的原动力。海河是天津的母亲河,沿岸聚集了古文化街、冯国璋故居、袁世凯故居、饮冰室和利顺德大饭店等历史文化遗存,对天津城市的形成与发展起到了重要的作用。目前,海河上游段的建设改造工程已经完成,海河综合开发向中下游继续延伸,古老的海河正焕发新的活力。新加坡河滨水区域规划建设的成功经验对海河的进一步开发具有较好的借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

新加坡是一个700多平方公里的岛国,自然资源匮乏,但新加坡欣欣向荣的经济却引起了全世界的瞩目.这主要是新加坡在建国之初就提出人才立国的政策,视人力资源为最重要的可利用资源,长期以来一直非常重视人才的开发和利用.正因为如此,教育特别是职业教育在新加坡很受重视,这也是新加坡在短短30多年的时间内人口素质提高如此之快的关键所在.  相似文献   

绿色港口建设是国家实现碳达峰碳中和目标的重要方面。为深入了解国际绿色港口建设主要做法,该文以新加坡港为例,系统剖析其绿色港口建设经验。通过分析发现新加坡在推进港口净零排放过程中具有规划目标明确、政策系统完善、合作深入广泛、产业化思维等特点。结合深圳港绿色港口建设发展现状,按照系统性改造、精细化挖掘、产业化运作的原则,提出加快明确深圳港双碳目标时间节点、推动港口体制机制创新、深化全球港口合作、鼓励全产业链共同参与等相关举措。  相似文献   

聂惠俊 《职业》2013,(33):76-77
职业教育在新加坡全民教育中占有十分重要的地位,是新加坡教育的主体。本文对新加坡高职教育的基本情况、行业及社会背景、办学体制进行分析,阐述了新加坡职业教育对我国高等职业教育的启示。  相似文献   

吕元礼 《城市观察》2011,(1):15-21,144
从历史传承角度来理解,新加坡模式一英国的制度+东方的传统+中国共产党的作风。源于英国的制度,新加坡政治制度大体继承了议会民主,从而表现出一定程度的让民做主;继承东方的传统,新加坡政府积极发展托管民主,从而表现出绩效显著的为民做主;学习中国共产党的作风,新加坡行动党注意贯彻群众路线,弘扬群众民主,从而表现出着力坚持的认民做主。  相似文献   

今年6月中旬,参加包头市委组织部举办的县级领导干部培训班,赴新加坡进行参观考察,开阔了眼界,结合工作实际,就新加坡在养老方面的情况,进行了一些重点的调研。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the Singaporean model of long-term care for older people. With only about 2% of the older population living in institutions, the mainstay of long-term care is community care. The reader is provided an overview of the Singaporean services, including case management, followed by a discussion of the current issues and future challenges. In keeping with the prospect of a rapidly aging population profile, the Singapore government plays a leading role in framing policy and planning for future needs of this sector of the population.  相似文献   

新加坡经济发达、人口密集、土地狭小。、但有限的土地并没有成为新加坡经济社会发展的制约。相反,通过借鉴世界城市规划发展的成功经验和自身的创新土地管理,新加坡在土地空间利用上展现了其面对住房、交通、环境、水资源利用等城市发展共同挑战问题时独特的解决方法。长期稳定的综合规划、短期局部的灵活应变和土地效益的综合考量成为新加坡土地政策的三大特征。新加坡在土地管理中对土地使用效率和社会公平兼顾的政策理念与效果,对中国快速城市化进程中的土地管理有非常有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

As an ethnically and linguistically diverse society, Singapore has had to grapple with the problem of how to manage this diversity across a range of contexts, thus making it a particularly interesting case study for language ideologies. This paper examines three particular cases taken from the history of Singapore's language policy. In the first situation, the policy remains largely unchanged, varying only in its lexical and textual realizations; in the second, performances in the service of a set of ideologies give rise to potentially serious problems; and in the third, the material consequences of implementing the ideologies lead to changes in the ideologies themselves. By drawing on recent theoretical developments in the study of language ideologies, this paper shows how attention to the sitedness of language ideologies can help provide greater specification and appreciation of the interactional processes by which the ideologies are instantiated.  相似文献   

In the context of Singapore's ageing population, the employment of large numbers of low‐skilled foreign workers is proving to be a major challenge to inclusive growth because of the stagnation of low‐wage workers' incomes. In order to address this problem, the author makes the case for introducing a minimum wage to complement existing in‐work benefit schemes. After addressing the commonly voiced objections to a minimum wage system, he suggests ways in which a minimum wage could be implemented in Singapore. New measures to enhance the social safety net and foster more sustainable economic growth are also proposed.  相似文献   

The authors provide a retrospective look at time use research since the turn of the century by identifying shortcomings in previous attempts at measuring time allocation patterns and in the models used to examine time use by individuals and households. Suggestions are offered for improving measurement in future empirical work. Fruitful areas for future time use research are identified.Her research interests include family time use, consumer decision making, adoption, and family policy.His research interests include parental child care and the effects of technical change on time use patterns.Her research interests include valuation of unpaid work in national income accounts.Her research interests include family time use and patterns in time use.  相似文献   

With the termination of a marriage, children involved inevitably experience dramatic changes in different facets of their lives. This article makes use of narrative accounts of divorced single parents to investigate how their marital dissolution has impacted and changed their children's lives. Empirical data was collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 25 Singaporean divorced parents. Within the policy and social context of Singapore society, I highlight transformations in three specific aspects of the children's lives: one, the reconfigurations of familial relationships and formation of a new family unit; two, the creation of and adaptation to new family practices and routine; three, the adoption of new social identity following parental divorce. This article hopes to present a more nuanced understanding of the divorce experience by emphasizing both the precarious and productive aspects in the children's lives, contra to the existing divorce literature that typically focuses on the former.  相似文献   

The current study attempts to identify the prevalence rate of and risk factors associated with elder mistreatment in Singapore, a multi-ethnic nation in South-East Asia. Information on elder mistreatment was collected from 400 non-randomly selected cognitively intact older adults in a residential area of Singapore. Items on mistreatment were adopted from the Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test and the Vulnerability to Abuse Screening Scale. Standardized scales on activities of daily living, loneliness, and items on violence between family members were administered. The prevalence rate of mistreatment was 8.3%. A family environment characterized by psychological and physical abuse between family members and a social environment characterized by loneliness increased the vulnerability of older adults to mistreatment. Older adults who were mistreated reported more depression symptoms than those who were not.  相似文献   

戴月明 《科学发展》2013,(7):107-112
新加坡在医疗保健领域取得令人信服的成就,发展出三级医疗服务体系、3P医疗机构体系、六大区域医疗集团、四级病房体系和3M医疗保险体系,成效显著,赢得本国民众和国际社会的高度评价。上海可借鉴新加坡医疗保健领域取得的成功经验,组建区域性医疗联盟,加速医疗信息化进程,引进国际医学院,适度发展国际医疗和私人医疗,加速推进上海国际医学园区建设。  相似文献   

Over 880 communities have put regulations in place to reduce or eliminate tobacco use in buildings used by the public. This study examines the experience of one such community—Well City, Ohio. The nonsmoker protection efforts in Well City help us identify and discuss eight important considerations affecting policy development and implementation: (1) anticipate community opposition, (2) identify and collaborate with a support network, (3) control the community hearing process, (4) anticipate outside interests, (5) recognize the potential for legal challenges, (6) address life with legal limbo, (7) start strong, and (8) watch the mix of politics and public health. Current clean indoor air efforts seem to focus on establishing coalitions and encouraging employers to voluntarily establish tobacco-free workplaces and restaurants. These efforts certainly need to continue but as a basic part of a comprehensive program which recognizes the importance and fosters the development of strong nonsmoker protection regulations developed at the local level by health boards, county boards of supervisors, and/or city councils.  相似文献   

新加坡通过不断调整工业政策和适时进行产业升级,用40多年的时间走完了发达国家100多年的工业化进程,并首创以工业园区为主导的开发模式,从而成为众多发展中国家学习的标杆城市。本文梳理了新加坡在不同发展时期的产业政策和空间布局的演变历程,并总结新加坡工业发展的经验,以期为当前中国的产业升级和城市发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

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