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李武斌 《城市观察》2015,(3):78-86,99
空间是城市社会重要的生产要素,空间重构是转型期城市地理学研究的基本内容。转型期西安城市空间重构出现了郊区化、垂直化、景观化和贫困化四个明显的趋势,历史传统与旧工业布局、土地与户籍制度变革、经济增长模式、结构变动、城市规划与城市自组织构成了转型期西安城市空间重构的驱动机制。对于转型期西安城市空间重构的研究可以为西安建设可持续城市提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

刘春  刘承良  张贞冰 《城市》2007,(12):13-17
随着经济全球化进程的加快.分工网络已由传统的国家之间的分工协作细分到区域内部分工。区域内部的分工协作导致城市之间的经济联系日益紧密.城镇体系的空间形态也发生重构.在特定区域内出现了经济联系密切的高密度且具有一体化倾向的特有城市聚合体——城市圈。  相似文献   

陆小成 《城市观察》2021,73(3):101-107
新时代行政区划调整是拓展空间生产、优化空间布局、改善生态环境的空间重构与资源配置过程.当前,行政区划调整与城市空间生产面临"行政区经济"、土地财政、跨域性治理真空、文化缺失与生态恶化等治理风险.新时代的区划调整应该加强对城市空间生产的生态治理,警惕行政区经济和土地财政现象,加快构建生态型经济空间,创新大城市群空间治理体制,构建生态平衡的跨域空间治理体系,提高空间生产的生态文化底蕴,加快区域性雾霾治理与生态保护,重构生态的城市空间格局.  相似文献   

王涛 《城市》2013,(11):12-16
随着全球经济一体化和国际分工日益加深,单一的城市已经日益扩大为大都市圈与都市带,成为城市现代化进程的重要特征。大都市圈的形成与发展使城市地域空间形态发生了重构,资本、产业、劳动力等要素出现了新的流动与空间配置方式,对城市管理、产业发展、地域均衡等都构成了重大挑战。东京都市圈是世界上四大都市圈之一,二战后迅速形成与发展,其间又经历了逆城市化与再城市化,显然,东京都市圈的形成与发展过程中经历了诸多挑战。  相似文献   

<正>1991年11月,日本《东京宣言》提出21世纪是利用地下空间的世纪。2010年以来,以地铁、综合管廊、地下商业等产业为主导的城市地下空间开发建设已经成为推动中国新型城镇化和城市经济稳定、持续发展的重要力量,是扩大城市内需、挖掘经济潜力和促进城市产业动能的新兴领域。中国城市人口激增,城市土地资源有限,城市空间匮乏,已成为世界上地下空间开发量最大的国家。地下空间  相似文献   

郑京淑  郑伊静 《城市观察》2013,27(5):30-53,93
东京作为日本的首都,既是日本政治、经济、文化与交流的中心,也是与纽约、伦敦、巴黎等齐名的世界城市,其辐射早已跨越本土波及全球。本文首先从宏观上考察了东京在世界城市体系中的地位,并从时空上明确了日本国土结构演变过程中东京一极集中与金字塔型城市体系;为了弄清辐射源的特质,聚焦东京都市圈核心——东京都剖析了其产业结构及主导产业的特质,接着侧重辐射角度分析了东京对东京圈、首都圈产业发展、产业结构升级的带动作用,以及东京特大都市圈城市网络空间的特色、活力及魅力。  相似文献   

本文基于产业结构升级与城镇空间模式协同的视角,运用主成份和聚类分析方法,在对长江三角洲地区城镇空间模式的结构特征进行分析的基础上,提出了优化和重构的方向、目标、总体思路与主要任务,以此为长三角城市群规划编制提供科学依据。本文认为:长三角城镇空间模式优化和重构的方向与目标是:构建区域"体系完整、组织有序、结构合理、功能互补、分工协作、轴向集聚、整体联动"的城镇结构层级体系和高度发达的城市网络体系。优化和重构的总体思路是:以积极推动城镇结构层级关系合理优化和城市网络体系高级化为核心内容,通过构建以主要中心城市为节点的城市网络体系,形成以上海为核心、南京和杭州为副中心,宁波、南通和连云港为两翼,并辐射众多中小城镇的综合性功能地域。  相似文献   

本文在新自由主义全球化背景下研究城市重构的理论化,建议用层级比较的方法研究移民的定居问题和跨国联系。通过提出"城市层级"的概念,本文探讨了后工业化城市重构的不同结果与移民融合的不同路径之间的关系。在"地方性"的理论化上,移民问题学者以民族国家和族群为分析的主要单位,而城市重构问题学者则未关注移民的研究。移民路径形成并反过来作用于城市的差异化定位。移民被视为城市层级的缔造者,城市在全球力场下的不同定位,决定着移民在其中扮演的角色。  相似文献   

当前我国城镇化已经进入以城市群带动区域经济发展的阶段,城市群成为中国经济发展的主力军,而都市圈是城市群综合承载能力的重要空间载体。在都市圈中,中心城市自然能够得到有效发展,但都市圈非中心城市的资源要素容易在"虹吸效应"影响下向中心城市集聚,从而失去发展机会。如何保存非中心城市的实力,实现区域均衡发展,是中国城镇化目前阶段值得深思的问题。以东京都市圈中非中心城市埼玉县为例,分析在东京都市圈发展过程中,埼玉县如何从中获得机遇,进而通过调整自身发展战略以取得长久稳定发展,实现非中心城市地位逆袭,最终为国内都市圈非中心城市的发展提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

财政可持续是实现城市更新长期持续健康发展的重要保障。面对城市更新与财政可持续之间的现实矛盾,空间生产理论能解析财政推动城市空间再造和价值提升的内在逻辑,促进制度建设和空间生产实践的协调统一。从空间生产理论出发,构建“制度空间重构—多元主体行为选择—社会空间重构”的空间生产逻辑框架,提出未来城市更新财政可持续的五大基本逻辑和四大基本准则。最后以北京劲松模式为例,实证分析本逻辑框架的适用性,并提出相应的政策建议,以期为城市高质量发展背景下城市更新财政可持续提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Drawing on data from two restaurants in Sydney and Tokyo, this paper describes the ways in which linguistic resources, everyday tasks and social space are intertwined in terms of metrolingual multitasking. Rather than the demolinguistic enumeration of mappable multilingualism or the language‐to‐language or language‐to‐person focus of translingualism, metrolingualism focuses on everyday language practices and their relations to urban space. In order to capture the dynamism of the urban linguistic landscape, this paper explores this relationship between metrolingual multitasking – the ways in which linguistic resources, activities and urban space are bound together – and spatial repertoires – the linguistic resources available in a particular place – arguing that a focus on resources, repertoires, space, place and activity helps us understand how multilingualism from below operates in complex urban places.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the vision of Japanese society expressed in the idea of a legacy for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games primarily for an internal, domestic audience. This legacy is consistent with the national reconstruction policy adopted after the Great East Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. The specific issue I focus on here is the centrality of the term “creative reconstruction” to the legacy discourse on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. By interweaving discussions about three places—the Tohoku disaster area, the Tokyo Olympic venue, and Japanese society—this discourse creates an apparently mutual interdependence between the three. Here I assess the idea of this ideological Olympic legacy where these relationships of interdependence are represented as a blueprint for restructuring the system of capital accumulation in Japan. The structure of the article is as follows. First, I provide an overview of creative reconstruction in Japan in comparison with other terms recently used to assess sports mega‐events such as the Olympics. Next, I briefly outline the political transformation of the social integration system from the mid‐1990s, when the phrase creative reconstruction was first used to the present. In the following three sections I discuss the way that each of the key terms in the discourse—Tohoku, Tokyo, and Japan—has been deployed. This article concludes with reflections on the social and political implications of this discourse for Japanese society in the build up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to acknowledge and examine the material culture of the homeless in the urban context of downtown areas in Sao Paulo, Los Angeles and Tokyo. Firstly, I introduce some aspects of the complex process of vital package production, which concerns the social function of design and the role of products in our late industrial society. In exploring this process of homeless material culture, I then describe the reverse sense of some of the products and materials re‐functionalized by the homeless. Then, in a brief analysis of design, wasteful culture, products, life cycle and obsolescence, I claim that homelessness and design are linked to the public spaces of metropolitan areas and global cities, as a consequence of the social‐spatial exclusionary processes due to spatio‐economic conflicts that constitute contemporary urban restructuring.  相似文献   

尽管过去二十几年城市设计领域蓬勃发展,但围绕城市环境的问题却仍未得到解决。全球化、移民、数字技术的爆炸以及围绕消费的服务经济都有着重要的空间和设计意义,而如何设计我们的城市还能反映出从气候变化到肥胖的流行等一系列问题。本文将过去几十年社会经济转型的空间意义,探讨城市设计在应对本文列举出的挑战时所扮演的角色及所承担的义务。  相似文献   

This article explores the reasons for the vertical expansion of cities till the 2020s by analyzing the history of urban space production for about half a century, using Tokyo as an example. As a concept, gentrification partially explains the changes in Tokyo. However, summarizing the entire urban transformation as a gentrification trend can lead to some misunderstandings. Most of the development took the form of simply rebuilding skyscrapers in limited areas, rather than the displacement of an entire class in the whole district. Consequently, the sharp contrast between island‐like skyscrapers and the densely populated small houses surrounding them became the typical landscape of current semi‐gentrified Tokyo. Instead of gentrification, “gentrification without gentry” would be a better expression for describing most cases in Tokyo. Alliances for urban speculation are always embedded in multi‐scale conditions in a globalizing world along with the inherent historical and structural constitution of the city. Through dynamic but contingent processes, a structure was constructed to promote urban development in a way that might exceed the actual demands. In the case of Tokyo, the bubble economy era and its effects, a would‐be global city ideology, mega‐events such as the Olympic Games, and expected earthquakes had a distinct influence on other common factors.  相似文献   

曾华翔  朱宪辰 《城市观察》2014,34(6):110-114
城市空间布局是一个基于城市开发、居民迁移、社区重构的复合概念,关系到经济、交通、就业等居民生活的诸多方面。在空间产权能够私有化的国家和地区,空间布局的结果可以简化为买卖双方权衡利弊后的市场均衡,但在我国土地产权国有化的前提下,空间买卖和使用都受到来自政府的行政权力干预,使得其结果偏离正常的市场均衡。本文给出基本的市场化假设,进而讨论行政权力干预从各因素上如何对市场均衡造成影响,并说明在这种情况下空间布局的可能发展趋势。  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the historical continuity of the military‐cultural spatial formation of the Tokyo Olympic Games throughout the prewar and postwar era. The sites that eventually became the basis for hosting the 1964 and 2020 Olympics had already materialized in the plan for the 1940 Olympics. Tokyo's modernization process entailed a shift of the city's core from the rich cultural heritage accumulated since the Edo in the city's northeast towards an area extending from the southwest of the city center into the suburbs. The northeast area of central Tokyo had been home to commoner districts since the Edo period, and with land that was highly subdivided, did not lend itself to large‐scale development. But the southwest of the city center was originally the site of feudal estates, and these large sites were generally amenable to large‐scale development. These areas were home to numerous Imperial Japanese Army bases before the surrender, which after seizure during the US occupation eventually became the footprint for large parks and urban developments. The 1964 Olympics played a determinative role in the developments of the southwest of the city center. This continuity from prewar to postwar planning is reflected in the similar placement of venues, and the their conversion from former military uses. So the Olympics came to postwar Japan as a postwar event, in the strict sense of the word. The term postwar here refers foremost to the strategy of converting the social consciousness from war that accompanied reconstruction and economic growth.  相似文献   

This article critically surveys the current historiography of port cities, which have recently attracted a lot of interest, particularly from global historians of the 19th and early 20th century. The article contextualizes this body of scholarship within larger recent and older trends in the discipline. Recently, historians and other scholars have predominantly analyzed port cities as “nodal points” or “hubs” within global networks. The article argues that these perspectives project spatial patterns defined by the imaginary of globalization today into the past, failing to acknowledge how tightly interwoven globalization and urbanization were in port cities during the age of steam. However, port cities can provide concrete narrative focal points to develop empirically-grounded global histories, and remind us of the various efforts to control, limit, or prevent unsolicited forms of mobility and entanglement in the sites where these were moored or fixed. Finally, port cities can render the labor of the urban masses visible that facilitated the making of steam age connectivity and a globality anchored in the urban space of the ports.  相似文献   

Scale, state and the city: Urban transformation in post-reform China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Jianfa Shen   《Habitat International》2007,31(3-4):303-316
Globalization has resulted in the change of scalar relations of the state and the city in the contemporary world. The scale theory is developed mainly in the context of capitalist societies. As a general socio-spatial theory, this paper argues that the general principle of scale theory is also relevant to transitional socialist economies where scalar configuration has been rearticulated by liberalization and globalization. It is adopted to describe the profound transformations of the state and the city in China. Multi-scalar in perspective, this paper examines the urban spatial transformation and reconfiguration as rescaling and territorialization processes.  相似文献   

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