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韦仁忠  王倩  史俊杰 《城市》2021,(1):49-57
社会组织参与社区营造是一个较为新兴的课题,也是社区治理创新的一种方案选择.笔者以社会组织A参与成都国际音乐社区"微博物馆"社区营造项目为案例,以行动研究法为范式,描述了该社会组织参与社区营造的整个实践过程,同时分析了社会组织发挥的作用及面临的困境,并针对这些问题,从社会组织和社区营造层面提出了优化路径.  相似文献   

广东绿耕社会工作发展中心-四川社工站(原中山大学-香港理工大学映秀社工站),是由2008年6月24日在四川省汶川县映秀镇板房区成立的广州社工站发展而来,至今已经扎根灾区四年多.当时,在广州市民政局的支持下,社工站主要在资源链接、心理抚慰、妇女生计能力建设、羌藏刺绣文化传承等方面发挥了重要作用.随着灾区紧急救援向社区恢复重建过渡,社工站开始回应社区中的生计、文化、社会关系重建以及城乡发展不平衡等问题.社工长期与社区民众同行,分别在映秀张家坪村发育了"映秀母亲"客栈小组和草坡乡金波村的民宿小组,以推动社区关系的重建和可持续生计发展.本文将着重以金波村民宿项目为案例,介绍绿耕在灾后社区生计重建方面所开展的工作.  相似文献   

吴文昊 《现代妇女》2014,(11):21-23
棕地是曾经的工业或商业遗留的土地,它往往隐藏着巨大的污染隐患,而如果未经无害化治理便对棕地进行再开发,那么它必将是贻害无穷的。从这些年媒体报道出来的诸多棕地伤人事件中可以发现,如武汉的长江明珠小区的棕地污染事件,棕地问题亟待土地管理者的重视。这其中特别要确保棕地从回收到再次开发这个环节污染土地得到及时充分的修复,而实现这一目标必须首先要解决的是,如何明确污染者、地方政府土地管理部门和土地收储中心之间对棕地修复责任的分配问题。  相似文献   

该文是英国社会政策鼻祖和社会福利理论奠基人蒂特马斯的一篇经典文献。该文以社会保障和收入维持项目为案例,从社会公平和充分两个角度,全面、系统、深入分析了社会保障和收入维持项目存在的诸多两难困境,指出社会保障制度改革创新和国际比较研究的必要性、重要性与紧迫性。  相似文献   

结合德国汉堡组织的威廉斯堡国际建筑展和港口新城的两个案例,本文对汉堡近年来平衡经济增长和强化社会认同的多重城市设计工作进行了总结。文章首先阐释了多元合作城市设计工作模式的内涵,同时指出西方国家城市面临经济结构调整、社会群体多元化和全球化的挑战,满足多元人群差异化需求的城市设计策略在地方政府的发展政策中占据了核心地位,国际建筑展成为发掘地方需求,推动多样性发展的重要工具。威廉斯堡在汉堡市政府支持下,通过一系列城市设计项目与当地居民加强沟通,鼓励社区实现差异化发展,重视培育居民对当地的认同感,提升环境的质量和可持续性。港口新城则在以前港口用地进行再开发的过程中,强调功能混合和强化城市多样性的目标,提出了较为灵活的城市设计原则,帮助人们在开发和施工过程中不断改进,以确保城市开发的多样性。  相似文献   

煤炭开发点燃了人类文明烛火,带来了经济和社会的繁荣,却也造成了矿山环境破坏,束缚了经济和社会的可持续发展。透视煤炭开发对矿山环境的破坏问题,旨在树立和落实科学发展观,应用生态经济学原理和循环经济理念,去指导煤炭综合开发,延伸煤炭产业链,实现固体、液体和气体废弃物的零排放,通过长期的矿山环境整治和生态重建进而达到煤炭开发与矿山环境整治双赢的目的。  相似文献   

, 《中国社会导刊》2012,(34):28-29
北京市在发展成为国际化都市的目标下,加剧了城乡一体化进程,大量农民拆迁上楼,形成新的农转居社区和社群。新的农转居社区不仅存在社区硬件重建问题,更有社区人际关系重建、家庭关系调整、新的利益格局重组,以及很多适应性的、社区融入的问题。为了回应这一新形势和新问题,北京市朝阳区近邻社会服务中心(下称近邻)在区农村工作委员会的支持下,  相似文献   

案例背景 C机构通过公益招投标实施了一个残障人士综合服务项目。该项目通过在社区居委会设置服务点,并整合志愿者服务团队的力量,围绕残障人士的心理适用、职业技能训练、社区支持和家庭援助等方面开展专业社会工作服务,以期帮助残障人士融入社会、促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

本文区分了本体论意义上的‘社区’研究和方法论意义上的社区研究。前者将社区本身视为一个以社会团结为特征的、具体的客观对象来研究,后者则将社区看作一个多元主体互动博弈的特殊社会场域和理解其他理论问题的透镜。在此基础上,文章从国家—社会与行动者、社区参与、社会资本与社会网络、日常生活与阶层、社区的分化与分化的社区五个主题梳理了国内社区研究的新进展。最后,笔者提出了一个理解中国城市社区和社区研究的基本框架,并针对现有研究的不足提出了建议。  相似文献   

当前中国大城市不同阶层之间收入差距拉大引发的社会极化问题已成为社会最为敏感问题之一,并影响着社会经济的可持续发展。本文以上海为例,分析了上海居民家庭的总体分异特征、上海中高收入阶层和最低生活保障阶层状况、城市贫困人口生活满意度状况。在此基础上,对大城市社会极化相关问题进行了一定思考,并提出了一些管治策略。  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s, the state government of Maharashtra, India, introduced a slum redevelopment strategy in its capital city, Mumbai (Bombay). In contrast to traditional housing improvement strategies that focus primarily on legalizing the land tenure of residents, slum redevelopment is a more complex strategy. It involves the demolition of existing slums and the redevelopment of new, higher density, medium-rise apartment blocks, including, entirely cross-subsidized housing for the original slum dwellers. Mumbai's experience, documented through a single case study in this paper, illustrates that contrary to the conventional focus only on private property rights, upgrading policy must be based on a differentiated view of property rights. Furthermore, policy must also consider the property values, the physical attributes of the real property (underlying asset), and the interplay among property rights, property values and physical attributes. Second, the paper demonstrates that under certain conditions, there is a constituency among slum dwellers for complex initiatives, like redevelopment. This suggests that planners should be skeptical about popular, simplistic myths regarding low-income housing preferences. However, slum redevelopment's slow pace also implies that planners need to be cautious in their enthusiasm for redevelopment.  相似文献   

A qualitative case study of two urban neighborhood-planning processes contributes to knowledge regarding citizen participation in the context of public housing redevelopment. The data were collected and triangulated from multiple sources including participant observation, field notes, artifacts, and 24 hours of semistructured interview data (n = 26). Data provided context for understanding engaged residents’ and professionals’ experience of participation in a Resident Advisory Council (RAC) and influence during neighborhood redevelopment planning. Study participants reported the benefits of inclusion in the RAC community planning process including: (a) being engaged by attending meetings and dialoging, (b) maintaining and building relationships, and (c) maintaining organizing pressure and fighting back.  相似文献   

China’s recent wave of rapid urbanization generated a specific form of urban development called the “village in the city” (ViC). It is characterized by the dual urban-rural structure and it accommodates, to begin with, the monumental housing needs of rural migrants. Although the issues of ViCs are very specific and enormous, they evidently have a lot in common with those of slum areas and dilapidated urban areas in developed and developing contexts, in which there already is a long experience with upgrading or urban renewal operations. Also in this specific context of upgrading and urban renewal, the strategic urban project approach is generally being advocated. It emphasizes vision development, the coproduction by stakeholders and the implementation of actions. Strategic urban projects are the cornerstone of this approach. This paper sketches a conceptual framework for the strategic urban project approach for the sustainable redevelopment of “villages in the city” (ViCs) in Guangzhou. It makes an attempt to translate the methodologies of the strategic urban project approach to the Chinese context. Adapting the method to deal with the multi-stakeholder environment and complex issues in ViCs is indeed necessary in order to obtain a sustainable redevelopment of ViCs. Consideration is given to the roles and partnerships of key stakeholders, visions at different levels, and specific actions that deal with opportunities and issues in strategic locations.  相似文献   

This research examines individual development account (IDA) programs as part of a broader community development strategy for low-income/low-wealth communities, particularly communities of color. Through a review of multiple literatures and detailed case studies, we explore the potential of explicitly creating a community-based, family-centered development account program as a step toward a comprehensive community asset building approach in low-income urban neighborhoods. From the perspective of IDA practitioners, such an approach provides program participants with local support networks and access to additional services. From the perspective of grassroots community organizers, such an approach provides tangible benefits to low-income residents of their neighborhoods. The likelihood of success may depend on the availability of local resources to build areas of strength and reduce vulnerabilities, but there are examples where a family-centered, community-based asset building approach seems to thrive.  相似文献   

Although the large-scale deployment of renewable technologies can bring significant, localised economic and environmental changes, there has been remarkably little empirical investigation of the rural development implications. This paper seeks to redress this through an analysis of the economic development opportunities surrounding wind energy development in rural Wales. The paper concludes that the economic development outcomes to rural areas from wind generation projects to date have been questionable. Increasing the flow of conventional economic benefits to rural economies in terms of incomes and jobs is shown to be difficult because of the nature of the local supply side in remote areas. Partially as a consequence of this, developers of wind farms have come to routinely provide diverse forms of community benefits to ‘affected communities’, but these have yet to evolve into significant tools of economic development. In any case, the flows of revenues from community benefits are dwarfed, in quantitative terms, by the revenue streams that might be channelled to rural areas through a broader community ownership of wind energy projects. However, although a few local successes have been achieved, the scope for realising the returns from community ownership remains low in the Welsh case, with a series of impediments considered. We close the paper by suggesting means through which economic outputs might be improved.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to answer the question: Is there evidence that the quality of life of residents in a community that has had community development intervention is different as compared to the quality of life of residents in a nearby community that did not have community development initiatives? This was done by administering community development initiatives in a local area and comparing it to a similar community that did not receive this intervention. The residents of these communities rated the quality of their lives and communities in two purposively selected suburbs in Perth, Western Australia using the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index to measure individual and neighbourhood well-being. The quality of life of residents in both communities is then compared to national averages for quality of life or well-being. Answering this question provides empirical evidence of variation between ratings of quality of life of residents in different communities and highlights the utility of the Wellbeing Index for the evaluation of interdisciplinary community development.  相似文献   

Based on a data set of 217 communities in Armenia, this paper studies the choice of priority directions in local development programs in the years 2003–2005. The scope of programs is presented and discussed relative to good practices in local development. It is shown that a disproportionately high share of programs is directed at improving local infrastructures, against the principles of good practices. Furthermore, the responsiveness to community needs of local development programs is explored for the case of drinking water infrastructure projects. This paper provides suggestive evidence for program responsiveness, which further increases with an increase in newspaper circulation in a community.  相似文献   

Do mixed income housing programs increase the poor's social network diversity? Using unique, longitudinal, egocentric social network data, this research investigates changes in social network homophily for both Vietnamese and English-speaking original residents of a public housing redevelopment site. Changes in mixing occur for both those who return and those who moved away, but only increases in ethnic mixing were associated with returning to the new site. Thus, changes in social networks may be associated with disruption rather moving to a mixed-income site. Vietnamese residents also experienced increases in ethnic diversity compared to English-speaking respondents. The results raise questions about the social mixing intent of such programs. The high expectations for social network benefits of income mixing housing programs should be tempered.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(4):513-520
This article draws on postcolonial theory to critique ongoing neocolonial aspects of public relations theory and practice and especially the field's recent appropriation of terms such as “corporate social responsibility” and “sustainable development.” It positions such appropriation as a continuation of the old colonial strategy of reputation management among elite publics at the expense of marginalized publics. The article makes the case that public relations can only begin to be ethical and socially responsible if it acknowledges the diversity of publics, breaks down the hierarchy of publics, and takes into account the resistance of peripheral publics.  相似文献   

The term scenario is used to talk about a projected outline of political events and future developments. The objective of building scenarios is to deal with critical events, uncertain conditions, and create useful pro-actions. This paper attempts to outline the utility of scenario planning as a method for developing alternative visions of the future in community contexts. It describes its theoretical basis, uses, and steps. A case example is used to illustrate the application of the framework and its possible practical benefits in community psychology practice. To test this methodology with politicians, they have been asked to examine the resources and problems present in the areas administered by them and invited to imagine possible future scenarios and projects which might improve the quality of life of residents.  相似文献   

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