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如果没有流通创新,我们只会看到"千年商都"的逐渐没落,而不会看到现代国际商贸中心的崛起.天河城的出现,曾经让广州领全国商贸流通水平之先,在新的历史时期,要继续领导流通业态新潮流,广州必须要抢占以体验商业为潮流的展贸综合体发展,还要在"千年商都"的基础上打造出"网络商都".电子交易,代表着未来商贸流通业发展的方向.广州要率先推动物联网的发展,促进现代流通从信息化向智能化方向转变,打造"智能流通"、"智能商贸".  相似文献   

会展业能给主办地带来源源不断的商流、物流、人流、资金流、信息流,创造商机,吸引投资,推动商贸旅游业的发展,进而拉动其他产业的发展,同时对提升城市的品牌和知名度起到了积极作用。然而,当廊坊市会展项目逐年攀升的同时,也遇到了发展中的瓶颈——会展物流。文章首先从会展物流的价值链分解进行分析,继而分析了现代会展物流的特点,最后结合廊坊会展物流现状,分析廊坊会展物流的优化策略。  相似文献   

四川西部高原山区,包括甘孜州、阿坝州、凉山州、攀枝花市、乐山市和雅安市,人口为1158.77万(1999年),面积为33.8万平方公里.该区是青藏高原向四川盆地的过渡地带,是我国典型的生态环境脆弱地区和少数民族聚居区.由于特殊的地理环境和较为封闭的社会经济结构,除了少数平坝河谷和平原地区外,大部分地区的经济发展水平不高,集贸市场和商贸流通业发展缓慢,对当地的经济和社会发展带来了不同程度的影响.为加快本地区优势资源和产品的开发,加强集贸市场建设、促进商贸流通业的发展势在必行.  相似文献   

天津市代市长戴相龙在该市十四届人大一次会议上说,天津将大力发展现代服务业,全面提升城市的服务功能。 戴相龙说,天津市将加快发展金融、物流、商贸会展、房地产四个主导行业,大力培育信息、旅游、中介、社区服务四个新兴行业,加速建设相关功能区,逐步形成现代服务发展新格局。  相似文献   

完善现代流通体系加快上海国际贸易中心建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流通位于市场最前沿,是国民经济各部门间的桥梁和纽带,并引导着生产。发展现代流通以提高城市的集聚辐射能力是上海作为国际大都市的功能之一,上海的贸易中心建设与发展现代流通业紧密相连。通过阐述现代流通的内涵及发展趋势,探讨现代流通业与上海国际贸易中心建设之间的关系,分析上海流通业发展现状及存在的瓶颈问题,提出上海在加快国际贸易中心建设进程中应积极构建十大贸易服务平台、优化商务布局,并积极争取国家政策支持等发展思路。  相似文献   

李文荣 《城市》2008,(4):71-74
狭义会展是会议、展览等集体性活动的简称.广义会展一般包括大型会议、博览会、展览展销活动、体育竞技运动、集体性交易活动以及节日庆典等。所谓会展经济.即通过举办大型会议、展览等活动。带来源源不断的商流、物流、人流、资金流和信息流,直接推动商贸、旅游业的发展,不断创造商机.吸引投资,进而拉动其他产业的发展.并形成一个以会展活动为核心的经济群体。  相似文献   

徐印州 《城市观察》2016,(4):148-154
商旅文深度融合发展的目的,是为广州打造出一个强大的支柱产业。促进商旅文深度融合发展是供给侧结构性改革的重要举措,是广州实现"我国重要的中心城市、国际商贸中心和综合交通枢纽"城市定位的应有之义。以商贸为载体、以文化为内涵、以旅游为媒介,推进广州商旅文深度融合发展,其发展方向是:以旅游、文化促进商贸业发展,保持广州作为全国最佳商业城市的领先地位,深度挖掘城市文化特质,向商贸、旅游资源注入内涵更丰富的文化基因,构建与全球旅游市场高度契合的现代化旅游产业体系;其发展路径可以概括为:政府顶层引导,企业创新拓展,城市形象整合传播。  相似文献   

当前,我国大区域合作势头迅猛,长三角地区面临前所未有的新机遇。2010年上海世博会的成功举办,直接或间接地推动了长三角经济空间结构的演变、产业功能的调整和会展发展战略的变迁。这种"波浪效应"对长三角会展业发展所产生的最重要的影响,是以特大城市上海为核心的长三角城市会展经济带的进一步崛起。如何切实把握现代会展业态发展态势,深入研究会展业态要素构成和生成机制,缜密分析新型会展业态分类及其增长潜力,进一步探索会展业态创新模式与路径;如何以会展经济带新业态建设为抓手,促进长三角地区会展业态在新的起点和更高水平上整合资源和发挥优势,实现新的发展,引领我国内地区域经济和城市化发展的的潮流和走向,是长三角会展产业科学发展和一体化发展的重要内容,也是我国会展业发展对世界会展业态发展的积极贡献。  相似文献   

广州要成为具有强大辐射力、带动力的国家中心城市,要靠建立现代产业体系来实现,必须大力发展高端制造业、现代服务业和战略性新兴产业.广州选择战略性新兴产业,既要紧跟国际经济技术新潮流,又要结合广州的资源优势和发展基础.既要发展制造业领域里的战略性新兴产业,又要发展服务业领域里的新兴产业.考虑到产业的带动性、技术性、新兴性和广州的基础,我们认为广州应该选择现代物流业、现代商贸业和现代会展业来规划发展.  相似文献   

陈刚  杨代友 《城市观察》2023,(1):19-34+155-156
近年来,广州立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,以深化供给侧结构性改革为主线,坚持产业第一、制造业立市,着力推动产业高质量发展,初步形成了特色产业、现代服务业、战略性新兴产业和先进制造业相互促进的高质量现代化产业体系,产业发展质量不断提升,与粤港澳大湾区其他城市产业联动性不断增强,实现了制造行业错位发展。但从引领粤港澳大湾区产业高质量发展核心引擎功能的要求看,广州产业高质量发展过程中仍面临着实体经济规模支撑性偏弱、产业结构转型升级缓慢、产业创新驱动比较优势不明显、金融和高端人力资源集聚度不高等问题。本研究建议以优化产业层级、厚植产业基础、坚持创新驱动、打造人才洼地、强化区域协作为着力点,加快提升广州引领粤港澳大湾区产业高质量发展的核心引擎功能。  相似文献   

近年,成都会展业发展迅速,多种会展经济形态得到全面发展,展览场馆数量较足,政府主导大型展会以及多层次的会展人才培养体系对会展业快速发展提供了必要的保障。然而,成都会展业仍然存在着品牌化和国际程度不高、场馆规模小和利用率较低、政府管理理念仍需创新、"产学研"结合不紧密等问题。本文通过分析当下成都会展业的绩效与不足,希望能为优化成都会展经济的产业结构、促进会展产业的转型和品牌升级提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

This article examines a defense of the slave trade mounted in the 1790s by the Luso-Brazilian Bishop Azeredo Coutinho. While Azeredo's defense has been interpreted as a function of his slave-owning family's interest, this article provides a broader analysis of Azeredo's writings on the slave trade and the Portuguese empire within the contexts of eighteenth-century Luso-Brazilian intellectual culture and transatlantic debates about empire, commerce and historical transformation. His writing on the imperial economy and the slave trade included both appeals to an eighteenth-century ideal of civilization as a process predicated upon the universality of humanity as well as defense of empire as the rational, just and necessary exploitation of the barbarous by the civilized.  相似文献   

Abstract The East India Company in India during the period of “indirect rule,” has so far been seen as a trading corporation drawn unprepared into the exigencies of warfare and rule. Early colonial rule, however, entailed much more than the quotidian problems of maintaining trade and commerce in the colonies. Its ideology and objectives derived from reigning notions of eighteenth century political economy, and it shared crucial aspects of nation-state formation in Georgian England. Through an exegetical reading of contemporary political economic texts, pamphlets and tracts, this essay attempts to elicit a sense of accepted ideas and articulations pertaining to the equations between nation, commerce, law and the state - especially as they were seen on the colonial front in eastern India.  相似文献   

构建广州国际商贸中心研究——基于现代服务业的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代服务业是商贸业生产的主要中间投入来源,也是现代商贸业发展的保障。无论是从广州目前的服务业发展现状,还是从未来广州构建国际商贸中心的走势来看,大力发展现代服务业都是广州构建国际商贸中心的必要前提。未来广州国际商贸中心从本质上来讲应是一个发达的现代服务业体系。  相似文献   

The idea to go into the relationship between time and mediation comes from practical experience. (Mediation in industry, commerce and trade ist dealt with here.) As I am a mediator in medium-sized and large companies, I have to trace the often hidden reasons for conflicts and confront the conflicting parties with them. They can then try to overcome them through their own resources expressed in a long-lasting consensus. Both, the process of conflict counselling through mediation as a whole and the causes which create and escalate conflicts in the world of work, depend on and are determined by the time factor in my experience. However, when causes and solutions dealing with the conflict process, mainly, but not only, depend on the time constellation. This being the case then the opposite can apply. Thus, time-management in production and personnel leadership which is based on the human principles of mediation serves to prevent conflict from developing. Furthermore, it operates prophylactically where conflict is pre-programmed when the way people cooperate is sometimes at odds with successful management geared to market conditions not primarily concerned with the human needs of people working in these structure.  相似文献   

This paper introduces trade adjustment considerations as active determinants of trade policy. Using novel U.S. data sets, I show that, despite their small monetary value, trade‐induced unemployment and trade‐adjustment costs can incite an incumbent politician to grant protection to an unorganized industry, even in the presence of political pressure by organized sectors. This finding complements the theoretical predictions from Grossman and Helpman (American Economic Review, 84, 1994, 833–50) who argue that the government should protect organized industries but should subsidize imports in unorganized sectors. (JEL D73, F13, F14, F16, J68)  相似文献   

The ability of developing countries to export to more developed parts of the world is often associated with cheap labour. But such very obvious economic advantage is not always the end of the story. A fuller account needs to consider the wider institutional context. In some instances trade unionism can be an important part of this. This paper addresses trade unionism with specific reference to workers employed in large firms in Turkey that are significant exporters of consumer goods to the European market. The union examined is the largest union in the metal industry, an industry that is a driving force in the Turkish economy, and a major centre of trade unionism with over half a million of Turkey's three million trade unionists. The particular ‐ autocratic ‐ character of this union is critically examined and located with reference to wider forces of political economy and the specific constraints and difficulties to which its members are subject. Finally, the significance of this sort of trade unionism for economic ‐ and socio‐political ‐ development is discussed.  相似文献   

In 2004 Central American countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Belize) have strong-willed to go into a process of political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological integration through a Central American Integration System. Some of the challenges that the integration process faces include the strengthening of the decision making process, the cooperative initiatives in economy and trade, particularly due to the sort of overlapping agreement that countries have signed so far. This paper particularly discusses the coordination process and the nature of this atypical regional agreement. Moreover, we face national implementation of regional treaties, participation of civil society, external and cooperation relations and their respective opportunities for trade and commerce.  相似文献   

This paper argues that a neo-Gramscian perspective can provide useful explanatory insights into the recent commercialization of the Internet. Governments, notably in the USA and Europe, have taken action to shape and smooth this transition in response to the desire of business to exploit a new commercial opportunity. A series of measures has been enacted in relatively new international fora whose general aim is to promote the development of international production and trade. There is evidence of concerted efforts aimed at designing an interconnected regulatory framework within which global electronic commerce might evolve. Governmental interests have attempted to promote the ethos of a new liberalized, self-regulatory system that prioritizes commercial and trademark interests of business.  相似文献   

Cultural and Other Barriers to Motion Pictures Trade   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The global success of the American film industry facing rising costs of production, foreign protectionism, and liberal trade policies at home is an enigma. The basis for American dominance is found in market size and structure. In turn, market characteristics and microdata explain protectionist strategies—leading to a complex gravity-iceberg model of U.S. exports. Besides purchasing power and spatial distance, cultural variables as well as protectionist strategies are important influences on U.S. motion pictures trade. Competitors nonetheless fail to match the magical American combination of movie stars, economies of scale, and popularity of English speech.  相似文献   

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