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智瑞芝 《科学发展》2014,(11):22-28
近年来,在"两创"战略的实施和带动下,浙江高技术产业取得了迅速发展,同时也存在不少问题:与经济发展粗放式类似,高技术产业发展也具有粗放型特征,主要依靠高投入来支撑,高消耗、高排放、低效率的状况没有得到根本改善;高技术产业的产品大多位于价值链低端,产品附加值低,严重制约了高技术产业在国际市场上核心竞争力的提升。因此,必须针对浙江高技术产业发展的现状及发展中存在的主要问题,从加强政府服务、实施产业预见、完善金融支持、加大RD资金投入、加强知识产权保护等方面入手,着力提升高技术产业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

李翠翠  刘洁 《现代交际》2010,(11):140-141
政府在高新技术产业发展中扮演重要角色,财政科技投入是促进高新技术产业发展的主要动力。本文从高技术产业的不同行业出发,研究政府科技投入与不同行业产值的关系。通过分析认为,在现阶段,政府是推动我国高技术产业发展的主要动力,但政府科技投入在投入结构安排上应根据不同行业的高技术产业特点而有所不同。  相似文献   

在把粤港澳大湾区建设成为国际科技创新中心的目标下,选取粤港澳大湾区2007—2017年高技术产业增加值为主要研究指标,运用重心分析方法对粤港澳大湾区高技术产业的重心变化轨迹及发展差距进行分析.结果表明:大湾区几何中心点在广州市南沙区凤凰大道,2007—2009年高技术产业重心位置一直位于东莞市虎门镇,2010年重心位置移动到广州市南沙区南沙街道,2011—2017年又返回东莞市虎门镇.大湾区高技术产业重心一直偏离几何中心,高技术产业的区域发展差距主要表现为珠江东西两岸的差距,南北相对均衡静止的状态,东西方向也是湾区高技术产业重心主要变动的方向,2007—2010年主要向西变动,靠近地理几何中心,东西差距逐渐缩小,2010—2017年则向东位移,东西差距又逐渐拉大.变动轨迹呈现向右倾U形轨迹,表明大湾区高技术产业城市间差距先缩小后又扩大.其主要原因是港澳自改革开放以来发挥不同的扩散效应,以及珠江对香港向西岸辐射阻隔效应及高技术产业的集聚效应.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末期,从美国、日本和西欧兴起的以高技术产业为中心的新技术革命,对整个世界经济和社会发展都产生了巨大而深远的影响。世界各国普遍认识到,高技术及其产业的发展是决定国家力量强弱和发展前景的重要因素,是21世纪必争的战略制高点,谁掌握了高技术及其产业的主导权谁就在综合国力的竞争中处于领先地位。高技术产业的特征高技术产业是以高技术为依托的产业,与其他产业相比,其基本特征是:源于科技的转化,依赖于风险投资机制与高水平的制造和现代化的管理,以及由此生产的产品具有高附加值,市场竞争力强和高速度发展的先导性产业。…  相似文献   

本文从建设国家中心城市的视角,就广州发展文化创意产业的必要性进行了理论探讨,对广州发展文化创意产业的基础条件进行了实证分析,并提出广州大力发展文化创意产业关键在于解放与发展文化创意产业领域的生产力。  相似文献   

发展设计产业具有促进产业结构优化升级与经济转型方面的独特竞争价值,日益成为全球许多城市实现产业转型和经济增长,创立地区品牌和增强竞争力的重要手段。通过对国内外典型城市发展设计产业的理念与措施进行梳理和比较,总结其经验对广州发展设计产业的启示。结合广州设计产业实际发展情况,分析其优势与不足,探讨广州发展设计产业对其产业发展、城市规划、文化传播等方面的重要意义,并分别从产业政策、制度建设、产业融合、公共服务、品牌活动等多角度对广州设计产业的发展提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

赵美兰  周定 《职业时空》2005,(24):46-48
进入21世纪,我国高技术产业取得了快速的发展,其年均增长速度超过20%,增加值和总产值占制造业的比重均已超过15%。尽管高技术产业发展势头良好,但是我国目前对该产业人力资源的发展问题仍重视不够,在高技术产业统计方面严重存在“见物不见人”的状况。美国学者舒尔茨认为,人的知识和技能是资本的一种形态,即人力资本,是生产资源中  相似文献   

付云鹏  郜健 《城市》2021,(12):57-69
笔者利用区位熵方法对2006年-2018年我国高技术产业的产业集聚情况进行测算,并分析其特征.在此基础上,利用空间杜宾模型研究高技术产业集聚对区域经济发展的影响效应.结果 显示:高技术产业集聚有助于区域经济增长速度的提高,高技术产业集聚的空间效应对周围地区的经济发展速度具有显著的负效应.最后,笔者提出利用产业集聚促进区域经济增长的对策建议.  相似文献   

李明华 《城市观察》2013,25(3):65-71
游艇产业具有极大发展空间和前所未有的大好机遇。本文分析了目前国内外游艇产业的发展情况,并着重就广州发展游艇产业的条件和措施提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

赵树明  纪瑞峰 《城市》2004,(6):16-19
一、问题的提出 化学工业是高技术密集、高资本密集和高耗水、高污染产业.上世纪90年代初以来,主要由于化工企业自身发展和环保的需要,发达国家化学工业开始加快阶梯性产业结构调整,步入初级化工产品规模大型化、装置集中化和产品精细化的园区式集聚发展道路.进入21世纪以来,化工产业集聚发展案例开始在我国出现,主要调整形态为企业兼并联合、规模大型化、装置集中化、生产中心园区化、集约化和一体化.  相似文献   


In this paper, we use livelihoods as an organizing concept which brings together questions of production, social reproduction, and the conditions for these, to describe and reflect upon three ‘moments’ of displacement and contention in India. Our first moment, a massive flash strike by workers in the export garments industry in Bangalore, is located in the present neo-liberal context of jobless growth, increasingly unregulated and precarious forms of employment, and market-based forms of service provision. Our second moment concerns popular struggles in defence of the commons in settled rural fishing communities in south India, and the third, the tenacious efforts of pavement dwellers in Bombay to make place, the political condition for production and social reproduction. The originary context for these last two moments was the state-led, technology-driven, capitalist modernization of agriculture and fisheries of the early post-‘independence’ decades, tied to projects of state-building, self-reliance, and sovereignty. The three moments chart the long history of processes of precarization under postcolonial capitalism but, equally, a constant politics of livelihood, grounded in claims to rights earned through labour, and addressing itself to both state and capital as complicit in structuring access to livelihoods under capitalism.  相似文献   


The document presented here was created in 1945 in Bytom, Poland. It contains testimonies by Holocaust survivor children collected and put down in a notebook by their survivor teacher, Shlomo Tsam, in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust. The testimonies shed light on Jewish children's experience in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, describing oppression, flight, and survival in the words of the weakest segment of Jewish communities – children. The testimonies provide raw data on the encounters between Jews and non-Jews in the territories in which the “Final Solution” was carried out. It is thus an important source contributing to the burgeoning research on the involvement of local populations in the murder of the Jews, on one hand, and in saving Jews, on the other. The creation of this document, one of several collections of Jewish survivor children's testimonies produced in the immediate postwar years, is also indicative of post-Holocaust Jewish sensibilities and concerns regarding surviving children.  相似文献   

Asking whether Islam in Western Europe is like race in the United States is, to a large degree, to ask whether Muslims in Europe share the same fate and face the same barriers as blacks in the United States. The article considers (1) the nature of the hostility to Islam in Western Europe and why it is a greater barrier to inclusion for immigrants and their children than in the United States; (2) the dynamics of color‐coded race in the United States, comparing, on the one hand, the severe barriers confronting individuals and groups with African ancestry in the United States with the barriers facing Muslims (as well as black immigrants) in Western Europe and, on the other hand, considering certain advantages available to immigrants of color in the United States that Muslim and other immigrants lack in Europe; and (3) whether the boundary based on religion will prove more permeable for the descendants of Muslim immigrants in Western Europe than the racial boundary in the United States for those with visible African ancestry.  相似文献   

Unlike the rise in women's participation in other professional sectors, women still form a minority of professional scientists and engineers, especially in multinational companies. Moreover, embedded gendered cultures in the science, engineering and technology (SET) sectors continue to affect the career progression of professional women, with few women reaching senior management positions and many leaving and failing to return. This article examines the experiences of women SET professionals in three European companies based in France, The Netherlands and Italy and illustrates how the careers of SET professionals in industry are shaped not only by corporate cultures and practices but also by the specific national contexts in which they live and work. In particular, we look at how motherhood rather than gender alone is constructed as problematic and propose a model of strategies that women adopt in doing motherhood and SET, including assimilation, cul‐de‐sac, breaking the mould and lying low.  相似文献   

This paper explores recent arguments about the marketization of female labour, in the context of a wider analysis of the role of concepts like 'the market' and 'individualization' in sociological accounts of change in employment relations. It will be argued that within sociology there has been a tendency for rapid, large-scale changes in employment relations to be characterized as the breakdown of social influences or structures and as the emergence of atomized, individuated market forces. In the most recent models, change in the nature of gendered positions within employment are presented in terms of a decline of social structuring and social constraint. These emergent accounts hold similarities to classical economics, and to Marx's and Weber's accounts of employment, which also characterized new forms of employment relations in terms of the emptying of their social content and their replacement by market forms. We offer an alternative, moral economy, perspective which foregrounds the continued significance of social relations in the structuring of employment and employment change. We develop the argument through an analysis of gendered patterns of employment and change in family form.  相似文献   

One of the defining characteristics of African studies at the moment, regrettably, is the fact that the bulk of knowledge produced in and about Africa is written in foreign languages. This, according to Ngugi wa Thiong’o, is the “Europhonic legacies of colonialism.” Any serious attempt to decolonise knowledge production in Africa cannot disregard the language question. The use of local African languages in higher education and academic publications contributes a great deal to a project of complete decolonisation. Against the backdrop of such debates and concerns, the present study examines the issue of language and academic publication in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Although Ethiopia escaped direct forms of colonialism, the postcolonial situation in the use of foreign languages for higher education and academic publication is quite similar to the rest of Africa. The appraisal of a decade of academic publication in one college and five decades of publication in a research institute reveals that English is the dominant language of academic publications in the university, while the use of local languages like Amharic, Afan Oromo, Tigrigna and Somali are limited or non-existent. The paper, following Ngugi, argues that languages are archives of “social memory” and “remembrance,” and these languages are the most suitable vehicles to get direct access to the various communities and ethnic groups across Africa. Hence, the study calls for intellectuals in African universities and Africanists to use local languages in academic publications and thereby, contribute to the complete decolonisation of knowledge production on the continent.  相似文献   

2012年,上海稳妥推进各项改革工作,改革的布局、节奏等方面呈现出诸多新特点,并在经济、行政、文化、社会和生态文明建设等领域的改革中取得了明显成绩,但改革中的一些薄弱环节和突出问题仍然存在。在全面分析的基础上,展望2013年上海进一步深化改革的形势,提出2013年改革的基本思路和10个方面改革的建议。  相似文献   

If the proliferation of new social movements thematized in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy was the key conjectural feature on the horizon of radical democratic politics in Euro-America in 1980s, the eruptions of the people in the streets and slums all over the world, and especially in the global south, is hauntingly present in the background of On Populist Reason. With the democratic imaginary now gone global, Laclau's positing of the people as the political subject par excellence and populism as the paradigmatic logic of the political acquires new pertinence. This double privileging is accompanied by a series of shifts in emphasis in the conceptual architecture of Laclau's theory of hegemony. Aside from the further radicalization two pivotal terms in Laclau's social ontology – heterogeneity and contingency – one can observe three other noticeable shifts in emphasis: First, on the plane of discursivity (or in the differential field of the meaningful) the articulatory practices are increasingly characterized in terms of their rhetoricity (i.e. the mode of braiding the rhetorical form with its function); and, furthermore, the tropological characterization of the articulatory practices progressively yields to an analysis of their performative emergence by way of ‘naming’. Second, there is a corresponding shift in the analytic interest from the discursive production of the nodal points (such as ‘free market’ or ‘law and order’) to the discursive production of empty signifiers (especially, of the ‘people’). Third, the conflictual social field is configured not only in terms of antagonisms but also in terms of dislocations.  相似文献   

In this engagement with the idea of the common in contemporary South Africa, the author uses three episodes from his own experience in and of South Africa – a performance at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in 2009; a bus journey from Cape Town in 2010; news of the Marikana mine massacre in August 2012 – as well as recent work by theorists Lauren Berlant, Bernard Stiegler and Paolo Virno, as prompts to explore how issues of public and private feature in recent representations and experiences of the South African postcolony. In responding to several of the essays included in this issue, the author also discusses the role of the institutions and infrastructures of cultural mediation in the production of cultural products that engage with these issues, and gestures towards the responsibilities of intellectuals and artists in interrogating their own positions in relation to the idea of the commons in South Africa.  相似文献   

In many European mountain areas, including the Swiss Alps, agriculture has been on the decline in the last decades. This has led to changes in land use, landscape and biodiversity; changes which are perceived, explained and valued by people in different ways. In this paper, the views of local stakeholders in the Surses valley, Switzerland regarding these changes are synthesised in four ideal type narratives that take into account theoretical concepts. The aims of the paper are: firstly, to show how ideal type narratives can be constructed and used as a heuristic device in rural studies; and secondly, to understand the diverse views, values and assumptions of stakeholders regarding changes in the Alpine landscape, land use and biodiversity. The four ideal type narratives are: (1) a wilderness narrative which assumes a continued decline of the regional economy leading to land abandonment and wilderness; (2) a modernisation narrative whose proponents believe in continued technological progress and support from outside; (3) a subsistence narrative that believes in the future of the autonomous, subsistence-oriented farmer as the ideal manager of the cultural landscape; and (4) an endogenous development narrative, which stresses the endogenous development potential of mountain regions and the need for adaptations and innovations on the part of the local population. It is argued that ideal type narratives are not only a useful heuristic device in research, but that they have the potential to minimise misunderstandings in stakeholder discussions and thereby contribute to more fruitful debates in participatory landscape and biodiversity planning processes.  相似文献   

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