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袁俊 《城市》2007,(1):76-77
2005年1月12日,国务院批准了《北京城市总体规划(20042020)》,该规划将北京未来15年的发展目标确定为"国家首都、世界城市、文化名城和宜居城市",同时全面实现现代化,确立具有鲜明特色的现代国际城市的地位.新规划提出构建"两轴-两带-多中心"的新城市空间格局,将在北京市域范围内建设包括奥林匹克中心区、中央商务区、中关村高科技园区核心区等多个服务全国、面向世界的城市职能中心.  相似文献   

曾光 《城市》2016,(2):42-45
江西正迈进"大十字"高铁时代,城市发展形态和空间结构发生深刻变化,对区域发展总体战略提出新要求."十三五"时期,江西应以沪昆高铁和京九高铁为发展主轴,以大南昌都市区为主中心,优化形成"一主两副、两轴两区"区域经济空问总体格局,实施"昌九一体、龙头昂起、沪昆隆起、苏区振兴"区域发展总体战略.  相似文献   

随着生态城市、生态居住区及环境建设的发展,景观水体已经成为城市建设中不可缺少的组成部分。如何科学合理地配置水生植物,已经成为亟需解决的问题。本研究于2015年3—12月对重庆26个都市区景观水体以及3个近郊区湿地公园的水生植物进行了样地调查,其中都市区景观水体选取14个典型代表,通过景观质量指标和景观协调性指标对其进行景观评价,同时将相关指标与近郊区湿地公园进行对比。结果表明:研究区域内共有水生植物42种,分属于22科,主要以湿生植物和挺水植物为主,浮水和沉水植物应用较少。在都市区景观水体中,仅重庆大学和大渡口公园的时序多样性指数略高于观音塘湿地公园和爱莲湖湿地公园,其余景观水体指标均明显低于3个近郊区湿地公园。其中6个景观水体水生植物配置综合评价等级为中等及以上,8个景观水体的景观评价等级为差或极差。基于此,本研究分析了在景观水体水生植物应用过程中出现的问题,为进一步构建健康的景观水系统提供科学的理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

我国中央向地方政府、政府向市场经济的渐进分权,强化了地方政府社会经济的权限以应对激烈的竞争,但这种趋势在一定程度上使得政府间的政策选择阻碍区域发展。跨界管治强调打破各级政府间行政分割,促进要素和资源在区域层面的自由流动和优化配置,成为都市区治理的重要策略。现有研究关注跨区域、省域和市域的跨界管治,缺乏对都市区内部跨界管治与协调的关注。在长三角区域一体化背景下,宁波都市区外围地区呈现"离心化"趋势。如何降低都市区中心城与外围地区的行政区障碍,整合中心城区与外围地区的联系对都市区发展日益重要。在分析宁波都市区中心城与外围地区的跨界发展需求、管治协调机制和面临约束的基础上,提出促进都市区空间整合和协同发展的策略,包括建立中心城与次区域的规划体系和协调机制、构建多样化空间协调与互动发展模式、发挥社会资本项目带动与区域协调的作用。  相似文献   

广佛都市区交通网络发展及其多指标可达性演变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以1982、1995、2008、2020年为时间断面,回顾并展望了广佛都市区交通网络扩展情况,利用GIS手段,从最短空间距离可达性、最短时间距离可达性、吸引机会指数三个方面,研究广佛市区交通网络发展。结果表明:研究区内交通基础设施建设总体优良;最短空间距离的可达性格局由沿珠江北岸的带状分布,演变为以广州中心城区为核心的圈层结构;最短时间距离的可达性格局表现为以广州中心城区为低值中心向外围不规则圈层状增高,且呈交通主干道指向性;都市区内的最短旅行时间和最短旅行距离显著缩短,但三个时段的变化幅度逐渐减小;可达性的均衡性经历了低级相对均衡——不均衡——高级相对均衡的过程;吸引机会指数由单极集中转变为三大组团式发展,番禺区西部成为新热点;地形、路网、人口、经济、政府调控等多重因素共同影响了广佛都市区的可达性的格局演变。  相似文献   

邬晓霞  高博 《城市》2021,(2):3-11
高端制造业是北京发挥全国科技创新中心功能的重要载体.当前北京高端制造业呈现向周边新城和开发区拓展、向产业园区集聚的布局特征,北京各区和产业园区的发展方向较为清晰,京、津、冀三地高端制造业产业关联逐步形成.但仍然面临产业布局分散、园区间缺乏分工协作、尚未形成优势产业集群和配套产业体系以及协同发展格局尚不明确等问题.基于推...  相似文献   

适应两个根本性转变搞好技校与就业训练中心一体化运行宿迁市技工学校,宿迁市就业训练中心在企业实现由社会主义计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变和经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变的两个根本性转变过程中,宿迁市劳动局于1988年将就业训练中心与技工学校合...  相似文献   

新城建设与城市空间结构优化研究——以广州为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吴志勇  吕萌丽 《城市》2009,(4):41-45
一、引言 新城运动源自19世纪末E·霍华德的田园城市.是第二次世界大战以后为解决大城市过度拥挤和无序蔓延.发达国家在大都市区内规划建设具有一定规模和密度的新城市的运动。从新城运动的起源可以看出.建设新城最初和最主要的目标是疏散城市中心区人口.减轻中心区人口和住房压力.为快速增长的城市人口提供合适的就业和住房.降低大都市区的通勤压力.是大城市发展到一定阶段的产物。  相似文献   

张萌  宫媛  肖煜  马驰骋 《城市》2015,(6):66-69
都市区生态空间网络的构建是都市区内各个城市空间一体化和城乡统筹发展的重要内容。本文从宁夏大银川都市区独特的自然生态基底出发,以整个都市区为生态规划研究对象,提出不同于以往相对独立的生态城市规划实践的总体生态格局目标和理念;并结合大银川都市区的城乡发展进行了思考,从生态保护与生态建设指标体系的设立、生态空间骨架的搭建、生态要素的串联组织以及相应的政策保障措施等方面提出了构建宁夏大银川都市区生态空间网络的策略。  相似文献   

蒋丽 《城市观察》2014,(2):140-149
本文基于广州第二次经济普查中七类生活性服务行业就业人员数据,运用集中化指数、区位商和空间分析法对广州2008年生活性服务业空间分布进行研究。研究结果表明:广州生活性服务业主要集中在CBD,呈圈层蔓延至近郊,并在远郊城市副中心集聚,已经形成"一主五次"的生活性服务业空间结构,与广州城市空间布局现状和规划具有相似性;影响生活性服务业在广州城市空间分布的因素主要是人口、政府所在地和商业发展水平三因素;生活性服务业发展有力地促进城市中心蔓延,但对多中心城市发展的影响还不强。  相似文献   

The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC [Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional] classification), employment, and gender. For the 1990 and 2000 censuses, kinds of work, gender, and income are analyzed, and for the 2000 census, kinds of work, age, and gender are examined. Past employment trends developed from census data are further analyzed with respect to Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections through 2012. Implications for further research, employment policy, and career services are offered.  相似文献   

Portes and Zhou (1996) present evidence to suggest that self‐employment may impact the economic fortunes of immigrant groups by generating a relatively large number of very high earners. The present analysis seeks to extend and clarify the very high earner thesis using 1990 U.S. census data. Findings across 41 immigrant samples are generally consistent with expectations. However, in the majority of cases the effect of self‐employment is due in whole or substantial part to the earnings of professional specialists. Findings are consistent with a very high earner model of nonprofessional specialist self‐employment in eleven immigrant subsamples.  相似文献   

This article measures the extent of – and unrecorded income generated by – informal employment in a micro economy characterized by poor governance. Household survey and census data are used to estimate the number of informal workers in Northern Cyprus and analyse the characteristics of informal employment, for the period 2004–11. Informal workers are mostly comprised of citizens with no social security registration, illegally employed immigrants or second‐job holders who have not registered their second jobs. In terms of value added, the estimated size of the informal economy is 9.1 per cent and 12.2 per cent of GNP in 2006 and 2011, respectively.  相似文献   

Integrating family and child data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort with contextual data from the census, this study examined associations among maternal employment, aspects of communities related to child‐care supply and demand, and the early care and education arrangements of 4 year olds in Mexican‐origin, Black, and White families. Children with employed mothers were more likely to be in informal care arrangements than in early childhood education, regardless of racial/ethnic background. For children in Mexican‐origin families, selection into informal care over early childhood education was more likely in zip codes with greater demand for care as measured by higher female employment. Utilization of parent care versus early childhood education was also more likely for children in Mexican‐origin and Black families in zip codes with higher female employment. Constraints associated with maternal employment thus hindered children from enrolling in early childhood education, and community contexts posed challenges for some groups.  相似文献   

In recent years the increased participation of women in the Irish labour market and in tertiary education would appear to have placed them in an advantageous position to make use of the expanded opportunities in knowledge‐based occupations. Using occupational data from the 1996 and 2006 census this article examines the experience of women in high‐ and low‐skilled occupations. The data indicate that women are over‐represented in high‐skilled occupations relative to their overall participation rate in the labour force but there is also an increase in the proportion of women in low‐skilled occupations. The employment of women in high‐skilled occupations is substantially weaker in the private sector than the public sector. Public sector employment, we argue, is a crucial factor in the increased participation of women in high‐skilled occupations.  相似文献   

Self‐employment and work in sectors with high concentrations of owners and workers of the same ethnicity have been identified as potential routes of economic success for immigrants. This study uses 1990 census data to assess the effects of self‐employment, ethnic employment, and their interaction on the odds of being at work, on number of hours worked, and on earnings of individual members of several representative groups. These groups include Cubans in Miami; African Americans, Puerto Ricans, Koreans, Chinese and Dominicans in New York; and African Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Mexicans and Salvadorans in Los Angeles. Work in ethnic sectors of the economy has no consistent effects, although work in their niche in the public sector offers greater rewards than any other type of employment for African Americans and Puerto Ricans. Findings are mixed for self‐employment, and its estimated effect on earnings depends on model specification. We conclude that the self‐employed work longer hours but in many cases at lower hourly rates. The effects of self‐employment are the same in ethnic sectors as in the mainstream economy.  相似文献   

European debates on immigrant integration focus on employment because of its implications for assimilation. Although studies show that Sub‐Saharan African immigrants are most disadvantaged across Europe, cross‐national analyses do not examine labour force participation (LFP) or control for selection into the labour force before estimating employment, calling these results into question. Furthermore, studies rarely discuss visible minority status or gender making it unclear whether (1) country‐context matters for African LFP and employment and (2) visible minority status matters differently by gender. I use French and Spanish census data to determine whether Sub‐Saharan Africans are most disadvantaged in new and traditional receiving countries. My results indicate that country‐context matters, but previous employment findings likely reflect variation in LFP. Despite smaller penalties to migration characteristics in Spain, Sub‐Saharan African men are the only group significantly less likely to be employed in Spain, indicating that they experience unique barriers to job access.  相似文献   

Not all groups compete equally in the labor market. Here, we focus on women's competition with men for jobs. This competition assumes that women's employment is affected by men's, and vice versa. We use two statistics—female labor force participation and share—to uncover this competition. 1990 U.S. census data on 281 metropolitan statistical areas were analyzed using weighted least squares regression. Supply-side explanations of female labor activity (education, children, household headship, and government assistance) receive more support than demand-side explanations (poverty, industrial mix, and region). Evidence of competition along gender and race lines is found. Men's employment is buttressed in metropolitan areas by higher wages, less poverty, and more women with children. Welfare benefits (AFDC) and deindustrialization lower black women's employment, while only white women benefit from advanced education and a "feminized" occupational structure. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the Arab population in Israel has undergone important economic and social changes in the past decades, the labor force participation of Arab women, particularly married women, has remained limited. This study uses census data to learn about the individual and familial factors associated with the entry into paid work of married Arab women and examines the extent to which these factors have changed over time. A major advantage is that the study distinguishes between the Muslim, Christian, and Druze populations, who markedly differ in their demographic, social, and cultural characteristics. Results from logistic regression models and standardization analyses reveal that the growth in employment experienced by Arab women was associated with the increasing education of both wives and husbands. However, the returns to education significantly decreased over time, particularly among Druze women, suggesting it has become more difficult for highly educated women to find employment. Results further show that the growth in employment experienced by Muslim and Christian women was related both to a decline in fertility and to a decrease in the negative returns to having children. Overall, findings underscore the structural barriers that limit Arab Israeli women's employment opportunities and raise concerns about their future occupational prospects.  相似文献   

Data from the 1% 1980 Census Public Use Sample are used to estimate the determinants of employment and wage rates for out-of-school female youths residing in central cities. Separate analyses are performed for white/Anglo, black, and Hispanic youths. Independent variables include individual, family background, and local labor market characteristics. The authors find that central city female youths have employment and wage rates substantially below their male counterparts. Their employment rates, however, are responsive to many of the same forces as for other sociodemographic groups in general, and central city male youths in particular. For Anglo females, wage rates are also responsive to many of the effects found for other groups, although they do not follow Anglo male youths in gaining from the "minority threat" effect. On the other hand, the wages for minority females are unresponsive to the usual variables. That is, these workers receive the minimum wage in an essentially undifferentiated manner. Thus, the triple disadvantage of being female, minority, and from a poor household is very much in evidence within 1980 census data.  相似文献   

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