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雷郎才 《城市》2012,(1):26-29
《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)明确提出,要以广州佛山同城化为示范,积极稳妥地构建城市规划统筹协调、基础设施共建共享、产业发展合作共赢、公共事务协作管理的一体化发展格局,提升整体竞争力.要强化广佛同城效应,携领珠三角地区打造布局合理、功能完善、联系紧密的城市群.中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋指出,"实施《纲要》的突破口在于珠三角一体化发展,而珠三角一体化发展的突破口在于广佛同城化".上述要求为广佛同城化发展指明了方向和路径.广佛两市地缘相近,文化同源,人缘相亲,同城化既是两市人民共同的美好愿望,又是时代赋予的重大历史使命.广佛同城将责无旁贷地担当起携领珠三角一体化发展先行者的历史重任,担当起推动珠三角打造更具综合竞争力世界级城市群的重要角色.  相似文献   

一、双子星建设需要解决的三大问题 在广佛同城的大背景下,我们要谈桂城、芳村片区的建设,定位为双子星是很恰当的.芳村桂城片区,在我看来确实是广佛同城化的重要节点.在这样一个片区的发展过程中,要求两市的有关部门必须解决三大问题.  相似文献   

同城化背景下广佛的挑战与机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、珠三角一体化的必然路径 2008年12月,广佛同城化战略正式启动实施.但早在2005年,桂城就提出建设广佛RBD,到了2008年,我们牵动帮助南海做城市发展战略,也是基于广佛同城化这一大背景.所以整个南海对推动广佛同城化的热情非常高,尤其是南海,对其作为广佛桥头堡的定位把握得十分深刻,对自身的地理特质挖掘得很深,这个非常好.  相似文献   

一、芳村桂城片区现状概述 早在去年,广佛两地就已经划定了划定了五沙、新客站、芳村桂城、金沙洲、花都空港这五个同城化重点区域.在这五个同城化重点区域中,芳村桂城片区尤其引人关注,该片区不仅仅是广佛地域空间的几何中心,也是广佛同城化的中央地区,更是沟通广佛地区的主要交通枢纽,以及广佛互动的现代服务业集聚区.  相似文献   

转变经济发展方式有两个抓手,一个是城镇化战略,一个是都市圈发展的战略.珠江三角洲是中国三大城市群和经济圈之一,应不断创新,大力推进珠三角高水平的城镇化,并促进大珠江三角洲成为世界级都市圈.应以一条城市主轴和三个城市群支撑大珠三角都市圈的发展.大力推进广佛同城化,加强深港合作、珠澳合作.  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化的稳步推进,我国城市化发达地区出现了同城化发展的新趋势。在综述前人研究的基础上,重新定义了同城化概念内涵及其理论框架,并以广佛同城化为例,具体分析了同城化的基础、现状及存在的问题,实证检验了广佛同城化战略实施以来的要素集聚、扩散以及产业结构优化效应。研究发现:(1)同城化的实施强化了广佛在省内的经济比重,但在珠三角的份额变化不明显;(2)广州对佛山的公共服务和产业扩散效应不明显;(3)同城化对广佛两市产业结构优化具有负效应。最后提出了进一步推进广佛同城化的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

南站新城建设在珠三角区域经济一体化发展中的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州南站独特的地理位置使其成为广佛都市圈的中心地带,其服务辐射的范围可以覆盖整个珠三角和周边地区,为广佛同城化建设以至广佛肇经济圈内部协调和外部合作发展提供了重要基础.在其建设和发展中,如下若干因素必须引起高度重视:交通运输路线的合理布局与有效对接问题;利用高铁建设发展新兴产业的问题;现代服务业的优先发展问题;共谋商圈经济与旅游经济协调发展问题;交通基础设施服务功能的有效发挥问题;区域经济建设与环境保护的问题;从局部城乡一体化到整个区域经济一体化中的发展问题.  相似文献   

区域一体化与广佛都市圈产业体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许宁  吴玲玲 《城市观察》2009,1(1):126-135
区域一体化已成为许多地方政府实现经济发展与产业转型的主体战略,从2000年首次提出“广佛都市圈”概念到现在,广佛合作已经从单纯的基础设施对接迈向产业合作的新阶段。文章在分析广佛都市圈现状产业发展特点和存在问题的基础上,通过明晰区域产业分工演进规律,明确了未来广佛都市圈产业体系发展格局,提出了广佛都市圈产业体系构建的措施与建议。  相似文献   

广州、 佛山两个地处珠江三角洲的城市,经济社会发展走在广东省前列.在国家大力倡导区域合作背景下,强化广州佛山同城效应,推进广佛同城化建设,对于加快推进珠三角区域一体化发展,打造世界级城市群建设具有积极意义.  相似文献   

切实开展校企合作,建立校企间良好的合作机制,既是国际职教发展的成功经验,也是破解职业教育弊端的一剂良方。“校企合作”培养模式的实施,使企业与学校相互渗透,实现了校企双赢。中等职业学校要想在改革中求生存、谋发展,就必须走校企合作、工学结合的道路。  相似文献   

China's current social preferential treatment system for disabled veterans began in the war years and has developed during periods of peace. However, there are multiple barriers, such as decentralized cooperation between central and local governments, which prevent the state from providing effective welfare services. The establishment of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs can be seen as an effective attempt to resolve the decentralization of management, similar to relevant legislative work and establishing provincial-level institutions in local governments. This article focuses on how central and local governments attempt to break though the barriers to providing effective welfare services for disabled veterans in China and integrate decentralized responsibility to cooperate in the management system of welfare services for disabled veterans. The integration of welfare services and the rational use of social security as a platform can build a new mechanism of preferential treatment.  相似文献   

杨晔 《科学发展》2016,(12):74-84
在新的发展趋势下,无论是跨国公司还是上海本土企业,仅依靠企业内部资源进行高成本的创新活动,已难以适应快速发展的市场需求以及日益激烈的企业竞争.同时,无论是产业整合、要素分配、技术研发等,跨国公司、上海本土企业都需要在开放式的机制下进行合作.因此,未来跨国公司与本土企业的创新合作必须是"开放式创新"机制,跨国公司与本土企业的创新合作将会呈现:基于互联网的开放式、虚拟化趋势,这种开放式、虚拟化的创新网络能够帮助企业获得一些只有合作才能获得的全球科技资源.  相似文献   

在区域经济一体化背景下,城市区域化步伐不断加快。区域合作越来越成为新型城镇化道路的主导方向。同城化是一种实现良性区域合作的新型制度安排。依据同城化发展基本理论,南京、镇江、扬州(简称宁镇扬)地区在区位条件、人文背景等方面已具备同城化的生成条件;宁镇扬同城化发展得到来自市场力量和政府力量等制度方面的巨大支持。  相似文献   

盛久元 《科学发展》2011,(11):31-35
台湾高新技术产业以其良好的发展势头,成为上海引进世界先进技术与管理经验的重要载体和桥梁,促进了上海产业调整、结构升级,在上海城市产业发展中占据重要地位。同时,上海在长三角地区、海西地区和成渝经济区吸引台商竞争中既占有独特优势,也面临不可回避的挑战。上海应采取优化两岸金融合作政策和人才政策、完善项目扶持制度和服务台商的工作机制、设立专项引导基金和加强对台交流的机制性平台等措施来优化台商投资环境、把握对台经贸发展趋势。  相似文献   

The role of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in the field of development cooperation has globally increased in last decades. International and regional organizations, as well as states, local governments and NGOs have largely adopted the tools provided by M&E in order to enhance transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. The paper aims at verifying how and to what extent the implementation of M&E systems has affected the overall quality of international cooperation projects financed by a local government. After a literature review on M&E in development cooperation, the research analyzes the wide range of activities (evaluation ex-ante, mid-term, final, monitoring, consultancy) carried out by the Evaluation Team of the XY in the last eight years in behalf of an Italian local government: the Region of Tuscany. The paper reveals the strategic significance of adopting M&E systems in the medium-long term.  相似文献   

中阿在石油和石化工业领域的合作起步虽晚,但发展较快展望未来,机遇和挑战并存,特别是在当前世界经济一体化及西方将其经济、文化观和强权政治强加于其他国家的形势下,中阿必须协调双方立场,认真研究能源方面的合作,更好地应对所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Abstract There is limited recent research on the strategies that rural local governments are employing in the face of changing intergovernmental relationships, especially in relation to local economic development. This paper draws on data from a survey of local governments in the Ohio River Valley Region that includes a mix of localities on the urban‐rural continuum, to empirically address three issues. First, we examined the extent to which county governments have undertaken local economic development initiatives as well as other, extra‐economic activities designed to improve community well‐being. Second, we assessed the extent to which rural county governments vary from urban counties in their activities and available resources. Finally, we employed logistic regression models of factors associated with use of development strategies to determine the relationship between rurality and local development policy activities. The results show that rural counties are less likely than urban counties to undertake various economic development activities, with observed urban‐rural differences largely attributable to county socioeconomic disadvantages, such as poverty and education.  相似文献   

人才合作是京津冀一体化进程中的一项重要内容,文章立足于当前京津冀人才一体化的现实趋势,提出了在京津冀人才合作的进程中张家口市人才发展的对策。  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(2):247-258
This study examines the digital divide in rural Jiangsu, one of the most developed areas in China. First, it reveals that only a small portion of rural enterprises have access to the Internet, and the penetration rate of the Internet in rural enterprises of China is much lower than that in urban enterprises revealed by previous studies. Second, a significant digital divide exists between Southern Jiangsu on the one hand and Middle and Northern Jiangsu on the other hand. Indeed, the Internet penetration rate in Zhangjiagang is very close to that in urban enterprises. Thirdly, this study finds that large and old enterprises are more likely to have access to the Internet. Fourthly, Internet access demonstrates very strong and positive relationships with enterprises’ economic and innovative performance, though it is not clear whether or not the better performance at rural enterprises with Internet access comes from their usage of the Internet. The implication of the study is that governments should promote Internet usage among rural enterprises.  相似文献   

In this interview, Catalina Hinchey Trujillo, head of the Gender Unit of the UN's Habitat program, describes Habitat as a think-tank that helps formulate and promote urban policies. The first mandate of the Gender Unit is to ensure that Habitat incorporates a clear gender perspective in its policies, programs, projects, and activities and, thus, addresses the real needs of urban populations. The major problems facing poor women in Africa include achieving equal inheritance rights and rights to own land and property. Women also face problems when houses designed by men are too small to accommodate them and when zoning laws are inappropriate. In Asia, women are fighting mass evictions and seeking credit for businesses. In Latin America, women suffer from the feminization of poverty caused by structural adjustment policies that have ignored the notion that economic development should be subordinate to human development. Throughout the world, people fail to realize that space is a gendered issue. If women were involved in the design and planning or maintenance of cities, the nature of cities would change drastically. The upcoming Habitat II Conference will represent the first UN conference where nongovernmental organizations and local governments will have a voice and a vote in the actual conference. At this conference, concrete actions will be approved and delegated to national and local governments with an agreed upon schedule for reaching goals. The success of the conference will depend upon the degree to which different interest groups apply pressure to forward their issues.  相似文献   

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