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In this article I describe aspects of coaching concerning dual leadership in public administration. I will discuss organisational culture in public administration. Afterwards I emphasize on challenges for leaders and managers who will deal with change of corporate culture. At last I present a map of concepts dealing with coaching of dual leadership which will create insight for the clients for the challenges of their daily work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung:  Der Beitrag beschreibt die Einbettung des 360-Grad-Feedbacks in ein Programm der Führungskr?fteentwicklung. 360-Grad-Feedback ist eine Voraussetzung für die systematische Kompetenzentwicklung der Führungskr?fte eines Unternehmens. Darüber hinaus k?nnen die Entwicklungs- und Lernm?glichkeiten, die ein individuelles Coaching bietet, durch ein vorheriges 360-Grad-Feedback optimiert werden. Die bei ThyssenKrupp Services mit dem F?rderprogramm „best-for-best“ gesammelten Erfahrungen zeigen deutlich, dass die Kombination von einem 360-Grad-Feedback mit gezielten Coaching-Angeboten ein echtes Erfolgsmodell darstellt.
Danièle SchwarzEmail:

In this contribution we propose a novel approach for the simulation-based design of steel manufacturing systems. We name it Value-oriented Simulation. It combines Riebel??s Generic Direct Costing with Discrete-Event Simulation. The two models are coupled by the quantity structure, which incorporates consumption functions for a technically founded calculation of energy consumption behavior. The approach is compared with a classical Discrete-Event Simulation and a Cost Simulation in a real-world setting of a German steel manufacturer. The results show that the approaches lead to different and conflicting evaluations of the logistics processes. Value-oriented Simulation provides a more accurate and technically founded decision-support. Furthermore, it reveals the benefits that a value-oriented control of logistics processes can generate in a real-world setting. All in all, Value-oriented Simulation constitutes an important methodical development for the design of steel manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

Trust has been shown as a crucial factor for the adoption of new technologies. Surprisingly, trust literature offers very little guidance for systematically integrating the vast amount of behavioral trust results into the development of computing systems. The aim of this article is to develop a method for deriving trust supporting components for ubiquitous computing systems. The method is used to derive four trust supporting components for a ubiquitous restaurant recommendation system. Afterwards, the system is evaluated using a laboratory experiment with 166 undergraduate students. The results show that the users’ trust as well as their intention to use the system could be significantly increased. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article developing and evaluating a method for systematically integrating the behavioral trust results into the development of a computing system and its value.  相似文献   

In the article the author refers to his first paper reviewing 22 empirical studies in the field of executive coaching (cf. OSC 12, 3, 2005). Furthermore eight new studies are presented and existing research is critically analyzed. As a result implications for further research are suggested. Though the body of empirical research is still sparse and most of the reported studies had severe limitations, they provide evidence that coaching works. Access to the field of executive coaching is considered difficult for researchers but will be crucial for future research. It is hypothesized that conventional research focusing on average and not on individual changes is perceived neither helpful nor useful by practitioners. To meet practitioners’ needs, a client focused research is advocated.  相似文献   

Wirksamkeitsforschung im Führungskräfte-Coaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Research on the outcomes of executive coachingThe author presents a review comparing 22 research papers published in German or English on the outcomes and factors influencing the outcomes of executive coaching. The variety of methods applied, factors leading to success, criteria of success as well as the perspectives that were established makes it difficult to carry out a comparison of these studies especially considering the small number of the studies. Moreover, many of the studies suffer from methodological flaws and miss depth of theoretical background. Overall, a positive picture emerges: Coaching seems to have a considerable effect. Clients report feelings of a burden being taken away from them. They develop a capacity to look at things differently, they improve their skills of reflection, communication and of carrying out executive tasks. Their interventions become more efficient and help their companies to increase their profit. Factors leading to this success seem to be the working relationship, the elaborate formulation of aims, the way of reaching these aims, the qualification, the commitment and the authenticity of the coach as well as the coach’s appropriate use of different techniques.  相似文献   

In this text a point of view is criticized, which the researchers and consultants Mirko Zwack, Audirs Muraitis an Jochen Schweitzer-Rothers argue for in their article published in OSC 4/2011. They say, a personal appreciation cannot be expected in organizations. This text holds the opposite point of view: Without mutual appreciation neither an organization cannot functioning well nor members can be satisfied. Such appreciating construction of reality in organizations needs to integrate knowledge according of ethics, happiness, organization as an interacting system, power and play.  相似文献   

An important goal of the Bologna Process is the improvement of employability. Universities are required to develop courses for the acquisition of key competences. The Department of Business and Management at Bochum University of Applied Sciences has developed an extensive training program for that offers an introduction to the methods “mentoring”, “coaching” and “group dynamics” to the participants. The acquired skills can be put into practise immediately by mentoring new students.  相似文献   

The author describes the use of psychoanalytic concepts in coaching work. At first, the classical issue of transference and its modern forms will be discussed, later the classical issue of countertransference and its modern forms. Finally, the author presents two case studies on transference and countertransference in coaching work.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the reasons for reactance in enterprise change processes. To understand the personal reasons for the resistance, one has to look at the personality of a person. The PSI theory explains the functional systems responsible for how one perceives the world, how one thinks, feels and acts. The knowledge gained from this theory can be realized into good self-management using the ZRM method, which incorporates all the needs, preferences, abilities and values of a person.  相似文献   

The current article deals with experiences in supervising volunteers in the refugee sector. The work in this field has some particularities. It operates between two extreme poles: enormous gratitude for this work on the one hand and threats against supervisors on the other. The author puts forward his thesis that we have to deal with a new generation of volunteers. Supervision has limitations, and organizational consulting can provide useful support in order to manage the work of volunteers optimally.  相似文献   

Quantitative decision models are used only if managers’ implementation conditions are met. Decision makers want tools that offer a set of good solutions so that they can evaluate different solutions according to various objectives without being forced to make their trade-offs explicit in a functional form. This also allows taking into account strategic aspects that cannot be modeled otherwise. In such situations, heuristics are needed which derive solutions from the structure and not so much from the mathematical properties. We present such a decision support tool for the problem of determining a menu of optional tariffs for checking accounts. The heuristic is based on the idea that for reasonably separable preferences across segments it is the best to offer for each segment the most preferred product. We use latent class choice-based conjoint analysis to estimate customer preferences and develop a customized choice-based conjoint design to take differences in individual demand into account. The proposed heuristic was used to support an actual decision problem for which the profit contribution has been increased substantially without having faced a considerable loss of customers.  相似文献   

To asses six different leadership styles we employed a questionnaire during the development center in a manufacturing firm. Analysing the questionnaire indicates its reliability, scalability, economy, usefulness and fairness. An explorative factor analysis supports the factorial validity. A content analysis provides evidence that the transformational leadership style is perceived as the most positive and the authoritarian leadership style as the most negative one. Furthermore, we found transformational leadership style positively correlated with an aggregated measure for the competence extraversion.  相似文献   

E-Commerce sales have been constantly rising over the past years. Among the reasons for this trend are advantages such as reduced search costs and low transaction costs for the buyer. A disadvantage of online shopping is that customers cannot inspect the product they buy online. In Germany, customers are entitled to get full refund when withdrawing from any distance selling. Customers can withdraw from a contract within two weeks without any explanation. Many retailers in the USA do not refund the full price to the customer in case of product return and charge restocking fees. A reason for such a restrictive return policy is the reduction of opportunistic product returns. In this paper, the authors compare prices in online-shops for identical products in the USA and Germany. The comparison shows that the alleged consumer protection achieved by a legal prohibition of restocking fees leads to higher average prices for electronic products in Germany.  相似文献   

Dreams in Coaching. A case study and a guide for dialogues on dreamsAn approach to dreams is offered, that invites consultant into working with dreams even if they are not trained as psychologists. Through an intuitive and creative dialogue with images the consultant as well as the client come into a dialogue with their unconscious perceptions of the development. While discussing the process of a specific case it will be shown how working with dreams helps to understand, to shape, and to control. Hereby it will be illustrated how the consultant can do it and how things relate to each other. Finally an guide for dialogues on dreams describes useful attitudes, questions and experiments in working with dreams.  相似文献   

Coaching has become an integral part of systematic management development. This article describes the successful implementation of an individual coaching as an essential element in a leadership development program, that is based on the author’s practical experience. Moreover, the article presents the conceptual framework of the development program, the understanding of coaching and the underlying process. Effective internal marketing, transparency about the coaching process and an emphasis on voluntary compliance are emerging as success factors for the sustainable establishment of the coaching offer.  相似文献   

Supervision is a central domain of professional education and clinical practice. Supervisiors features for qualification as well as formal training and standards have been largely neglected. In this article, the proposals of different psychotherapeutic societies concerning the features for qualification were discussed. Additionally some training concepts were presented. Suggestions for future development in this area are addressed, including the need to refine further and operationalized competences, develop expectations for accreditation and lizensure regarding supervision competencies.  相似文献   

This text answers to the critique by Ferdinand Buer on our article ??The Function of the Lack of Appreciation in Organizations??. Those who just read Buer??s text might get an impression of our point of view that was neither articulated nor intended by the authors. Therefore possible misunderstandings are corrected. Furthermore an understanding of organizations that expects paradoxes as normal is promoted.  相似文献   

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