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According to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technology 25 % of all start-ups fail within their first three years. A third of the team managed start-ups fail not because of classical management errors but due to conflicts within the management team. This article aims to pinpoint the reasons behind team conflicts that jeopardize corporations and to illustrate their course by utilizing the psychodynamic concept of collusion relationship (Jürg Willi), adapted from couple therapy. Using anonymized cases, the article will classify characteristic types of collusion and describe possible ways out of these conflicts.  相似文献   

From controlling in parish advisory to controlling in church parishesThe author describes an internal controlling in a parish advisory organisation. He describes the various steps and the process of changing in the different committees involved, which lead to a changing in team advisory. From this he derives points of view to be considered when developing and implementing quality standards and controlling in the work with volunteers in parishes.  相似文献   

Coaches are currently coming under enhanced competitive pressure. As a result, an increasing number of tools is emerging which are intended to serve as indicators of augmented professional expertise. Facing this development, a contrary assumption is submitted: tools are indicative of, but not necessarily equivalent to quality. Tools therefore need to be involved in a broader frame of reference. The present paper describes and explains this frame of reference and the related classifications. The first step is to consider the question of whether obtaining knowledge of as many tools as possible is sufficient to perform successful coaching. Secondly, guiding principles for the coach are outlined which may serve as a code of conduct while representing the frame of reference at the same time. Thirdly, this approach is directly linked to the model of the four cardinal virtues (prudence, fortitude, justice and temperance) and scrutinized for the results that might be obtained by the coach at work. Finally, supplements to current professional trainings are proposed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In Auseinandersetzung mit einer jüngst von Horst Albach ge?u?erten Auffassung von Betriebswirtschaftslehre ohne Unternehmensethik wird eine gegenteilige Auffassung entwickelt. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Glaube an die reinigenden Marktkr?fte eine ?konomistische Fiktion darstellt und mithin eine Ethik ohne Moral, d.h. ohne bewusst ethisch agierende Personen, unhaltbar ist. Stattdessen werden Anforderungen erkennbar, die als eine Richtschnur für die Entwicklung unternehmensethischer Perspektiven zu verstehen sind.
Management without business ethics? On the failure of ethics without morality
Summary  Recently, Horst Albach developed an ethical approach which identifies management science being inherently ethical. This paper offers an alternative view. We examine how a pure market driven understanding of business ethics leads to questionable positions and logical contradictions. Therefore we propose a business ethics with morality which includes people, acting from ethically reflected grounds. Additionally, we define requirements to be fulfilled when developing business ethics within management science.

By means of two case studies the special dynamics of family enterprises’ organizational development is explained, focusing on the phases of handover. Thereby it is shown how family dynamics determine the understanding and the behaviour of those involved. Advisors in this field have to know the diverse rules and dynamics of both social systems: family and enterprises. These networks demand sensitive and equal management.  相似文献   

In this article a single supervisory process is presented during a period of five meetings. Starting point is the consultation of a teacher regarding decision making. In the future this teacher assumes the place of an acting head mistress. The author describes the influence of the changed role in the vocational field of the client on the way of the consultation and the role of the coach.  相似文献   

 在当前复杂和快速变革的环境中,创造力对组织获取竞争优势至关重要。作为与创造力相关联的重要因素,研究者们对于领导行为对创造力的作用保持了长期的关注。反馈不仅是领导者日常行为的重要组成部分之一,也是组织中常用的激励和行为矫正工具。        以自我效能理论和关系认同理论为基础,从领导和组织成员互动视角,探讨上级发展性反馈对组织成员创造力的影响及其内在机制。采用问卷调查方法,通过3阶段分时序方式,收集来自某综合性重点大学所属科研团队的442位科研人员及其领导的配对数据,运用层次回归和Bootstrap方法进行数据分析和假设验证。        研究结果表明,①上级发展性反馈正向影响组织成员创造力;②创新自我效能部分中介上级发展性反馈与组织成员创造力之间的关系;③组织成员对领导的关系认同感调节上级发展性反馈与创新自我效能之间的关系,并进一步调节创新自我效能在上级发展性反馈与组织成员创造力之间的中介作用,即当组织成员对领导的关系认同感高时创新自我效能的中介作用显著,而当关系认同感低时创新自我效能的中介作用不显著。        研究结果在一定程度上扩展了对于领导反馈与创造力间关系的理解,丰富了上级发展性反馈影响创造力的内在机制的探索,发现了上级发展性反馈影响组织成员创造力的重要边界之一,也一定程度上丰富了关系认同理论的运用范围,领导者可以通过提供发展性反馈以及与组织成员建立良好的关系来促进其创造力。  相似文献   

This study investigates the underlying mechanism between supervisor undermining and employee submissive behavior by proposing and testing a serial mediation moderation model. We suggest shame and selfcriticism as an explanatory mechanism between supervisor undermining and submissive behavior, and employee resilience as a coping mechanism between feelings of shame and self-criticism. We employed Shame Resilience Theory to explain the proposed model that states how supervisor undermining triggers shame among victim subordinates, which turns into self-criticism and ultimately manifests as submissive behaviors. We tested our proposed model on 251 responses from service sector employees in a time-lagged (four intervals) design. We examined different alternative models to test the serial mediation model. The results proved that supervisor undermining leads to employee submissive behavior and shame, and self-criticism serially mediates this relationship. The moderation hypothesis was also proved. Limitations and future research directions along with theoretical and practical implications are given at the end.  相似文献   

金融回报的厚尾性表明极端事件发生的概率要远远高于通常的正态分布假设.多头期货持有者对于如何适时监控极端事件的风险较为敏感.本文以郑州小麦商品期货为例,希望借助于极值理论的三种模型来选择最合适于多方的条件极值适时监控模型.  相似文献   

The process of attaining a doctorate is influenced by paradoxes. Who ever gets involved in it must learn to manage this process independently and to overcome the arising crises and challenges. Coaching for doctoral students is the result of a didactical concept in higher education with the goal to professionalize consultation in the graduation phase and to establish an institutional support structure.  相似文献   

We evaluated a strategy for making highly nonpreferred work duties more preferred as a potential means of enhancing work enjoyment among supervisors in a human service setting. Repeated preference ratings and rankings were completed by 4 supervisors during baseline to identify their most disliked work tasks. These tasks were then altered by soliciting each supervisor's opinion regarding why the respective task was so disliked and what could be done to make the task more preferable, removing disliked stimuli associated with the tasks, and adding liked stimuli during completion of the tasks. Following the task alterations, ratings of task likeability increased for all 4 supervisors. Preference rankings of target tasks also increased, including from rankings as among the least preferred tasks to among the most preferred tasks. All supervisors rated the task-alteration process as making their quality of work life better, and all chose to continue the intervention. These results occurred without any observed decrease in work quality. Results are discussed regarding the potential contribution of behavioral interventions with subjective concepts, such as enjoyment, that are viewed as important by the general populace. However, qualifications with relying on verbal reports also are noted.  相似文献   

中国上市公司监事会治理绩效评价与实证研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
本文在对现有监事会评价理论与实践回顾基础上,结合中国自身环境条件及改革进程,设计了中国上市公司监事会治理绩效评价指标体系,并且利用调研数据,对上市公司监事会治理水平进行了评价与实证研究。结果显示,监事会治理总体水平较低,不同行业、不同企业性质之间的治理水平存在着很大差别,大股东的持股比例亦对监事会治理的有效性具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Due to growing work-family demands, supervisors need to effectively exhibit family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB). Drawing on social support theory and using data from two samples of lower wage workers, the authors develop and validate a measure of FSSB, defined as behaviors exhibited by supervisors that are supportive of families. FSSB is conceptualized as a multidimensional superordinate construct with four subordinate dimensions: emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management. Results from multilevel confirmatory factor analyses and multilevel regression analyses provide evidence of construct, criterion-related, and incremental validity. The authors found FSSB to be significantly related to work-family conflict, work-family positive spillover, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions over and above measures of general supervisor support.  相似文献   

通过设定一个虚拟的员工可能针对上级提出预防性建言的背景,考察了此背景下领导-下属交换关系和员工主动性对员工对上级防御沉默的影响.研究结果表明,领导-下属交换关系会显著降低防御沉默;员工主动性对防御沉默的影响不显著;员工主动性会调节领导-下属交换关系和防御沉默之间的关系.此外,当员工主动性较高时,领导-下属交换关系和防御沉默的负向关系更强.研究结论丰富了员工建言和员工沉默的相关理论,也有利于企业采取针对性措施降低员工对上级的防御沉默.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Despite their prominence and popularity, pay-for-performance systems are often an area of controversy within an agency. Getting employees more engaged in the...  相似文献   

The author presents an evaluation report based on the accompanying consultation process of the project ?Families need fathers – an experimental project aimed at strengthening paternal competence with regard to pregnancy and parenthood”. Within the protected sphere of supervision the counsellors are confronted with the challenge of developing their role as counsellor of fathers-to-be in a field of consultation in which women predominate. The process of reflection serves to facilitate a professional exchange of ideas as well as helping to develop a mutual, cooperative understanding of the role of the counsellor, thus providing a common framework to reflect the individual situations.  相似文献   

This study explores Leader–Member Exchange Theory (LMX Theory), which theorizes when leaders and followers have good exchanges or high quality effective LMX relationships, they share mutual trust, feel better, accomplish more, and the overall unit performance within organization is enhanced. The specific focus of this study is on whether high-quality leader member exchange is positively related to job satisfaction, which can lead to positive outcomes for organizations and ultimately provide organizations the solution to remaining competitive in this new economy. The findings were discussed from the perspective of the advantages available to organizations relative to the many positive organizational outcomes that result from high-quality effective LMX and individual job satisfaction for employees.  相似文献   

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