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In this paper we present a "model free' method of outlier detection for Gaussian time series by using the autocorrelation structure of the time series. We also present a graphic diagnostic method in order to distinguish an additive outlier (AO) from an innovation outlier (IO). The test statistic for detecting the outlier has a χ ² distribution with one degree of freedom. We show that this method works well when the time series contain either one type of the outliers or both additive and innovation type outliers, and this method has the advantage that no time series model needs to be estimated from the data. Simulation evidence shows that different types of outliers can be graphically distinguished by using the techniques proposed.  相似文献   

The Zero-inflated Poisson distribution has been used in the modeling of count data in different contexts. This model tends to be influenced by outliers because of the excessive occurrence of zeroes, thus outlier identification and robust parameter estimation are important for such distribution. Some outlier identification methods are studied in this paper, and their applications and results are also presented with an example. To eliminate the effect of outliers, two robust parameter estimates are proposed based on the trimmed mean and the Winsorized mean. Simulation results show the robustness of our proposed parameter estimates.  相似文献   

An outlier is defined as an observation that is significantly different from the others in its dataset. In high-dimensional regression analysis, datasets often contain a portion of outliers. It is important to identify and eliminate the outliers for fitting a model to a dataset. In this paper, a novel outlier detection method is proposed for high-dimensional regression problems. The leave-one-out idea is utilized to construct a novel outlier detection measure based on distance correlation, and then an outlier detection procedure is proposed. The proposed method enjoys several advantages. First, the outlier detection measure can be simply calculated, and the detection procedure works efficiently even for high-dimensional regression data. Moreover, it can deal with a general regression, which does not require specification of a linear regression model. Finally, simulation studies show that the proposed method behaves well for detecting outliers in high-dimensional regression model and performs better than some other competing methods.  相似文献   

This paper studies outlier detection for multilevel models. Approximate formulae for outlier detection in estimating both fixed and random parameters under the mean-shift outlier model are derived, and a test for multiple outliers is proposed. These results can be used to detect outlier units at any levels. Detection of outlier units related to random parts is also studied. Analysis of an example shows that the proposed method is effective in identifying outliers in multilevel models.  相似文献   

We provide a method for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification using the mean-shift outlier model. The procedure consists of two steps: the first step is to identify potential outliers, and the second step is to perform all possible subset regressions for the mean-shift outlier model containing the potential outliers identified in step 1. This procedure is helpful for model selection while simultaneously considering outlier identification, and can be used to identify multiple outliers. In addition, we can evaluate the impact on the regression model of simultaneous omission of variables and interesting observations. In an example, we provide detailed output from the R system, and compare the results with those using posterior model probabilities as proposed by Hoeting et al. [Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 22 (1996), pp. 252-270] for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification.  相似文献   

The presence of outliers would inevitably lead to distorted analysis and inappropriate prediction, especially for multiple outliers in high-dimensional regression, where the high dimensionality of the data might amplify the chance of an observation or multiple observations being outlying. Noting that the detection of outliers is not only necessary but also important in high-dimensional regression analysis, we, in this paper, propose a feasible outlier detection approach in sparse high-dimensional linear regression model. Firstly, we search a clean subset by use of the sure independence screening method and the least trimmed square regression estimates. Then, we define a high-dimensional outlier detection measure and propose a multiple outliers detection approach through multiple testing procedures. In addition, to enhance efficiency, we refine the outlier detection rule after obtaining a relatively reliable non-outlier subset based on the initial detection approach. By comparison studies based on Monte Carlo simulation, it is shown that the proposed method performs well for detecting multiple outliers in sparse high-dimensional linear regression model. We further illustrate the application of the proposed method by empirical analysis of a real-life protein and gene expression data.  相似文献   

The problem of outliers in statistical data has attracted many researchers for a long time. Consequently, numerous outlier detection methods have been proposed in the statistical literature. However, no consensus has emerged as to which method is uniformly better than the others or which one is recommended for use in practical situations. In this article, we perform an extensive comparative Monte Carlo simulation study to assess the performance of the multiple outlier detection methods that are either recently proposed or frequently cited in the outlier detection literature. Our simulation experiments include a wide variety of realistic and challenging regression scenarios. We give recommendations on which method is superior to others under what conditions.  相似文献   

Outlier detection plays an important role in the pre-treatment of sequential datasets to obtain pure valuable data. This paper proposes an outlier detection scheme for dynamical sequential datasets. First, the conception of forward outlier factor(FOF) and backward outlier factor(BOF) are employed to measure an object’s similarity shared with its sequentially adjacent objects. The object that shows no similarity with its sequential neighbors is labeled as suspicious outliers, which will be treated subsequently to judge whether it is really an outlier in the dataset. Second, the sequentially adjacent suspicious outliers are defined as suspicious outlier series(SOS), then the expected path representing the ideal transition path through the suspicious outliers in the SOS and the measured path representing the real path through all the objects in the SOS are employed, and the ratio of the length of the expected path to that of the measured path indicates whether there exist outliers in the SOS. Third, in the case that there exist outliers in the SOS, if there are N suspicious outliers in the SOS, then 2N ? 2 remaining path will be generated by removing k(0 < k < N) suspicious outliers and sequentially connecting the remaining ones. The dynamical sequential outlier factor(DSOF) is employed to represent the ratio of the length of measured path of the considered remaining path to the that of the the expected path of the corresponding SOS, and the degree of the objects removed in a remaining path being outliers is indicated by the DSOF. The proposed outlier detection scheme is conducted from a dynamical perspective, and breaks the tight relation between being an outlier and being not similar with adjacent objects. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, and the experimental results verify that the proposed scheme has higher detection quality for sequential dataset. In addition, the proposed outlier detection scheme is not dependent on the size of dataset and needs no prior information about the distribution of the data.  相似文献   

The use of logistic regression modeling has seen a great deal of attention in the literature in recent years. This includes all aspects of the logistic regression model including the identification of outliers. A variety of methods for the identification of outliers, such as the standardized Pearson residuals, are now available in the literature. These methods, however, are successful only if the data contain a single outlier. In the presence of multiple outliers in the data, which is often the case in practice, these methods fail to detect the outliers. This is due to the well-known problems of masking (false negative) and swamping (false positive) effects. In this article, we propose a new method for the identification of multiple outliers in logistic regression. We develop a generalized version of standardized Pearson residuals based on group deletion and then propose a technique for identifying multiple outliers. The performance of the proposed method is then investigated through several examples.  相似文献   

Support vector machine (SVM) is sparse in that its classifier is expressed as a linear combination of only a few support vectors (SVs). Whenever an outlier is included as an SV in the classifier, the outlier may have serious impact on the estimated decision function. In this article, we propose a robust loss function that is convex. Our learning algorithm is more robust to outliers than SVM. Also the convexity of our loss function permits an efficient solution path algorithm. Through simulated and real data analysis, we illustrate that our method can be useful in the presence of labeling errors.  相似文献   

The presence of contamination often called outlier is a very common attribute in data. Among other causes, outliers in a homoscedastic model make the model heteroscedastic. Moreover, outliers distort diagnostic tools for heteroscedasticity such that it may not be correctly identified. In this article, we show how outliers affect heteroscedasticity diagnostics. We then proposed a robust procedure for detecting heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers by robustifying the non-robust component of the Goldfeld–Quandt (GQ) test. The performance of the proposed procedure is examined using simulation experiment and real data sets. The proposed procedure offers great improvement where the conventional GQ and other procedures fail.  相似文献   

Outlier detection is fundamental to statistical modelling. When there are multiple outliers, many traditional approaches in use are stepwise detection procedures, which can be computationally expensive and ignore stochastic error in the outlier detection process. Outlier detection can be performed by a heteroskedasticity test. In this article, a rapid outlier detection method via multiple heteroskedasticity test based on penalized likelihood approaches is proposed to handle these kinds of problems. The proposed method detects the heteroskedasticity of all data only by one step and estimate coefficients simultaneously. The proposed approach is distinguished from others in that a rapid modelling approach uses a weighted least squares formulation coupled with nonconvex sparsity-including penalization. Furthermore, the proposed approach does not need to construct test statistics and calculate their distributions. A new algorithm is proposed for optimizing penalized likelihood functions. Favourable theoretical properties of the proposed approach are obtained. Our simulation studies and real data analysis show that the newly proposed methods compare favourably with other traditional outlier detection techniques.  相似文献   

For high-dimensional data, it is a tedious task to determine anomalies such as outliers. We present a novel outlier detection method for high-dimensional contingency tables. We use the class of decomposable graphical models to model the relationship among the variables of interest, which can be depicted by an undirected graph called the interaction graph. Given an interaction graph, we derive a closed-form expression of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic and an exact distribution for efficient simulation of the test statistic. An observation is declared an outlier if it deviates significantly from the approximated distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. We demonstrate the use of the LRT outlier detection framework on genetic data modeled by Chow–Liu trees.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of high dimension, low sample size data analysis, there has not been enough attention to the sample integrity issue, in particular, a possibility of outliers in the data. A new outlier detection procedure for data with much larger dimensionality than the sample size is presented. The proposed method is motivated by asymptotic properties of high-dimensional distance measures. Empirical studies suggest that high-dimensional outlier detection is more likely to suffer from a swamping effect rather than a masking effect, thus yields more false positives than false negatives. We compare the proposed approaches with existing methods using simulated data from various population settings. A real data example is presented with a consideration on the implication of found outliers.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influences of additive outliers on financial durations. An outlier test statistic and an outlier detection procedure are proposed to detect and estimate outlier effects for the logarithmic Autoregressive Conditional Duration (Log-ACD) model. The proposed test statistic has an exact sampling distribution and performs very well, in terms of size and power, in a series of Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the test statistic is robust to several alternative distribution assumptions. An empirical application shows that parameter estimates without considering outliers tend to be biased.  相似文献   

Summary. Semiparametric mixed models are useful in biometric and econometric applications, especially for longitudinal data. Maximum penalized likelihood estimators (MPLEs) have been shown to work well by Zhang and co-workers for both linear coefficients and nonparametric functions. This paper considers the role of influence diagnostics in the MPLE by extending the case deletion and subject deletion analysis of linear models to accommodate the inclusion of a nonparametric component. We focus on influence measures for the fixed effects and provide formulae that are analogous to those for simpler models and readily computable with the MPLE algorithm. We also establish an equivalence between the case or subject deletion model and a mean shift outlier model from which we derive tests for outliers. The influence diagnostics proposed are illustrated through a longitudinal hormone study on progesterone and a simulated example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the alternative outlier model of Thompson [A note on restricted maximum likelihood estimation with an alternative outlier model, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 47 (1985), pp. 53–55] for detecting outliers in the linear model. Gumedze et al. [A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model, Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 54 (2010), pp. 2128–2144] called this model the variance shift outlier model (VSOM). The basic idea behind the VSOM is to detect observations with inflated variance and isolate them for further investigation. The VSOM is appealing because it downweights an outlier in the analysis, with the weighting determined automatically as part of the estimation procedure. We set up the VSOM as a linear mixed model and then use the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic as an objective measure for determining whether the weighting is required, i.e. whether the observation is an outlier. We also derived one-step updates of the variance parameter estimates based on observed, expected and average information matrices to obtain one-step LRT statistics which usually require less computation. Both the fully iterated and one-step LRTs are functions of the squared standard residuals from the null model and therefore can be computed directly without the need to fit the VSOM. We investigated the properties of the likelihood ratio tests and compare them. An extension of the model to detect a group of outliers is also given. We illustrate the proposed methodology using simulated datasets and a real dataset.  相似文献   

This paper studies the outlier detection and robust variable selection problem in the linear regression model. The penalized weighted least absolute deviation (PWLAD) regression estimation method and the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) are combined to simultaneously achieve outlier detection, and robust variable selection. An iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed optimization problem. Monte Carlo studies are evaluated the finite-sample performance of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the finite sample performance of the proposed methods performs better than that of the existing methods when there are leverage points or outliers in the response variable or explanatory variables. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze two real datasets.  相似文献   

The boxplot is an effective data-visualization tool useful in diverse applications and disciplines. Although more sophisticated graphical methods exist, the boxplot remains relevant due to its simplicity, interpretability, and usefulness, even in the age of big data. This article highlights the origins and developments of the boxplot that is now widely viewed as an industry standard as well as its inherent limitations when dealing with data from skewed distributions, particularly when detecting outliers. The proposed Ratio-Skewed boxplot is shown to be practical and suitable for outlier labeling across several parametric distributions.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider the problem of obtaining population-based inference in the presence of missing data and outliers in the context of estimating the prevalence of obesity and body mass index measures from the 'Healthy for life' study. Identifying multiple outliers in a multivariate setting is problematic because of problems such as masking, in which groups of outliers inflate the covariance matrix in a fashion that prevents their identification when included, and swamping, in which outliers skew covariances in a fashion that makes non-outlying observations appear to be outliers. We develop a latent class model that assumes that each observation belongs to one of K unobserved latent classes, with each latent class having a distinct covariance matrix. We consider the latent class covariance matrix with the largest determinant to form an 'outlier class'. By separating the covariance matrix for the outliers from the covariance matrices for the remainder of the data, we avoid the problems of masking and swamping. As did Ghosh-Dastidar and Schafer, we use a multiple-imputation approach, which allows us simultaneously to conduct inference after removing cases that appear to be outliers and to promulgate uncertainty in the outlier status through the model inference. We extend the work of Ghosh-Dastidar and Schafer by embedding the outlier class in a larger mixture model, consider penalized likelihood and posterior predictive distributions to assess model choice and model fit, and develop the model in a fashion to account for the complex sample design. We also consider the repeated sampling properties of the multiple imputation removal of outliers.  相似文献   

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