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An increasingly older workforce and a growing emphasis on jobs involving interaction with computers have resulted in a need to more carefully examine the relationship between ageing and computer-based work. In this study, a sample of 394 subjects ranging in age from 20-75 years performed a computer task across a 3-day period. Three different types of computer-based jobs (data entry, information retrieval, and accounts balancing) performed at three large US companies were simulated. Age differences in the subjective experience of stress, workload, and bodily discomfort were evaluated. The results indicated that age effects for these measures varied according to task. The older subjects perceived greater workload for the more mentally challenging problem-solving oriented accounts balancing task (Which involved a graphical user interface) than the younger participants, even with increased exposure to the task. However, the older subjects generally experienced less stress than the younger subjects on an information retrieval task that involved a more socially interactive telephone component. A positive relationship between the frustration component of workload and the measure of stress was also found, suggesting an important link between the constructs of stress and workload. Overall, the outcomes of this study provide important insights into design interventions intended to accommodate older as well as younger persons in the workforce.  相似文献   


This study examined the associations of work–home culture with (a) demographic and organizational characteristics, (b) the use of work–home arrangements, and (c) negative and positive work–home interaction, among 1,179 employees from one public and two private organizations. Substantial support was found for a 2-factor structure of a work–home culture measure differentiating between “support” (employees’ perceptions of organization's, supervisors’, and colleagues’ responsiveness to work–family issues and to the use of work–home arrangements) and “hindrance” (employees’ perceptions of career consequences and time demands that may prevent them from using work–home arrangements). This 2-factor structure appeared to be invariant across organizations, gender, and parental status. Significant relationships with organizational characteristics, the use of work–home arrangements, and work–home interaction supported the validity of these two cultural dimensions. It is concluded that if employers want to minimize work–home interference, to optimize positive work–home interaction, and to boost the use of work–home arrangements, they should create a work–home culture that is characterized by high support and low hindrance.  相似文献   

Integrated assessment of operational and environmental performance of the production system requires mapping of all the processes and activities in the form of their resource utilisation efficiency. Prior research indicates that most lean assessment tools and techniques have studied operational dimensions ignoring environmental aspect as a part of the assessment tool. Moreover, movement towards the greener production system has become a key strategic consideration for organisations to maintain a competitive edge and to remain as market winners. Continuous assessment in both, lean and green, dimensions is crucial in improving the overall performance through efficient utilisation of the available resources. In lean environment, value stream mapping (VSM) allows assessment of operational performance through identification of non-value adding activities in time units but fails to integrate inefficiencies related to material and energy utilisation. The tool-like material flow cost accounting (MFCA) is able to assess the environmental performance through physical and monetary evaluation of material flow within the production system. This paper presents, a novel tool, value–value load diagram (VVLD), for modelling and evaluating the operational (lean) and environmental (green) performance of the production system. VVLD graphically represents resource consumption, value addition and performance improvement opportunities within the production system by integrating VSM, MFCA and pinch analysis methodology. VVLD permits evaluation of the lean–green performance in terms of the eco-leanness index and also exposes the improvement opportunities by pinch point location. Some common generic scenarios for improvement in the eco-leanness index are demonstrated using VVLD. Application of VVLD along with the developed computer-based support system (CBSS) is demonstrated for a manufacturing SME in India, allowing the managers to evaluate and tune their processes for improved resource utilisation efficiency.  相似文献   

Build–operate–transfer (BOT) is a well-established solution used in the engineering and construction industries for building different types of infrastructure (e.g. railways, highways, power plants). In recent years, BOT has increasingly been adopted by companies in the service industry as a mode for entering foreign markets. BOT in service offshoring (SO) is characterised by a number of significant peculiarities (e.g. different numbers of involved parties, fee methods, lengths of the concession period), which may call into question the possibility of extending existing findings that relate to infrastructure projects. The aims of this work are as follows: to collect and systematise existing knowledge on engineering and construction BOT projects; to highlight – through an exploratory case study – how these results could be applied to BOT in SO; and to shed light on the factors affecting the choice between different entry modes (including BOT).  相似文献   

The software industry is experiencing dramatic growth worldwide. This paper offers a theoretical framework to examine the growth and evolution of software firms from an innovation–orientation perspective. While it is apparent that the attitudes and perceptions of a firm’s key stakeholders towards innovative product development hold valuable insights on its future growth and evolution, such a perspective has received limited theoretical attention in studies on firm evolution. In this paper, we define a software firm growth stage model that reflects the changes in a firm’s process and product portfolios. We offer a set of research propositions that link the innovation-related attitudes and perceptions of a firm’s internal stakeholders to firm evolution. The research model has several important implications for both research and practice and can be extended to other high technology contexts.  相似文献   

The existing literature has established that leaders differentiate among their followers; however, the focus has long been on the Western leader–member exchange (LMX) theory. This paper examines leader–member relationship differentiation from an indigenous, leader–member guanxi (LMG) perspective. Using a sample of 60 groups and 228 employees, we examined the dual effects of LMG differentiation on employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and co-worker helping behavior after controlling for LMX, LMX median, and LMX differentiation. The results of this study supported the proposed dual effects of LMG differentiation, demonstrating that LMG differentiation, in general, is detrimental to employees' work attitudes and their intentions to stay in an organization. On the contrary, interestingly enough, LMG differentiation can accentuate the positive relationship between LMG and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and co-worker helping behaviors.  相似文献   

A Nordhaus–Gaddum-type result is a lower or an upper bound on the sum or the product of a parameter of a graph and its complement. In this paper we continue the study of Nordhaus–Gaddum bounds for the total Roman domination number \(\gamma _{tR}\). Let G be a graph on n vertices and let \(\overline{G}\) denote the complement of G, and let \(\delta ^*(G)\) denote the minimum degree among all vertices in G and \(\overline{G}\). For \(\delta ^*(G)\ge 1\), we show that (i) if G and \(\overline{G}\) are connected, then \((\gamma _{tR}(G)-4)(\gamma _{tR}(\overline{G})-4)\le 4\delta ^*(G)-4\), (ii) if \(\gamma _{tR}(G), \gamma _{tR}(\overline{G})\ge 8\), then \(\gamma _{tR}(G)+\gamma _{tR}(\overline{G})\le 2\delta ^*(G)+5\) and (iii) \(\gamma _{tR}(G)+\gamma _{tR}(\overline{G})\le n+5\) and \(\gamma _{tR}(G)\gamma _{tR}(\overline{G})\le 6n-5\).  相似文献   

Risk Management in Public–Private Partnership Contracts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Public–private partnerships (PPPs) allow private companies to build, own and operate public projects such as schools and hospitals on behalf of the public sector. PPP contracts commonly require the private agent to take responsibilities for the performance of the asset over a long term, at least for a significant part of its useful life, so that efficiencies arising from long-term investment and asset management can be realized. However, the evidence is finely balanced on the effectiveness of such initiatives in obtaining the intended goals. This brings to the fore the challenge of designing and implementing innovative partnership plans to manage public services more effectively. More emphasis needs to be placed on strategies for the transfer of risk for the successful conclusion of PPP contracts.
Tahir M. NisarEmail:

Tahir M. Nisar   is a university lecturer in the School of Management at Southampton University. He obtained his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics. He has regularly published in academic journals including Journal of Labor Research, Journal of Private Equity, and Public Personnel Management. He is currently editing a special issue of Management Decision on Investor Influence on Company Management.  相似文献   

This report presents a model of the supply and demand for the world's energy during the period from 1900 to 2020. This model leads to the conclusion that even without new kinds of energy sources becoming practical, world energy demand can be met during the next 50 years with only a gradual increase in energy costs. Assumptions with respect to exhaustion of reserves that I regard as mildly conservative lead to a demand that can be satisfied by a 1.5 per cent per year energy price increase. This would raise the percentage of world GNP devoted to primary energy from the present 3–4 per cent in the year 2020. Eliminating per capita economic growth would reduce the required annual price increase only from 1.5 to 1.8 per cent. Eliminating normal technological progress in existing energy technologies would increase the required annual price increase from 1.5 to 2.7 per cent. The model shows oil and gas reaching their maximum share of the energy market during the 1980's. By 2020 approximately 50 per cent of all energy comes from nuclear power.The model provides a framework for the analysis of the world energy market under a wide variety of assumptions. In particular, the model allows explicitly for assumptions about technological progress, economies and diseconomies of scale, and the rate of substitution of cheaper energy sources for more expensive ones.  相似文献   

Biclustering is a data mining technique used to simultaneously partition the set of samples and the set of their attributes (features) into subsets (clusters). Samples and features clustered together are supposed to have a high relevance to each other. In this paper we provide a new mathematical programming formulation for unsupervised biclustering. The proposed model involves the solution of a fractional 0–1 programming problem. A linear-mixed 0–1 reformulation as well as two heuristic-based approaches are developed. Encouraging computational results on clustering real DNA microarray data sets are presented. In addition, we also discuss theoretical computational complexity issues related to biclustering.  相似文献   

Recently, some extensions of Motzkin–Straus theorems were proved for non-uniform hypergraphs whose edges contain 1 or r vertices in Gu et al. (J Comb Optim 31:223–238, 2016), Peng et al. (Discret Appl Math 200:170–175, 2016a), where r is a given integer. It would be interesting if similar results hold for other non-uniform hypergraphs. In this paper, we establish some Motzkin–Straus type results for general non-uniform hypergraphs. In particular, we obtain some Motzkin–Straus type results in terms of the Lagrangian of non-uniform hypergraphs when there exist some edges consisting of 2 vertices in the given hypergraphs. The presented results unify some known Motzkin–Straus type results for both uniform and non-uniform hypergraphs and also provide solutions to a class of polynomial optimization problems over the standard simplex in Euclidean space.  相似文献   


This paper introduces the concept of Saudization and critically reviews its existing and potential impacts and consequences. It identifies that Saudization has positively contributed to reducing the overall percentage of foreign labor. However, there have been some difficulties, such as a decline in competitiveness among regional business companies with respect to a business friendly environment, and reduced direct foreign investment, which influenced the reduction of the tax on foreign investors. Saudization should place importance on skill development among Saudi nationals by strengthening educational and vocational training, and providing time-specific incentives, rather than relying only on a quota system. Saudization should be implemented more through market forces and incentives. Collecting comprehensive information on the nature and magnitude of Saudi unemployment could be a first step in developing appropriate Saudization policies. This paper suggests appropriate coordination and consultation between the government, the private sector and the public at large, so that any policies on Saudization become more easily acceptable and executable in both the public and private sector.  相似文献   

Building on convergent insights of resource dependence and business political behavior, this article attempts to develop a conceptual and typological framework of coopetition in which cooperation and competition simultaneously coexist in the relationship between multinational corporations (MNCs) and host governments. The coopetition view does not see the MNC–government relationship (MGR) as dichotomous or as a continuum between cooperation and competition but as a simultaneous, inclusive partnership containing cooperation and competition as two separate yet interrelated continua. This article addresses why coopetition arises, what coopetition constitutes, and how coopetition configures with environmental and organizational dynamics. It offers a typology of coopetition that identifies MNCs involving varying cooperation and competition (estranger, contender, partner, and integrator) and elucidates each identity's political responses.  相似文献   

A remarkable connection between the order of a maximum clique and the Lagrangian of a graph was established by Motzkin and Straus in 1965. This connection and its extensions were applied in Turán problems of graphs and uniform hypergraphs. Very recently, the study of Turán densities of non-uniform hypergraphs has been motivated by extremal poset problems. Peng et al. showed a generalization of Motzkin–Straus result for \(\{1,2\}\)-graphs. In this paper, we attempt to explore the relationship between the Lagrangian of a non-uniform hypergraph and the order of its maximum cliques. We give a Motzkin–Straus type result for \(\{1,r\}\)-graphs. Moreover, we also give an extension of Motzkin–Straus theorem for \(\{1, r_2, \cdots , r_l\}\)-graphs.  相似文献   

For a given graph and an integer t, the MinMax 2-Clustering problem asks if there exists a modification of a given graph into two maximal disjoint cliques by inserting or deleting edges such that the number of the editing edges incident to each vertex is at most t. It has been shown that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for \(t<n/4\), where n is the number of vertices. In this paper, we design parameterized algorithms for different ranges of t. Let \(k=t-n/4\). We show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable when roughly \(k<\sqrt{n/32}\). When \(k\in o(n)\), we design a randomized and a deterministic algorithm with sub-exponential time parameterized complexity, i.e., the problem is in SUBEPT. We also show that the problem can be solved in \(O({2}^{n/r}\cdot n^2)\) time for \(k<n/12\) and in \(O(n^2\cdot 2^{3n/4+k})\) time for \(n/12\le k< n/4\), where \(r=2+\lfloor (n/4-3k-2)/(2k+1) \rfloor \ge 2\).  相似文献   

We study an integrated production–distribution scheduling problem where jobs are released by customers to a manufacturer over time. The jobs are released online, that is, at any time the information of the number, release and processing times of future jobs is unknown, and the processing time of a job becomes known when the job is released. The manufacturer processes the jobs on a single machine. During the processing of jobs preemption is not allowed. Completed jobs are delivered in batches to customers via sufficient capacitated vehicles. For the objective of minimizing the sum of the total delivery time and the total distribution cost, we present a 3-competitive algorithm for the single-customer case and then extend the result to the multi-customer case. A lower bound of two on the competitive ratio of the problem is also given.  相似文献   

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